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Kailey's Test, Part 2 [*/F Somewhat sexual Sci-fi Style]


Registered User
Apr 25, 2003
Read the first part, otherwise this story will make very little sense.
Part 1: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=71512

Just like before: This is my original story, so if it sucks, blame me.
I've written fiction before, but not fetish fiction. This is very long and drawn out, that's how I roll.
Formatting may be weird from the copy/paste job. Feel free to let me know what you think.
No, it didn't take me over a year to write this. I have many excuses ready for anyone who wants them.
Ask me anything.


Kailey's Test, Part 2

Darkness swept in. A feeling like falling backwards, spinning. When the space around her calmed, her vision flickered from black to blinding white. It was pixilated at first, then slightly blurred, then crisp. The perspective was still third person, but Kailey could feel this environment exactly as it appeared. The soft cotton slippers on her feet, the thin gown just barely protecting her skin from the cool air; everything rendered crisp and photo-realistic.

After being coaxed repeatedly to choose by tickling, the "Luna-tick" option seemed safest. She knew that she would be in some kind of mental hospital, and she knew it would result in more tickling. Having already experienced the worst tickling she could imagine, "better the devil you know..." drove her decision. She began to anticipate what was to come, and shivered with a combination of fear and excitement. Much like Eveslight, the simulation was pure sensation, and the tickling made it so much more intense. She both hated it and loved it.

Marveling momentarily at the level of detail put into this simulation, the room around her became an object of curiosity. Dust floated in the air, everything had texture both visible and palpable with her fingertips. The walls were padded, and everything reflected some combination of white, off-white, or gray. The gauges in her field of vision hadn’t changed, and looked idle with very few up-ticks. A new display appeared next to them, which blinked a completely meaningless "00:00:00" in dim blue numbers. The room spawned a large metal door, followed by a distinct click of the door unlatching. A word-bubble appeared above the door, laying out how to play the game. Kailey swallowed hard and approached to read it.

"Welcome to the beta of Luna-tick. Once you exit this door, you have 5 minutes to explore the hospital for an escape route before premium users will be given access to play. You will not know which characters around you are computer controlled, nor which are devious players wanting to capture and torment you until their game-timer runs out. This game will have a total time of 4 hours, so don't get caught early on, the results could be very bad for you. Once all time has expired, you will have a break and get a chance to choose a different activity. If you escape at any time, you will be rewarded with the remaining time in The Light. Good luck!"

"4 hours" sent chills down her spine and she started to sweat. The idea was incomprehensible; that duration of time being filled with inescapable tickling would surely kill her. She shivered as the sweating chilled her skin. Standing dumbfounded produced no new options, she worked up the nerve to glance down the hall. Outside the door waited a dull gray hallway with barred windows and endless tile floors.

A bell rang as soon as the first wisp of her raven hair crossed the threshold, and the timer shifted quickly to display "04:04:59” The seconds ticked away. "Shit!" she grumbled, "I didn't even leave the room yet. Come on." After several seconds and no response, she realized that the back-and-forth dialog with Chris and Adam was over. She shoved the door wide open and walked brazenly down the hall, trying to take in as much of the environment as possible before she had to run for her life.


Outside the simulation, Chris and Adam were wearing their standard coms and trying to control all the beta server traffic. They had thousands more requests than they had expected, mostly coming in from areas of the world where it was late at night or early morning. "The internet creepers are in over-drive and we are making a killing on passwords just to observe." Adam frantically answered incoming messages while trying to hold a conversation. Chris ignored him, having less ability to multi-task, he was hammering away at connectivity issues from Asia by rerouting server traffic. Neither man noticed a high order request coming in from the Developer Server.

"When the tickling starts, I get to jump in a simtank. I can't even tell you how jealous I am that you got to try it first." Adam never missed a beat, yammering on to a completely oblivious Chris. Imagining what it would feel like to control the tickling hands and have a real, live person on the other side. Kailey, desperately laughing, bucking, and trying to keep it together. His excitement kept his mind distracted enough to hear an abrupt choking sound. Chris had solved the Asia problem and was first to see the developer request, he nearly spit his coffee all over their already filthy work area. As Adam spun around to see what the issue was, Chris ported the request into his com with a flicking gesture.

