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Knight Made Into Belly Dancer By Tickling! (F/F)


Registered User
May 7, 2023
Lady Adeline of Normandy stood tall and proud, her fiery red hair cascading down her back. She had left her homeland to join the Crusades, driven by an unwavering faith and a desire to prove herself as a warrior. Her skill with a sword was unmatched, and her dedication to the cause had earned her respect among her fellow knights.

But fate had other plans for the formidable Lady Adeline. During a skirmish near the edges of Egypt, she found herself separated from her comrades and surrounded by enemy forces. Despite her valiant efforts, she was eventually overwhelmed and captured.

Now, Adeline found herself being led through the opulent halls of an Egyptian palace, her wrists bound behind her back. The guards flanking her marched in step, their faces impassive as they escorted their prized captive.

Chapter 1: Trail

Lady Adeline's heart raced as she was led into the grand throne room of the Egyptian palace. The cool marble floor contrasted sharply with the heat of her flushed skin, a mixture of anger and trepidation coursing through her veins. Her captors had stripped her of her armor, leaving her in a simple tunic that clung to her athletic frame and big boots that covered her feet.
The room fell silent as Adeline's eyes locked onto the figure seated upon the ornate golden throne. Queen Nefertari, ruler of Egypt, gazed back at her with an intensity that made Adeline's breath catch in her throat.
"Your Majesty," one of the guards announced, his voice echoing through the cavernous chamber. "We present the captured Crusader knight."
Nefertari's lips curled into a subtle smile as she studied the redheaded warrior before her. The Queen had overseen numerous executions of Crusaders that day, but none had possessed the striking beauty and defiant demeanor of this one.
"Approach," Nefertari commanded, her voice soft yet authoritative.
The guards shoved Adeline forward, causing her to stumble. She quickly regained her footing, refusing to show weakness before her captor. As she drew closer to the throne, Adeline could feel the weight of Nefertari's gaze upon her.
"Hold her still," the Queen ordered. "I want to ensure she carries no hidden weapons before I get any closer."
Adeline's eyes widened as the guards grabbed her arms, pinning them behind her back. One guard clamped a hand over her mouth, muffling her protests. She struggled against their grip, but it was futile.
"Lift her garment," Nefertari instructed. "Check thoroughly."
The guards complied, slowly raising the hem of Adeline's tunic to reveal her toned midriff. Their rough hands moved across her skin, searching for any concealed daggers or poisons. Unbeknownst to them, Adeline was incredibly ticklish, and their probing fingers sent jolts of sensation through her body.
One guard dug his fingers into her ribs, ostensibly checking for hidden compartments in her clothing. Adeline bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to stifle a laugh that threatened to escape. The ticklish sensations were almost unbearable, but she refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing her squirm.
As the guards continued their search, Adeline's tunic rode down lower, revealing the swell of her breasts. She noticed the guards' eyes lingering, their focus shifting from their task to her barely contained curves. One guard's hand began to move upward, under the guise of checking for weapons.
"Enough," Nefertari's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Release her mouth."
The guard reluctantly removed his hand from Adeline's face. She gasped for air, her chest heaving with each breath.
"But Your Majesty," one of the guards protested, "she's a prisoner. Surely we can have some fun with her?"
Adeline's emerald eyes flashed with fury. She spat at the guard's face, her voice dripping with venom. "Touch me again, and I'll make you regret the day you were born."
The guard raised his hand to strike her, but Nefertari's voice froze him in place.
"Silence!" The Queen's command echoed through the chamber. "All of you."
The room fell deathly quiet. Adeline stood there, her tunic still bunched up around her ribcage, exposing her toned abdomen. She met Nefertari's gaze once more, refusing to look away or show any sign of submission.
Nefertari rose from her throne, descending the steps with fluid grace. She walked up to Adeline slowly, taking in every detail of the captured knight. Her eyes lingered on Adeline's exposed skin, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Nefertari circled Adeline, her gaze traveling over the knight's form with predatory interest. She stopped in front of her captive, close enough that Adeline could feel the warmth of her breath.
"So, you're the lone survivor of your little crusade," Nefertari purred. "Tell me, what makes you so special?"
Adeline lifted her chin defiantly. "Nothing. I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time."
The Queen's eyes narrowed. "Is that so? Guards, ensure our guest doesn't try anything foolish."
The guards tightened their grip on Adeline's arms, their fingers digging into her flesh. She winced but refused to cry out.
Nefertari leaned in, her lips nearly brushing Adeline's ear. "You know, we had quite the spectacle planned for today. A public execution to show what becomes of those who dare invade our lands."
Adeline's heart raced, but she kept her voice steady. "Then get on with it. I'm not afraid to die for my cause."
The Queen chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Adeline's spine. "Oh, but where's the fun in that? I'd hate to disappoint the crowd, but I think you might be more valuable to me alive."
She trailed a finger along Adeline's arm, her touch feather-light yet somehow menacing. "You see, I'm always in need of new... entertainment."
Adeline jerked her head away. "I'll never submit to you or your heathen ways."
Nefertari's eyes glinted with amusement. "We'll see about that, my fierce little warrior. You'd be surprised how quickly people can change their minds when given the right... motivation."
The Queen snapped her fingers, and a servant appeared at her side. "Fetch Layla," she commanded. "Tell her I have a task that requires her expertise."
As the servant scurried away, Nefertari turned her attention back to Adeline. She slowly bent down, giving the knight an unobstructed view of her generous cleavage barely contained by her sheer gown.
Adeline averted her eyes, a flush creeping up her neck. Nefertari noticed and smiled wickedly.
"What's the matter, crusader? Never seen a real woman before?" She reached out and patted Adeline's exposed belly.
Adeline shrieked, more from surprise than anything else. The Queen's touch was unexpectedly cold against her warm skin.
"Oh, sensitive, are we?" Nefertari's smile widened as she began to massage Adeline's abdomen, her fingers digging in deep.
The sensation wasn't ticklish, but it was deeply unsettling. Adeline squirmed in the guards' grasp, her hips swaying as she tried to escape the Queen's touch.
Nefertari's eyes followed the movement, and she mumbled something under her breath that Adeline couldn't quite catch.
Just then, the doors to the throne room opened, and a woman entered. She was dressed in a stunning blue outfit that left little to the imagination. Sheer fabric clung to her curves, adorned with intricate beadwork that caught the light with every step. Her midriff was bare, showcasing toned muscles that rippled as she moved.
The woman approached the Queen and bowed low. "You called for me, Your Majesty?"
Nefertari straightened, her hand leaving Adeline's stomach. "Ah, Layla. Yes, I have a task for you. I need you to assess our new guest."
Layla's eyes traveled over Adeline's form, lingering on her exposed midriff. "Assess her for what, exactly?"
"Her potential as a dancer," Nefertari replied, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I think she might have hidden talents."
Adeline's eyes widened in disbelief. "You can't be serious. I'm a knight, not some common entertainer!"
Nefertari ignored her outburst. "Go on, Layla. Give her a thorough examination."
Layla stepped closer to Adeline, her hips swaying hypnotically. She reached out and traced a finger along Adeline's stomach, her touch light and calculating.
"Hmm," Layla murmured, her hand moving in slow circles. "Good muscle tone. Strong core. She has potential."
Adeline tried to hold still, but Layla's feather-light touch was incredibly ticklish. She bit her lip, determined not to show any reaction.
Layla's fingers danced across Adeline's ribs, then down to her hips. "Nice definition here. She could learn to isolate these muscles with some training."
A giggle bubbled up in Adeline's throat, but she quickly turned it into a scornful laugh. "This is ridiculous. I'd rather face the executioner's blade than become some whorish belly dancer!"
Layla's hand froze, her eyes flashing with anger. "Whorish? How dare you! Our dance is an ancient and respected art form!"
Adeline sneered. "Art? Please. It's nothing more than a vulgar display to entice men's base desires."
"You ignorant barbarian!" Layla hissed. "Our dances tell stories, preserve our history. They require strength, skill, and discipline – things you clearly know nothing about!"
"Enough," Nefertari's voice cut through their argument. "Layla, your assessment?"
Layla took a deep breath, visibly calming herself. "Despite her attitude, Your Majesty, I must admit she has the physical attributes to become an exceptional dancer."
Nefertari nodded, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "Excellent. That will be all for now, Layla. Come, walk with me. I have some matters to discuss with you."
As the Queen and Layla moved away, Adeline could hear snippets of their conversation.
"...quite the fire in her..."
"...break that spirit..."
"...plans for her..."

