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Kate Python: The Jade Dragon


TMF Poster
May 18, 2006
Hi all! With the release of FTKL's video based on my previous Kate Python story "The Mobster's Vendetta" (the thread for the video can be found here on the TMF), I was inspired to write another adventure for Kate. It's been a while, but I'd like to share it with everyone; I hope fans of her previous adventures will enjoy it!

The Devil's Proposition: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=52772
The Mobster's Vendetta: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=58343

From the Case-Files of Kate Python:
The Jade Dragon

Part 1

A cold wind blew across the rooftops of New Angeles, the kind you could feel in your bones like a premonition. As my hair blew across my face, I dug my hands into the pockets of my trenchcoat and moved closer to the steam vent, its meager warmth the only thing keeping me going. Through the clouds of white vapor I could see it: a darkened window in the building across the alley from me, motionless now but not for long. Mind you, the rooftop of a deserted manufacturing plant wasn’t exactly where I would have chosen to spend my night, if it had been up to me. But when you’re a private eye, the job takes you all kinds of interesting places.

The building across from me was the Devil’s Dice: one of the highest-rolling casinos in all of New Angeles, and that’s saying something. It didn't look like much from the outside: a small island of neon light in a sea of black streets and deserted buildings. But it was the city elite's best-kept secret: mob bosses and megacorp execs came here to escape the limelight and blow millions of zed on a single roll of the dice. It was the crown jewel of Lucia Greene's gambling empire: from the ritzy uptown carpet joints down to the seediest card parlor, Lucia owned them all, which made her a very wealthy and very dangerous woman. It also meant that she had enemies, which was what had brought me here tonight.

I’d been on stakeout here since sundown, watching through the zoom lens of my camera pointed at the window I was casing. The bug I’d planted on the windowsill was picking up nothing but the cold hiss of the wind as it whipped by. But my intel told me the boss lady herself was due to arrive, and I wasn't going to miss it.

And I didn’t have much longer to wait. My patience was finally rewarded as I saw a shadowy figure open the door and flip on the light switch. And there she was: Lucia Greene herself. I snapped a few photos of her as she sat down behind her massive office desk. She was a looker, all right: dressed in nightclub finery that would have put me back a few years' wages. A head of lustrous black hair fell to one side of a slender, pale face, cascading over a shoulder left bare by a low-cut silk dress. High slits up the side revealed a killer pair of legs, put on show as she sat cross-legged with an expensive black pump dangling languidly between her toes. Her long, mascara-laden lashes concealed the cold, steely eyes of a woman who was capable of anything.

And she wasn't alone. Right after her, a pair of guests were ushered into the room. They were two blonde women, tied to office chairs, with their hands bound behind their backs and thick gags fitted into their mouths. A pair of assistants wheeled them up to Lucia's desk and placed their feet up on the desk as they struggled and cursed through their gags. Without a word, the assistants left the room and shut the door behind them, leaving Lucia alone with her two guests.

“Welcome, ladies,” said Lucia. “I believe you know why you're here.”

“We have narrowed down the guilty party to someone working under one of you two,” explained Lucia, peering over the expensive stiletto heels of her two visitors. “Which means it is your responsibility to give me the information I need to find them. And I assure you, by the time we’ve finished our consultation here, whichever one of you that is will be more than happy to cooperate. So, let us get down to business.” Her two guests pulled at their bonds, mumbling angrily into their gags, as Lucia unlocked her desk drawer and calmly removed the contents. And the moment they say what it was, their eyes went wide and their struggles increased with a panicked ferocity. Lucia gave a cold, impassive smile as she held up the contents of the drawer: two long white plume feathers, with long shafts and filaments of the softest down. They were devastating weapons in the right hands, and unfortunately for these two, the right hands were holding them now.

Lucia smiled and gently removed the shoes of her visitors, placing them aside. “Now ladies, let’s begin,” she said. And without another word, she began to feather the two pairs of bound soles on her desktop.

“MMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH!!! MMMMMMMMPPPPHHHHHHTTTTT!!!” The room was instantly filled with furious, muffled laughter as the two soft feathers began to dance across the girls’ bare, wrinkled soles. Soft wispy filaments drifted across their feet, stroking and teasing skin that was clearly beyond ticklish. You could hear the girls howling even through their gags, tearing at the ropes that held them and struggling so hard that their chairs were lifted off the floor. But all throughout it, Lucia remained detached and businesslike: as cool as you please with a feather in each hand. For her, tickling these two broads to death was no different than any other business transaction, and she was going to carry it out without mercy or compassion.

I snapped a few pictures from my rooftop perch of the two captives, making sure to get some shots of their faces. This was information my client would want to know.

The girls’ screams became even wilder as the wisps of the feathers slipped in between their splaying toes, tickling the hidden spaces while every tender digit twisted and squirmed in all directions. Their slender toes were painted cherry red: once graceful, now they were reduced to frantic desperation as they danced before the feather. I could tell pampered feet when I saw them, and these precious peds had been softened by years of pedicures. And now it was all coming back to haunt them in the most unbearable way.

“Now, you may already be considering that it might be a good idea to tell me what I want to know,” said Lucia, paying special attention to the soft spots on their insteps. The two women nodded desperately, howling through their gags as their bright pink feet thrashed furiously on the desktop. “But that would be premature,” Lucia continued. “You see, I want to make sure you have ample time to remember everything that may be of use. And I've found nothing focuses the attention quite like a feather on ticklish feet. You'll talk when I decide you're ready, and I assure you: by that time, you will be extremely helpful.”

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “What is it?” Lucia snapped, gently sliding the feathers back and forth across the girls’ arches.

“I’m sorry, madam,” said a voice from outside. “I know you said not to disturb you, but we have news about the jade dragon.”

Lucia sighed. “Come in,” she said, tickling the arches of their feet without even breaking stride. “I’m a very busy woman.”

The door swung open hesitantly, and a willowy, meek-looking secretary in a white blouse and black pencil skirt shuffled into the room. She adjusted her glasses and addressed Lucia, not at all surprised to see two women being mercilessly tickle-tortured on the desk beside her. She must see it all the time.

“Our informants have word of a fence by the name of Evelyn,” said the secretary. “A low-level buyer and seller of illegal goods down in the warehouse district. She is currently trying to move merchandise whose description matches the item in question.”