"Needless to say, I've been trying to get through since I saw the opening stream this morning. What was that? You better call me before I decide to pull the plug.” They both knew who the message was from, and what this could mean to their future. "I don't know how he isn't happy with that! It's exactly what he asked for." Chris complained, "You call him." After another standard game of rock-paper-scissors, Adam placed a call to their obviously unhappy benefactor.


A sense of hopelessness began to overtake Kailey. She covered a lot of ground, and found exactly what one expected in a cliché fetish-story asylum. The patients looked like kidnapped, and slightly deranged, supermodels. She guessed that their faces and bodies had been "acquired" from lingerie and bikini ads. Most were wearing the same slippers and gowns as she wore, their hair was frazzled and their eyes wild. She thought about being overwhelmed by a crowd of them and forced to the floor, senseless babble coming from their mouths as they took turns dancing fingers over her ultra-sensitized skin.

The nurses were almost as beautiful as the patients, but had a look that screamed porn rather than healthcare. They wore tiny white uniforms with cleavage bursting out the top and sheer white stockings running all the way up to visible garters. More concerning was how intensely devious they looked. Their expressions, even in this inactive mode, looked almost as cruel and taunting as their perfectly manicured, long fingernails.

The orderlies were giants, muscles on top of muscles, with protruding foreheads and small, beady eyes. She could imagine their meaty hands wresting her off the floor and dangling her completely vulnerable. Or being lifted over a shoulder and carried into a padded cell to be strapped down with no hope of escape as patients and nurses did whatever they wanted.

The doctors were tiny, skinny guys with bad haircuts and thick glasses. This is what she imagined the guys who would actually pay to tickle someone in a remote simulation would look like. Maybe picking a doctor character gave you authority to command nurses and orderlies around, or maybe some men just didn’t want to imagine themselves as giant muscle bound gorillas or lithe fetish nurses and patients. That remains to be seen.

She pulled and pushed but found only locked doors, barred windows, and several open rooms filled with various bondage enhanced furniture. Chairs fit with straps, tables built with separating arms and legs with thick leather cuffs, exam tables with electrodes and steel clamps, hooks and eyelets drilled into walls and floors, straight-jackets and gags hanging in unlocked cabinets. The list went on as each room appeared packed with torture gear. Worst of all, nothing looked like an exit.

Another bell rang and her heart sunk. “3:59:59” She darted underneath a steel railed hospital bed. Gauge #1 spiked, making that gauge obviously her heart rate. She would still have to figure out what the others were tracking.

Although her hiding spot was pathetically bad, she was counting on the disorienting view the simulator defaulted to. If everyone else shared the third person perspective, peering over their own shoulder, this spot would force them to crouch down in every room to find her. If nothing else, she had bought herself some time. She settled in as best she could and quietly hoped no one would find her.

"Hey! Hey you!" a squeaky voice whispered behind her. Kailey spun her head around to spin her view. Holding herself under the beds metal railing, just above the floor, she couldn't turn her head very far. Directly under her, an surreal face had materialized. The face was like a Cheshire-Cat grinning in the middle of the rubberized tile floor. Its inhuman eyes were peering lewdly up her gown. This cartoonish face continued to lift out of the black and gray speckled floor, maintaining its unsettling, exaggerated smirk.


After several calls, neither man could get through to their financier. His com was shut off, and his secretary claimed he was on a flight. They both cringed, assuming it was a flight to swoop in and close their doors, or at least interfere with their project. He had specifically requested the tickling project get top priority, and they couldn't fathom why he'd be displeased.
An alarm sounded at their front gate resulting in a unanimous “what now!?” from both men. Chris switched to that camera to see a tallish hippy peeking around for a button to buzz in. Elisa had already come to find her roommate, and she'd only been missing for half a day. This wasn't going well at all for their first day.

