Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all of your support.
areenactor, I should be able to pick up Sergeant in about a year or two, tops.
Ann, I have to ask, where did you manage to find that GIF of Smilies doing the Iwo Jima flag raising? That is just too cool! Some of my friends at work are probably gonna want a copy of that for their e-mail signatures.
Wallstreet, to some degree, people with flat feet aren't allowed into the service, but that depends on the initial screening by a doctor, and whether or not it causes serious problems, or not, such as preventing one from being able to keep up with their company on a ten-mile hump through the woods while wearing a Flak jacket, load-bearing vest and Kevlar helmet while carrying a 45-60 pound pack and an M-16 going at about a 2 1/2 to 3 mph pace (not very hard.). Lucky, for me, my feet have never caused any problems (little shady side note: if the doctor doesn't
see it, who's to say it's there? I arched my feet during my screening.