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Jasmine and the Biology Teacher Part 2 M/F (belly/bellybutton tickling)


Registered User
Jul 19, 2007
Jasmine and the Biology Teacher Part 2

Jasmine's wide blue eyes tracked over the shelves of insects behind her teacher in foreboding. There were some icky things in those glass containers and she certainly didn't want them crawling on her.

Mr. Howard spent a moment checking the restraints holding Jasmine's arms over her head and her feet strapped down. Satisfied, he strolled up beside the table at the pretty blond's hip and thoughtfully surveyed the glass containers. “Hmmm, what should I start with?” he mused as he absently ran the palm of his hand over Jasmine's firm belly.

Jasmine bit her lower lip to stifle her giggles and tried to not draw attention to herself by squirming so as to keep the offhand caressing from turning into rampant tickling fingertips.

The chubby teacher pushed his glasses up a little and glanced down as he realized the smooth surface of Jasmine's tummy was covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. Undoubtedly this was due to the frantic squirming and wild laughter that had accompanied the enthusiastic tickling he had just given that tummy.

“You must be thirsty Jasmine. Would you like some water? It will help refresh you.” The biology teacher asked as he walked over to a nearby table and picked up a quart sized sports bottle.

The blond beauty twisted at her bonds fruitlessly as she raised her head to give her tormentor a pleading look. “Please let me go Mr. Howard!” Jasmine begged. “I won't tell anyone I swear. Please! Please don't tickle me anymore!”

The chubby teacher brought the water bottle over and put the plastic straw to Jasmine's full lips. “Do you want some water? This is your chance.”

Jasmine's throat was dry and sore from all her tortured laughter. So she interrupted her pleas for freedom to greedily suck down half the bottle. When Mr. Howard lifted the bottle away though his young victim resumed her whimpering cries for mercy. “Pleeeeeease don't tickle me anymore! I can't stand it! Please Mr. Howa-”

Jasmine's begging broke off suddenly and she shrunk back against the table as her balding teacher leaned over her threateningly. “Jasmine I do not want to hear this whining to be set free anymore! I don't want to gag you because I want to hear your beautiful laughter, so here's what's going to happen. If you say one more word that isn't laughter induced I am going to lick your bellybutton for the next hour! A solid hour of my tongue tickling in your sweet bellybutton. Do you understand me?!”

Jasmine's blue eyes were wide in dread and brimming with fresh tears as she nodded shakily.

The biology teacher straightened up with a cheerful grin as if nothing had happened and went and got a glass box with some branches inside that were crawling with large ants. “You see Jasmine, a lot of an ants communication and decision making is based on smell, such as pheromones. This is true of many insects actually. Utilizing this I'll be able to control where these various insects crawl on you.”

Jasmine glanced worriedly at the tender oval opening of her deep, luscious bellybutton and whimpered helplessly. Mr. Howard noticed her look and smiled knowingly. “Don't worry just yet angel. That will come later. But since nothing would keep these critters out of your bellybutton we're gonna cover it up in a way.”

The balding little man went and got what looked like an oval lens for a microscope and brought it back over to a frowning Jasmine. Carefully he fit the lens in the wide oval opening of his captive's beautiful bellybutton but stopped a moment later. “Huh, this lens isn't big enough, have to go a size bigger. Whew, that is an amazing bellybutton you have there honey.”

A minute later Mr. Howard had the lens in place and was placing three drops of a clear liquid on Jasmine's belly. “This is a pheromone that tells the ants to stay in this area and search for food. And they are very industrious.” he said with a wink.

The biology teacher opened the top of the box and set it on the table beside the bound teen then he carefully grabbed the largest branch fragment and pulled it halfway out to rest on the table near Jasmine's left side.

The anxious young blond craned her head trying to see the impending ant swarm but couldn't see anything over her own full, firm breasts. A moment later she stiffened and inhaled sharply as she felt the first of the ants skittering on the firm curve of her side. Moments later the forerunners of the swarm were crawling on the flat, trembling surface of Jasmine's sensitive belly.

Jasmine had her eyes squeezed shut and a tense grin on her face as she fought to control her laughter. A little squeak escaped her lips as more ants flocked on to her smooth tummy and like a magnet were drawn to the sweet oval opening of her bellybutton but were rebuffed by the lens.