"You stay on top of reaching Dr. Y, I'll take care of this." Adam was uncharacteristically silent, and just nodded. He didn't handle stress well, and Chris was a better bullshitter. He headed out toward the gate to intercept and feed Elisa whatever story his unconscious mind dialed up. He worked best without a script.

No one noticed a faint flux in their incoming traffic, neither knew their system had been breached.


"Hey, you can't hide there, they'll find you." The face spoke again, its black hole mouth flashing with ultra-white teeth and a cherry tongue. She was too afraid of giving away her location to speak. She temporarily held herself up with her right arm while raising her left hand to her lips with a single finger, making the universal shushing sign. She grabbed the rail again, faltering slightly.

"They can't hear me; only you can. I'm called Flest. I'm not really here, so don't worry. I'm going to help you escape!" The face winked at her with its hollow eye socket.

Sensible cautious told her not to trust this new “ally.” She whispered in her softest voice "If I move, they'll find me. What else can I do? There is no way out."

"I know the way out. But you have to follow me, and crawl into that cabinet to find the secret door." The uneven voice whispered back while pointing a blackened appendage, then said in an eerily soothing tone, "There isn't much time."

Footsteps echoed up and down the corridor. Maniacal laughter and the barking sound of furniture being dragged across the tiled hallway into an adjacent room filled her with a sense of urgency. They were looking for her, and possibly tickling the other computer controlled patients to test the programming and controls. She had very little time to decide whether to trust this hallucination.

Haunting hysterical laughter broke out near-by and she felt her avatar’s sweaty grip loosening on the metal rails. Flest reached a tiny black hand up and stroked the bottom of her right foot. She gasped and pulled it away, shooting a stern look. The toothy grin only broadened, “You better move fast, this is nothing compared to what THEY will do to you.” Another tiny shadow-like hand caressed the bottom of her left foot, making her stern look switch to panic. She could only pull one foot away from the rail at a time, and his soft tickles were making the sweating problem ever worse.

She bit her lip and tried to endure his soft, yet determined stroking. “Kailey is just so ticklish, she is going to be in so much trouble when they come for her.” Alternating right and left tickle-spider hands kept her feet moving, unable to hold steady balance.

“Just stop it!” she hissed in a harsh whisper, “I can’t think.” Immediately regret hit her, as she realized she could have just given away her location to anyone near-by.

“Tickle, Tickle, here they come!” Flest capitalized on her fear with a jolt by wiggling fingers between her toes.

“Eek!” She could hold out no longer.

With a split-second of courage, she dropped out of her spot, following Flest’s lead toward the cabinet. Its doors opened easily and silently, but the cabinet was stuffed with wand-shaped vibrators, spur-like pinwheels, and various feathers.

"Not in there, kick the bottom!" Flest encouraged.

The bottom fell away with a hollow thump, and a tunnel opened before her. It was tight and narrow, and lightless. This was her only way out. She felt into the darkness with her hands, sliding down the chute in a slow head-first crawl. Grabbing thin wooden grooves in the darkness with her fingers, she snaked her frame forward. A sense of relief set in as her hips, then her feet could no longer feel the cooler air of the room. Enveloped in the tunnel she felt slightly safer. The only way now was forward.

After a few minutes inching onward, her comfort waned. The shaft began to narrow, feel fleshy, and slope downward. "Flest, are you still there?" She called into the dark. Silence followed. She inched a little more forward and felt the floor under her contract like a muscle.

"Flest? I think I'm going to get stuck in here, what do I do?"
Warm liquid trickled around her, soaking her gown and hair. A steady dripping sound filled her ears as she frantically tried to back up to the level part of the tunnel. Pressing backward proved impossible, her hands just slipped and slid.

"Don't fight it Kailey, I'm so hungry." Flest's voice was still calm and soft, making it terrifying now.

