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Kelly and Jack ch2


1st Level Red Feather
Aug 26, 2008
I know I suck at paragraph control and layout and stuff so I apologise in advance. Also, this chapter has a love scene so if you dont like that stuff, dont read it, y'all know how it goes. Anywho, enjoy 🙂

Kelly and Jack Chapter 2

When I was on the way to our meeting point on Saturday, I felt something. It was weird but I felt kind of uneasy,
and I couldnt explain why. I had walked this route a thousand times, in daylight and darkness and never felt this way before.
I pushed the feeling away but it was still at the back of my mind as I walked to meet up with Jack.
I turned a corner and could have sworn I heard some one behind me.
I quickened my pace to see if the noise stopped but it only got louder.
I stopped, and then so did the foot steps. I looked around me, trying to convince myself I was not paranoid or insane,
then I carried on walking when I didnt see anybody.
I dont know what I was expecting, maybe for some one to jump out and say, "hey Kelly, nice day to follow some one dontcha think?"
I smiled at that absurd thought and relaxed my shoulders as I walked some more. But I didnt get far.
A few more steps later and all that was ringing in my head was the sound of my own screams.
The next thing I knew, I was being forced on to a chair and my hands were tied behind my back and my ankles
crossed and bound together, then in turn were tied to the legs of the chair.
I had a blind fold on and had never been so scared. "Please, I'll do anything, just dont hurt me," I begged.
I knew I sounded pathetic but I didnt care I was terrified.
"I need some information from you Miss Sulivan," said a voice. I guessed this was the guy who grabbed me.
"What?" I asked, "how do you know my name?"
"I'll ask the questions," he said, "what is your ATM PIN number?"
"I cant tell you that," I said, "I cant tell any one that."
"Well if you dont, I'm going to have to use force," he said.
"What? There's something up," I said, realizing all was not right, "what's wrong with your voice?"
"Well, naturaly I cant use my real voice in this situation, I could be traced by voice recognition softwear."
"I cant tell you that," I wimpered, "please dont do this."
"I'm sorry, I'm under strict instructions to extract the information by any means possible. I have to do this."
Before I could protest I heared him kneal down beside me. I was confused.
"What are you doing down there?" I asked him.
"Do you know the chinese have been using this interrogation method for hundreds of years?" he asked, tugging off my shoes.
"Chinese? What the Hell...........? Oh no! No stop, wait! Nohohohohoho! Eeehehehehehehehehek!
No, Jack stop! Hehehehehehehe!"
Then he reached up and tugged off my blindfold, and all I saw was his face grinning up at me.
As he pulled the blindfold off my eyes it gave me time to breath a sigh of relif as I leaned back in the chair.
"PIN number huh?" I asked, "nice touch."
"Yeah well, I figure why would I want your password at work when I can have the pass key to all your wages?"
"Good point," I told him, "I screwed up your role play huh?"
"Yes," he grinned evily, "and for that you must be punished!"
"Oh no," I teased, "who will help this poor damsal in distress?"
"No one that's who! Mwahahahaha!" he taunted in a cartoon evil villan kinda way.
I smiled and tried to brace my self for the on comming tickle attack now my shoes were off.
But nothing could prepare me for what came next.
Quick as a flash he leaned up on his knees, lifted my top and blew an atomic rasberry on my belly!
Naturaly he ignored me. I loved this guy.
When we stopped for a break, Jack went into the kitchen and brought with him two glasess of water. I thanked him and drank deeply, still out of breath.
After he had blown a few rasberries on my belly, Jack had tickled my sides for a bit and then gone back down to my feet to attack those instead.
Our session was going well, like it did every Saturday, like it had every Saturday for the past 3 months. I was kind of disapointed that that he hadnt interigated me as planned, so as I drank my water an idea came to me.
"This is fun, I love our sessions Jack," I told him as I drained my water glass and he took them both back to the kitchen.