Chapter 2: Conviction

Nefertari turned on her heel, her wicked smile growing as she sauntered back towards Adeline. The knight tensed, her muscles coiling beneath her skin as the Queen approached.
"Hold her steady," Nefertari commanded the guards, her voice silky smooth.
The men tightened their grip on Adeline's arms, their fingers digging into her flesh. She gritted her teeth, refusing to show any sign of discomfort.
Nefertari's gaze slid down Adeline's body, pausing at her feet. "Layla, be a dear and fetch some rope. I think our guest needs to be properly secured."
The dancer nodded and glided out of the room, her hips swaying with each step.
Nefertari circled Adeline slowly, like a cat toying with its prey. Her eyes fixed on the knight's boots, a curious expression crossing her face.
"Those boots look dreadfully uncomfortable," she mused, tapping a finger against her chin. "Why on earth do you wear them? Surely there are more practical options for a warrior."
Adeline stiffened, her heart rate quickening. "They're sturdy and reliable. Perfect for long marches and battle."
The Queen raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Is that so? They seem rather... restrictive. And in this heat? Your feet must be suffocating."
"I'm used to it," Adeline replied curtly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
Nefertari's smile widened, sensing she'd struck a nerve. "Come now, there must be more to it than that. No one endures such discomfort without reason."
Adeline's mind raced, searching for a plausible excuse. "They... they were a gift. From my father."
"How sentimental," Nefertari purred, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "But I don't believe you. What are you hiding, I wonder?"
The Queen crouched down, reaching for one of Adeline's boots. The knight jerked back instinctively, nearly losing her balance.
"Don't touch me!" Adeline snarled, her face flushing red.
Nefertari laughed, a musical sound that echoed through the chamber. "My, my. Such a strong reaction over a simple boot. You know, in my experience, people only get that defensive when they're trying to hide something."
She stood up, her face inches from Adeline's. "So tell me, little crusader. What's the real reason you keep those feet of yours hidden away?"
Adeline's eyes widened in shock. How could she possibly know?
Nefertari's grin turned predatory. "Oh yes, I noticed. It's hard to miss, really. Those boats you call boots aren't exactly subtle. So what is it? Embarrassed by their appearance? Or perhaps..."
She trailed off, her gaze calculating. Adeline swallowed hard, trying to keep her expression neutral.
"Perhaps they're sensitive?" Nefertari ventured, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Is that it? Are you hiding a weakness, brave knight?"
Adeline's silence was all the confirmation Nefertari needed. The Queen clapped her hands together in delight.
"Oh, this is too perfect," she crowed. "The fearsome crusader, brought low by her own feet. Tell me, have you always been this way? Or did years of cramming them into those boots make them more... responsive?"
Adeline glared at her captor, refusing to dignify the question with a response. But her flushed cheeks and quickened breathing betrayed her.
Just then, Layla returned, a coil of rope draped over her arm. Nefertari's eyes lit up at the sight.
"Excellent timing, my dear," she said, gesturing towards Adeline. "Secure her tightly. We wouldn't want our guest getting any ideas about escape."
"Don't worry," she whispered, her breath hot against Adeline's skin. "Your secret's safe with me. For now."

