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In Over My Head (F/M) Part 1


Registered User
Feb 19, 2011
Broke this one into 2 parts. I thought this experience was to long to put all in one story.

This Story Does Contain Sexual Content

Let me know what you think. Feedback is appreciated as always.

It had been a while since I last played the role of the lee. A while since I experienced the feeling of being totally helpless.

Helpless..........Helpless while some merciless tormenter exploits my sensative body. It had been a while...till now.

I met a woman named Stacey that would soon change that.

Stacey is a dirty blonde, average sized woman, with a pair of green eyes that seem to pierce right through most men. An attractive woman. She's about 5'8, standing about level with my nose in height. She has what may appear to be an innocent face....but one shouldn't be fooled.

What may be even more interesting about Stacey is how I met her.

She was a common friend of my friends that were into the whole tickling scene. Most times we had gatherings (mostly at bars) Stacey was there, and we naturally had gotten to know each other with time.

Stacey was quite captivating at first sight, but her age was the one thing that really stood out. She really wasn't the same as my other friends age wise. I'm more use to a 20's crowd (me being 22 now) Stacey is 30 years old. It Didn't bother me though, In fact I came to find the age gap interesting.

As we got more comfortable with each other, we started go out one on one.

We hung out more often, and in time got to know each other better. We even hit it off with some dateish behavior every now and then.

We even got intimate a few times.

We were both into ticking, so naturally it was only a matter of time before that whole deal started.

That cunning Stacey, she had already talked me into telling her my most ticklish spots. After that, she frisked my sensitive spots down daily. The tickling was never anything to serious, till this night.

One night hanging at a bar, she explained her liking for binding and tickling guys, specifically younger guys.

As she explained it....."I've had a few guys that let me tie them up, and have a little tickle fun with them." She grinned.

"Oh yeah?....I've been tied up a time or two, not In a while though." I smiled back finishing my drink.

She got right to the point.

She fixed those green eyes on me, and talked in a lower softer voice.

"Well....Would you be up for it again? Being tied up and tickled? Just for a short while?" (I guess she thought short might take the edge off a bit.)

I hesitated. I had gotten to know her better, but I wasn't sure If I knew her well enough for this....yetttt....To Give up all control to a person I had known for maybe a few months?

She squinted, seemingly sensing my hesitation.

"Oh come on, don't be afraid.... I mean you've been tied before? It should be no problem for you?"

She went on babbling about how I was a young strong guy... blah blah... I knew exactly what she was doing. Spinning that web that apparently, she had gotten most guys to fall into.

Give me some credit, I'm not that gullible, but somehow, I still couldn't seem to give her a flat no.

She smiled, playfully hassling me, swearing that she would go "easy" on me.

I knew better, but I couldn't seem to do anything but shrug. *Fine fine, you made your point*

Afterwards I followed her back to her place. She led me to her basement, strange considering I was assuming she intended on binding me to a bed....

She flicked the light on, we turned two corners.............and I started freaking out.

I couldn't believe......

My eyes ran up and down a sleek looking black X frame bondage table. It was almost demonic, menacing. Thick padding, straps, and a heavy black wooden frame.

Specially made for holding someone hostage for what Stacey was planning to do.

As Stacey put it "good for holding a young buck still"

*what the fuck was this thing???* I laughed jokingly, honestly a little nervous.

"I'm a female DOM when It comes to tickling guys." She grinned, flashing that devious smile.

Again she played that tough guy card, obviously trying to bait me in.

I thought hard, glancing back and forth between Stacey and the table.

I did end up agreeing to be bound to this contraption....on a few conditions.

One, I would be able to use a safe word for the first time ever while tied. And two No tickling After ORGASM! I knew how painfully ticklish post orgasm could be. She agreed whole heartedly, swore and all that. Ha, It was such a flimsy attempt to insure myself.

Even with this, I was knowingly trusting her way to much. I should have known better, after pulling some of the same crap on my past lees.

Anyway, Stacey insisted that I be naked throughout the whole process. It Didn't bother me much though, nothing I haven't done before.

I was ready to strip myself down, when she Stacey stopped me.

"Nooo..nooooo.... let me hon" She gestured.

So there I stood. Waiting in the middle of her basement as she started to undress me, slowly.

Stacey started at the top, working her way down. She grabbed my shirt, unbuttoning it, and tossing it to the floor. She stripped my black wife beater off, rubbing teasingly against my pecs as she did.