A breathless giggle forced it's way out and Jasmine couldn't stop herself from wriggling her hips in torment. The ants were mainly concentrated from her bellybutton up to her bottom rib, so the little biology teacher added a few drops of a different pheromone to Jasmine's silky lower belly and set a handful of centipedes loose.

Jasmine had been holding it together pretty well but when she felt the hundreds of scratchy legs on her sensitive lower belly she lost her control. “Aaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Noooooohooooo! Naaaaaahahahahahahhaahahaaaa!!”

Jasmine strained tremendously at her bonds as she cried out dismayed laughter. She arched her back as much as she could trying to shake the tickling insects off as her firm tummy heaved in and out with her exertion and laughter. It was like a dam had let go. Now even the ants were intolerable and there were hundreds of them.

The insect torture lasted half an hour. Mr. Howard swapped out the insects at 5 minute intervals. Wood beetles in place of the ants. Garden spiders in place of the centipedes and so on. When it was concluded and the biology teacher had carefully swept the last of the hairy legged fangless tarantulas off Jasmine's gleaming tummy he brought her the water bottle again.

The beautiful high school senior was panting from the ordeal and wordlessly gulped down the water. Her dark blond hair had mostly come free from it's neat ponytail with all her head tossing and was clinging to the gleaming perspiration on her face and neck.

Mr. Howard grinned fondly at her disheveled appearance. “Here Jasmine, I'll just let your hair all the way down.” The chubby teacher carefully removed the rest of Jasmine's blond hair from the failing ponytail and let it fan out on the table beneath her. “Would you like some more water, you've really been sweating.” Jasmine nodded contritely and Mr. Howard went and filled the bottle again.

As Jasmine wordlessly drank some more water the balding little biology teacher grinned knowingly. “You're doing very well at not talking unnecessarily Jasmine. You really really must not want me licking you in your bellybutton.” Jasmine took a last swallow of water and nodded hesitantly. Mr. Howard brightened and exclaimed “You do want me to lick you in your bellybutton?” And then he laughed as Jasmine earnestly shook her head no.

Mr. Howard looked at the clock and sighed as he saw he was on his last hour. “Well, unfortunately Jasmine that is what it comes down to.” As Jasmine stared at him in dismay the biology teacher went and grabbed two small jars. “To conclude our evening there will be a race between these two caterpillars.” He held up the jars and Jasmine saw that each contained a smooth skinned caterpillar less than an inch long. One was green and one was bone white.

The chubby teacher moved back to the restraining table and deftly popped the lens barrier out of the wide oval opening of Jasmine's deep bellybutton as she stiffened nervously. Mr. Howard grinned and said, “They will race from your fourth rib down to your bellybutton, the first one in wins.”

Jasmine frowned and a second later Mr. Howard laughed cheerfully. “Think of the caterpillars as race horses that we are betting on. Now the caterpillars themselves would tickle your bellybutton fairly well but that's not the crescendo I wanted for this magical evening. If my caterpillar wins I will lick you in your beautiful bellybutton for the rest of the hour.” Jasmine's brows drew down and she opened her mouth as if to strenuously object.

Mr. Howard held up a hand and said, “But if your caterpillar wins then this green little guys big brother will tickle you in your bellybutton instead.” With that the short little biology teacher grinned fiendishly and produced another jar. Jasmine gasped in dismay as she saw the caterpillar crawling sluggishly around the jar. It was green like the other one but was densely covered in long fine hairs that waved and undulated as it moved. This new freakish caterpillar was also larger, being as big around as a grown man's index finger and twice as long as it's less sinister little brother.

Jasmine's gaze darted frantically between the caterpillar and her tickling captor. She opened her mouth to plead for mercy or scream for help but closed it with a low whimper or she would have had Mr. Howard's tongue in her bellybutton right then.

