Next Monday we observe Memorial Day. Many of us will gather with family and friends for a cookout, a trip to a lake or beach or other activities. Enjoy your weekend, but take a moment to remember what the day really stands for.
Lexington and Concord. Brandywine. Trenton. Yorktown. Fort McHenry. Lake Erie. New Orleans. Fort Sumter. First and Second Manassas. Antietam. Hampton Roads. Mobile Bay. Shilo. Gettysburg. Belleau Wood. Argonne Forest. Pearl Harbor. Kasserine Pass. Sicily. Midway. Tarawa. Cebu. Iwo Jima. Leyte Gulf. Normandy. Bastogne. Pusan. Inchon. Heartbreak Ridge. Chosin Reservoir. Dak To. Khe San. Tet. Desert Storm. Afghanistan. Iraq.
Posted this day to honor and remember those who gave the most precious gift one can give to another, their life.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Lexington and Concord. Brandywine. Trenton. Yorktown. Fort McHenry. Lake Erie. New Orleans. Fort Sumter. First and Second Manassas. Antietam. Hampton Roads. Mobile Bay. Shilo. Gettysburg. Belleau Wood. Argonne Forest. Pearl Harbor. Kasserine Pass. Sicily. Midway. Tarawa. Cebu. Iwo Jima. Leyte Gulf. Normandy. Bastogne. Pusan. Inchon. Heartbreak Ridge. Chosin Reservoir. Dak To. Khe San. Tet. Desert Storm. Afghanistan. Iraq.
Posted this day to honor and remember those who gave the most precious gift one can give to another, their life.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.