"Me too honey," he replied smiling as he came back in the room,
"you need to use the bathroom?"
"Yes please," I told him, and he knelt down and untied my ankles.
I thanked him and walked to the bathroom.
When I was done, I came back and sat in my chair again. "Ok," said Jack,
"do you want to stay in your chair or be laying down? Either works with me and it's only one o'clock so we still have time."
"That we do," I replied, smiling at the thought.
"I'm hungry, would you like some lunch?"
"Sure, thanks," he said. So I smiled at him and excused myself to the kitchen.
I made us both sandwiches from the chicken Sarah and I had left over from last night's dinner. We offten had left overs from dinner seeing as how only two of us lived in the apartment.
Then I brought them in and we sat on the couch and ate.
"Thanks. Today has been fun," said Jack, "I love comming to see you."
"Yeah, I love when you come see me," I replied. As we finished up I took the plates back in the kitchen and washed them in the sink.
My idea was almost fully formed, I just had to think of how I would lead into it. I went back into the living room as Jack sat
and checked his phone for messages.
"So, did you get any valentines this year?"
"Me? Nah, I havent gotten a valentine in years," he said,
"I've had girlfriends but none of them stuck around long after they found out about my fetish."
"That sucks," I replied, "I'm never with guys long enough.
I'm always scared to tell them about my fetish in case they freak out."
"Yeah I know," he said, "but that's life I guess."
"Yeah. I just try to take comfort in the fact that forever is a long time and no one can be alone for that long.
I actualy want someone to be my valentine this year though, and that hasnt happened scince high school."
"Really?" asked Jack, his interest perking up, "so what's he like?"
"He is adorable," I said, "he's charming, the sweetest guy you could ever meet and he's very cute."
"He sounds nice," said Jack, "so what's his name?"
I smiled coyly and leaned back on the couch, crossing one leg over the other.
"Ok," chuckled Jack, "I see where this is going."
"What do you mean?" I asked in mock innocence.
"Vell," he said, putting on a German accent, "If you vill not give me se information I seek, I have vays of making you talk."
I giggled and uncrossed my legs. Then I stood up. "Well, this info is pretty
valuble," I teased, "It's gonna take a real expert in extracting information to get me to talk.
"Vell," said Jack, standing up slowly, "my method is se vorst, most horrible torture one can ever imagine, even more intense
vhen actualy having to be strapped down
and made to endure it." By this time, I had slowly walked a few steps away from the couch.
"Well it would need to be, because I would never give it up to any one with less skill and talent in interigation. Or a worse German accent."
I squeeled like a little girl as Jack launched himself across the room after me as I turned on my heel and ran toward my room.
He had already attached his restraints during out first break. When I got inside my room Jack was close behind me.
I ran to the oppisite side of the bed and we danced around it, me dodging left as Jack stepped to the right.
Then, he rolled his eyes and sat in the middle of the bed,
lay down on his side and rolled over to my side.
"Come 'ere!" he exclaimed, playfully grabbing me around the waist as I just as playfuly tried to fight him off.
"Jack nohohohohohohohohoho!" I squeeled as he tickled up and down my sides and ribcage as he wrestled me to the bed.
When he pinned me to the bed and finaly strapped me down, he kneeled above me, a proud look of triumph on his face.
"Haha!" he crowed, "now ve shall see how strong your resistance is!"
I was already laughing, and he hadnt touched me with his hands yet. Then he lifted my top and gave me a look that said tell me, or I'm gonna do it.
I merley smiled up at him, so he filled his lungs and blew rasberries all over my sides, hips and belly.
My laughter rose in volume and pitch as he blew a rasberry directly into my bellybutton.
"Tell me who you want your valentine to be!" he yelled over my screaming.
Then he filled his lungs again and emptied them through his vibrating lips on to my stomach.
"I know yur weakness helpless girl, and I will continue to torture you until you co operate!
