Much like Captain Ahab was continuosly stalked by the spectre of the White Whale, so am I continuously haunted by the spectre of this video tape. It comes to me in my dreams and beckons me forward towards my VCR.
The aforementioned clip is NOT from Leno and does NOT involve worms, although I saw that clip and it was cool hearing her say the word "tickle".
The elusive, and possibly non-existant tape, was from a morning show on Fox Network where she arm wrestled the host Steve Doucy. He tickled her ribs in order to win. I have never seen this footage. It was viewed by Brooklyn so I think it's safe to say that it happened, but as far as tape goes, I've been very unsuccessful in my search. I spent hours on the phone with the people at Fox, I've offered bribes to the people at Fox, I've gone undercover on the Dark Angel message boards, and I have come up empty.
I used my 500th post to congratulate Yaqi on his tickling of Jenna Jameson. If I can't watch Jessica, at least I can watch Jenna, but we must never give up the search for this tape of Jessica.