by Max Speer
Chapter One
From the Horses Mouth
So how’s everybody doing so far? You following this? There are a lot of reasons why I decided to finish my Kittletown story in first person. I think you have a good background of what has happened so far and you probably thought it was an entertaining work of fiction. Well guess what? It’s all real. I received all the additional information about what happened between Bob and the Girls from them. We all got together after the Miss Tickle contest with Gregory, Trina, Sam & Ted. Remember them? They were two guys who met Jamie and Amy at that "Outside" Diner. They were obsessed with the girls after they tickled them in the stable and found Kittletown. Imagine that – stumbling right into the Michael’s Building.
Also present was Ed Lansing, who after tickling Sandra, became a confidante. Did you know that Mr. Lansing is a bio-chemist? But I think the biggest surprise to all of you is that our richest supply for information was Sandra. Sandra, the red-haired beauty who slipped into out small town like a firecracker and exploded like an atomic bomb. No, she wasn’t in on the Plot. Not at first. But Gregory and Trina are very persuasive and Sandra is very ticklish. She is also very fond of water. Our biggest nut to break, at that time, was Barbara. This may surprise you since she had changed over so much. But it was something silly like a Mother’s Love and all that; trying to protect those two ticklish witches, Jamie and Amy. But I was confident that she’d come around. I had lots of help and I was very sure that Pizza Boy and the Tickle Punks would be more than willing to help out.
That was a while ago. A lot had happened since the Miss Tickle Contest. I plan on telling all, from what I got from those involved and that which I, myself, experienced first-hand.
But before I do that, I think it’s important to tell you the events that led up to the Mayer’s move to Kittletown.
Who am I, if you haven’t guessed? Mister Jim Mayer, at your service; Barbara’s devoted husband. So sit back and relax, and let me tell you how it all came about – from the beginning. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride, My Friends.
by Max Speer
Chapter One
From the Horses Mouth
So how’s everybody doing so far? You following this? There are a lot of reasons why I decided to finish my Kittletown story in first person. I think you have a good background of what has happened so far and you probably thought it was an entertaining work of fiction. Well guess what? It’s all real. I received all the additional information about what happened between Bob and the Girls from them. We all got together after the Miss Tickle contest with Gregory, Trina, Sam & Ted. Remember them? They were two guys who met Jamie and Amy at that "Outside" Diner. They were obsessed with the girls after they tickled them in the stable and found Kittletown. Imagine that – stumbling right into the Michael’s Building.
Also present was Ed Lansing, who after tickling Sandra, became a confidante. Did you know that Mr. Lansing is a bio-chemist? But I think the biggest surprise to all of you is that our richest supply for information was Sandra. Sandra, the red-haired beauty who slipped into out small town like a firecracker and exploded like an atomic bomb. No, she wasn’t in on the Plot. Not at first. But Gregory and Trina are very persuasive and Sandra is very ticklish. She is also very fond of water. Our biggest nut to break, at that time, was Barbara. This may surprise you since she had changed over so much. But it was something silly like a Mother’s Love and all that; trying to protect those two ticklish witches, Jamie and Amy. But I was confident that she’d come around. I had lots of help and I was very sure that Pizza Boy and the Tickle Punks would be more than willing to help out.
That was a while ago. A lot had happened since the Miss Tickle Contest. I plan on telling all, from what I got from those involved and that which I, myself, experienced first-hand.
But before I do that, I think it’s important to tell you the events that led up to the Mayer’s move to Kittletown.
Who am I, if you haven’t guessed? Mister Jim Mayer, at your service; Barbara’s devoted husband. So sit back and relax, and let me tell you how it all came about – from the beginning. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride, My Friends.