The floor became intractable, pulling her ever downward. She let out a scream as she got pushed forward by a contraction. The swallowing motion engulfed her. Her arms, then head, then shoulders were embraced by the damp tube. The tube lifted suddenly and her waist was forcefully bent by the tug of her arms being lifted straight up. Some of the pressure decreased as she reached the end of the tube.

"Let me out, Flest!" Kailey kicked uselessly. The grinning face appeared brightly in front of her. Its black eyes created an unnatural glow that made her body iridescent and displayed the depth of her peril. She had crawled right into the mouth of some sort of creature. The fleshy tunnel was shaped like a pipe with a large bowl-shaped cavity at the end. Her entire torso was exposed inside the mouth, with her arms trapped over and behind her head, palms pressed together, and now completely encased inside a rubber-like membrane. Her waist was held down by a thick jaw-like ring, both legs were still inside the long angled tube she had crawled down. The angle was just enough to lift her belly and chest up off the warm surface and display her to Flest’s unblinking gaze.

"Shhhh, Don't worry, I got you out of that wretched game. And with plenty of time for us to play a new game." Dozens of long slimy tongues emerged all around her completely defenseless upper body. With her arms snugly swaddled behind her, her outstretched armpits were the first target for exploration. The creatures face watched her reaction with obvious delight as two groping and flicking tongues made first contact. Kailey withheld her explosive reaction, trying to discourage her tormentor, and only flinched slightly with breath caught in her throat. The soft tongues left glistening trails which made their movements frictionless and excruciating.

They casually flicked and twirled in the hollow cave of her armpit. Smooth and warm, they wiggled ceaselessly. Teasing, obviously capable of so much more.

"Aw, does that tickle?"

They flicked unpredictably, but she held it in.

"You look so determined, but I see a smile coming through."

Her arms strained uselessly against their wrapping, her feet slid around outside the creatures mouth; neither produced any relief from the building sensation.

"Do those little laughs want to come out?"

A snort escaped her nose and her mouth curled up into a forced smile. Her resolve was cracking slowly, steadily. Flest just licked and licked. More tongues began to position around her belly, sides, back, ears, and neck. Her heart rate dial jumped and the second dial climbed slowly, she decided this must be an expression of the level of tickling she was currently enduring. It fluctuated around the 1/3rd line now.

"I had to borrow this body from the Martian Garden game, I'm sorry it isn't big enough for your bottom half." The cotton robe was yanked from her body and ripped apart by Flest’s shadowy hands.

“But that will make our 'first date' more fun."

Kailey's eyes darted (which produced no result in 3rd person view) to all the approaching tongues, none of which had touched her skin yet. The underarm assault increased its speed, and soft gasps erupted from her.
“My tickling is a little different isn’t it, Kailey?”

A soft gliding tongue ringed around the lobes and delicate inner folds of her ears. Shivers and a rush of blood to the head caused another gasp.

“It doesn’t exactly make you laugh, but it IS still tickling, right?” Warm flicks danced up her extended spine, stopping at the base of her neck and then descending back to her sacrum.

“S-suh-stop…” was all she could manage to say, each sound punctuated by a jolt or shiver. There was a small increase in her tickle gauge whenever it spoke to her and again when she pleaded.

The red swollen tentacles from the bottom reached up to stroke her belly slowly and softly. They began under her belly button in upward flicks, proceeded up her mid-section flicking and swooping randomly. Some swayed back and forth just over her hip bones, pendulum-like.

“How does that feel? I want every detail.” The inhuman face hovered, observing every facial contortion and ragged breath as they were extracted directly from her nervous system.

The Tickle Gauge hovered at the halfway line but the third gauge steadily increased. She didn’t want to admit what she was now certain that gauge measured. She convulsed silently, unable to form any words to respond to his taunting. Her mouth moved soundlessly. Underarms, ears, spine, abs, ribs, and hips now simultaneously lickled. Her view was uninterrupted though she clamped her eyes shut.

Flest watching her, the ever climbing tendrils approaching her breasts, the climbing arousal gauge. She could feel a familiar warmth coming from her core and pulsing toward her groin. What was going to happen when he reached her nipples?