“GHHHHHHHPPPPPPHHH!!! MMMPPPPPPPHHHHH!!!” screamed the two captives on the other side of the desk. Lucia wasn’t even deigning to look at them anymore, focusing instead on her new visitor, but that didn’t stop the feathers from wreaking havoc on their ticklish soles. Her skilled hands worked on their own accord, brushing and twirling the feathers in maddening random patterns that had the girls in tears. Their feet bounced up and down on the desktop, their smooth heels thumping hard against the ink blotter, but they couldn’t escape the gentle touch of the feathers.

“And where can we find this fence?” asked Lucia. “I won't accept any delays in getting that dragon back.”

“Her location is unknown,” said the secretary, “but we've put out discrete offers to buy the item from her. Nothing that can be traced back to you, of course. Once we get enough information, we should be able to determine where she is hiding it..”

“For your sake, I hope you can,” said Lucia. “You know what happens to those who fail to meet my expectations.”

The secretary gulped, and after taking a look at the two captive girls, very quickly ushered herself out of the room. Lucia sat for a moment, letting this information sink in, and then placed the two feathers down on the desk. You could see the look of unspeakable relief in her captives' eyes as the tickling finally stopped: they collapsed back into their chairs panting for breath.

“Well ladies,” said Lucia, turning back to her two captives, “it appears you may be in luck. If our sources come through, there may not be any need for any information from you after all.” She looked them over thoughtfully. “On the other hand, my calendar is free for the next half hour, and it is important to teach my employees that there is a price for failure. So with that in mind, where were we?”

And the next moment, the office was once again flooded with maniacal laughter. Lucia could now devote her undivided attention to the bare feet in front of her, smiling sadistically as she attended to every stroke with the precision of a painter. Her captives screamed through their gags, their tear-stained eyes begging for mercy that would never come. The feathers swept across their pink, helpless soles, teaching them a long, hard lesson about exactly how business was done in this town.

As for me, the first part of my work was done, but I still had one thing to do before I could call it a night. And for that, I'd have to wait until the office was empty. In the meantime, there was nothing to do but sit back, light up a smoke, and enjoy the show.

* * * * *​

The air inside the automat was thick with smoke, but it was a welcome change from the cold. As the doors swung shut behind me, I walked up to the counter, my footsteps echoing against the faded tile floor. Most of the food dispensers were empty at this time of night, but I didn’t feel much like eating anyway. I dropped a coin into the slot by the coffee machine, and let the black, steaming liquid pour into my cup. As I warmed my hands on its surface, I began to remember how chilled to the bone I was. A shiver ran through my body, and I took a much-needed gulp and turned around.

There weren’t many customers at this hour: only a few random, huddled people sitting at their tables with nowhere else to go. But I recognized the woman I was here to meet in a second; even if I hadn’t met her before, it would have been easy to pick her out.

She was dressed up in an expensive suit that clearly showed she was too loaded for this side of the tracks, with the sort of gold jewelry you saw on people who'd made too much money too quickly. But that wasn't even the first thing you noticed about her. She was huge: a good seven feet tall with biceps like a prizefighter and a torso to match. Her hands looked like they could crush iron, and her feet were huge even compared to the rest of her body. I could tell from the bulge in her coat pocket that she was packing heat, which never a bad idea in this neighborhood. Most other people in the automat had chosen tables a respectful distance away.

Her table was completely empty except for a glass of water, but a small leather briefcase sat on the floor beside her chair. I took another sip of coffee and walked over to her.

“Do you have what I asked for?” she asked as I sat down.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” I answered. I lit up and took a long drag from my cigarette, savoring the taste as I exhaled slowly into the smoky air. I looked back at her and then pulled out my camera. I placed it on the table and flipped on the holo-projector, and a shimmering image of the photos I’d taken that evening was projected in front of us.

“Yes…yes, that’s definitely Iris,” said the woman as she cycled through the photos. “And I recognize this woman she’s with here: Petia, her right-hand woman. You’re certain these were taken this evening?”

“Several hours ago,” I said. “Check the time-stamp if you don’t believe me.”

“Hmm, indeed they were, detective. But most importantly: do you have the second set of pictures I asked for?”

“I had to jimmy open the window to get inside from the fire escape,” I said, “but I got the interior shots you asked for.” I switched to the next set of photos: a series of pictures taken from inside Lucia's office after she'd left. They were meticulously taken to show every possible angle of the room.

“Ah, excellent work,” she said, looking through them carefully. That proves it: it's definitely not in the office.” She switched off the camera and removed the datachip with the images, pocketing it. “You see, Iris and Petia are two of Lucia's top managers at the Devil's Dice. If Lucia is putting them under the feather, she's definitely shaking up the ranks. And the interior photos you took prove why. Well then, I'd say you earned this.”

She placed the briefcase on the table and opened it for me, and I don’t mind saying it was a sight for sore eyes. There were no credit chips, no script cards, just stacks of cold, hard cash piled up right in front of me, the kind you could actually pick up and touch. It had been a while since I’d had a score like this, and this was enough zed to keep me going for a long time. I took another long, slow smoke and blew out with deep satisfaction. Looks like I wasn't going to be evicted this month after all.

“Indeed, detective,” said my client, “your work was so exemplary, I was wondering if you would be interested in a follow-up assignment?”

“I don’t take assignments,” I said, looking at her through the haze of smoke. “I take cases.”

“A case, then.” She smiled. “Your reconnaissance proves what Lucia is looking for. She wants the jade dragon. And you, detective, are going to find it before she does and deliver it to me.”

“This jade dragon,” I asked, “what is it?”

“A priceless antique,” replied my client. “The jade dragon is an extremely valuable work of art. Until very recently, it was a prized possession of Lucia Greene. But before that, it was rightfully mine. However, so long as it was in the possession of Ms. Greene, it was untouchable.” The thought of it seemed to anger her. “But this all changed recently. A few days ago, an unknown thief broke into the Devil's Dice and made off with an assortment of valuables, among which was the jade dragon. It's out there on the streets, somewhere, in the hands of some two-bit hood who likely has no idea as to its true value. Lucia is already sending her own women after it. It's up to you to beat them to the punch.”

