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Lacus Clyne (Gundam Seed & Gundam Seed Destiny) Mature 18+


TMF Regular
Jun 8, 2005
Tickling Lacus Clyne

BY: Falconwing & epsilon7466Mk2

(This story is made using the chapters of “Tickling Lacus Clyne” on the writing.com site. With permission from the founder of the story, I was allowed to put one of the story arcs that Falconwing and I were the main contributors, into a non-interactive story format. If you read the story that is on writing.com, it is pretty much the same. The only difference is that parts have been extended, parts have been redone but still maintain the path the story went, some mature content has been added at the end of the story (It’s my first time writing something like this so I apologize if my skills do not match your expectation), and lastly, many, many grammar and spelling mistakes have been corrected to the best of my and Microsoft Word's abilities. As mentioned above, mature content has been added so be warned if you don’t care for the material. The story content focuses on foot tickling, foot worship and massages. With that being said and if you’re still reading this, sit back, relax, grab something to drink, and enjoy. Roll it.)

P.S. For those who that are unfamiliar to the series, their are pics of the main characters.

With a slight groan Lacus emerged from her slumber. Upon waking she was shocked to see that she was tied spread-eagle to her bed. Lacus became somewhat scared when she realized that she was tied to her bed. Luckily she still had on the same dress (which was casual one that she wore in Destiny), and shoes she had worn to the party last night. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Meer Campbell.

Lacus felt strange as she was face-to-face with herself. Her imposter walked menacingly towards her, her eyes gazing deeply over her helpless captive.

"Lacus Clyne... I've wanted to meet you again. All my life I've wanted to be you. The only thing that keeps me from actually becoming you is...you."

"What do you want from me?" Lacus cried, struggling in her bonds.

"I want to be you!"

"You aren't me, and you shouldn't try to be. You need to be yourself."

"NO!" Meer shouted, shaking furiously, "I am Lacus Clyne now! And you'll accept that or else..." A wicked smile grew across the girl's face. "Let's have a little fun, shall we? Now, what shall we do with this dress?" Meer said while eyeing Lacus from head to toe and wondering whether to take her dress off or leave it on.

"I think I'll save the dress for later." Meer said with a smirk. "In the mean time I'll just take a look at those cute shoes you have on."

With that Meer grabbed the heel of Lacus' left shoe, and began tugging gently. Lacus offered little resistance and within seconds the low-heeled white shoe was pried off of Lacus' foot.

"Oh my, I've never seen such a beautiful foot." Meer thought to herself. Lacus' foot was indeed pretty. It was size-6, perfectly shaped, not too long, or too wide, toenails were unpainted. Lacus always taken good care of her entire body, and her feet were no exception. Even though she was no longer a ZAFT pop singing star, she still made sure her feet got a weekly pedicure, even if she had to do it herself. Also she treated her feet to a sweet scented lotion every night.

At this point Lacus had two things going against her. One was that Meer Campbell was secretly bisexual, and had often had numerous fantasies about herself and the Pink Princess. The second was the fact that when it came to women, Meer had a full blown foot-fetish.

Meer was mesmerized by the beauty of Lacus' foot. Almost all desire to be Lacus had been replaced with a desire to dominate this Pink-haired goddess, and make her hers.

At this point Meer began to take off Lacus's other low-heel shoe, very slowly.

Lacus struggled to keep her shoe on, but to no success.

Now both of her shoes were off. Lacus's beautiful, and soft, size-6 feet were now bare. Meer just stood there looking at Lacus's flawless feet. Her feet were so sensitive that a simple touch would send lacus up the wall.

"Their so beautiful!" said Meer.

"What are you going to me?!" Lacus cried.

"I'm not sure where start." Meer said completely ignoring what Lacus was saying.

"Please, let me go and stop this! Please!" Lacus

Meer paid Lacus no mind her, and just stared at her feet wondering what to do first.

"I think I’ll rest my head on her foot and snuggle it." Meer thought to herself.