Nefertari's eyes gleamed with anticipation as Layla approached with the rope. The dancer moved with a determined grin, her steps silent on the polished stone floor.
"Secure her to the table," Nefertari commanded, gesturing to a long, ornate piece of furniture nearby. "Make sure she can't move an inch."
Adeline's eyes widened, a flicker of fear crossing her face before she masked it with defiance. "You're wasting your time," she spat. "I'll never become a dancer."
The Queen chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent shivers down Adeline's spine. "Oh, my dear, you misunderstand. I don't want you to become just any dancer. I want you to become my dancer."
She emphasized the word "my" with a possessive growl that made Adeline's stomach flip. The knight opened her mouth to retort, but before she could speak, the guards were hauling her towards the table.
"Get your hands off me!" Adeline snarled, thrashing against their grip. But her struggles were futile against their combined strength.
The guards forced her onto the table, stretching her arms above her head. Layla moved swiftly, her nimble fingers working the rope around Adeline's wrists. The dancer's touch was surprisingly gentle as she secured the knots.
"You're making a mistake," Adeline hissed through clenched teeth. "I'm a warrior, not some plaything for your amusement."
Nefertari circled the table, her eyes roving over Adeline's form. "Why can't you be both?" she mused. "A warrior's strength and discipline, combined with a dancer's grace and allure. You could be magnificent."
The guards moved to Adeline's legs, pulling them taut and securing her calves to the table's corners. The rope bit into her skin, but she refused to show any sign of discomfort.
"Never," Adeline growled, her face flushing red with anger and exertion.
Nefertari's lips curled into a smile. "Such fire. It's intoxicating, really. But I wonder..."
The Queen trailed off, her gaze dropping to Adeline's feet. The knight's boots were still firmly in place, but Nefertari's eyes held a knowing glint that made Adeline's heart race.
"I wonder how long that fire will burn once we discover your... weakness," Nefertari purred.
Adeline's breath caught in her throat. She knows, the knight thought, panic rising in her chest. But how?
Nefertari moved to the head of the table, gracefully lowering herself onto a cushioned stool. She leaned forward, her face hovering inches above Adeline's.
"Let me paint you a picture, my stubborn little crusader," the Queen began, her voice low and intimate. "Imagine, if you will, an entire village gathered in the town square. Men, women, trained warriors – all of them eager to please their Queen."
Adeline's brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Nefertari's smile widened, revealing perfect white teeth. "I'm talking about motivation, my dear. You see, if you continue to resist, I might be forced to... outsource your convincing."
The knight's eyes widened in horror as understanding dawned. "You wouldn't," she whispered.
"Oh, but I would," Nefertari replied, her tone casual as if discussing the weather. "Picture it: day after day, hour after hour, an endless parade of villagers, each one determined to break down your resolve."
Adeline shook her head violently. "You're bluffing. You wouldn't waste so much time and effort on one prisoner."
The Queen laughed, the sound echoing off the chamber walls. "Time and effort? My dear, it would be the most entertaining spectacle this kingdom has seen in years. An attractive crusador, brought low by the nimble fingers of peasants."
She leaned in closer, her lips brushing against Adeline's ear. "And those peasants would be so very thorough. Every inch of you explored, every weakness exploited. But I think we both know where they'd focus their attention, don't we?"
Adeline's face paled, her worst fears confirmed. This can't be happening, she thought desperately. It has to be a bluff. No one could be this cruel, this calculating.
But as she met Nefertari's gaze, she saw no hint of deception in those dark, glittering eyes. Only amusement, curiosity, and an hunger that made Adeline's blood run cold.
"Last chance," Nefertari whispered. "Agree to be my dancer, and we can avoid all that unpleasantness. What do you say?"
Adeline gritted her teeth, summoning every ounce of defiance she possessed. "I say go to hell," she snarled.
The Queen straightened, sighing dramatically. "Such language from a lady. Very well, if that's your choice..."
She snapped her fingers, and the guards moved towards Adeline's feet. The knight's heart hammered in her chest as she felt hands on her boots.
"No!" she cried out, unable to stop herself. "Don't!"
Nefertari held up a hand, halting the guards. "Second thoughts, my dear?"

Adeline's eyes darted around the room, her mind racing. She took a deep breath, her bust rising and falling rapidly beneath her restraints.
"Wait," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Come closer. I... I have something to tell you."
Nefertari's eyebrows raised, a victorious smirk playing at the corners of her lips. She leaned in, bringing her face mere inches from Adeline's.
"Yes, my dear?" the Queen purred. "Have you finally seen reason?"
In that moment, Adeline's eyes flashed with defiance. Without warning, she reared her head back and spat directly into Nefertari's face.
The glob of saliva landed squarely between the Queen's eyes, slowly trickling down the bridge of her nose. Nefertari's eyes snapped shut instinctively, her mouth a perfect 'O' of surprise then closing. The spit continued its journey, sliding over her lips and chin, leaving a glistening trail in its wake.
Time seemed to stand still as the room collectively held its breath. The spittle reached Nefertari's elegant neck, gathering momentum as it descended towards her exposed cleavage. It nestled there, a defiant pearl against her smooth olive skin.
Layla, the belly dancer, rushed forward with a cloth, her eyes wide with panic She removed the wet spots from her face then decended down to her bust. "Your Majesty, let me-"
But before she could touch her chest, Nefertari raised a hand, stopping her in her tracks. The Queen's eyes remained closed, her expression unreadable.
"Leave it," she commanded, her voice eerily calm.
Layla froze, the cloth hovering inches from Nefertari's chest. She glanced uncertainly at the guards, who looked equally bewildered. Slowly, reluctantly, she lowered the cloth and stepped back.
Nefertari's eyes fluttered open, fixing Adeline with a gaze that could freeze the desert itself. The knight met her stare, chin raised in defiance despite the fear churning in her gut.
"I see," Nefertari said, her voice as smooth and cold as polished marble. "It seems I've underestimated your... spirit."
She straightened, making no move to wipe away Adeline's act of rebellion. The spit glistened in the torchlight, a badge of the knight's defiance.
"I'm afraid I must rethink my proposition," the Queen continued, her tone deceptively light. "You see, I had planned to offer you a choice. To give you the opportunity to embrace your new role willingly."
She began to pace, her movements slow and deliberate. The guards tensed, clearly expecting an outburst, but Nefertari remained unnaturally serene.
"But now?" She paused, turning back to face Adeline. "Now, I believe I'll make it my personal mission to break you."
The words hung in the air, heavy with promise. Adeline suppressed a shudder, refusing to let her fear show.
"You won't succeed," she growled. "I've faced worse than you on the battlefield."
Nefertari's lips curled into a smile that held no warmth. "Oh, my dear. This isn't a battlefield. This is my domain, and here, I am law."
She moved closer, her voice dropping to a near-whisper. "Let me paint you a picture of your future, Adeline. It's really quite... exciting."
The Queen's eyes took on a faraway look, as if she were already seeing the scene she described.
"Picture yourself, transformed. Your hair, once wild and unkempt, now silken and adorned with golden beads that chime with your every movement. Your skin, no longer hidden beneath layers of armor, but gleaming with scented oils, decorated with intricate henna designs that accentuate every curve."
Nefertari's fingers traced invisible patterns in the air as she spoke, her voice taking on a dreamy quality.
"Those strong arms of yours? They'll be draped in gossamer veils, light as a whisper against your skin. And your legs? Oh, those powerful legs will learn new strength as you master the art of the dance."
She paused, her gaze dropping to Adeline's feet, still encased in their boots.
"But your feet, my dear... they'll be the true masterpiece. Bare, always bare, adorned with anklets that jingle with each step. The soles painted with intricate designs, a work of art that will drive men and women alike to distraction."
Adeline's breath caught in her throat, a mixture of horror and shame washing over her.
"You'll dance for hours, days even," Nefertari continued, her voice taking on an almost hypnotic quality. "Your body will ache, your feet will burn, but you'll push through the pain because that's what warriors do, isn't it? Only now, your battlefield will be the palace floors, your weapon the sway of your hips."
The Queen's eyes gleamed with a predatory light as she leaned in closer.
"And when you're not dancing? You'll be laughing and begging, begging to dance again."
Adeline squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the vivid imagery, but Nefertari's words continued to paint pictures in her mind.
"But the true test? That will come when I introduce you to my court. Imagine it, Adeline. The fearsome crusader, now the most sought-after dancer in all of Egypt. Nobles will beg for a moment of your time, offering fortunes just to tickle those famous feet of yours."
Nefertari's voice dropped even lower, forcing Adeline to strain to hear her next words.
"And you'll let them. Because by then, you'll do everything I tell you to do, everyting."
The Queen straightened, her expression clearing as if she were coming out of a trance. She looked down at Adeline, who lay pale and wide-eyed on the table.
"That, my dear, is your future. And we begin now."
Without warning, Nefertari moved to the end of the table where Adeline's feet were bound. The knight's head shot up, her eyes wide with alarm as she watched the Queen reach for her boots.
"No," Adeline gasped, unable to keep the panic from her voice. "Don't-"
But her protests fell on deaf ears. With agonizing slowness, Nefertari began to untie the laces of Adeline's right boot. The knight strained against her bonds, her muscles tensing as she fought the urge to kick out.
"Please," she whispered, hating the weakness in her voice. "You don't understand."
Nefertari paused, her fingers still working at the laces. "Oh, but I think I do," she replied, her tone almost gentle. "You've hidden this part of yourself for so long, haven't you? Ashamed of these feet that you believe betray your femininity, your weakness."
Adeline squeezed her eyes shut, her chest heaving with rapid breaths. She knew there was no going back now. Her secret, the one she'd guarded so fiercely for years, was about to be exposed.
The Queen resumed her task, carefully loosening the boot. "You've only removed these in absolute privacy, haven't you? Terrified that someone might discover your weakness, might use it against you."
As the boot began to slide off, Adeline let out a shuddering sigh. She'd known this moment would come eventually, but she'd never imagined it would be like this – bound and helpless, at the mercy of an enemy who seemed to see right through her carefully constructed defenses.

