I need your opinions here please.
Okay, if you have been looking around the past 5 years at least, i'm sure you have ran across these sites:
They are run by a guy named tracy. Now I will admit, I was a member of at least each of these sites within the past 3-4 years, so what can I say, he makes good material.
So here's the Synopsis: He goes into several places of business, and asks the women if he can film their feet. Most of the videos have other people as well walking around paying no mind to him or the woman being filmed. From the looks of it, these are ordinary women who ubknowest to them, they just want to help a guy out with his " Reflexology" class. My question is, is what he doing even legal, or or something else? And for those of you who haven't seen, i've included 2 pics as reference..
Okay, if you have been looking around the past 5 years at least, i'm sure you have ran across these sites:
They are run by a guy named tracy. Now I will admit, I was a member of at least each of these sites within the past 3-4 years, so what can I say, he makes good material.
So here's the Synopsis: He goes into several places of business, and asks the women if he can film their feet. Most of the videos have other people as well walking around paying no mind to him or the woman being filmed. From the looks of it, these are ordinary women who ubknowest to them, they just want to help a guy out with his " Reflexology" class. My question is, is what he doing even legal, or or something else? And for those of you who haven't seen, i've included 2 pics as reference..