I think this may be a few pics i hav'nt posted before...if not just pretend they are pics that i hav'nt posted before..the power of the mind..gotta love it
I'm not sure why these are coming up as links instead of the pics themselves. There seems to be a malfunction somewhere. Not sure if it is by my settings or the forum. Until i figure it out i'll hold off on posted the other pics i was going to.
Myriads if you see this any ideas why it coming up as links instead of the pics themselves? Its no big deal just wondering.
i checked that Ven. Its ok. Beside i used the img button on the top. I think it may have something to do with Strike9. Maybe they dont allow direct linking to pics anymore..maybe it converts to links somehow.
After further review and a few tests i'm pretty sure its a strike9 thing. Considering i'm using free space they provide i can't find it in myself to complain...heh...so i'll go ahead and post the rest of the pics now and if they show up as links..so be it. 🙂 also this will teach the people that don't read the whole thread if they miss them to read it all next time...heh...
here goes nothing...
These may be a little fuzzy..or a lot depending on the way you see it...heh..get it..errr nevermind
This may have been tickling my have been a breast grab..may have been both...i cant remember..so we will go with tickling.