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Jenni The Clown: Frisky Physical F/F


Jun 25, 2007
Jenni, like many people, didn't exactly relish trips to the doctor. She used to think that if there was a Hell, it would be a hospital waiting room that only ran re-runs of The Big Bang Theory on TV. Once the actual appointment started, she was usually okay. She didn't even mind shots all that much. She parked in front of the building and got out of her car.

She walked into her hospital, childishly gesturing as if she was making the sliding doors open with her mind as she entered (Hey, we've all done it). Moving past the front desk with a wave to the nurse on duty, she headed into an elevator which took her to the fourth floor. She loved this part. The elevator had a glass front, and the front section of the building had no ceiling until you reached the roof. This meant that you could see yourself being raised 40 feet in the air as the elevator carried you to your desired floor. The door opened and Jenni walked down the short hallway to the waiting room. There were a handful of other patients. There was old man who couldn't cover his mouth when he sneezed, which was quite often. A few seats down from him was a woman blabbing away on a cell phone. She sounded like she was calling off of work. Then there was a mother sitting with her two children, who were playing with some legos on the carpet next to their mom. Jenni recognized one of the children right away.

“Hello, Sara.” She said with a smile. The girl looked up at her.

“Jenni!” She rushed to hug Jenni's leg. The mother, Angela, took a second to recognize the brunette.

“Jennifer. I didn't know you came to this hospital, too.” Jenni had performed at Sara's birthday party 2 months earlier. The young girl had bonded with the clown almost instantly.

“Yep. Ever since I moved here.”

“I hope you're not sick.” Angela wore a look of concern.

“Oh, no. No worries. I'm just here for a physical today.” Jenni looked down at Sara. “Go back and sit with your mom, Sweetie. I'll be over there in a minute” She tussled Sara's hair and the girl obeyed her. Jenni stopped at the counter to let the nurse there know that she was in for her appointment.

“I see you have no primary physician.” The nurse commented.

“No. I was seeing Dr. Zant, until she passed away.” Jenni informed her.

“That was so sad. She was such a nice old lady.” The nurse took a moment before collecting herself. “Well, you'll be seeing Dr. Nolan today.”

“Okay.” Jenni filled out some paperwork on a clipboard and went back to sit with Angela and the kids. She spent about 14 minutes talking with them until The nurse called Jenni's name. Jenni got up and followed the nurse out of the waiting room and into a hallway.

There was a scale in the hallway and Jenni's height and weight were taken. No complaints there, though Jenni insisted that a good 20 pounds of that were in her bra. At least 20. The nurse just rolled her eyes and led Jenni into an exam room. There was a gown for Jenni to change into sitting on the exam table. The nurse left and Jenni began to strip out of her tee shirt and jeans. Then, off came the underwear and the white lace bra. Jenni slipped the gown on, barely securing the back of it, and sat on the table.

Time passed slowly. Jenni looked around the room. The anatomy posters on the wall and jar of tongue depressors on the counter were commonplace. Jenni was reminded of the playroom in her basement which she had modeled after the look of the typical hospital exam room in certain details. She saw a Far Side calender and slid off of the table to go read some of the comics in it. She was flipping through the one with the deer who had the target board for a birthmark when there was a knock at the door.

“Hello. See you've found my calender. I love those cartoons.” A woman with dark red hair a doctor's coat walked in the room with a clipboard. “I'm Dr. Vivian Nolan.” She offered her hand. Jenni shook it.

“Nice to meet you.” Jenni sat back on the exam table while Vivian leaned against the counter.

“You as well.” Vivian had a pleasant bedside manner, and Jenni had to admit that she was attractive. Early 30's maybe. Firm build. Possible D cups underneath her coat. Cream colored skin. Though she had denied her bisexual nature to her mother just the night before, Jenni did indeed admire both the male and female form. Vivian put her board down on the counter.

“How old are you?” The doctor asked.


“Do you smoke?”