As Nefertari's fingers worked deftly at the laces of Adeline's boot, the knight's breath caught in her throat. The Queen's eyes locked onto Adeline's, a predatory glint dancing in their depths.
"My, my," Nefertari purred, her voice low and teasing. "Such a grand effort to keep these hidden. One might think you're guarding the crown jewels themselves."
Adeline clenched her jaw, fighting the urge to look away. The boot loosened, sliding off with agonizing slowness. Nefertari's gaze never wavered, even as her hands moved to the sock beneath.
"Shall we unveil the mystery?" the Queen asked, her fingers toying with the edge of the sock.
Adeline's voice came out as a hoarse whisper. "Don't."
But Nefertari paid no heed. With deliberate care, she peeled back the sock, revealing inch after inch of pale skin. As the last of the fabric fell away, the Queen's eyes widened, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.
"Well, well," she murmured, tracing a finger along the arch of Adeline's foot. "What have we here?"
The knight's foot was a study in contradictions. Large, yes, but with an elegant shape that belied its size. The skin was smooth and unblemished, a stark contrast to the calloused hands of a warrior. Each toe was perfectly formed, nails neatly trimmed and clean.
Nefertari's finger continued its exploration, following the curve of the arch. Adeline couldn't suppress a shiver, her toes curling involuntarily.
"Sensitive, aren't we?" the Queen observed, her smile widening. "And so beautifully maintained. One might think you've been preparing for this very moment."
Adeline's voice came out strained. "I take pride in all aspects of my person."
"Indeed," Nefertari agreed, her touch becoming more purposeful as she began to massage the foot. "Such dedication is admirable."
As her fingers worked, Adeline felt a treacherous warmth spreading through her body. She bit her lip, struggling to maintain her composure.
"You know," the Queen mused, her eyes still locked on Adeline's, "in my culture, feet are considered a window to the soul. Yours speak volumes, my dear bellydancer."
Adeline's resolve wavered, her voice softer than before. "And what do they say?"
Nefertari's smile turned enigmatic. "That beneath that armor beats the heart of a woman far more complex than she lets on."
Her thumb pressed into a particularly sensitive spot, and before Adeline could stop herself, a laugh bubbled up from her throat. She clamped her mouth shut, mortified, but it was too late.
The Queen's eyes lit up with triumph. "Ah, there it is. The chink in your armor."
Adeline's cheeks burned with embarrassment. "It means nothing," she growled, but her voice lacked its earlier fire.
Nefertari continued her ministrations, her touch alternating between firm and feather-light. "Oh, but it means everything, my dear. It means I've found the key to unlocking and breaking your spirit."
The knight squirmed, torn between the urge to pull away and the stubborn desire not to move. "You're mistaken," she managed, her breath coming in short gasps. "I won't... I can't..."
"Can't what?" Nefertari prompted, her voice silky smooth. "Submit? Enjoy? Embrace this future new self?"
Adeline's frustration boiled over. "I won't be your puppet!" she snapped. "I'm not some weak-willed woman like the rest to be manipulated by-"
She cut herself off, realizing too late the implications of her words. Nefertari's eyes narrowed, her hands stilling.
"Weak-willed?" the Queen repeated, her tone dangerously soft. "How interesting that you equate femininity with weakness."
Adeline backpedaled, her earlier bravado crumbling. "That's not what I meant. I-"
"Oh, I think it's exactly what you meant," Nefertari interrupted, her grip on Adeline's foot tightening ever so slightly. "You fear the power of your own femininity, don't you? You've buried it so deep, convinced yourself that to be strong means to deny everything that makes you a woman."
The knight fell silent, unable to meet the Queen's gaze. Nefertari's expression softened almost imperceptibly, a flicker of something akin to understanding passing across her features.
"You've done yourself a great disservice, Adeline," she said, her voice gentler now. "True strength lies in embracing all aspects of oneself."
Her hands resumed their massage, working out the tension in Adeline's foot with practiced ease. Despite herself, the knight felt her body begin to relax.
"I could teach you," Nefertari murmured, her eyes never leaving Adeline's face. "Show you how to wield your femininity as skillfully as you do your sword."
Adeline swallowed hard, her resolve wavering. "I... I don't know-"
A smile played at the corners of Nefertari's mouth, equal parts predatory and alluring. "That, my dear, is precisely why you need me."
As the Queen continued her ministrations, the two guards stationed at the door exchanged meaningful glances.
"Well, this is getting interesting," the first guard muttered under his breath.
His companion nodded, eyes darting between the Queen and the captive knight. "You can say that again. Who do you think's hotter? The Queen or the crusader?"
The first guard considered for a moment. "Tough call. The Queen's got that whole mysterious, seductive thing going on. But the knight? There's something about that fiery personality."
"And that body," the second guard added with a low whistle. "Did you see how she filled out that armor? Talk about curves in all the right places."
"Yeah, but remember when we were carrying her in? The way she struggled, all that raw power... It was kind of hot, wasn't it?"
His companion smirked. "Definitely. I wouldn't mind being on the receiving end of some of that energy, if you know what I mean."
They fell silent as Nefertari glanced in their direction, both straightening to attention. As soon as her focus returned to Adeline, they relaxed.
"Still," the first guard mused, "the Queen's got moves. Did you see how she's working that foot? Girl doesn't stand a chance."
"True. But my money's on the knight holding out longer than expected. She's got spirit."
They shared a grin, settling in to watch the unfolding drama.
Meanwhile, Layla, the belly dancer, stood off to the side, her eyes wide as she observed the scene before her. Her gaze darted between the Queen's nimble fingers and Adeline's increasingly flushed face.
She watched as Nefertari's hands moved with practiced ease, eliciting reactions from the knight that Adeline seemed desperate to hide. It was like watching a master artisan at work, every touch calculated for maximum effect.
'I've seen the Queen seduce nobles and diplomats,' Layla mused, 'but this? This is something else entirely.'