Our eyes never left contact with each other. We talked to each other without saying a word.

Then my pants.

She unbuckled my belt letting my jeans fall to the floor, and took a hold of my boxers. She slid them down, moving with them till her face was level with my crotch. Tingling...............

*sexual teasing early*

I could feel her warm breath running over my privates. Damn......... she knew how to get a guy going.

Finally she took my shoes and socks. My bare toes wiggling in the carpet felt good.

Stacey looked me up and down, staring, grinning. Both of us aware of my obvious rising manhood.

"Ok then...Let's get you tied down here....heh.................." We both kept playing this game, adding to the dynamic of it all.

Then....I was Strapped down

I laid face down, aligning myself to this threatening thing. My limbs spread in an extreme X shape. I was bound laying on my stomach. My arms were strapped at the wrists and elbows, and my legs at the back of my knees and ankles.

My junk to had its own special position to. She "Adjusted" me so that my balls and cock hung down. They dangled in the gap of the X frame, the part where it splits into two to hold my spread my legs.

It was well and truly to late to turn back now.......Damn

I quickly learned how unnerving being tied facedown is. Stacey secured me, and shortly after disappeared from sight.

She said nothing standing somewhere quietly, silently. I could feel it though, I just knew her eyes were running up and down my bound body. But I still felt nothing physically for some time.

Finally, I Jumped, feeling her warm soft hand touch my back, slowly caressing me up and down.

"Leeeeeet's start off nice and Slowwwwwwwww Ryan.....justttt Nice and slooooww...."

She purred, starting to run her fingertips down my back. They slid from my shoulders to the small of my back.

Steady slow strokess.....Stroke after stroke.....Carresingly mapped out strokes.

Stacey would get so close to my ass, Soooooooooooooo very closeeeee. The closer she got the more I started to tremble. As soon as She felt me starting to shiver, she would stop and start at the top again.

*God This was gonna be a long night*

Besides which, she already knew most of my what made my sensitive body tic tock.

Her finger tips continued slithering over my body, just beginning to eat at my self control. It always starts with a smile then giggles...then, eventually, every lee lets it all go.

"Tickles already?" She asked smugly.

"Nn-Nnnn.....NOo Noo........Pll...... You may not even be Able to make me laugh. We'll just see how good your tickling is" I sputtered out.

"Good then...I want you to last a long time." She said, continuing her strokes.

I opened my mouth again. Before I could speak her hands slipped down, gently working over to the very backs of my ribs.

"STE...HEhaaha.....Fuckk...Hehaha......thIs Is shittt This iss bull shitttt hahahaaaaa IS that....Is this all you Gotttt? Heheh!"

God only knows why I was egging her on.....

She said nothing, continuing, as if to say (don't even try that game with me)

She sped up her fingers, applying more pressure, squeezing my side muscles and ribs.

I squawked louder this time, wriggling side to side, but still Stacey went soooooooooo Slllllowwwwlllllyyyyyyyyyy.....Increasing the tickling very very rarely, and only for short periods.

Stop go bullshit, really getting under my skin, throwing me off.

*Ughhh Godd!!*

She was having fun, slowly poking holes in me, gnawing away at me bit by bit.......

She was in no rush.

The tickling on my sides and ribs gradually sped up, whisking fingers turned into kneading, squeezing hands on my sides. And her nails traced skillfully over my vulnerable stretched ribcage.

Ribs and Sides, Sides and ribs, punished till she was content with my reactions.

"IvveeHHAHaahddDOnnn TouchCHhhh THeherheahAhhaHaha...Get oOff My rriBbbsssAHhA.... AhhaAHa Butt shitt TIckkllesss Mmenahahahaaa.....ITss beenn aaahah...A whillHeahhwhahhae since Ive Beneneticklkeeddhahahahaa! HEhaAHhHaDDonnnTOOkkhA HEhh EASsyyy!!!"

As I got closer to going berserk, Stacey slowed, going back to the more sensual slow tickle massage again. Her hands crept their way up to my shoulders, rubbing over the tops of them.

She wandered about my shoulders, on top of them, to the sides, dangerously close to slipping into my hollowed out pits.

My arms began their yanking and jerking, trying to help me close off my sensitive unders.

My bonds held me steadfast. Every heave from me was met by an even stronger counter from the table. It kept me right where Stacey wanted for her slow vindictive torture.