“Maybe once every couple of weeks.” Jenni wasn't one to lie to a physician.


“Why? What have you got?” Jenni joked, bringing a smile to Vivian's face. She picked up her clipboard.

“Drinks regularly.” She muttered as she jotted down the note before putting the board back down.

“What do you do for a living, Jenni?”

“I work as a psychologist and a children's entertainer.”

“Wow.” Vivian seemed impressed. “There's two very different lines of work.”

“Keeps things interesting.” Jenni said.

“I bet. Is there a lot of stress in your life?”

“Not really.” Jenni tapped the padding on the table with her fingers. “I've always been good at relieving stress.”

Whether Jenni was aware of it or not, her new doctor was checking her out. Vivian Nolan was a closet lesbian. Of course, she would never let any of her colleagues know. That would be foolish of her, like a shoe salesman telling customers that they have a foot fetish. She could barely contain her excitement as she got a good eyeful of Jenni, sitting in that gown, nearly naked.

“Have you noticed anything unusual lately? Any concerns that you would like to bring up? I see that you had childhood asthma for a time but not much else to speak of in terms of illnesses.”

“No. I keep fairly regular with my routines. Usually if I get sick, it's either allergies or something I ate.” Jenni was lucky that way, and she knew it. Vivian nodded.

“Well, now that the small talk is through, let's get started.” Vivian released a warm breath onto her stethoscope and approached Jenni. She placed it onto a few spots on Jenni's chest and stomach. She noticed Jenni flinch when the device touched near her bellybutton.

“Ticklish?” Vivian asked.

“Very.” Jenni said.

“I'd be worried if you weren't. In a way, it just another sign of health.” Vivian smiled at Jenni. “I don't understand people who aren't ticklish myself.”

“Everybody is ticklish.” Jenni stated.

“Is that so?”

“Yep. Medical fact.” Jenni joked as Vivian pulled out a flashlight to look into Jenni's mouth, nostrils, and ears. Jenni took very good care of herself. Vivian was so attracted to the brunette that she didn't think she could keep a mask of professionalism much longer.

“Let's, um... test your sensitivity.” Vivian placed her fingers on the sides of Jenni's breasts near her ribs and pressed softly. Jenni bit her lip coyly and shivered. “Oh my, you are quite ticklish.” Vivian kept her fingers in place but applied pressure with her separate fingers randomly. Her right middle finger pushed, then her left pinky finger, then her right index finger...

“Is thihihs part of the exahahham?” Jenni asked through suppressed giggles. Vivian was getting hot under the collar as she teased the voluptuous young woman. Jenni already knew the answer to her question and was a bit turned on herself knowing that she had this beautiful doctor's admiration. Jenni loved tickling, but she also loved being tickled herself. She had no problem with any part of her current situation.

“Let's call this a... special test that needs to be run. Just in your case.” Vivian massaged the tissue between Jenni's ribs and breasts with all of her fingers now. Jenni pursed her lips. It tickled bad. But Jenni knew the game as well as anybody. You didn't laugh right away (if you could help it). You made the ler work for it. Vivian was quite skilled, though. And Jenni's walls were quickly crumbling.

“You seem quite responsive to stimulus in this area.” Vivian noted as she rubbed Jenni as if her chest was a ticklish genie's lamp and she REALLY wanted her wishes. While her fingers probed away at the sides of Jenni's magnificent bosom, the woman of medicine allowed her thumbs to press into the undersides of the globes and slowly wiggle. Jenni leaned back just a couple of inches as if wanting to evade Vivian's touch. Vivian raised an eyebrow and pressed in deeper with her thumbs, still wiggling. Jenni scrunched her eyes shut, turning her face away.

“How are your stress relief tactics fairing now?” Vivian started using her thumbnails to scratch Jenni through the gown.

“Hehehehehhehehehehhehe...” Jenni tried to bat Vivian's hands away. The nails under her boobs were too much. Jenni's nipples poked out against the fabric and Vivian saw them clear as day. She started to scratch at them.