"STOHOHOHOHOP! JACK this is so unfair. HEHEHEHEHE! your so mehehehehehehean!"
Then he stopped and knealt above me while I caught my breath.
"Kellycub you know how to make it stop sweetie, just tell me the name of the guy you want your valentine to be," he said.
I inhaled deeply before saying, "Jack, I cant tell you."
"Then I'm gonna have to keep torturing you until you change your mind,"
he said, grinning evily at me and filling his lungs again.
"NO! Jack dont, wait!"
"Yes Kelly?" he asked casually, as if he wasnt tickle torturing me at all.
"No, I just answeared your question," I said, blushing, and not just because I was breathless, "his name is Jack."
That stopped him. He looked down at me. First I thought he was horrifed but then he started to smile.
But then it faded and his expression turned confused.
"What?" I asked, "do I have to spell it out? Havent you embarrased me enough already?"
I laughed, "It's you Jack. My ideal valentine is you."
Then his smile became more and more obvious as he leaned down and kissed me.
When we seperated he said, "wow, there is a way to shut you up. I always wondered." I grinned and he leaned in again.
But before he kissed me for a second time, he untied my wrists. When we kissed again,
this left me free to wrap my arms around his back.
We broke apart and he told me to wait for a sec. Then he moved to the foot of the bed and untied my ankles.
He lay beside me and we turned on our sides to face each other. We talked for the rest of the session, right up until Sarah text to say
she was comming home.
We were both disapointed but we knew he had to go. He grabbed his restraints from the bed and put them away.
Then he grabbed his keys and phone and put them in his pocket.
I smiled as he came over and kissed me, then wrapped me in a hug. He smiled at me and left without a word. When I was sure he had gone,
I walked to my bed and fell backward on to it, grinning like an idiot.
But that's what I offten did when I thought of my Jack.

"I do."
"I do."
"And now by the power vested in me, I now prounonce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
A whole year after our first ever tickle session. Jack and I held hands in church and neither of us had ever been happier.
Now he had met every one I cared about. Mom, dad, Ryan, Emily, Sarah and Ethan.
A lot could happen in a year and it had. Before the wedding, Sarah and Ethan had moved in together.
Sure I missed her but that gave Jack and I more room to roam around.
He had happily moved into my appartment for me. I had suggested I move to him but he said this apartment is where our
love started. It's perfect.
So he had moved all his stuff in about a week and for the first month or so, he couldnt keep his restraints in his bag.
Of course I could never complain when he wanted to tickle me, and he took full advantage of that. We did regular couple stuff too,
offten double dating with Sarah and Ethan. Ryan was happy for us and although I never told any one the truth,
I guessed he could sence Jack and I didnt meet on a singles forum like we told every one. He knew me too well to belive me
and I loved him for never bringing it up.
When the service was done, we all thanked the minister and went out to eat. The meal was wonderful,
and my cell phone buzzed more than once during dinner with texts from Jack saying stuff like
when we get home, your feet are mine 😉
But that was only because I teased him through the service by running my nylon clad foot up and down his leg,
knowing very well that he couldnt tickle me while every one listened to the minister.
I loved to tease Jack and although he sometimes complained, I knew he loved to be teased.
Before we all went home, I was first in line to hug the new bride and groom.
"I'm so proud of you two," I told Sarah and Ethan.
"Thanks sweetie," said Ethan, "your turn next huh?"
"Maybe," I laughed as I hugged Sarah, "I think Jack may have something to say about that.
You two have a wonderful honeymoon."
"Oh we will," giggled Sarah as Ethan draped his arm over her shoulder and smiled, "and you and Jack are still comming
when we get home right?"
"Are you kidding?" said Jack, "we wouldnt miss it for the world."
"Of course not," I told her, "not even if some one tried to make us under torture."
I supressed a giggle as Jack's hand found the small of my back and his fingers spidered up my spine.
"Hehehey, no fair!" I whispered as Sarah and Ethan went to thank more people for comming.
