Hi, I joined TMF many yrs. ago, then rejoined a few yrs back. Newly single I've decided to come out in the open a bit more. I've always had this tickle fetish, I've had some very positive interactions with it over the yrs., a few women I've opened up with and am grateful I did. Never been to an event, working to embrace myself more and wanting to keep generally healthy relationships in my space. I show up as normal in public life, have done lots of work on myself. Live an hr above Boston and would enjoy suggestions on where to go to enact my M ler on female lees. I'm spiritually focused, meditate, have a Masters in Psych, and am an author. Also open to speaking w people a little more as I've never had the joy to talk openly or have a friend with the same interest. I wrote to one of the admins here and they suggested I begin to build some interaction on the forums. I also have some great true stories...happy to share. Thank you! Oceanman.