“At least it's nicer than a mammogram.” Dr. Nolan said. Jenni couldn't argue if she wanted to, as frantically as she was giggling. Removed her skilled fingers from Jenni's chest and took a step back. “You know, Jenni, I am thinking that we should be on the safe side. Full body sensitivity test. No stone unturned.” The doctor's orders made Jenni wet. She was more than willing to play along.

“Whatever you think is necessary, doctor.” She gave the redhead a sexy smirk.

“Lay back.” Vivian's soft voice commanded Jenni and she couldn't resist. She laid back onto the exam table. “No. No. On your stomach please.” Jenni giggled and flipped over so that she was laying on her tummy. “I think we should start by checking your toes for nerve damage.” Jenni snorted as she felt Vivian wiggle her toes one at a time. She then felt a few fleeting tickles along her soles.


“Nerves are very important. Especially the sensory nerves. You need to be able to feel different sensations. If you can't, you might not notice any damage done to that area.” Vivian explained as she checked Jenni's heels and arches with quick scratches. Jenni giggled into the padding on the table. Vivian's fingers traced upwards, stroking Jenni's calves and under her knees with passing strokes. “Tickle tickle, Jenni.” Vivian teased, striking gold when she touched the backs of Jenni's thighs.


“No worries, Jenni. That's a common tickle spot. Just relax and let me evaluate.” Vivian felt so naughty. She was actively fighting the urge to leave the room and rub one out. But she wanted to savor this unique opportunity to tickle such an alluring, and willing, patient. The soft, thin fingers proceeded upwards, finding new giggle-inducing patches of skin in Jenni's bottom. The glorious, heart shaped rump was in full view thanks to the robe coming untied and Jenni was squirming like a worm on a hook.


“Oh my, your posterior shows very heightened sensory awareness.” Vivian tickled the buns with her nails, occasionally creeping a finger in the crack to make the girl jump. “Very heightened indeed... I think I have to examine this area further.”

Jenni felt the tickling cease. She started to turn to face Vivian, but the doctor motioned for her to turn back around. Jenni did so obediently, wondering if the good doctor had caught her scent yet. She heard Vivian going through a drawer, looking for something. Vivian soon returned to the table and Jenni heard what sounded like the physician shaking a bottle of ketchup. Somehow, though, she doubted that Vivian was interested in making a hot dog.

“This is a special kind of lubricant that we use for various reasons.” Vivian told her nearly nude patient. Jenni felt a couple drops of cold liquid drip onto her butt. Vivian used the palm of her right hand to spread the oily substance about, eliciting a few stray giggles from the brunette. The giggles turned to outright belly laughter when the nails renewed their dance upon the derrier.


“It works wonders, right?” Vivian slid her fingers over and around Jenni's ass with frolicsome ease. She was relentless in her torture until she smelled the moisture emitting from between Jenni's legs.

“What do we have here? You are showing signs of sexual arousal, Jenni.” Vivian stated as she stopped tickling to let Jenni breathe. “Turn over please. We'll see what we can do about your current state.”

Jenni turned over slowly.

“Let's lose that gown. I think we are past being shy, don't you? I mean, I am a doctor.” Vivian watched as Jenni slid her gown off and took in the wondrous vision of Jenni naked. Vivian felt her knees tremble and she needed a moment to compose. “Now you can lay on your back, dear.” Jenni did as she was told, understanding that Dr. Nolan was as turned on as she was.

“Let's see how those mammary glands respond without any covering to conceal them.” Vivian relished the trapped animal look in Jenni's eyes as the doctor began to drip some of the lubricant onto the massive spheres. The doctor's healing hands began their journey on the tops of the breasts. The response was a bit of healthy jiggling and musical laughter. Nothing extreme, but pleasant in it's simplicity. Soft, loving tips and taps kept the smile on Jenni's face as mirthful chuckles spewed forth from her full lips.