“There's one thing I don't get,” I said. “If this dragon is such a priceless artifact, why are you trusting me to get it? Aren't you afraid I'll take the loot and skip town?”

“You come with a very good reputation, detective,” she said with a smile.

I took another drink of coffee. “That's a lie and you know it.”

She chuckled mirthlessly. “Very well,” she said. “The value of the jade dragon lies not in the stone or even the craftsmanship. The value is something more insubstantial. Only a small handful of buyers would be willing to pay its real price. Buyers that only I have access to. Does that satisfy you?”

“Sure,” I said. “That sounds plausible enough.”

“Good.” She took a drink of water. “Lucia has a huge network of informants, and I'm going to need the very best if there's any hope of beating her to the prize. You have your work cut out for you, detective.”

I finished my coffee and got up from the table. “I always do.”

* * * * *​

Luckily, I had a lead to go on. The name Evelyn from Lucia's office was probably a fence I knew who operated down in the warehouse district. Her customers were mostly small-time hoods and grifters, but a lot of people came to her when they had to move hot merchandise. If Evelyn had gotten a hold of this jade dragon, she'd be keeping it in one her her storage facilities until she could find a buyer for it. Now, I'm usually no sneak thief, but I had no kick with the job this time: Evelyn had never made an honest zed in her life, which made anything of hers fair game as far as I was concerned. But the first step was figuring out where she was holding it. And that meant a visit to her main office.

Evelyn did the bookkeeping for her racket out of a small building disguised as a legitimate shipping business. At this time of night, there shouldn't be more than one or two security guards on duty, but knowing Evelyn she'd have real street muscle on the payroll, so I'd have to keep an eye out. I kept quiet as I slipped in the side door into a long, narrow hallway lit only by the occasional bare lightbulb swinging from the low ceiling. I'd been in here a few times before, so I knew the layout pretty well, but the information I was looking for wouldn't just be lying around. It would be locked up in Evelyn's main office, and to get in there, I'd need some help.

And there was my help, right around the corner: a lone security guard, leaning back in her chair with her feet up on the desk in front of her. She was half-watching the front entrance, but most of her attention was on the datapad she was reading. It looked like she'd been here for hours without being disturbed, and even better, she'd made the rookie mistake of sitting with her back to the rear doorway. Well, I thought as I silently slid my blackjack out of my pocket, time to teach her the error of her ways.

A silent step forward and a quick swing to the back of her head, and she was out like a light. No sweat.

She'd be coming around soon, I thought, looking over her body. I hauled her body into a nearby room where I knew we wouldn't be disturbed, and locked the door behind me. Time to get down to brass tacks.

As the guard started to come to, she found herself in a very vulnerable situation. I'd taken the time while she was unconscious to find some rope, and I had her trussed up on a tabletop, with her tied to her sides and her body lashed to the table from her shoulders to her ankles, so that not even a bruiser like her could break free. But most importantly of all, I'd removed her shoes.

The hallmark of a two-bit operation like this one is that they weren't choosy about their hired muscle. As long as you could crack a few skulls, you were in. And that meant nearly all the girls they got were on boosters. They got hooked on the stuff, and it turned you into a muscle-bound heavyweight in no time at all. But the well-run places, they wouldn't touch those girls with a ten-foot pole, because of one very important side-effect. Any boy, was it an infamous one: using boosters caused hyper-ticklishness. A girl on boosters might be a tough customer in a brawl, but the moment you got her shoes off, it got real easy to tighten the screws.

She was looking at me now, and every muscle in her body was tensed up. Just having someone this close to her bare feet was causing her pulse to race. They towered above the table with smooth, pink soles that had nowhere to hide. Time to make her sweat a little.

“See, I'm here on personal business,” I said. “Specifically, there's some paperwork belonging to your boss that I need to see. And I know she keeps it locked in her office. And that's where we come to what you can do for me.” I glanced down at her bare feet, and I saw them twitch reflexively. I could practically hear her heartbeat from here.

I pulled out a small fingerprint scanner from my pocket. “I need your fingerprint to get inside Evelyn's office. I just need you to hold still long enough to get a clear scan. So be a doll and give me what I need, or else I might have to start getting...creative.”

“I...I can't!” she cried. I had her between a rock and a hard place, all right. If she gave me that scan, then Evelyn's access logs would show her entering the boss' office right before some papers were about to go missing. And Evelyn wasn't the sort who took kindly to being chiseled. On the other hand, the consequences of not cooperating were becoming all to obvious to my barefoot stoolie.

“Right now, your options are a bit limited, babe.” I made a show of calmly examining my long, manicured fingernails, and I heard her swallow hard. Her toes curled over, and a trickle of sweat ran down her forehead.

“Please!” she begged. “You don't know what she'll do to me!”

I raised an eyebrow. “Right now, you might want to be thinking about what I'm going to do to you. Like, say, this.”

“YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” All it took was one fingernail pressed into the center of her soft, ticklish soles, and in an instant the room was filled with her hysterical screaming. I tell ya, with boosters you barely even have to try.

“Now the way I see it, you have two options,” I said matter-of-factly. “You can give me that fingerprint scan, or I can keep tickling your bare feet until you feel more cooperative. Personally, I can go either way.” I let both index fingers slide down her massive, sensitive soles as I talked, tickling the soft flesh with slow, lazy strokes that drove her to madness.

“PLEASE!!! WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! DON'T MAKE ME DO THAT!!!” she begged hysterically. Her muscles strained to break the ropes holding her, but I know a few things about how to tie up a ticklish girl.

“Oh, I'm not going to make you do anything,” I said as I continued to tickle her feet. “I'm sure you'll see that helping me would be...mutually beneficial.” I brought all of my fingers in on the act now: skittering up and down her helpless feet, with quick fingernail swipes followed by gentle pressing into her tender spots. She was a screamer, all right: every ear-piercing howl taught me where another extra-sensitive spot was to focus on. I had her in tears now, with every inch of her rippling body drenched in sweat.

“PLEASE!!! OH PLEASE NOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Her huge soles danced wildly in front of me, wrenching in every direction, but not able to escape from my skilled fingers for a second. I followed them through every twist and turn, making sure these tender tootsies couldn't find a moment's relief.