"You have been very bad today young lady, and will be punished when we get home." He said into my ear,
just loud enough for me to hear.
Jack's words sent more shivers up my spine than his tickling. He knew I loved him to call me young lady,
and loved it even more when he "punished" me.
Nedless to say that night when we got home, I was punished severly, and enjoyed every second.

"Jack, over here honey!"
"There you guys are. I got your water sweetie."
"Thanks hon. Ethan you ok?"
"Me? Yeah I'm fine, just nervous."
"Relax sweetie she's gonna be great."
"I know she is."
"Sshh! It's starting."
"What is it? Why is everybody staring? Do I have something in my teeth?
Alright let's get this over with. No I am not sea sick,
yes I have always been green and no I did not eat grass as a child!"
"Oh and this is my sister Nessarose, as you can all see she is a perfectly normal colour."
"Elphaba! Stop making such a spectable of yourself! Dont forget I am only sending you to this school for one reason."
"To look after Nessa."
"that's right. My darling little girl. A parting gift."
"Oh father, jewelled shoes!"
"Nothing is too good for the future govoner of munchkin land.
Elphaba, take care of your sister.
And try not to talk so much."
"What a jerk," whispered Ethan
"Yeah can I go punch him?" Said Jack
"Hehe no, shush," I giggled as quietly as I could.
When the first half was done, we all went backstage with our passes to see Sarah.
"Hey there's my girl," said Ethan when he spotted her.
"Hey guys," said Sarah, hugging us all in turn.
"Sarah honey," I said when she got to me, "you were wonderful!"
"Really?" she asked, hugging Jack, "not too bad for my first night?"
"Sweetie your Defying Gravity was amazing!" said Ryan as he got his hug, "I've never been more proud of you."
"Thankyou guys. And thanks for comming back to see me," replied Sarah.
"Of course," I said, "we would never have missed this, we are all so proud sweetie."
"Thanks. Ooh he's there. Ryan, I want you to meet a friend of mine," said Sarah, waving to an actor.
"Hey Sarah, great first night so far."
"Thanks. Oliver this is my husband, Ethan, and my friends Kelly, her boyfriend Jack, Emily, and her brother, Ryan."
"Hi," said Oliver, "nice to meet you all."
"Oliver plays Doctor Dillamond," Sarah explained.
"Great job so far," said Ryan.
"Thanks," replied Oliver, "I hope your all enjoying the show."
"Yeah it's great," said Jack, "your all doing a great job."
"Thanks," Oliver said again, "and I'm sure your all proud of Sarah."
"Very," I said, "we always knew she would light up broadway."
"Aww that's sweet," he said, "well I should go get ready, please excuse me."
Oliver left and Sarah looked over at Ryan. He looked back and they smiled at each other wordlessly.
"Well, I should go get my green glow touched up," said Sarah, "and I'll see you guys after."
We all hugged Sarah again and wished her luck. Then we made our way back to our seats for the second half of the show.
After the performance, we all went back to Sarah's dressing room and waited for her to de greenify. When she was done in the shower,
we all clapped as she came back in the room. She blushed and smiled, waving her hands, signaling we should all sit down.
Ethan sat on a couch beside Emily, and Sarah sat on the arm.
Ethan pulled her down onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"wasnt my girl awesome?" said Ethan, kissing Sarah's cheek, "we are all so proud honey."
"Thankyou," said Sarah, smiling at her husband, "man I am starving! Can we go eat? I feel I havent eaten in like a week."
"Sure," I told her, "Jack already made dinner reservations."
"Great, I'll just hang my costumes back up and we can go. Wait, do I look ok? I could throw on something else for dinner."
"No you look fine," said Ryan, "can I help with your costumes? There so beautiful."
"Sure," said Sarah, "I wanted to talk to you anyway. Be right back guys."
Then Sarah led Ryan through to a big walk in wardrobe so they could talk, and he could drool over all her costumes.
