It was my last day of school, and this happened a while ago and was just going to keep it to myself, since it was between me and someone I really care for, but decided to share this story. Anyways it was towards the end of the day and I was sitting right beside Jamie, anyways I had my arm wrapped around her waist and was teasing her by slowly tickling her sides once in a while. Anyways she told me she didn't care that I was tickling her, she was smiling and wiggling away and everything. Anyways you know that when you tickle someone for a while they become real jumpy and everything? Well she was getting real giggly, and wiggling harder and harder, well the bell was about to ring, and Jamie turned and I hugged her from behind and really started to tickle her. She jumped, giggled, and really struggled in my arms, and I kept pulling her closer and closer to me. Well finally she tried to get me to stop tickling her so bad, by tickling my knees. Well my knees aren't ticklish, but I decided to quit anyways because I can't torture her very long. I love her too much to cause her much torture for very long. Well she's still giggling in my arms, and I apologize to her, and ask her if she wan't me to stop. Well she's says she's fine, but I know I've tickled her to much, so I quit. Anyways that's my story, short, but it's really nice to tickle someone like Jamie.
Hope you enjoy this!
Hope you enjoy this!