Meer then brought her face up to Lacus' feet and began nuzzling them. Lacus began to giggle as she felt Meer's face snuggling against her feet.

"Oh my, their so pretty and soft." Meer said. "They even smell good." Meer then began to plant a dozen kisses over each of Lacus' soles causing her giggling to intensify.

Meer then began to start kissing each of Lacus' toes.

Meer then pressed her face against Lacus's flawless feet and started sniffing her beautiful small toes.

Lacus broke out in a fit of giggles. "Meer, stop that, it tickles!" Lacus said through her giggles while wiggling her toes in the cutest way, trying to get them away from Meer, but to no avail.

Meer paid no attention to Lacus and continued her fun.

Meer started to kiss each one of Lacus's beautiful toes. From her small toe, to her big toe. She kissed them slowly, enjoying the feeling while her toes wiggled around tapping her face.

Lacus was giggling so much she couldn't make words. She tried to escape but all she could do was flex her feet and wiggle her toes.

Lacus didn't like this but she didn't exactly hate it either. In the back of her mind the thought how enjoyable this might be if Kira was massaging, nuzzling, tickling, kissing, sucking, and playing with her feet. Every now and then when she looked at Kira, she noticed Kira stealing glances at her feet. When he noticed her, he would quickly look away and blush. She thought that Kira might secretly have a fetish for her feet. She always enjoy the time she spent with Kira, and was happy when he was happy and when they did things together, if having her feet to do what he wanted to do would make him happy then she would gladly do it, even if she was very ticklish, she would put up with it if it was Kira. Lacus thought that when she got out of this situation, she would tempt Kira with her feet by resting them in his lap and see what happened. Then her chain of thought was broken.

Meer started suck and lick her toes very slow. She ran her tongue around and in between Lacus's perfect toes.

That was the last straw. Lacus was now laughing hysterically. She thrashed around but her restraints would not let her go. All Lacus could do was flex her feet and wiggle her toes.

Lacus tried to tell Meer to stop but she couldn't say anything. She tried to imagine it was Kira was doing this to her. It helped somewhat but then she remembered that she was being held against her will and that in turn reminded her of who was doing this to her.

Lacus's laughter was music to Meer's ears. She never wanted this to end. Her feet tasted so good. She thought about going to the kitchen and getting some whip cream, chocolate syrup, or something and putting it on her feet. She decided to do so, when she can pull herself away from these flawless feet.


3 hour have passed and Lacus was still laughing, then all of a suddenly it stopped. Lacus wondered what happened. Was it over? Lacus opened her tear filled eyes to see Meer gagged, tied-up and unconscious and right next to her was Kira.

"LACUS, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" Kira yelled.

"Y-Yes, Kira..." said Lacus, sounding very tired.

"What was Meer doing to you?" "She didn’t hurt you did she?" Kira asked as he started to untie his Pink Princess.

"No Kira, I’m fine, she was just tickling my feet."

Kira stopped for a moment when he heard the word feet and blushed a bit then continued to untie Lacus. "Oh...well, I'm glad that you’re alright." Kira hoped that Lacus didn’t notice.

When Kira got to Lacus’s feet, he paused and blushed. He couldn’t get over how beautiful Lacus’s feet are. They looked so soft, and they smelled heavenly. Kira wanted to do so many things to her feet, but was afraid what Lacus would think of him if tried anything.

Lacus notice that Kira stopped untying her and was staring at her feet and blushing. “So I was right, Kira does have a fetish for my feet.” Thought Lacus. “Maybe tonight will be a fun night for the both of us.” “But first I need to get Kira to finish untying me.”

“Um…Kira, what’s wrong?” Lacus asked in a teasing voice.

“Noth-Nothing!!! Nothing at all!!! Kira yelled. He blushed three more shades of red. Kira then finished untying Lacus.

After a few moments of laying their she got up and thanked Kira. Lacus thought about giving Kira a hug and a kiss, but thought that what she had in mind would make him much happier. But Kira broke her chain of thought when he spoke.

