First off, don't have to send me proof of your commendations. That's the point. I take your word.
I don't believe every bit of the story that has come out about it, not until it comes to light. I did, however, want to clear up the rumor that she was lying about her injuries. US medics and US/German surgeons all verified the prescence of bullet wounds, broken bones and other injuries.
As far as her charging into battle "Rambo-style" as you put it, I don't think anyone's claiming that. I can see her going through a shitload of ammo, though. That's not neccessarily a military training point, just a human survival point. I can see someone faced with what she was faced with just trying to survive by any means available. She wasn't trained for that sort of thing, like the Marines in combat are. That's the point. I'm sure the combat Marines and Army would have handled it differently and better...but she was neither. Keep shooting 'til you run out of ammo, that's what I would've done. With all the stories of what they do to female prisoners, even if they aren't all true they still play in the mind under duress, I'm sure a 19-year-old blonde American girl would have done whatever it took to avoid capture. Not really out of planned heroics, but at least personal survival. Can it be proven? Probably not. But is it a viable scenario? I can see it. That's all.
The real point is that I'm glad to see her, and ALL POW's, home safe. Come home alive, isn't that what we wish for our sons and daughters when they go to war?
Again, Tron, I wasn't asking you to prove the veracity of your claims...I was simply making a point that you shouldn't need to.