“I hope you're beginning to rethink your options,” I said helpfully, with quick strokes beneath the ball of her foot. “But I wouldn't think too long about it. After all, I don't know how much more these ticklish feet of yours can take.”

She could barely speak now, babbling helplessly through the wild laughter as I played with her toes one by one: pinching each one gently as I slid a finger along its ticklish underside, and back down the long, sensitive expanse of her soles. I could see what she wanted to say, but I wasn't going to make this easy for her. I kept tickling her feet without mercy, and only after a minute of broken screams did she finally manage to shout out,


“Good decision,” I said with a smile. I pulled back from her soles, and the look of relief on her face said that she was ready to do anything for me. I took out my fingerprint scanner, while my other hand gently petted the tops of her feet, which were still sensitive enough to cause her to giggle and squirm. It was good to remind her who was boss around here.

She was smart enough not to fight it when I pressed the scanner screen up against her fingertip and held it there for several seconds. A quick beep told me I had all the data I needed: with this I could jury-rig a simple projection that be enough to open the door. “You've been real helpful, babe,” I said as I turned around to leave. “I'd love to return the favor and set you free, but I'm afraid that's not in the cards right now. But hey, if you're lucky, one of your friends will find you here before Evelyn does.”

“Oh, and actually, I do know what she's going to do to you,” I added. “Evelyn has a room in the basement especially for girls who fail her, rigged up with a top-of-the-line sole stimulator. I don't know if you've ever had your tootsies in one of those before, but I've seen them break girls a hell of a lot less ticklish than you. If I were you, I'd start looking for new employment real soon.”

I heard her softly whimper behind me as I walked away, and I stopped in the doorway for a moment to light one up. “By the way, I hear they're hiring over at the dry cleaner's on Westside.” I took another drag, and smirked behind me. “Yeah, you can thank me later.”
Part 2

I pulled up into the empty lot and looked up at the massive warehouse towering in front of me. It stood by the ocean, an endless expanse of black water on a dark, moonless night. A cold wind blew through me as I stepped onto the curb, raising sharp, choppy waves that crashed against the concrete pier. It was about as unwelcoming a place as you could hope to find in this city, but in this line of work you couldn't let that stop you.

The papers in Evelyn's office had laid it out plain as day. This was the place: somewhere inside that huge, shadowy building was the jade dragon I'd been sent to find. The place looked like it might take a week to search it all, but at least the good news was that there didn't seem to be anyone on guard. A little persistence and a sharp eye could lead me to my prize if I were smart about it.

But suddenly my plans took an unexpected turn as two cars pulled up to the front of the warehouse. And they weren't any cheap buckets, either. A set of luxury wheels like these weren't exactly what the locals drove in this neighborhood. And my suspicions turned out to be true as I saw the doors open and four trigger-women step out, all of them packing heat. They were each dressed in gray pinstripe suits and expensive black heels. No mistake about it: these were Lucia's flunkies, and they were here to collect for the boss. Things all of a sudden got a lot more complicated.

Luckily, I had parked too far out for them to see me. Old habit. So long as I didn't get made, I could still get the drop on these dames and make it out without anyone being the wiser. At least that was the new plan.

I saw them talking to each other, but I couldn't make out the words from this far away. But after agreeing on a plan of action, the four of them split up. Two of them went around the sides of the warehouse to guard the rear entrances, while the third stationed herself by the front door, and the fourth went inside. Hmm, only one of the four is actually going after the goods, I thought to myself. That means they weren't planning on ransacking the place blind. They knew exactly where their prize was being stored, and the other three trigger-women were there to make sure their associate was left alone while she got it. Well, that was information I could use.

I stuck to the shadows, moving from one burned-out lamppost to the next while the two women disappeared around back. That left one more to deal with before I could get to my target. But she was keeping a sharp eye out, and that piece she was carrying at her side clearly wasn't for show. I'd never have a chance if I tried to take her on in the stark light by the warehouse door.

But just as I was contemplating a plan of attack, my eye fell on a high window on the side of the warehouse. And wouldn't you know it: parked right underneath it was a crane. Well, opportunity didn't need to knock twice before I answered. In less than a minute I was scaling the crane, out of sight of the guards, until I found myself crouched on a second-story windowsill. A quick leap down onto a stack of crates and I was inside. But a smile really came to my face when I looked down to the ground floor: there was the fourth henchwoman, standing right below me, strolling casually down the warehouse aisle with no clue as to what was above her. Well, it looked like my answers were forthcoming.

A quick leap down from the shadows, and with a single motion I clocked her in midair with my trusty blackjack. My feet hit the ground at the same time as her pretty head. A quick ear to the wind heard no other footsteps. I was in the clear.

So as Lucia's henchwoman was coming back from dreamland, she found herself tied up inside a huge industrial shipping crate the size of a small office. And looking at her was yours truly, with a smile on my face that told her all she needed to know about her situation.

“You have no idea who you're messing with!” she shouted in fury. “As soon as I get out of here, I'm going to pump you full of lead! Do you hear me?!” She was clearly hoping someone would hear her, but that wasn't going to happen inside a crate this thick.

“You're in no position to make threats, babe,” I said. And I casually reached into my coat pocket.

“You think you're gonna scare me with whatever pea-shooter you're packing?” she growled. “I've stared down a barrel before. I don't break, do you hear me?”

But all of a sudden her eyes went wide and I could see a lump form in her throat. Because I wasn't holding a heater like she'd been expecting. I was holding a soft, white feather.

“But have you stared down one of these?” I asked with a smile. I didn't give her time to answer. A second later, her black heels were off, and it was time to get down to business.

“WOOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!! OHHHOHO NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!!!” Hysterical laughter filled the warehouse crate as the tiny plume instantly began to work its magic. The soft tip fluttered up and down her tall, pronounced arches, causing utter devastation over the ticklish surfaces. Booming, deep-throated laughter pounded out of her with every gentle sweep across her impossibly sensitive feet. I moved the feather around her soles with gentle flourishes, letting each long, airy strand lazily tease and caress her soles. The gentlest movement of my wrist plunged her deeper into a feathery nightmare of tickle torture. This one would sing, all right.

“You talk a tough game, love,” I said with a smirk. “But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in this line of work, there’s no substitute for old-fashioned footwork.”

“WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! STAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPP!!!” Tears streaked down her face, and my feathering caused her soles to flush bright red, causing them to become even more sensitive. Her cheeks flushed with the humiliation of being tickled to helplessness, which must have stung hard for someone as proud as her.

My trigger-woman was too ticklish to try and insult me now. Her huge feet tried desperately to squirm out of the way, hiding painfully ticklish sole behind the other, but I was no amateur. No sooner had one of her feet tried to find relief, then I had switched to its newly exposed partner, and the feather continued its torturous dance across tender sole-flesh. It was times like this I love my work.

“There’s only room for one woman on this case,” I said. “So are you ready to give me what I want? Or would you prefer to be tickled some more?”

“I’LL TALK!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! NO MORE TICKLING!!!” she howled without hesitation.

“Good girl,” I replied, as the feather slid slowly up and down her arches. “But your precious tootsies get a break only after I’m satisfied.” I wouldn't want her to get clever and send me on a wild goose chase.

“MERCEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!” she screamed. She arched her back as every muscle in her body strained to break her bonds, but there was no escape. I twirled the feather around the smooth balls of her feet, causing her entire sweat-drenched body to quake with furious laughter. I let the feather slither in between her ticklish toes, sliding it back and forth in every tender crevasse one after the other. By the time I had finished with them, she was close to madness.

“Now then, I'm here for the same thing you are. The jade dragon: where is it?” I asked, being sure to focus on some of the more tender parts of my trigger-woman’s soles.

“I—I—“ she stuttered through the laughter.

It appears she needed a bit more motivation, I thought. And so I deftly flipped the feather around in my hand, and pressed the quill shaft into the exact center of her instep.

“YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” I was rewarded with a single, unbroken scream of pure ticklish agony: several seconds long and so powerful I could swear I saw the walls shake. But I could see in her eyes that my little demonstration had been effective: she knew the price of crossing me even for an instant.

“Thinking of resisting me, ticklish girl?” I asked. And to help her make the right decision, I flipped the feather back around and returned to stroking her soft arches.


“You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you?” I asked. “Because if you are, I promise you that you haven’t seen anything close to what I can do with a pair of feet.”


“And while we're on the subject: what is this jade dragon?” I asked, sliding the feather back and forth gently over her soles. “What makes it so important?”

She was too deep in hysterics to talk now: she only shook her head and looked up at me with a pleading expression through the laughter. She didn't know, which came as no surprise. Lucia had told her what to get and where to find it, but the secret of the dragon wasn't something her hired guns needed to know. But at least this one had been helpful enough.

Well, I've interrogated enough dames to know when one was telling me the truth. My canary was far past the point of lying, which meant my prize was only a short walk away. On the other hand, if I left her alone, she might find the time to get clever and contact her three associates outside. I couldn't have that, I thought to myself, looking at her naked, squirming feet in the dim light.

And so fifteen minutes later, I finally pocketed my feather again, leaving behind me an unconscious henchwoman lying in a pool of her own tears, her muscles gone limp from total exhaustion with a faint grin still on her face. Sometimes it really does pay to mix business with pleasure.

* * * * *​

I walked down the long, dark warehouse aisle past rows of towering shelves stacked high with carefully labeled boxes and crates. Some of them were open, revealing collections of datacubes, circuit boards, used energy cells, anything that might turn a profit. A few spare random robotic arms and pieces of machinery were scattered across the empty shelves, forgotten and gathering dust. I kept careful track of the numbers on the crates as I passed, counting down with each shelf I passed. I was getting closer.

And then, there it was on the bottom shelf in a dark, forgotten corner: crate B-4807. I'd found it.

I grabbed a crowbar off a nearby shelf and pried open the crate. The lid fell to the ground, and inside, there it was at last: the jade dragon itself. I reached inside and slowly lifted it out. It was a small jade figurine of a coiled oriental dragon: about half a foot tall, with every scale painstakingly carved and the teeth inside its roaring mouth honed to a razor-sharp edge. The polished stone shimmered in the dim warehouse light as I slowly turned it. The dragon's two eyes, set as a pair of glittering diamonds, stared back at me with an unflinching gaze. So this was what everybody was looking for. Well, it was finally mine, and I had a client waiting for it who was prepared to pay serious money for it.

But that would have to wait. First, I had a hunch to follow up on, and my hunches are rarely wrong.

* * * * *​

I walked through the doorway into the abandoned factory that we had set as our meeting place. There was no sound except the slow drip of water from leaky pipes onto the tarnished steel floor. All around was a tangled mass of rusting machinery: whatever had been left by looters as not being worth the trouble to carry, and a few dust-covered conveyer belts flanking what had once been the assembly line. The stale air probably hadn't been disturbed for years, but it was the ideal place for a discrete business encounter.

Out of the darkness I heard footsteps, and I turned to see my client walking towards me. Her enormous, muscular body cast a huge looming shadow over the room as she approached. She was still dressed in her business suit from the automat, carrying her briefcase by her side.

“Do you have it?” she asked.

I said nothing, but reached into my coat, and pulled out the jade dragon for her to see. Her eyes lit up with undisguised greed as she saw it. But she corrected herself in a second. It wouldn't do for her to look too eager.

“You weren't entirely truthful with me, were you?” I asked as she admired her prize.

“Whatever do you mean, detective?” she asked with a self-indulgent smile.

“This jade dragon wasn't stored with artwork or antiques in Evelyn's warehouse. It was stored with the electronics. And that got me thinking about what you said about the dragon having 'insubstantial' value. So I used a few tools on it, and guess what I found?”

“Spare me the suspense, detective,” she said, crossing her arms.

“This isn't a work of art at all. It's a hidden camera, disguised as a statue, originally from Lucia's private office. And that's the real value of the jade dragon, and why Lucia wants it back so badly. It contains a video record of the thief that robbed Lucia's office. And imagine my surprise when I found out the identity of our mysterious thief.”

My client said nothing, looking back with a thin smile.

“It was you all along. You were the one who robbed the Devil's Dice, and you stole the jade dragon in the first place. It's all here on video. Judging from all the jewelry and art you took, you must have made a pile of zed on that heist. Grabbing the dragon was just an afterthought: it looked valuable, so you stuffed it in the bag with all your other loot, and you had no idea that it was recording you the whole time.