When they were done 15 minutes later, we left for the resturaunt. We all kept Sarah talking through dinner,
wanting to know what went on behind the scenes of a broadway musical. She told us about the make up,
and how it took her about 30 minutes to get her face and hands painted green
for the role of Elphaba. Then Jack asked about her costumes.
"Well, I have the school uniform and the wig is tied up into a ponytail for the first part when I first come on.
I have that through What is this feeling, Popular, dancing through life, I have it on through most of the first half."
"When do you change to the cape?" asked Ryan.
"The witch's stuff I change into near to the end of the first act for Defying Gravity, and I have it on from then
through to the end," said Sarah, "but the hat Galinda gives me during dancing through life right after I talk to Nessa."
"Cool," said Jack, "it sounds like a lot of stuff to focus on."
"Yeah it will be for a while," said Sarah, "but I'll get used to the routine after a couple weeks.
But it's much the same as it was back home."
"So let me clear something up here sweetie," said Ethan, "the blonde you work with.
Her character name is Galinda, then it changes to Glinda right?"
"Yeah," said Sarah, "she's Galinda through the first half when you wanna slap her,
then she becomes Glinda right before Elphie gets on the train to go see the wizard."
"Yeah," said Emily, "and what a tool he turns out to be."
"I know right?" I said, "what a jerk, he dosent have any real power at all. That's why he and Morrible need Elphaba."
"Yeah, so he can learn how to read and understand the spellbook," replied Emily.
When dinner was over and we were done discussing the plot of Wicked, we all went back to the hotel.
That was one of the awesome things about having a friend star in a broadway musical. She fly you all out to New York,
get you tickets to her opening night and pay for you all to stay in a New York hotel.
When she first told us all she was going on tour with the show,
we were thrilled that it was going so well for her scince her first performance in Ohio back in the spring.
Then we opened our christmas cards from Sarah and Ethan when the season was upon us and saw the plane tickets.
When she explained we naturaly all went nuts and burried her in a group hug to show our grattitude.
Sarah was wonderful in her opening night in New York, as we all knew she would be.
It was pretty late when we got back so we all said goodnight and went to sleep.
We got home two weeks later after many goodbye hugs for both
Sarah and Ethan. They had to stay to wait out the rest of the tour.
She would be in New York for two more weeks and then the cast would move to the next state.
Sarah said she would fly us out when she could.
She said she would miss us because she and Ethan were going to be away from home for quite a while.

"When we get home, I will own you. I will make you completely mine."
With these words echoing in my mind, we set off for the movie theatre. It was two weeks after we had come home,
and Jack had been dropping hints that he would tickle me all day,
he was driving me crazy. He didnt say much as we
qued up for the tickets, but his hand was constanly resting on the small of my back.
His fingers would usualy be still but every now and then
he would very softly make spidering motitons. He would move up a little, but never far enough
to reach even the base of my spine.
When we got inside the theatre, he sat beside me and looked up at the screen. As the lights went down, I could feel his
hand move up my back. I tried to concentrate on the movie but when ever a romantic scene came on,
Jack's fingers would crawl up my back, sending a shiver up my spine, and then when ever the couple
kissed, he would slide his fingers up my back,
over both my shoulder blades and circle the nape of my neck, which he knew drove me nuts.
He did all this very discretly, never drawig attention to us, for which I was greatful. When the movie finaly finished,
we drove home in scilence, and I dreaded and anticipated the return home
all the way there. He shut off the engine when we parked up,
and gave me the house keys. I opened the door and went inside, and Jack followed behind. He closed the door behind us
and put on the latch. I put the house keys on the table and Jack rested the car keys next to them.
Next, he picked up the phone to take it off the hook, and rested it beside the base of the phone.
Whist he did all this, I stepped out of my shoes and stood in the hallway in scilence.
When he was done, he stood behind me and slid my coat off my shoulders.