Just as the tendrils ascended the ridge of her bust, everything stopped. Her face flushed red as she heard the voice say, “What have we hear?” followed by a brief chuckle. “I haven’t touched them yet, but your nipples seem to be reaching out to me.”

Kailey opened her eyes widely and gritted her teeth, “Don’t touch them.” She shook her breasts back and forth as best she could to evade the extending tendrils away. The unwavering gaze followed by the ever approaching, yet maddening slow movement of the tongues made her wish she could look away. Nervous laughter burst from her as the right nipple was grazed.

“Haha, don’t do that, that’s worse than the tickling!” Her tone was panicked and filled with forced mirth.

“Do what?” Flest flicked her left nipple forcing a peel of giggles, then retreated. More hovering cilia-like appendages gathered all around her jiggling and swaying chest, teasing tongues just above her skin.

“I can’t stand it!” She shrieked and again shook her breasts shamefully.

“Stand what?” he flicked and retreated, grazed and retreated, circled the aureola and retreated.

“Just… just… Do it! Do it already!” She felt her hips grinding against the ring that held her snugly in place.

“I’m gonna get cha!” he swung all the tongues in closer at once, forcing her to jerk, but stopped short of touching her. She laughed hysterically, unable to stop it, even though Flest only pretended to tickle her.

“I’m gonna get cha!” again he pumped and faked.
“Ahhh, hahahaha!” tears ran down her face.
“Here comes the tickles,”
“Eeee hahahaha”
“Here they come…” This time they really did.

She exploded; gasping, giggling, squealing, squirming, and crying all at once. The movement started everywhere at once, tickling tendrils flicking unpredictably. Her seriously over-sensitized nipples shot bolts of pleasure that were too intense to process, all 3 of her gauges jolted over the 2/3rds mark. She attempted to beg between primal noises, snorts, and shrieking laughter.

Flest’s mouth moved over her right ear and he chanted, “Who’s the tickly girl? Who’s the tickly girl, Kailey? If you tell me, I might stop and let you breathe.” But there was no hope of forming words, if she did manage to mouth the word “me” it was indistinguishable. Her face contorted. Desperate cries broken only by the need for air followed by more forced laughter reflected off the inner walls of the creature’s mouth.

An eternity passed. He would focus on her ribs, then stop, only to focus on her armpits, then stop, all-the-while never easing up enough to stop the frantic flinching and convulsing. Sweat and tears covered her flushed face, and trickled down her body, lubricating the already moist tormenting tongues.

When she neared the point of complete exhaustion, its tactic suddenly changed. The nipples, neck, and ears received a slower, sensual touch, and all the other tickling backed away.

Lungs burning, she inhaled greedily again and again, feeling like she would hyperventilate. The change instantly affected her. As the sweet oxygen returned, and the taunting ease back, she heard herself moan quietly. Her back arched a little more and the gyrating hips moved rhythmically with the passes on warmth and jolts of pleasure. Gauge #2 dropped and #3 rose exponentially.

Flest’s appendages began caressing all of her exposed skin, nipples encircled and compressed, the tips flicked rhythmically. Kailey’s face became serious, her mouth slightly open. Two tentacles descended under her belly and pressed against the compressive ring, then slipped through it, matching the writhing of her hips. Flest had changed his mind about their “first date” and was making a run for home plate.

Kailey hung right on the edge of orgasm, feeling the incoming relief as the ring around her hips loosened. This loosening, even in her lust filled mind struck her as an opportunity. Testing the membrane around her hands and arms, she could now flex and extend her wrists slightly, then her elbows. Flest was so focused on reaching her sweet spot, his other grip was loosening elsewhere.

Just as the rounded tip of the first tentacle reached her pubis, she lifted her hips and bent both knees wide. This doubled her exposure, but made Flest have to extend his already-overstretched appendages even farther. Predictably, he loosened the ring again, and she drove both her knees up again, this time into the ring. When Flest tightened the ring again, it squeezed her slippery legs into the cavity entirely.