“So after your heist was done, you took your haul down to Evelyn's and sold the lot to her. But she was a little more inquisitive than you. She discovered the jade dragon was a surveillance camera, and the word must have reached you through the streets. There was a noose around your neck now: as soon as Evelyn found a buyer for that dragon, it would find its way back to Lucia, who would have indisputable proof who had pulled that heist on her. The only way to get the heat off and keep you out of cement overshoes was to have me find that dragon. And here it is.”

“I shouldn't have doubted you,” she said with artificial graciousness. “I should have expected that Kate Python would figure out my secret sooner or later. Yes, detective, everything you say is true. I was an employee of Lucia Greene, and I used my access to rob her establishment a few nights ago. Everything was perfect until I learned about that damn dragon. But now, the last piece of evidence tying me to the crime is taken care of.” She smiled, sizing me up. “But don't let this interfere with our business arrangement. After all, Lucia is a worse crook than I'll ever be. And while I have ready money for that dragon, Lucia would take it from you without a second thought. You really have nothing to gain by withholding it. So, let's dispense with the pleasantries and finish our deal.”

“You're right,” I said, holding out the dragon. “When it comes to Lucia Greene, I've got no love, and definitely no trust.”

“A wise decision,” my client said, holding out her hand.

“But you see, there's one thing I just don't get,” I said, pulling the jade dragon back. A look of displeasure appeared on my client's face.

“Oh?” she asked. “And what is that?”

“Lucia isn't the sort of woman who would just give up looking for the thief. Sure, you could dispose of the most damning piece of evidence, but there are still all those dots out there, waiting to be connected. With her, it's personal, and she'll take months or years if it means finding the person who wronged her.”

“Your point being?” asked my client impatiently.

“Destroying the jade dragon couldn't be your endgame. Lucia won't let this go. She'd find you, sooner or later. You needed some way to get her to stop looking. In other words, you needed a fall guy for your heist.”

“An intriguing theory, detective,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

“But who?” I continued. “And then I remembered the first thing you hired me to do. You paid me a load of zed to case the Devil's Dice and bring back those pictures, didn't you? A job that involved going inside to take pictures even though I could have taken them all from the rooftop. But you didn't even need that information. You knew the jade dragon was missing, and you knew exactly who you'd sold it to. Why didn't you just tell me from the beginning? Because it was never about the information. You just wanted me inside the building.

“There's only one answer: I wasn't the only person you hired to go there, was I? You snapped some shots of me sneaking around Lucia's office that night, and you planned to cook up some doctored footage to make it looked like I robbed the joint instead of you. Then all you had to do was upload that footage into the jade dragon and hand it back to Lucia. All of a sudden, I'm at the top of her hit list, and you get off squeaky clean.”

“Very good, detective,” she said with a sinister snarl. There was a feral look in her eyes now, like a cornered beast. “The question is: what do you plan to do about it?”

“If you want to destroy the dragon right here, that's your business. But I'm not handing it over just so you I can be your patsy. So, what's it going to be?”

She locked eyes with me for a moment, and then in an instant, I saw one of her enormous fists barreling towards me like a locomotive. I had just barely enough time to dodge out of the way as I felt the wind of her blow against my cheek. I spun around and answered her with a right hook that landed right on her ribs. And let me tell you, it was like punching a concrete wall. It didn't even slow her down for a second. She clocked me one to the chest, and this one was too fast to dodge. I'm no lightweight, but that one punch would have floored a rhino. It knocked the wind right out of me, leaving me flying back onto the cold floor as the jade dragon flew from my hands. She caught it in mid-air and gloated over it as I lay on the ground.

“Nice doing business with you, detective!” she shouted as she stuffed the jade dragon into her briefcase and locked it. “See you around!” And she turned and ran towards the exit.

But I'd been chasing that damn thing for too long to let it end like this. I got up off the ground and in a second, I was sprinting after her. No way in hell was I going to take the fall for her crime.

“I'm not going down!” she shouted as she saw me following her, and the next second she had a piece trained on me and was pumping lead in my direction. I dived to the floor and the bullets sailed over my head, sparking as they ricocheted off the steel machinery around me. I stayed hidden as the roar of gunfire filled the empty factory: she was off the track now, emptying all her chambers at me as she shouted with fury. But a heater like hers didn't hold many bullets: soon I heard the click of an empty chamber, and I knew she was out. She threw her heater aside in a rage and came stomping towards me, ready to put me under for good. Well, at least I had a fighting chance now.

Suddenly as I got to my feet, I felt a switch click beside me, and with a shudder, the machinery around us came to life. Apparently I'd activated something: the conveyer belts began turning, pistons moved up and down, and steam hissed from slowly turning valves. The entire steel jungle around us was filled with movement, but it was only the movement of my ex-client that I was worried about.

But she wasn't hard to miss. I saw her running at me, and I only had a second to react. I grabbed a nearby wrench and reflexively smashed a glass storage tank beside me as I turned to run. Maybe whatever was inside it would make the floor too slippery for her to follow, I thought. But it was even better than that: a pool of sticky white industrial adhesive poured out onto the ground, and my opponent stepped right into it, instantly gluing her in place.

“Well,”, I said, stepping forward. “Looks like--”

But I never got the chance to finish. That adhesive might have been designed to hold industrial machinery together, but her shoe leather certainly wasn't. With a ferocious pull of her feet, she tore her shoes apart into shreds, and leapt onto dry ground. She disappeared into the shadowy maze of rusting machinery: barefoot, but still every bit as lethal as ever. Damn. There went my edge.

I carefully scanned my surroundings, listening for her footsteps. If I was going to get out of this in one piece, I'd have to get he drop on her somehow.

I thought I heard something. Maybe footsteps. Sticking to the shadows, I went to investigate, ducking under a piston and turning the corner.

I saw the source of the noise: it was a rotating robotic arm. But there was a steel beam in its path: it kept swinging into the beam with a dull clang over and over. I was about to write it off, when I realized: that beam shouldn't be there. It had been placed there by someone. That meant...