He hung it up, and put his own beside mine. Then his hands were on my shoulders.
I stood still as he slid his palms down my back and back up again.
Then he fanned his hands out over my shoulders and I leaned into him as he gently massaged my neck.
Next, one of his hands slid down my back and under my shirt as the other increased the pressure on my neck.
Then his other hand slid down my back and under my top to unhook my bra. Then I lifted my arms so he could pull my top
over my head and let it drop to the floor, my bra still
tangled up inside. He unzipped my skirt too and as that fell to the floor I stepped out of it.
He looked me up and down, and I stooped down to pull off my nylons. Then he came and scooped me up in his arms and carried
me to our room. When we got through the door, he lay me on the bed and I raised my arms to meet
the restraints that had already been attached before we left home.
He strapped me down to the bed and made sure the pillow was under my head, then he brushed my hair out of the way
and kissed me. I returned the kiss as best I could being strapped down.
He then went to strap my ankles in place and went to the drawer where we kept the tickle toys.
The first thing he carried over was a blindfold,
and the last thing I saw was his smile before everything went dark. All I could do now was hear him rustle around in the
drawer and get out the toys he wanted. I was totaly at his mercy now, laying spread eagle, strapped to our bed in
nothing but black lace panties. I had started the day in cotton but when he had started hinting that he would tickle me, I
put on my lace pair. I knew he found those sexy. I heared him close the drawer and walk to my side.
"It's time," he whispered, sending goosebumps up my arms.
The first thing I felt was Jack lifting my feet and I knew what he wanted to do.
I felt him slide my nylons back on and as they were pulled up over my heels, he gently proceeded to tug them up my legs.
"Sit tight honey," said Jack, "I just want to admire the veiw for a while."
I smiled as I felt him kneel on the end of the bed. He loved the sight of me in nylons. When we had a slower,
more sensual session, Jack loved to take away my sight and hieghten my other scenses any way he could, and I was
always more than happy to be his guinepig when he wanted to try out new ideas. When he moved again, I felt him climb
off the bed completly and go and rustle around for something. I lay in the dark, trying to hear where he was.
He moved so softly and quietly it was hard to tell.
I was brought out of my day dream as I heared the click of his lighter. Neither of us smoked but we kept the lighter
for candles in case we had a power cut, or for our more romantic sessions.
I heared him turn on the spot to face me and he gasped softly.
"Wow," he whispered softly, "Kellycub you look amazing. The way you look right now, my hands just crave your skin,
it's almost like the candle light has a natural pull, a magical hold on me."
I smiled and blushed as he complimented me and squirmed a little in my bonds.
I always twitched on the inside when he told me I was beautiful.
He didnt even have to say the words directly, just hint at the fact that he liked the way I looked.
Maybe that could have been seen as superficial but I couldnt help the way my mind worked, how in love I was with Jack.
As I smiled wide, I felt Jack come to sit beside me. I jumped a bit as the next thing I felt was his lips just inches away
from my jawline, just below my ear. He breathed ever so gently on to my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.
Then he moved his head and began to softly kiss down my neck, his lips barley touching my skin.
I pulled down on my restraints, a little frustrated because I wanted to feel him more. He took the hint and increased the
pressure of his lips as he kissed down my neck and along my collar bone. We had done this many times before so he knew just where to kiss
and how much pressure to apply so he would get the best reaction. He continued the path down my torso with his lips,
kissing softly down my throat. He stopped just inches from my breasts and I moaned with frustration.
He missed my breasts and softly kissed and licked his way down my belly. I squirmed and giggled as his tounge
lapped over my upper, and then lower stomach. Down my thighs and over my knees, softly swirling his tounge round my kneecaps.
My feet arched as he hit another hot spot, he knew how sensitive my knees were.
Then he moved down to my feet and I knew what he wanted. He picked up my right foot and I felt him lift it up to his mouth.