“You have incredible breasts, Jenni. We need to make sure that they are healthy as well.” Vivian scratched the undersides of the bosom now.


“This is for your own good.” Vivian told her as her palms started to wave across the now oily nipples.

“NO!” Jenni shrieked and covered her chest with her hands. Vivian folded her arms. “I'm sorry. It's just too ticklish with that oil.”

“It has to be done, Jenni.” Vivian stated firmly. “Tell you what... perhaps if there was another form of stimulation to distract you...” Vivian placed her warm right hand on Jenni's pussy, cupping it in her palm. Jenni shivered. “After all, we also need to make sure that this particular area is responsive in a woman your age.” Vivian's slick hand massaged the labia as her left hand went back to tickling the nipples, going back and forth between them with rapid tweaks.


“You're trembling, Jenni. And not just from laughter.” Vivian observed. We'll need an orgasm from you soon, or else, I may have to call in a couple of nurses to tend to your breasts while I tickle your bottom again. Hearing the threat, combined with a skilled slip of Vivian's finger along Jenni's clitoris, caused Jenni to climax on the table. Her purple, turgid nipples could have been used to sculpt clay and there wasn't a dry spot between her legs. Vivian cooed at her, coaxing her to try to keep quiet so they weren't discovered. She put an arm around Jenni and held her as she tickled the girl's clit, whispering “kitchy koo's” into her ear.

One orgasm.

Two orgasms.

Three orgasms.

Finally, Jenni could take no more and Vivian backed away from her.

“I think we can forego the rest of the physical. Everything seems to be working right.” Vivian picked up her clipboard. “We'll have you back in a couple of weeks to do some blood work and that'll be it.”

“I am starting to think that I might need to make my appointments bi-annual.” Jenni suggested, making the doctor laugh.

“It's very possible.” Vivian said. “Okay. Hop up and get dressed. We'll see you on Thursday the 17th.” Vivian left the room and Jenni took a few minutes to breathe before she got up.

Jenni was only about 5 minutes late meeting Cynthia for lunch. They had agreed on 1:30. It was almost 1:35. Jenni walked into the Olive Garden (to the best of her ability) and soon found that Cynthia was already there, enjoying some kind of white wine at one of the tables, and texting away on her phone. Jenni gave her a hug and sat down across from her.

“Did you hurt yourself?” Cynthia noticed her daughter walking funny.

“After effects of my physical.” Jenni muttered.

“Oh yeah, those can be pretty invasive sometimes. Hopefully you had a good doctor.”

“Oh, she was pretty good.” Jenni hoped that she wasn't blushing. “Now, put that phone away. This is our time.” she demanded, half joking.

“I'm sorry, Hon.” Cynthia put her phone into her purse. “Work is Hell lately.”

“You need a break. We both do.” Jenni told her. “It was great seeing you out last night. I almost never see you having a good time anymore.”

“That's what I wanted to talk to you about.” Cynthia said as a waiter approached. Jenni ordered a glass of Merlot and turned her attention back to Cynthia.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that you haven't been home in over 3 years. You came over with that guy you were dating but I haven't seen much of you since then.”

“Colin. Yeah, that was a good thing until he had to move away.” Jenni recalled.

“Come stay with me for a few days. Hell, make it a week. It would be good for both of us. I could take some time off of work, and you could have yourself a fun little getaway.” The offer was hard to refuse. “I still have the house. There is more than enough room.

“I only have two appointments this week.” Jenni considered. “It would be easy to reschedule them. Okay. Let's do it!”

“Wonderful. I am leaving tomorrow afternoon. You can just follow in your car.”

“Of course.” The waiter brought Jenni's drink and the mother and daughter shared a toast. “Just one thing, Mom.”

“What's that?”

“What happened last night after Lily and I left you with Pyro?”

“Don't worry about it.” Cynthia gave her daughter a malevolent look before the two broke into laughter. It would be a fun week.
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