I spun around just in time to see her leaping through the air at me, with a roar like a lioness and her hands ready to grab my skull and smash it to pieces. And for a second there, I was afraid my number was up. But half a second before she was on top of me, a steel piston came crashing down from above, landing directly on her midsection like a ton of bricks. It knocked her out of the air, forcing her down onto a steel surface with a thud. But before she could get up again, there was a whir of gears, and a series of metal claws clamped down around her waist and ankles, pinning her down on her stomach with her bare feet dangling off the edge. A pair of small hooks twisted around her big toes, pinning them down. She shouted and cursed with a fury, but she was held in place.

“This won't hold me!” she shouted, enraged as she tried with all her might to break free. “You're dead, d'you hear me?” But try as she might, it looked like the machinery was strong enough to hold even a bruiser like her. A stroke of good luck on my part, but I'll take any I can get.

“You know what this is for?” I asked her, standing just out of her reach as I surveyed the machinery holding her down. “This is where robotic parts are cleaned and polished before the factory repurposes them. Interesting fact.”

She cursed at me, but I just smiled. She wasn't going anywhere.

“I mention it because this is where the cleaning takes place. Which is why instead of me, you should be worried about that.”

I pointed behind her, and the moment she looked over her shoulder, I could see her eyes widen and her blood run cold. Heading straight towards her was the factory's cleaning apparatus: a slowly-moving hydraulic wall of spinning, soft-bristled brushes. But instead of a piece of machinery to clean, it was advancing directly towards her trapped, naked feet. They wriggled, but they were held motionless, with her bare soles in the direct path of the brushes.

On the wall, I noticed a small silver key, and I recognized what it was for right away. “You see this?” I asked her, picking the key off the wall and showing it to her. “This is the emergency shutdown key. You need this to shut down the cleaning sequence and release the lock holding you there. So it appears I have something that you need. Time to start dealing.”

“When I get out of here--!” she threatened, glaring daggers at me as she struggled. The machinery trembled, but it still held firm. And in the meantime, the brushes were slowly approaching.

“You’ve got exactly one chance to save yourself,” I said, tossing the key up in the air. “I want the jade dragon back. You tell me the code to that briefcase, and maybe, maybe, I let you out of there before it’s too late.”

“Go to hell!” she snarled, straining to free herself with brute strength. Her muscular body flexed to break through the metal holding her ankles, but not even she could force it open. She was like a trapped animal, and the hunter was coming.

It was several feet away from her now, and getting closer: the wall of brushes moved forward slowly like clockwork, whirring gently as each brush head spun clockwise in unison. And those bare size sixteens of hers were definitely starting to get worried. They thrashed and struggled, trying for any mobility at all, but the clamps that held her big toes in place wouldn’t budge. Her feet were forced to stand tall, side by side, facing down the oncoming wall of brushes without even the ability to hide behind each other. A trickle of cold sweat dripped down her trembling feet. Oh, they were ticklish, all right. Insanely ticklish.

“Let—let me out of here!” she cried, starting to panic. Cracks were appearing in her tough façade quickly now. It wouldn’t be long.

“I let you out after you’ve told me what I want to know,” I answered. “And don’t forget: I’m holding all the cards here.”

The brushes drew closer still, and the whirring sound suddenly changed pitch: the centers of the brushes were now starting to spin counter-clockwise, opposite the rotation of the outer bristles. She stared at them in terror past her enormous feet, and a barely audible whimper escaped her lips.

“Time’s not on your side, babe,” I said, holding the key out where she could see it. “I’d suggest you start talking.”

She looked back at the brushes. “You—you wouldn’t!”

“Try me.”

She swallowed hard. “Let me out! I’ll tell you anything you want to know, I promise!” She began to struggle even harder, and her free toes squirmed and grasped at empty air as though they might grab something that could save them.

“That’s not the way this works,” I said, standing firm. “And if you think I won’t sit by and watch you get tickled to death, well, I wouldn’t bet on it.”

A soft vibrating noise came from the brushes now: they started to vibrate gently, preparing for the cleaning cycle. Small spurts of soapy water covered the bristles to let them scrub their target without friction. And they were only inches away from the smooth, tender expanses of her enormous feet. She was in a full panic now, every muscle in her body trying to tear free without success. I leaned back against the wall. This was a show that I wasn’t about to miss.

“Please!” she cried. “You can’t do this! Let me out! Let me out!”

Two inches.

“Please, you have to let me out! I’ll do anything! I’ll talk! Please!”

One inch.


And in an instant they met: spinning, soapy bristles against pink, tender sole-flesh, and the result was an explosion of hysterical laughter. I’d had this juggernaut’s number, all right: beneath her invincible exterior, she was hiding a pair of feet that were completely defenseless against tickling. Funny how it’s always the toughest broads who sport the most ticklish tootsies.

“OH GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHADDD!!! STAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAPPP!!!” she screamed, pounding the floor with her fists while she threw her head back and howled. The clang of her fists against the metal floor could barely be heard over her deafening laughter. The wall of brushes was busy scrubbing her feet clean: spinning over every ticklish inch at once with mechanical precision. And with her toes locked in place, they couldn’t even dodge the onslaught. Those unimaginably sensitive soles were forced to remain still in the face of tickle-torture like she had never experienced before. I might have almost felt sorry for her, if she hadn’t deserved it so richly.

“Well, the cards are on the table now, aren’t they?” I said. “I hope this shows you never to think you can bluff me, when all you’ve got in the hole are a pair of ticklish sixteens.”

“YEEEEAAAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAAAA!!!” Her powerful lungs emptied out peals of booming laughter, echoing throughout the room and drowning out the noise of the machinery. The wall of brushes was changing its technique now: moving up and down in a gentle rhythm that tickled even more fiercely than before. I could see her soles were glowing bright pink through the soapy film, and tears poured down her chiseled face in streams. The brushes were doing their work all right: tickling her into insanity as effectively as any interrogation device ever could have done. It goes to show that a dame with ticklish feet is one who won’t be holding secrets for long.

“Now me, I could stand here and watch your tender soles be scrubbed all day,” I said. “But something tells me you can’t take much more foot-tickling. So if you want to save those precious peds of yours, the only thing to do is to start getting cooperative.”

