It's been considered perhaps, but having a background in film and animation, I honestly don't think that's feasible at this point in time.
The costs of producing such a film -even at a level of the simplest fanmovie- would be too high. (especially animation, which requires months and months of work to create just a short feature film)
I admit, some of the scenarios wouldn't require much props or special locations, but you have to get a film crew together, hire actors/models, plus all of the hard- and software needed for filming and editing. After all, this would not the ordinary tickling clip, but a complete story to be filmed. (preferrably in a visually appealing way)
Of course some film studio might want to buy the rights to one of these stories and adapt it into a mainstream movie (as was done with John willie's BDSM comic "Sweet Gwendoline") but if that happened, I wouldn't expect much tickling action in such a movie...