Dip after Dip after teasee after Dip, her fingers were so close to my underarms. Over and over again, she made me anxious, impatient.......

Every so often her fingers surprised me, fluttering over the back of my neck, making me giggle like a boy.

A guy my age made to giggle like I did...embarrassing

She had me so on edge, So much so she had me grinding my teeth, trying to predict when her fucking hands would actually visit my underarms. Every tease was so close.

I kept bracing thinking *PItss shit this is it!*

Bu no, not yet...more teasing.

Tease after tease, making my body buck, I just had enough!

"SHIit Weellll Tickle emmeMehahahhaa JUSt fucking DO it AlreadyY!!"

"Do what hon?" She teased, strumming at my underarms again making me jump.

"YOu know what!!" Aggravating the hell out of me.

"Say it then Ryan...Say what You need me to do....What is it you wantt me to do to you??......I'm not understanding" She teased again, repeating her underarm teases.

"TICKLE mE AlReaddy And Sotpp TEAssingnnggg pleasee!!" I spat not believing what I said. She was making me author of my own torture.

Immediately after I felt her index fingers harassing me again, in my underarms. Curling back and forth at the base of my hollows.


"HEhEhhe Fuckinn BullShiitt HEhahahahaha HAhA Dont Touchh MEYy PITss StaceeyyPehahah HAahah PLeasee AhhaHaa!"

She took pleasure in her work, standing over my back hissing "But you just said to tickle you here....Make up your mind Ryan..."

The only thing all my heaving did, was make me work up a sweat. I knew for sure escape was no option, but kept up my hopeless struggle anyway.

I rolled my shoulders upwards uncomfortably, trying to throw her off, or misplace her tantalizing fingers, but no. I avoided her for a few seconds, and ended up swinging right back down onto her still wiggling fingers.........Maddening!!

I was on the edge of cracking wide open, when I felt a weird sensation........A sensation, something Like air being sucked off the back of my neck.... What?

*Did She just......noooo, couldn't bee......Did She just Fucking smelll Me?*

I wondered, but quickly Lost the thought, Feeling her Fingers teasing farther up into my underarms.

I heard her hiss from behind me "Mm your one of the most ticklish ones I've ever had....heehe.....I Like you"

She teased, giving me some knod of approval, as if I was her new pet.

She worked her way up in my pits, now moving dead center and circling her nails inside...Digging past the slighty moist hair there.

I cracked in scream like laughter for the first time, spilling out thunderous guffaws.

"MMEhhEHhAhhAhhahHaaa SHIT shitihHahahAHahHahaa NOt int therehahahheahahaa Driveess meeheneuuutssshhahahahhhaa! HAhahAHAHAHAH A Get FooFFF MY Fucking pITSs StoPP THATt SsSTOPHPh!!! STAaacEeYYYAAAHEH EHAHhhaaaA!!"

I was really trying to keep myself together.

Trying my best to keep my laughs manly and deep pitched...But I was losing hold of myself, starting to let out high pitched boyish giggles instead.......She had me right where she wanted me.

And suddenly she stopped. I was sure this time of what I felt.

Locks of her brownish blond hair rolled over my shoulder as I surely felt her sniff the back of my sweating heaving neck.

"StacceeeeYYy WHaat THe Fuckka re you Doinng? HEehee Whatt??!!! Wahtt Thehe Fuukkkheheaha!?"

As if Stacey wasn't kinky enough....Damn

She spent a good minute snuffling at me, inhaling the scent my sweaty heaving was creating. At this point there was nothing to keep her in check. She was determined to do whatever the Fuck she wanted. And she did.

I could feel her over my back, making me her little toy, just starting to drive me crazy........this all went straight to my cock. I was steely hard, getting more horny as she totally ruled me.

It didn't stop. She leaned over talking into the back of my ears.

"See......You explained your little Rules TO me...Now let me tell you mine.....There Will be NOO safe words honey.....and I will Tickle you until I get bored.....However many orgasmmssssszzzzzz It Takess......You'lll seee....."

She shook me, had me trembling. I got goose bumps, moaning, her wet whispers throbbed me.

She stopped the heavy tickling letting me lay and pant.

"Hehee...Mmhea...Hff....ughh....Huhhh..hhufff huff"

She hissed, goosing her fingers along my sides gently.

*She Couldn't just let me gather myself*

She shifted around again, as I felt her hand slither over my dangling privates.