The chubby biology teacher watched Jasmine's reaction with satisfaction. Then he set the jars down and said. “In the spirit of good sportsmanship I will let you choose which caterpillar is yours.” Quickly he held up his hand as if to forestall a hasty choice. “Before you choose I would like to give you some helpful facts about this bloated little hairball.” he said indicating the jar. “These caterpillars eat leaves but they don't bite off a mouthful. They suck on a section until it dissolves in their little hairy mouth. Their saliva is pretty similar to ours so it takes a awhile. Now I don't know what that might feel like on the soft warm bottom of your bellybutton....but you might consider that my tongue would be preferable....tickling wise.”

Jasmine stared at her biology teacher in horror then she gave a muted cry and began struggling wildly at her bonds. She was securely restrained so there wasn't a lot of movement but the young blond went through all the motions desperately. “Oh my God no!! “ she screamed silently in her head. “That caterpillar will send me into hysterics! I don't want that thing tickling me!! More than that I don't want Mr. Howard to have his way. He's dying to lick my bellybutton. That would be unbearable! His tongue in my bellybutton would drive me insane!!” Jasmine gave up struggling with a frustrated cry and looked at her tormentor resignedly.

Mr. Howard nodded and said “Okay, just to let you know, the little green one has won most of the practice races I've ran with them.”

The beautiful high school senior looked at Mr. Howard for permission to speak. He smiled appreciatively and said “You may speak to make this choice.”

Jasmine had decided reluctantly to do what she could so the hairy caterpillar and not Mr. Howard tickled her in the end. She opened her mouth to choose the little green caterpillar to win when she stopped and squinted at her chubby biology teacher suspiciously. “He said the green one wins most of the time. But he really wants to lick me in my bellybutton...so why would he tell me the winner. He's setting me up!” Jasmine cleared her throat and said “I choose the white one.”

Mr. Howard leered at his vibrant teenaged tickle victim. “Really? Well well...sounds like you have decided Ol' Mr. Howard's tongue might feel pretty good in that delicious deep bellybutton of yours.” The short dumpy teacher pushed his glasses up and said “If you want to change your pick this is your last chance.”

Jasmine looked uncertain but she swallowed and shook her head no.

Mr. Howard shrugged. “It's your call angel. Here we go!” The biology teacher retrieved a small glass bottle that looked like a fingernail polish bottle complete with the little brush applicator attached to the lid. “This is the scent that will draw the caterpillars. It is odorless and tasteless to humans and unfortunately the lab synthesized version evaporates quickly so I will have to continually apply it to keep these little guys going the right way.”

As Jasmine watched anxiously the chubby little nerd took out the competing caterpillars and set them carefully on on her barely visible ribs about 6 inches apart. Seeing Jasmine raising her head trying to peer over her own round breasts and failing Mr. Howard winked at her and said, “Yours is on the left.” Jasmine exhaled tensely and laid her head back down, staring intently at the ceiling as she waited in nervous anticipation.

Mr. Howard released the caterpillars shouting, “And they're off!” Jasmine could feel them on her highly sensitized skin as they began trundling around. They seemed to be crawling aimlessly at first but the biology teacher picked up the small bottle and unscrewed the cap, pulling the little brush free. “Time to give them some direction.” he announced as he lightly ran the brush around the firm, sensitive rim of Jasmine's oval bellybutton.

Jasmine's eyes shot open wide as she gasped loudly and sucked in her smooth belly. An instant later the blond beauty tucked her chin down squeezed her eyes shut and burst into adorable squealing laughter. “Eeeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeheeeeheeee!!!” The brush completed a circuit and started around again. “Eeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeee!! Nnnaaaaaaahahahaha!! Stop!! Staaaahahaaap!! Eeeeeheeeeheeee!!”

The chubby little biology teacher was grinning ecstatically as he carefully whispered the fine bristles over the squealing girl's smooth, gleaming rim. “I have to keep the scent fresh Jasmine, they're halfway there now.” he explained as he sent the brush gliding around again. Mr. Howard took note that the caterpillars were fairly even in the race as Jasmine sucked in her trembling belly again trying to get her tender rim away from the tickling bristles as she sang out laughter.

When the caterpillars were only a couple of inches away Mr. Howard stopped stroking Jasmine's rim with the pheromone and watched the finish. His green caterpillar had a slight lead he was happy to see.