“PLEEEHEHEHEHEASE NO MOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRREEE!!!!!” she roared, all resistance gone. The brushes were now beginning a deep-cleaning cycle: pressing into her soles one by one and massaging its own tiny section before switching to the next. I could tell when the massaging had reached a particularly soft spot, like below the balls of her feet: the laughter turned into long, unbroken screams where even speech was impossible.

“The code,” I said, arms akimbo. “What is it?”

“YOU WIN! YOU WIN!!!” she cried, wild-eyed with laughter as the brushes began another agonizingly slow sweep over her soles. “THREE—EIGHT—NINE—HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!--FIVE--ONE--FOUR!!! WOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOOOO!!! TAKE IT!!! TAKE ANYTHING!!! JUST NO MORE TICKLING!!!”

I bent down to pick up the briefcase, and ran the numbers on the combination lock while she howled behind me. Sure enough, the briefcase clicked open, and there it was: the jade dragon. I picked it up and took another good look: this was what some of the biggest powers in New Angeles had been willing to kill for, and now it was mine again. My client looked at it helplessly from her captive position, as she watched her only chance to get away with her crime slip through her fingers. But right now, all she could focus on were her big, ticklish tootsies.

“LET ME OUT!!! WAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! YOU PROMISED!!!” she begged. The brushes were scrubbing her soles in a circular massaging pattern now, driving her insane as the brush heads pulsed and vibrated over helpless pink flesh.

“Yes, I did promise I'd let you out of there,” I said to my hysterical associate. “And you may not deserve it, but I'm gonna keep my word.” I tossed the key up in the air again and caught it. “So, I'm going to call the power company and tell them that somebody made a mistake and forgot to shut off the power for this joint. They should have somebody down here in, oh, a couple of hours to sort everything out. And once they get here, I'm sure one of their workmen would be happy to let you out.” I nodded and turned to leave. “And with that, I figure our business is concluded.”

As I walked out of the building, I could hear her voice crying out from behind me: “I—I’LL GET YOU, DETECTIVE!!! WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!”

I looked back over my shoulder at her. “Yeah, get in line.”

* * * * *​

For a while, I'd thought about keeping it. But the jade dragon was too dangerous to keep from its rightful owner for long. I'd dropped it off discretely somewhere I knew it would be discovered by Lucia's girls and taken back to their boss. And once Lucia knew the truth, that would put my ex-client in too much hot water for her to think about getting back at me any time soon.

A damp mist began to descend on the deserted street as I walked slowly towards home. This case hadn't been a total wash: I'd made an honest day's wages for once, even if the job itself wasn't so honest. Of course, it wasn't without its share of danger. If Lucia started asking questions, it's possible my name might come up, and my role in this whole business hadn't exactly been spotless. Getting on her radar would come with its own new set of problems.

But those were concerns for another time. For now, I was off to Nina's for a well-deserved drink.
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A sequel to one of my favourite stories! This warrants one of my infamously long comments at least!

The set-up is terrific as always, and I especially liked the line about how "the job takes you all kinds of interesting places." I think I speak for all readers when I say we are delighted about Kate's various ticklish misadventures 🙂

Lucia Greene screams ticklish lee. I know you're a fan of red nail polish (remember seeing the phrase 'cherry-red' pop up in a bunch of your stories) so wondering if Lucia Greene might have green polish! Her name is Greene! Speaking of which, I think I spy a meaningful name - she's all about da money. She's all about da green xD

I've always enjoyed the dialogue in your stories and Lucia's line about "whichever one of you that is will be more than happy to cooperate" is appropriately menacing. THOSE POOR BLONDES. I wonder if they're wearing DaGigglias?

"You see, I want to make sure you have ample time to remember everything that may be of use." Chills, man, chills.

And that secretary sounds like such a qt 3.14. Hope we see her under the feather at some point!

The amazon-esque client of Kate's sounds fishy. Admittedly, I'm saying this because I know how much you like amazons xD I predict a doublecross or some kind of ticklish mishap at some point!

Random thing: Evelyn really isn't a very good name for a fence. It's so mundane! It should be something like Slippery Jill or Sapphire or something. YOU NEED A STREET NAME.

Well, you quickly filled the ticklish amazon quota there, eh xD

Short but sweet tickle scene, with good teasing dialogue as always. I really liked this bit towards the end.

while my other hand gently petted the tops of her feet, which were still sensitive enough to cause her to giggle and squirm. It was good to remind her who was boss around here.


Also the tops of the feet are an oft-neglected tickle spot, so double points 😀

But it was kind of Kate to warn the security girl to search for new employment. Kate's rough around the edges, but a good character at heart 🙂

Another ticklish henchwoman down! I do wonder why her comrades didn't hear her screaming with laughter though. Or have I missed something?

Ooooh, what a twist! The bit about the Jade Dragon being worthless (well, you know what I mean) caught me off-guard, as did the bit about the 'client' setting up poor ol' Kate to be the fall-gal.

“You know what this is for?” I asked her, standing just out of her reach as I surveyed the machinery holding her down. “This is where robotic parts are cleaned and polished before the factory repurposes them. Interesting fact.”

I think I can see where this is going 🙂


I don't think you've done a brushing machine before, so that was a cool little tickle scene! A shame the story ended with Lucia escaping tickle-free after you teased us with such a tantalizing description, but I'm hoping she makes a reappearance.

A funny thing I've noticed is that despite Kate's gender, she has always remained untickled. Is this on purpose? Maybe saving it for a special story? I really respect that, as most stories with female protagonists have them practically as the main lee xD

Great story, and thanks for uploading! Always great to see more Kate!
It's awesome to hear your thoughts on the story in such detail JonesyJones! I'm definitely glad to hear you enjoy the series! Yep, I thought about getting Lucia under the feather, but plot-wise I just didn't feel like the story would hold together if I did. After all, she didn't present an immediate danger to Kate (at least this time!) and Kate is nothing if not practical.

As for Kate herself getting away unscathed, that is an intentional decision on my part. I try to keep her cool and collected at all times, so I wouldn't really be able to narrate a 'lee scene in her distinctive voice. In fact, I had to go back and change a narrative sentence in this story because I'd originally ended it in an exclamation point, and that would never do.

And you may be right about the fence name! But I guess Evelyn has pretensions of social climbing! 🙂

Thanks again for your awesome response! Much appreciated!
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