My hips tightened, and my breathing slowed. My mouth gaped open, spilling groans of pleasure.

"You need to cum don't you hon? Don't you muscles??" She teased.

I shivered nodding my head up and down, feeling her hand form a gentle fist, starting to just barely rub me.

"What are You gonna do for me then?"

I exhaled heavily. "Wwahh...ohhhhhhnnnnnnnn Whhhattttttt? what edodo YOu mean Stacey..mmmmmm"

She repeated the question again, stroking me up and down so steadily....Ohh gooodododd.

She explained......

"That safewordd...That's A little Problem for me.....Maybe we could make a little deal?"

She was fucking with me. Holding my relief hostage until I agreed to break my own damn rules. She promised she would, and she did, stomp all over my "conditions."

This Scheming woman.

Her hands felt so good, I had to.....I just had to....

I murmured out..."Yesss OKkk..."

"And that not tickling after orgasm....that was just a formality.....right??"

I Was trying so hard not to give, but she had me by my balls, literally. I was putty in her hands as she pleasured me. I couldn't have her stop.

Everything in me that had sense screamed *NOOOO!!!!!* But I had to get off, Its all I could wrap my head around... Stacey was the Only way that would happen.

I opened my mouth, closed my eyes, lost in pleasure to her warm stroking hand. Seemingly without realizing, the words stumbled out.

"JJjjuussstt ammkeeee mmee....Lett mee cumm Fuckk itt Doo what YOu wantttt...jjjusttt...mmm"

Stacey giggled back, agreeing.

All I could think was *I'm gonna pay for this shit later*

So she began stroking me in Ernest this time. Her hand stroked me the length, stroking me downwards towards my dangling head. She had gravity to aide her motions.

I felt my long dormant load starting to edge its way up. I was dripping precum as her stimulating hands went to work.

I felt her tease my balls.

She wasn't trying to tickle me, her actions were more firm and massaging. But My sensitivity Damned me...

It's impossible to be a statue, to sit idly while my worst spot is caressed.

I let out a few giggles clasping my lips together hard. Rolling my wrists and curling my toesss....Anything to help me cope with this ticklish sensation. My laughs started to bubble up between moans, This had to end soon.

I prayed I had enough in me to prevent her from discovering this spot.

My wood pulsed and she pumped on. I gave it up.... gave up my white hot jizz, moaning, beginning to shoot out my cum.

Stacey pumped my load out to what I thought was her floor. Who cares, I was just glad to have a long awaited relief.

Relief........But at what costs?

I relaxed for a minute, letting my whole body go limp.

Stacey walked around to the front of the X frame table so I could see her, and kneeled so our faces were level, propping her arms up on the corners.

I stared at her and noticed her licking her fingers, licking them clean of my milky white Ejaculate....

*OHh my good This woman was so KINKY!* Just watching her made me start to tingle AGAIN!

"Mmmmmm sooooooooooo......................... are you ready......for the real tickling to start young man????"

She smiled, lapping her fingers clean of my Ejac.

My sweating panting face met hers. "REalll? What the fuck, You have to be kidding me??!"

She smiled talking about how she hadn't even touched my lower body yet "Technically"

I twitched thinking of what my feet would be like post orgasm.......God No!

She stared me down with a frosty look in her green eyes and a twisted smirk.

"Awww, What's the matter Cutie? Have ticklish feet?" Stacey said, getting up and disappearing from sight again.....

To be continued, Part 2.
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Pretty hot. looking for part 2 and then let him have revenge in part 3. she needs to be tickled as well.
I enjoyed reading this. 🙂 The grammar could use a bit of work, and the frequent erratic injections of capital letters within the laughter dialogue seems a bit over the top, but I felt the pace was pretty steady and smooth, and you really gave us a sense of what was going on in your characters' minds. The characters themselves had a lot of color and depth, and you've presented them and their dialogue in a way that keeps the story fresh as I read on. As with the above commentors, I'm looking forward to Part 2. :happy:
Every bit as good as I thought this would be! Your character description and setting of a scene is excellent. Looking forward to the next part.
Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback and suggestions. Part 2 hopefully will be coming soon. I'm caught up in final exams and study abroad right now. I'll get it out as soon as I can. Thanks
I know it's older than Nethulsala, but I figured I'd give it the ol bumperoo, n see if by some miracle part 2 to this story will somehow magically appear.
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