Chapter 3: Increased Intensity

As Nefertari's fingers continued their exploration of Adeline's foot, the Queen's touch became more purposeful. Her fingertips danced lightly across the knight's sole, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Adeline.
"My, my," Nefertari purred, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "What have we here? A ticklish knight?"
Adeline clenched her jaw, determined not to give the Queen the satisfaction of a response. But her body betrayed her as Nefertari's fingers skimmed along the arch of her foot, causing her toes to curl involuntarily.
The Queen's smile widened. "Oh, this is delightful. I wonder..." She increased the pressure slightly, her nails now grazing the sensitive skin.
A strangled sound escaped Adeline's throat, somewhere between a gasp and a giggle. She bit her lip hard, fighting to maintain her composure.
Nefertari's movements became more deliberate, her fingers working in tandem to cover every inch of Adeline's sole. The tickling sensation intensified, and Adeline felt her resolve crumbling.
"Come now, Lady Adeline," Nefertari coaxed, her voice silky smooth. "There's no shame in laughter. In fact, I find it quite... enchanting."
As if to emphasize her point, the Queen's fingers zeroed in on a particularly sensitive spot just below Adeline's toes. The knight's eyes widened, and before she could stop herself, a burst of laughter erupted from her lips.
Nefertari's eyes lit up with triumph. "There it is! Such a lovely sound. I think we should hear more of it, don't you?"
Without waiting for a response, she redoubled her efforts, her fingers moving with increasing speed and pressure. Adeline's laughter grew louder, more frantic, as she struggled against her bonds.
"S-stop," she gasped between giggles. "This is... this is beneath you, Your Majesty!"
The Queen raised an eyebrow, her fingers never ceasing their relentless assault. "Beneath me? Oh no, my dear. This is precisely where I want to be."
As Adeline's laughter echoed through the chamber, Nefertari glanced to the side, where an assortment of items were put down by the mischievous bellydancer on a small table. With her free hand, she reached for a small vial of oil and a set of hairbrushes, placing them right next to Adeline's foot.
The knight's eyes widened as she caught sight of the implements. "What... what are those for?" she managed between bouts of laughter.
Nefertari's smile turned predatory. "Oh, these? Just a few tools to help us... explore this newfound sensitivity of yours. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We have so much more to discover first."
Her fingers found their way between Adeline's toes, and the knight's laughter took on a manic edge. She thrashed against her restraints, her face flushed and her breath coming in short gasps.
"P-please," Adeline pleaded, her voice barely recognizable through her laughter. "I can't... I can't take much more!"
"Oh, but you can," Nefertari countered, her voice filled with amusement. "And you will. After all, we've only just begun. Or you could just agree to my terms…"
As the tickling continued relentlessly, Adeline's mind raced, searching for a way out of her predicament. "Wait!" she gasped. "What if... what if we made a deal?"
Nefertari's fingers slowed, but didn't stop entirely. "A deal? How intriguing. Do go on."
Adeline struggled to form coherent thoughts through the haze of sensation. "I could... I could teach you about our military strategies. Or... or share information about the crusaders' plans!"
The Queen tsked, shaking her head. "My dear Adeline, do you really think I'm interested in such trivial matters? No, you know I have something far more valuable in mind."
Her fingers found a particularly sensitive spot on the ball of Adeline's foot, and the knight's laughter reached a new pitch. Nefertari leaned in revealing her cleavage.
"What I want," she whispered, "is you. All of you. Your strength, your passion, your hidden depths. All of it serving me."
Adeline's eyes widened in panic as she realized the full extent of her situation. Her laughter took on a desperate edge as Nefertari's tickling intensified once more.
"My, my," the Queen mused, her gaze traveling along the length of Adeline's foot. "For a fierce warrior, you certainly have delicate feet. And so large, too."
Adeline's face burned with embarrassment, her laughter interspersed with sobs of frustration. Nefertari continued, her voice taking on a teasing lilt.
"I wonder what your fellow crusaders would think if they could see you now. Their proud, stoic Lady Adeline, reduced to helpless giggles by a simple touch."
The knight shook her head frantically, trying to deny the Queen's words even as laughter poured from her lips.
Nefertari's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with dark amusement. "Oh, but it's true, isn't it? These beautiful, ticklish feet of yours... they're your secret weakness. And now, they're the key to your transformation."
She paused her tickling for a moment, allowing Adeline to catch her breath. The knight gasped, her chest heaving as she struggled to regain control.
"T-transformation?" Adeline panted, fear and confusion warring in her eyes.
Nefertari's fingers danced along Adeline's sole, eliciting another burst of involuntary laughter from the knight. The Queen's voice was honey-sweet as she spoke.
"Remember, my dear Adeline, your future as my barefoot belly dancer awaits. I'll tickle away that stubborn pride of yours, bit by bit."
Adeline shook her head frantically, gasping between giggles. "N-never! I won't... I won't submit to this madness!"
The Queen merely smiled, her fingers finding a particularly sensitive spot. "Oh, but you will. Your stubbornness is no match for my persistence."
Despite her predicament, Adeline's eyes flashed with defiance. She managed to spit out, "I'd rather die than become your plaything!"
Nefertari tsked, unfazed by the knight's rudeness. "Such spirit. It will make your eventual submission all the sweeter."
She repeated her earlier statement, her voice taking on a sing-song quality. "A barefoot belly dancer, Adeline. That's what you'll be. Your feet on display for all to see, your body moving to my command."
Adeline's face flushed with anger and embarrassment, her laughter now interspersed with growls of frustration. The Queen continued her relentless assault, her words a constant reminder of Adeline's predicament.
"Tickle, tickle," Nefertari cooed. "Feel that stubbornness melting away? Soon, you'll be begging to dance for me."
"Never!" Adeline cried, renewed strength surging through her as she pulled against her bonds.

