I had my leg in a cast like that last year........nurses and my wife went into a tickle frenzy on me till the cast came off...my wife was particularly cruel! Lots of fun!
i've never broken a bone, but wouldn't struggling around in a cast hurt? if tickling her foot wouldn't cause physical pain, then it would be great. especially her great looking feet, i love 'em. they're big, too, that's a plus 😀
Well I wouldn't take advantage of a girl in this predicament in real life, much like I wouldn't kidnap a girl and strap her to a rack in my basement or tickle some random girl buried in the sand if she's asking me to help her get out. That's why it's just a fantasy.
Of course were I to find that special someone to roleplay with...
Don't know about the extent of the girls injuries (lol) , but in my case i broke my knee (and other complications)and ended up in the cast. I spent close to a week in the hosp after surgury but all the pain was gone somewhat fast.I'd say day 3. Thats when my wife decided since i wasn't using there beathing apparatus to excersise my lungs while i was under bedrest, she'd invent her own method of rehab.Since i was supposed to use that thing for 3 hrs a day during commercials as i watched tv, she decided to tickle my foot instead got my lungs a better workout. The nurses found out what was going on (hearing me freak they walked in to my wife going at my foot) and afew laughed about it and as long as i wasn't in pain didn't worry about it.Afew got in afew tickles at temp time or when i had my sponge bath they HAD to wash my foot for me.My wife (evel as she is lol) even went so far as to write that my foot was ticklish on the bottom of it.Sme who came in of course HAD to test the info.I hit the roof when one nurse came in to scrub it off. Of course when i got home the tickling comtinured with more intensity from my wife...I swear she seemed abit bummed the day the cast came off..lol
thanx...but i still have the splint i had to wear after the cast came off. Works VERY well in keeping the leg straight so one cannot pull the foot back.Works as well as a cast! And you can remove it and wash it too!....So the mafia isn't gonna be necessary! lol
I have broken both my arms aleast three times, when I was 16 I did inline bladeing, the worst was when I was on a vert my head just cliped the edge as I did a flip and I landed on my arm causing the bone to break causing the bone the "exit" the skin.