My uncle was a priest in New Orleans for almost 50 years before he passed away about ten years ago. I prefer to think of him as a one of the "good ones" that was a an honest and decent man. I can tell you from watching his actions when he was alive, that he'd be the first one to say that this is a most assinine response to be thought up.
As hard as it is for many to think of ANY priest as more than a cild molestor these days, I can say that they aren't all like that. It would be too easy to solve if that were the case. I'm waiting for some of the men who truely follow the faith they choose to stand up and get vocal. I'm just very disappointed it hasn't happened in grand form yet.
Ah, well, to answer your question Jason....yep..stupidity IS a religion. Lots of people practice it EVERYDAY. Unfortunately, the ones who do...are they ones who don't realize it. You see, even VERY INTELLIGENT people are often VERY stupid.
Joby, not Catholic...just opinionated.