Interesting stocks (F/f, Feet)
Okay, Not a new clip, and I don't think this is the first time it's been posted here. Didn't get very much feedback in the request forum, so I suppose I could try my luck here.
That's one of the coolest set of stock's, at least in My opinion, and if you can make out the dialogue, the ler teases the lee a lot. The video is fuzzy and the audio leaves a bit to be desired, but that's why I was hoping someone could shed some light on it. Does anyone know who produced it and is there any more of this clip out there?
F/F, feet
Okay, Not a new clip, and I don't think this is the first time it's been posted here. Didn't get very much feedback in the request forum, so I suppose I could try my luck here.
That's one of the coolest set of stock's, at least in My opinion, and if you can make out the dialogue, the ler teases the lee a lot. The video is fuzzy and the audio leaves a bit to be desired, but that's why I was hoping someone could shed some light on it. Does anyone know who produced it and is there any more of this clip out there?
F/F, feet
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