Jasmine exhaled in relief when the brush was lifted away. As she tried to get her breathing under control she squinted her eyes trying to determine by feel which caterpillar was winning. When she realized that the caterpillar on the right, Mr. Howard's caterpillar was winning she frowned in dismay and closed her eyes. “Oh no oh no oh no!! This horrible man is going to lick me in my bellybutton!!”

Mr. Howard was about to give a shout of triumph when at the rim of Jasmine's bellybutton his caterpillar suddenly veered to the right and seemed as if it was lost. The white caterpillar continued on it's determined course, skittering over the smooth rim and dropping into the soft depths of Jasmine's bellybutton.

The biology teacher watched glumly as the beautiful teenager inhaled sharply and then burst into girlish giggling while she swiveled her hips in response to the little creature wriggling across the bottom of her delicious bellybutton. “Heeeheeeheee....thaaahaaat was miiihiiihiiine riiihiiite? Heeeeeeeheeeheeee!”

Mr. Howard sullenly nodded his head. “Yes Jasmine, your pony won the race. Congratulations.” The biology teacher removed his own failed caterpillar and then got two cotton swabs to gently tweezer the white caterpillar out of it's warm haven. The biology teacher pushed up his glasses and leaned over Jasmine's tempting oval bellybutton, noting with simmering desire that it was so deep that even this close he could barely see the squirming caterpillar on the bottom. Carefully Mr. Howard inserted the cotton swabs, but before he extracted the busy little insect the pouting loser took a few moments for retribution. With a petty grin the dumpy little man took the soft fuzzy heads of the cotton swabs and riffled them across the soft folds on the bottom and then ran them up to lightly stroke the silky roof of Jasmine's bellybutton.

Jasmine's reaction spiked with the vengeful tickling. Her back arched as she tossed her head back and her giggling rocketed into surprised laughter. “HeeheehAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!”

Mr. Howard enjoyed his moment and then gently captured the little caterpillar and lifted it out. Jasmine lay there panting, giving her biology teacher a sullen glare as he put the insects away. Mr. Howard gave his victim some more water and let her rest for 10 minutes to get her energy back. As the teacher returned to the table he could see Jasmine twisting her head trying to see the clock. “You have about 40 minutes left here angel.”

Jasmine slumped back flat on the table with a disappointed whimper and an anxious expression as she watched her evil biology teacher bring over the fat hairy caterpillar. Mr. Howard grasped the wriggling, bloated thing between two fingers and held it inches from Jasmine's fearful blue eyes so she could see all the waving hairs, the dozens of skittering little legs and the feathery mandibles that were it's active mouth. “You won the race angel.” the sadistic little man said. “And here's your prize.” With no more preamble Mr. Howard set the caterpillar down right at the bottom rim of Jasmine's deep sensuous bellybutton and let it go.

Without hesitation the fat, hairy caterpillar eagerly skittered forward into the wide oval opening and began wriggling it's bulk inside. Jasmine sucked in her belly with a shocked gasp and looked at her grinning teacher with wide horrified eyes. And then as the fine waving hairs began stroking the sensitive walls of her deep, soft bellybutton, Jasmine lost it. “AAAAAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAA!!” The hysterical blond beauty arched her back and thrashed her head as she cried out tormented laughter. “AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! NAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!”

Mr. Howard watched excitedly as Jasmine lowered her back to the table only to arch it again a moment later while she swiveled her hips feverishly and twisted at her bonds in a frenzy. The biology teacher also noticed with interest that the fat, green caterpillar had only worked his way halfway into Jasmine's sweet bellybutton and was still wriggling deeper. He watched Jasmine toss her head to the left and stare at him with her tear filled blue eyes as she laughingly pleaded for it to stop. “MIIIIHIIHIISTER HOWAAAAAAHAHAHARD!! PLEEEEEEEHEEEEHEEEASE!! AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! TAAAHAHAKE IT OUT!! PLEEEEEHEEEHEEESE!!” Then she was swept away by wild laughter, her sweat dampened blond hair flying as she thrashed her head.