Chapter 4: The brush

As Nefertari's fingers continued their relentless assault on Adeline's sensitive soles, the Queen's gaze drifted to the small table beside them. With deliberate slowness, she reached for one of the hairbrushes, its bristles gleaming in the flickering torchlight.
Adeline's eyes widened as she caught sight of the implement. Her laughter hitched for a moment, replaced by a sharp intake of breath.
"What... what are you planning to do with that?" she gasped between giggles.
Nefertari's lips curled into a predatory smile. "Oh, my dear Adeline. I think you know exactly what this is for."
The Queen turned her head, addressing the two guards stationed near the chamber's entrance. "You there. I require assistance."
The guards exchanged glances, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty on their faces. One of them, a burly man with a thick beard, stepped forward eagerly. "How may we serve you, Your Majesty?"
Nefertari's eyes glinted with amusement. "Just one of you will do. I need someone to keep our guest's foot still. It seems Lady Adeline has trouble controlling her... reactions. I can barely keep up with her twitching."
The bearded guard's face lit up, while his companion's fell in disappointment.
"I volunteer, Your Majesty!" the bearded guard exclaimed, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically.
The other guard protested, "But I've been standing here longer. Surely I should have the honor?"
Nefertari raised an eyebrow, her voice taking on a dangerous edge. "Are you questioning my choice?"
Both guards immediately stiffened, fear replacing their earlier eagerness. "No, Your Majesty," they chorused.
"Good," Nefertari purred. "You," she pointed to the bearded guard, "will assist me. And you," she addressed the other, "will have your turn... eventually. Now, come here."
The chosen guard approached, trying to maintain a professional demeanor despite the excitement evident in his eyes. Adeline, still giggling from the Queen's fingers, watched his approach with growing apprehension.
Nefertari instructed the guard, her voice honey-sweet but laced with authority. "I need you to keep her foot perfectly still. Hold her toes back, stretched out. And put your weight on her leg. We wouldn't want our dear knight to hurt herself thrashing about, would we?"
The guard nodded, moving into position. He placed his hands on Adeline's ankle, his grip firm but not painful. Slowly, he stretched her toes back, exposing the full expanse of her large sole.
Adeline felt her breath catching in her throat. The vulnerability of her position hit her anew, and she renewed her struggles against the bonds.
"No, please," she gasped, her voice a mix of laughter and desperation. "Your Majesty, you don't have to do this. We can... we can talk about this!"
Nefertari's smile widened, a predatory glint in her eyes. "Oh, but I do have to do this, my dear. And we are talking. You're just not saying what I want to hear... yet."
The Queen positioned herself, brush in hand, next to Adeline's immobilized foot. The knight could feel the guard's weight on her leg, rendering her completely helpless.
"Now, Lady Adeline," Nefertari purred, "let's see how long you can hold out against this."
She began a slow countdown, her voice dripping with anticipation. "Ten..."
Adeline's heart raced, her eyes fixed on the brush hovering just above her foot.
She could feel the guard's grip tightening, ensuring she couldn't even twitch her toes.
Nefertari's eyes locked with hers, filled with mischievous glee.
She knew, with a sinking feeling, that there was only one way to stop this.
Nefertari paused, the brush now barely grazing Adeline's sole. The knight released her breath preparing herself, knowing what was coming but powerless to stop it. She would not give in yet.
Without warning, the Queen brought the brush down with an evil grin catching her by suprise, its bristles scraping across Adeline's sensitive skin. The sensation was immediate and overwhelming.
Adeline's eyes widened in shock and suprise, her mouth opening in a silent scream as she had no air in her lungs, she almost choked before erupting into uncontrollable laughter. The brush moved relentlessly, its bristles finding every sensitive spot on her sole.
"Oh my, sorry dear Adeline, I just could not wait any longer!" Nefertari cooed, her voice barely audible over Adeline's frantic laughter. "It seems we've found quite the weak spot, haven't we?"
The knight thrashed against her bonds, her body convulsing with each stroke of the brush. But the guard's weight kept her foot firmly in place, leaving her completely at the Queen's mercy.
"P-please!" Adeline gasped between bouts of hysterical laughter. "St- STOP I CANT!"
Nefertari's smile only grew wider. "Oh, but you can, my dear. And you will. Unless, of course, you're ready to agree to my terms?"
The brush continued its relentless assault, moving from the arch of Adeline's foot to her heels, then back up to the sensitive spots just beneath her toes. Each new area brought fresh peals of laughter from the knight.
"N-no!" Adeline managed to choke out, her face flushed.
The Queen tsked, shaking her head in mock disappointment. "Such stubbornness. But don't worry, we have all the time in the world to change your mind."
She adjusted her grip on the brush, focusing on the ball of Adeline's foot. The knight's laughter reached a new pitch, her body jerking violently against her restraints.
"Imagine," Nefertari said, her voice taking on a dreamy quality, "how beautiful you'll look, dancing for me. Your feet bare, adorned with golden anklets. Your body moving to the rhythm of the music, every step a testament to your submission."
Adeline shook her head frantically, unable to form words through her relentless laughter. The image Nefertari painted was her worst nightmare, but somehow it became the better of two evils.
The Queen continued, her words punctuated by the steady movement of the brush. "You'll be the jewel of my court, Adeline. A warrior turned dancer, your strength and grace on display for all to see. And every step, every movement, will remind you of this moment."
The knight's laughter took on a desperate edge, her chest heaving as she struggled to breathe. She could feel her resolve crumbling with each pass of the brush, each word from the Queen's lips.
Nefertari leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "All you have to do is say yes, my dear. Say yes, and this ends. Say yes, and a new life begins."
For a moment, Adeline felt herself wavering. The relentless tickling, the Queen's seductive words, the utter helplessness of her position – it was all becoming too much.
But then, from somewhere deep within, she found a last reserve of strength. Through her laughter, she managed to gasp out, "N-never!"
Nefertari's eyes flashed with a mix of admiration and frustration. "Very well, then. Let's see how long that resolve of yours lasts."
She nodded to the guard, who adjusted his grip, stretching Adeline's toes even further back. The knight felt a new wave of vulnerability wash over her as her sole was exposed even more fully.
The Queen resumed her tickling with renewed vigor, the brush now moving in quick, short strokes across the most sensitive parts of Adeline's foot. The sensation was maddening, sending jolts of ticklish energy through her entire body. Adeline's back arched involuntarily, causing her chest to heave and her cleavage to jiggle with each frantic movement.
Sweat began to form on Adeline's brow, her skin glistening in the warm chamber. Her red hair, once neatly arranged, now clung to her face in damp tendrils. The knight's laughter echoed off the walls, interspersed with gasps and pleas for mercy.
From the corner of the room, Nefertari's belly dancer stepped forward. Her bangles jingled softly as she approached, a small vial in her hand.
"Allow me, Your Majesty," she said mischievous, her voice like silk.
Nefertari paused her assault, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. She nodded, allowing the dancer to kneel beside Adeline's foot.
The dancer uncorked the vial, and the scent of jasmine filled the air. With practiced grace, she poured a thin stream of oil onto Adeline's sole. The cool liquid made the knight gasp, her toes curling instinctively.
Nefertari's smile widened as she watched the oil spread across Adeline's foot, making the skin glisten. "Oh, how thoughtful," she purred, her fingers trailing through the slick surface. "This will make things so much more intense."
The Queen picked up the brush again, now slick with oil. The bristles glided effortlessly across Adeline's sole, the sensation even more intense than before. The oil amplified every touch, every stroke, sending Adeline into new heights of ticklish agony.
Adeline's laughter became almost soundless, her body convulsing with each stroke of the brush. Tears streamed down her face, and she could feel herself getting light-headed from the lack of proper breath.
"Still not ready to give in?" Nefertari asked, her voice a mix of amusement and genuine curiosity. "I must say, I'm impressed by your endurance. But everyone has their breaking point, my dear. Even you."
The brush moved to the base of Adeline's toes, and her laughter suddenly found its voice again, erupting in a series of high-pitched shrieks. She pulled against her bonds with renewed desperation, but they held firm.
"St-stop!" she managed to gasp out between bouts of laughter. "Please... I c-can't..."
Nefertari paused for a moment, allowing Adeline to catch her breath. "Can't what, my dear? Can't take anymore? Or can't resist any longer?"