I wiggled my toes as he very softly bit down on them, then I felt his tounge push through the material
as he flicked it between my toes. When he was done, he picked up my left foot and I giggled a bit as he nibbled on my heel.
Then, through the nylon I arched my back a little as I felt his tounge lick up my arch.
"Mmmm, Jack, please, take them off," I begged. He knew what licking up my arches did to me, and I hated when he did it
when the nylon was in the way of his tounge. So then I felt the nylons slowly being slid down my legs and off my feet.
Then Jack cradled both feet in one hand and I moaned out as his tounge lapped at both my arches at once.
Then his tounge made a path from my heels, up my arches, along the bases of my toes. I was wiggling my toes with pleasure
by the time he got up there and took each one into his mouth. He started with my right foot, really taking his time to
lick and suck his way up each individual toe stem. By the time he had got to my left foot, I was squirming as much
as my bonds would allow, which wasnt all that much. He kissed, sucked, and licked his way up my left foot from heel to toes,
really lapping hungrily at my arch before he sucked on all 5 toes of my left foot. When both feet were all wet from his tounge,
he started to trace just one finger up and down my right sole, making me flex my feet a bit but it didnt tickle enough
for me to giggle. He soon changed that as he added more fingers and when he got up to five, my laughter filled
the room as he raked all his nails over my wet sole. Then he switched and teased my left sole.
He caught me off guard a little when he went back to licking my left arch
before he teased my soles with his fingers, starting again with one and building up to all five spidering
up and down my bare feet.
After about 20 minutes of teasing with his teeth, tounge, lips and fingers,
he stopped so I could catch a breath. I felt him get off the bed and then climb up beside me.
He brushed my hair from my face and took off my blindfold so he could wipe my eyes. He smiled down at me and leaned in to kiss me.
I returned the kiss best I could while I was tied to the bed.
"Having fun?" he asked, smiling. He knew I was, he knew how much I loved it when he tickled me, sensual session or not.
I smiled and nodded up at him. "So far so good," I said quietly. Then he kissed me again and replaced the blindfold.
I felt him climb up on top of me with one of his knees on each side, and I grinned because I knew where he was going next. Ever scince we started talking online, Jack had always known my ultimate weak areas were my hips and sides. My favourite thing for him to do was bend his fingers up and very softly stroke round my hips and up and down my ribcage and sides. He just just that to me now, making me shiver all over as he hit certain hotspots. For my hips, he would make all his fingers into like a point, and fan them out slowly. He did the same on my kneecaps too, he knew it drove me crazy. But I never could complain because I loved it at the same time. Then sometimes, he would mix slow and sensual tickling with really tickle digging into my sides. That made me shreik, but when I screamed I would only ever scream for more. The only time I would hollar for mercy was when he blew rasberries over my belly, hip, side and ribcage area.
"IIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!" I was brought out of my daydream fast as Jack tickle dug into my ribcage.
"Mmmmm babydoll I love to make you howl! PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTT!" He yelled over my screaming just before he filled his lungs and exhaled through his vibrating lips directly into my belly button. I howled laughter and thrashed around as much as I could as he tickled assulted my torso. I squirmed hard and giggled when his fingers crawled up to my under arms every now and again, just to throw me off balance. If Jack was gonna go hard, he would really go hard, and that's how I liked it. The less mercy involved the better. After a straight twenty minutes of Heaven and Hell all mixed in together, Jack let up. I lay there panting for at least ten minutes before my breathing was normal again.
"You ok honey?" asked Jack as he took off my blindfold again.
"Yeah," I replied breathlessly, "that was awesome."
"Not too hard?" he asked, "I can get carried away sometimes, I know I can."
"Yeah, like that's ever been a problem," I giggled weakly.
"That's true," he said, smiling down at me. He stooped down to kiss my fore head and move my hair again.
"You need me to slow down some?" he asked.
"Maybe a little," I replied some what reluctantly.
"No problem," he said, "I know what to do."
