Now I know, many of you probably think I am the biggest whiner in the world, but I would like some advice. I have been posting on and off for quite some time lately, due to personal problems. But I am starting to see a scary trend develop in my day to day life. I no longer have ANY motivation whatsoever, to do ANYTHING. I try to motivate myself, to work, to work out, and do other things I need to do. It just doesn't seem to work. I have never been like this before.....It is almost like I know what I want to do, I just do not want to do what it takes to get there. Am I lazy?? Stubborn?? I guess I am. I have tried to set myself straight, but to no avail. My days as of late can be described in 3 steps: 1.Watch TV 2.Eat 3.Sleep - I always preach to my brother about taking care of your day to day obligations, and how he should not be a hipocrit, but really, I am the biggest hipocrit of them all. I would really be thankful for any advice. Should I join the military?? I KNOW that would whip me into shape.