Chapter 5: Transformation
As the relentless tickling continued, Adeline felt her world crumbling around her. The Queen's brush danced across her oiled sole, each stroke sending shockwaves of sensation through her body. Her laughter, once defiant and controlled, began to change. It became fuller, more feminine, almost musical in its cadence. Nefertari noticed the shift immediately. "Oh, what's this? Is our fierce knight finally letting go?"
The Queen's words barely registered in Adeline's mind as she writhed on the table. Her frown, which had been etched on her face since the ordeal began, slowly melted away. Her features softened, her jaw relaxed, and her eyes took on a glazed, unfocused look.
"You know, tickling is an art form," Nefertari mused, her brush tracing grinding circles on Adeline's ankle. "It's all about finding the right spots, the right pressure. Like this little spot right here."
She pressed the brush against a particularly sensitive area just below Adeline's toes, eliciting a high-pitched squeal that surprised even the knight herself.
"See? That's the sweet spot. Everyone's got at least. You just gotta find it."
Adeline's body jerked involuntarily, her muscles tensing and relaxing in rapid succession. She was dimly aware that she had stopped struggling against her bonds, her energy now focused entirely on the overwhelming sensations coursing through her.
"You're probably wondering why I'm doing this, of course I want to torture and punish you," Nefertari continued, her voice taking on a casual tone that contrasted sharply with the intensity of her actions. "But it's not just about breaking you, you know. It's about remaking you. Stripping away all those layers of armor – literal and figurative – that you've built up over the years."
The Queen's words washed over Adeline, mingling with the waves of ticklish agony. She found herself hanging on every word, even as her mind struggled to process them through the fog of sensation.
"I've seen it before, you know. Warriors like you, all rigid and uptight. But under all that, there's always something softer, something more... feminine. And I'm gonna bring that out, one brushstroke at a time."
As if to emphasize her point, Nefertari increased the speed of her tickling, the brush now a blur as it moved across Adeline's sole. The knight's laughter reached a new pitch, her voice cracking as she gasped for air.
"P-please," she gasped, her voice barely audible through her frantic giggles. "I... I'm at my limit... I'm..."
Nefertari paused for a moment, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and amusement. "At your limit, you say? And what does that mean, exactly? Are you ready to embrace your new role, or are you still clinging to that stubborn pride of yours?"
The Queen's fingers hovered teasingly over Adeline's foot, causing the knight to flinch in anticipation. Adeline's mind raced, torn between her ingrained sense of duty and the overwhelming desire for the tickling to stop.
"I... I don't know," Adeline admitted, her voice trembling.
Nefertari's smile widened, a predatory glint in her eyes. "Oh, my dear Adeline. That confusion is just the first step. Your old self is slipping away, making room for something new... something beautiful and sexy."
She traced a single nail deep along the arch of Adeline's foot, eliciting a sharp gasp from the knight. "Tell me, what do you feel right now? Beyond the tickling, beyond the laughter. What's stirring inside you?"
Adeline closed her eyes, trying to sort through the whirlwind of sensations and emotions. "I feel... I feel like I'm losing control," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
"And how does that make you feel?" Nefertari pressed, her voice soft but insistent.
"Scared," Adeline replied, her eyes snapping open to meet the Queen's gaze. "But also... also..."
"Yes?" Nefertari encouraged, her finger now tracing lazy circles on Adeline's heel.
"Excited," Adeline breathed, the word escaping her lips before she could stop it. Her eyes widened in shock at her own admission.
"There it is. That's the truth hidden beneath all that armor, all that training. You're not just a warrior, Adeline. You're a woman with desires, with a need to express herself beyond the battlefield."
The Queen's words struck a chord deep within Adeline. She felt something shift inside her, a wall crumbling that she didn't even know existed. Her laughter took on a new quality, almost joyous in its abandon.
"That's it, let it all out," Nefertari encouraged, her fingers joining the brush in their relentless assault. "Let go of all that stubbornness, all that pride. It's just you and me now, honey. No need to put on a show."
Adeline felt her sense of self slipping away with each passing moment. The strong, stoic knight she had always been seemed like a distant memory. In her place was someone new, someone who reveled in the sensations coursing through her body, someone who laughed freely and unashamedly.
"You know, I've got big plans for you," Nefertari continued, her voice taking on a dreamy quality. "I can see it now. You, in my court, moving like a goddess. Those big feet of yours, all prettied up with henna and gold anklets. Your body swaying to the music, every movement a testament to your grace and beauty."
The image painted by the Queen's words burned itself into Adeline's mind. To her surprise, she found herself not recoiling from it, but embracing it. The idea of dancing, of being admired for her beauty rather than her strength, suddenly seemed incredibly appealing.
"But first, we gotta get rid of all this leftover knightly nonsense," Nefertari said, her voice hardening slightly. "And that means breaking you down completely. So let's kick things up a notch, shall we?"
With a subtle nod from Queen Nefertari, the guard standing nearby could finally step forward. His strong hands, calloused from years of wielding weapons, now had a different purpose. He positioned himself at Adeline's side, opposite the Queen.
"Let's see how our brave knight handles a more... forceful touch," Nefertari purred, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
The guard's large hands descended upon Adeline's ribs, his fingers dancing along her sides with surprising dexterity. The contrast between his rough skin and the light, ticklish touch sent shockwaves through Adeline's body. Her laughter, already uncontrollable, reached new heights.
At another gesture from the Queen, the belly dancer approached. She and the guard now focused their attention on Adeline's untouched foot, still securely bound. The belly dancer produced another vial of scented oil, similar to the one used earlier.
With graceful movements, she uncorked the vial and began to pour the oil over Adeline's foot. The cool liquid trickled between her toes and across her sole, making the knight gasp and curl her toes instinctively.
The second guard, following the lead of his companion, began to work the oil into Adeline's skin. His strong fingers kneaded the muscles of her foot, spreading the oil evenly. Despite the initial gentleness of his touch, Adeline could feel the latent strength in his hands, knowing that at any moment, that touch could turn into something much more intense.
The belly dancer, her fingers adorned with delicate rings, joined in the preparation. She focused on Adeline's toes, gently pulling them apart and ensuring each was thoroughly coated in the fragrant oil. The light touches of her jewelry against Adeline's sensitive skin elicited small giggles, a prelude to the laughter that was about to erupt.
Meanwhile, Nefertari continued her assault on Adeline's other foot, the brush now moving in quick, erratic patterns that left the knight guessing where the next stroke would land.
As the preparation of her second foot neared completion, Adeline felt a moment of dread mixed with anticipation. She knew that once they began tickling this foot as well, her last shred of resistance would crumble.
The Queen, sensing this moment of realization, leaned in close to Adeline's ear. "Are you ready, my dear? Ready to let go completely?"
The new overwhelming sensation sent Adeline into a frenzy. Her back arched off the table, her chest heaving with each desperate gasp of laughter.
"Oh, you like that, don't you?" Nefertari teased, her voice barely audible over Adeline's hysterical laughter. "Just imagine how good it'll feel when you finally give in. When you let go of all that tension and just... surrender."
The word 'surrender' echoed in Adeline's mind, cutting through the fog of sensation. She felt herself teetering on the edge of something monumental, a precipice she had been approaching without even realizing it.
Nefertari seemed to sense the shift. She leaned in close, her lips nearly touching Adeline's ear. "Come on, sweetie. You know you want to. Just let go. Let me remake you into something beautiful, something free. "
The Queen's words, combined with the relentless tickling, pushed Adeline to her limit. She felt her last defenses crumbling, her resolve finally shattering under the onslaught of sensation and seduction.
As the tickling reached a crescendo, Adeline's mind went blank. All thought, all resistance, all sense of self was stripped away. In that moment of pure, ticklish agony, she knew only one thing with absolute certainty:
She would do everything to make her stop.
Chapter 6: The New Bellydancer