With that, he covered my eyes back up and climbed off the bed, only to sit on the end of it 2 seconds later. Unbeknown to me, he picked up my discarded nylons and lifted my right foot. Then he grabbed the nylon and I smiled as I felt him gently seperate my toes and place the nylon between my big and second toe. Then he put down my foot and held the nylon at both ends, and began to pull it slowly back and forth between my toes. We called this toe flossing, and I relaxed into the pillow as he worked on my right foot. It tickled a little but not as much as his fingers would if he spidered them up and down my soles. When he was done, he moved to my left foot and worked on those toes. I giggled a little when he would sneak in some finger tickles but this was nice. With my toes all flossed, he climbed back up to sit beside me again. I smiled in his general direction and in return he stroked my hair and told me I was beautiful. I blushed, like I always did when he would compliment me.
"Oooh, what's that?" I gasped sudenly as I felt something soft brush over my right nipple. He just chuckled at my reaction and softly brushed whatever it was over my left nipple next. Then he took the brush and softly traced it all over my breasts, right first, then left. He brushed it all over, underneath, round the outsides, over the nipples.
"Mmmmmmmm, saving the best till last I see," I moaned and arched my back as he brushed up and down the sides of my breasts. We both knew this was another spot for me. Ticklish if he delivered an all out tickle assult, merly sensitive when he brushed them softly.
"Dont I always?" he asked as my nipples hardened under the soft tickles of the tool.
"That's true," I said, "is that my makeup brush?"
"Yes ma'am," he told me as he flicked the brush a little faster, "I love to watch your back arch when I do this."
"Mmmm," I cooed, doing just that as he stroked the sides of my breasts again, "I love when you do stuff to make my back arch. That feels good."
"I aim to please," he told me, and even though I couldnt see him, I could tell he was smiling.
After about, I would guess, ten minutes more of brushing, he stopped and I heared the brush being set on the dresser.
"Mmmmm these look nice and hard," he said, and I arched again as his index finger circled my right, then left nipple, "maybe they need a different kind of attention."
Then, before I could say a word, he had taken his
tounge and lapped hungrily over my nipples.
Then, before I could say a word, he had taken his tounge and lapped hungrily over my nipples.
He teased them softly with his teeth and softly sucked on them both, in turn.
I moaned and arched my back, wanting him to lick harder, wanting him to suck harder, wanting him.
"Jack, please," I half whispered, half moaned as he teased my nipples.
He heared the desperation in my voice and moved down the bed.
He took his fingers and spidered them all over my panties. I squirmed and arched as much as my bonds would allow.
He moved to pick up the brush again and came back to me. Then he moved my panties to the side, reaveling me but still
leaving them on, and softly brushed over my lips. I moaned, so frustrated that my panties still stood in his way.
"Dont worry cub, they will come off," he promised, "I just dont want this to end yet."
I spread my legs and he parted me, softly stroking the brush up and down.
"Jack please, I need you inside me," I begged.
"Just a little bit longer," he said as my breathing got heavier and my makeup brush picked up speed.
After about 20 more minutes of brush torture, he finaly took pity on me
and pulled down my panties. He pulled them off my feet and untied my ankles
so he could spread my legs wide. Then I tugged down hard on my wrist restraints as he drove his tounge inside me.
He licked up and down, deeply and hungrily lapping at my clit. Then I almost screamed in frustration as he stopped.
"Hold on a sec," he said, pretty breathless himself, "I cant take much more of this either".
Then he stood up and I heard the zipper on his pants comming down.
His shoes were off already and then I heard him throw his pants aside and felt him climb back on the bed.
Then when he eased himself inside me, I realized he wasnt kidding about not being able to take much more.
We rocked and moved with eachother for less than ten minutes before a wave of ultimate pleasure crashed over us both.
Then he crashed beside me and untied my wrists, before I crawled up to him
and we slept in each other's arms from sheer exhaustion.
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