Jasmine was utterly in shock at how much the hairy caterpillar was tickling her. She would not have believed anything could be worse until the determined, bloated hairball finally wriggled it's way down to the soft, tender hyper ticklish bottom of her deep bellybutton. Jasmine's eyes had been squeezed shut but they flew open as she threw her head back and her back lifted off the table again in a straining trembling arc. A shrill pitiable cry escaped her open mouth that soared into wailing laughter. “AAAAAAAAAAHAAAHAHAHAHAAA!! WAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAHAHAHAAA!!”

A moment later as the industrious caterpillar probed the warm bottom of Jasmine's bellybutton it took one of the soft, silky folds in it's mouth and began lightly sucking on it. “WAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAHAHAaaaaaaa-. At that point Jasmine's wailing laughter climbed off the charts and resolved into intense, silent laughter.

Mr. Howard was transfixed by the sight. His beautiful student squirming uncontrollably in the grips of unimaginable ticklish sensations. Her mouth wide open in a tormented smile but the breath locked in her throat by frantic silent laughter. He watched her toss her head right and then left, a thin squeak coming from her as she strained to draw breath. Her eyes opening wide for a moment as the caterpillar did something especially devious in her deep ticklish bellybutton and then squeezing shut again as she strained desperately at the bonds holding her hands and fitfully kicked her legs.

When thirty minutes had passed of the caterpillar tickling his beautiful teenaged victim Mr. Howard shook his head in admiration and awe at the wonders of her vibrant desirable body and endurance. Jasmine's smooth belly was shining with sweat as it heaved and trembled. Her beautiful face was red and locked in an expression of open mouthed smiling torment as her silent laughter continued in it's incredible intensity.

Mr. Howard almost regretted using the caterpillar on his gorgeous young student. He was ecstatic that it tickled her so much but he missed the sound of her wild laughter. To be honest the biology teacher had expected Jasmine to pass out some time ago. But apparently the hairy green tickle bug was grazing among the silky folds on the warm bottom of Jasmine's bellybutton. Occasionally the caterpillar would lift it's busy mouth from the fold it was grazing on and go probing for a fresh spot. With this blessed tiny lapse Jasmine would be able to draw a ragged breath and cry out frantic plaintive laughter. Her struggles would have new vigor for a few moments until the caterpillar selected a new sensitive fold and began to lightly nibble and suck on it, at which point Jasmine would be swept away by silent laughter again.

With ten minutes still to go Jasmine finally lost the battle to stay conscious. Lack of air had sapped her strength to the point that the only struggling she could do was tossing her head weakly side to side. Her smooth firm belly was still heaving in and out provocatively with her crazed, silent laughter, the sweat shimmering in the light on her honey colored skin. With one last squeaky attempt to draw a much needed breath Jasmine slumped to the table surface and passed out.

Mr. Howard sighed in disappointment that his unbelievable evening was at an end. The biology teacher appreciatively watched the caterpillar continue to thoughtlessly tickle Jasmine's deep, oval bellybutton. Then he carefully grasped the tail end and removed it as it wriggled and squirmed to stay in it's nice soft haven. The biology teacher released Jasmine from her bonds and checked to make sure the restraints hadn't left any marks. Then he placed a prepared note on her bare belly that basically told her not to tell anyone about this evening. That nothing could be proved and all she would get for her trouble would be to fail her senior year. Just before he left the room the biology teacher spritzed Jasmine's face with some cold water and as she started to come around he walked out to let her wake up alone and mull over the truth of the letter he left her.

Jasmine did read the letter and the inescapable truth of it was Mr. Howard was right. Jasmine hurried out of the room, afraid her tormentor would come back and resume tickling her. The walk home gave her time to pull herself together. The beautiful blond wasn't sure what she was going to do. There were still eight months of school left before she could graduate and get away from the hell that her senior year of high school had become. She would have to keep her belly covered from now on, she knew that. Jasmine didn't know how far into the faculty ranks this desire to tickle had gone but she would have to be careful around all the teachers.

In the months ahead this plan doesn't work out very well for Jasmine....

The end​
Brilliant! I think Jasmine should fall foul of this guy again. I generally prefer m/f to f/f and this was a great story and inventively written.

I look forward to the next chapter! 😀
One of the best stories I've found on this site! I know this is from like ten years ago but would you come back and write more stories? Please? they just don't make them like this anymore
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