The grand hall of the palace buzzed with activity as Queen Nefertari lounged on her golden throne. Servants scurried about, preparing for the evening's festivities, while courtiers engaged in hushed conversations. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the promise of excitement.
Nefertari's eyes wandered lazily across the room, taking in the opulent decorations and the nervous energy of her subjects. A smile played at the corners of her lips as she contemplated the night ahead.
"Your Majesty," a silky voice interrupted her thoughts. "The delegation from Persia has arrived."
Nefertari turned to face her advisor, her interest piqued. "Excellent. Show them in."
As the advisor hurried off to fetch the guests, the Queen's attention was drawn to the entrance of the hall. The crowd parted, revealing a figure that made Nefertari's smile widen into a predatory grin.
Adeline, once the proud knight of Normandy, now glided into the room with an otherworldly grace. Her transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Gone was the stiff, stern warrior, replaced by a vision of feminine beauty and sensuality.
The former knight's body was adorned in sheer, flowing silks that left little to the imagination. The fabric, a deep crimson that complemented her fiery hair, clung to her curves before cascading to the floor. Gold chains draped across her hips, accentuating their sway with each step. Her toned midriff, once hidden beneath armor, now glistened with scented oils.
Adeline's face, once set in a perpetual scowl, now beamed with a radiant smile. Her green eyes, lined with kohl, sparkled with joy and mischief. Her red hair, freed from its utilitarian braid, tumbled down her back in luscious waves.
But it was Adeline's feet that truly captured attention. Those once-hidden appendages were now proudly on display, adorned with intricate henna designs that swirled up her ankles. Gold anklets jingled with each step, drawing the eye to her long, shapely legs. Her toenails gleamed with a deep red polish, perfectly matching her outfit.
As Adeline moved through the crowd, her hips swayed in perfect rhythm, hypnotizing all who watched. She approached the throne with a dancer's grace, each step deliberate and seductive. When she reached Nefertari, she sank into a deep, fluid bow, her flexibility a testament to her training.
"My Queen," Adeline purred, her voice low and sultry. "How may I serve you this evening?"
Nefertari's eyes raked over Adeline's form, a look of smug satisfaction on her face. "My dear, your presence alone is service enough. Stand beside me and let our guests marvel at your beauty."
Adeline rose, taking her place next to the throne. Her posture was perfect, her body a work of art on display.
As the Persian delegation entered, led by their own queen, Nefertari noticed the way their eyes were drawn to Adeline. She smirked, knowing the effect her prized dancer had on people.
After the formal greetings were exchanged, the Persian Queen couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Your Majesty," she addressed Nefertari, her voice tinged with awe, "your dancer is truly exquisite. I've never seen such grace and beauty combined."
Nefertari's smile widened. "Isn't she just? And to think, she was once a brutish knight from the barbaric lands of Europe."
The Persian Queen's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? This vision of loveliness, a knight?"
"Oh, it's quite true," Nefertari said, relishing the story. "She came to my land as part of a crusade, all stiff posture and misplaced pride. But I saw the potential beneath that clumsy exterior."
Adeline blushed prettily at the Queen's words, her eyes downcast in a show of modesty.
"It took some... persuasion," Nefertari continued, a wicked glint in her eye, "but eventually, she embraced her true nature. Now, she's the jewel of my court, desired by all who lay eyes on her."
The Persian Queen's gaze lingered on Adeline, particularly on her feet. "Those feet... they're magnificent. So large, yet so graceful. I've never seen anything like them."
Nefertari chuckled. "Ah yes, her feet. They were the key to her transformation, you know. She used to be so ashamed of them, always hiding them in those clunky boots. Now, they're her greatest asset."
The Persian Queen licked her lips, her eyes never leaving Adeline's feet. "I don't suppose... that is, would it be possible..."
"To borrow her?" Nefertari finished, amused. "Well, that depends. Are you fond of tickling? Because I can assure you, if you'd like to tickle those big, beautiful feet of hers, Adeline would be more than happy to oblige. Isn't that right, my dear?"
Adeline's face lit up at the mention of tickling. She nodded eagerly, her whole body seeming to vibrate with excitement.
"Oh my," the Persian Queen breathed, her cheeks flushing. "I... I would very much like that."
"Well then," Nefertari said, gesturing magnanimously, "by all means."
The Persian Queen approached Adeline, her movements regal yet tinged with anticipation. She held out her hand, which Adeline took without hesitation.
"The chambers, perhaps?" the Persian Queen suggested, her voice husky with desire.
Adeline's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with joy. She nodded enthusiastically, already imagining the delightful sensations to come.


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