Elisa wasn’t buying anything Chris said to her. Her disposition might have been all sunshine and rainbows, but she pegged Chris as a liar immediately when he opened the gate. His slick, smiling story of, “She never showed up today, let us know when you find her” didn’t work with what she already knew. After arguing for several minutes, nothing he said synced up. Not only was this “experiment” the single most important thing in Kailey’s life right now, but they had talked on her com just before she walked through this very gate.

Kailey, in her typical fashion, forgot the Quinoa Tabbouleh that Elisa made for her lunch. Elisa called, told her she would bring it for her, and balked at, “Oh, I’ll just grab something from around the lab.” Having carefully crafted Kailey’s diet, she wasn’t about to let high fructose corn syrup or soy lecithin pass today. So, she insisted and got the address, packed a thermos of Kombucha, and even left a little early for lunch to bring it to Kailey.

Chris sensed that his initial story wasn’t going to fly, as Elisa folded her arms and insisted on handing the carefully packed cloth bag lunch to only its intended recipient. “Don’t bullshit me, man! I’m not going to let you feed her processed chemical poisons.” She pushed past him as she spoke and he got a whiff of patchouli and anise oil.

“Alright, you got me, our experiment was supposed to be confidential. Since she obviously broke the rules and told you what she’s been doing, I guess I’ll have to let you in long enough to tell her that she is now disqualified from the final tests.” Chris faked a concerned, yet disappointed, look through his sleek glass com visor.

“No! Don’t do that!” Elisa shouted, “She only told me because we’re roommates. Anyway, I don’t understand anything you are doing, I don’t even use a Type-2 Com.”

Chris’s mouth hung open, “…never? You’ve never used anything but a sight com?” He had heard of people like that, but had always doubted that anyone was still left except frumpy Amish or geriatric types.

“Nope. My brain is my own, I don’t want some corporate scientist tinkering around in there.” She remarked flippantly, then followed with a more reserved, “no offense.”

Chris was not offended, he saw an opportunity. “None taken, I think you are amazingly unique. Why don’t you come in and…” his eyes wandered over her long thin frame. She blushed, and cut him off with: “I don’t know, hehe“ then turned her face away.

When she looked again he had that familiar distant look. After several long awkward moments she finally asked if everything was okay.

“Someone has hacked into our server. Damn it, they pulled her right out of our simulation. What is that idiot thinking?” Chris answered as if on autopilot. His attention on the situation made him forget who he was speaking to. “We’ve got to get her back, the testers are going to be furious!”

“She? Is that Kailey!? Is she in some kind of trouble?” Elisa’s concerned tone brought snapped Chris back, he struggled to regain control of the conversation.

“Oh yes,” he lied, “You should come with me, and maybe you can even help.”
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I'm amazed nobody has responded to this. Your style just screams to me. It's so visceral, how I can tap into what she's feeling inside far more than just the touch and grazing of skin. You understand, what I understand about this wonderful thing we call tickling. You describe a scifi world that mimics more the shadows of dreams, and the unknown perils of nightmare. I really enjoyed this, and the first part, and I honestly hope I can read more of your work, here, or elsewhere. <3

Thank you for sharing. c:
This story is amazing! Thanks so much for taking the time to work on it and share it here!!
Hi all, Thanks for the kind words.

I got busy with life again, so Part 3 is on hold. Since the response to these has been pretty minimal, I'm guessing there aren't many disappointed people holding their breathe for the next installment. I'll get around to it as time and my other responsibilities allow.
NOOO please don't hold part three back!!! It was a very good and interesting Story!!! You really should continue you have a Talent for it!!! I bet they are all just to shy to answer.
Excellent story.

I'm kinda sad that I didn't catch this sooner, it's wonderfully written. I kinda have a thing for sci fi and fantasy tickling so this story really struck a chord with me.

Don't worry about the lack of responses, this forum is kinda slow with these kinda things 🙂.
I have not started work on a third segment. I may since there are a few calls for it. There will be some delay: Full Class Load, Full Work Load, Kid, Life.
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