“What should we do with Meer?” asked Kira.

“Let’s just put her in the guest room for the time being. We’ll think of what to do with her later.” said Lacus.

“O.K., but what do you want to do now, it’s still early.” asked Kira. (Clock read only 7:00 P.M.)

“Why don’t we just go down to the living room and relax together.” Suggested Lacus, with a tone that hinted something that Kira couldn’t figure out.

“O-O.K.” Kira answered in a semi shaky voice.

A few moments later Meer was in the guest room, still knocked out, bound and gagged. And Kira and Lacus were down stairs in the living room…..and Lacus was still barefoot.

Kira was stealing glances at Lacus’s feet. Lacus was lightly rubbing her soft feet against each other, and flexing her perfect toes, and dragging them across the carpet. This went on for about ten to fifteen minutes. Lacus just smiled to herself.

“I guess I’ll stop teasing Kira now.” thought Lacus.

Lacus put her feet in Kira’s lap, made a yawn and closed her eyes.

Kira went wide eyed and stared. He now had the most beautiful pair of feet in the world, laying in his lap. It was a dream come true. But Lacus’s words snapped him out of his trance.

“Kira will you massage my feet for me please.” Asked Lacus in a pleading voice.

“Uh…B-B-But I’ve never given a massage before…” said a red face Kira in an embarrassed voice.

“It’s o.k., just do your best.” Said Lacus.

“B-B-But I…..”Said an embarrassed Kira.

“What, are they not pretty enough…” Said Lacus in a false hurt voice.

“NO, NO, NO, THAT’S NOT TRUE!!!” “THEIR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FEET I’VE EVER SEEN!!!” Said a red face Kira, which was frantically, was trying to prove that what Lacus said wasn’t true.

“Do mean that?” Said Lacus

“Well uh…I…um…I mean…y-y-y-yes.” Said Kira trying his hardest not to studier.

“Good, then there’s no problem.” Said a very cheery Lacus.

“But…” Kira started to say but Lacus put one of her fingers on his lips to quiet him.

“I’ll give some incentive Kira…” Said Lacus.

“Incentive?” Kira asked nervously.

“Yes, give me a foot massage, and I’ll let you do WHATEVER you want with my feet, for as LONG as you want, WHENEVER you want.” Said Lacus in an almost seductive voice.

Kira’s face was a shade of red that can’t be described. Lacus’s words replayed over in his head.

“A-A-Anything.” Said a nervous Kira.

“Anything” Said Lacus.

“O-O.K..” Said Kira.

With that Kira picked up Lacus’s left foot and started to rub it. Lacus then closed her eyes again and let out a soft moan. Kira rubbed Lacus’s arch first, leaving no part untouched. “Mmmm, this feels so good, you’re a natural Kira.” Said Lacus “You know how ticklish I am, but, what you’re doing only tickles a little but it feels so good.”

“I’m glad” Said Kira in a still nervous voice

Kira then started kneading Lacus’s arch. Next he started to rotate and rub each one of her delicious toes. Kira started with her big toe and worked his way down to Lacus’s, suckable small toe. “Kira, will you do this for me more often” Asked Lacus. “If that is what you want.” Said Kira.

Kira then went to work on her heel. It was just as soft as the rest of her foot. After that he went to work on the top of her foot and ankle. Rubbing and kneading them. “Ahhhh, Kira I’ve never felt this good before….mmmmm….so relaxing. Then Kira went to work on Lacus’s right foot. Kira did the same things he did on the other foot.

After an hour he was done.

“Thank you Kira, that was wonderful.” Said a very relaxed Lacus. “You may now do whatever you wish.”

“Thank you Lacus.” Said a very happy Kira.

“Your welcome Kira.” Said Lacus.

Kira finally realized something. “Wait a minute. Lacus said that I can do anything I want with her feet. Does that mean that she…?”

“Lacus does this mean that you know about my…” Kira said in an ashamed voice but Lacus cut him off.

“Yes Kira, I know.” Said Lacus, Kira looked away in shame.

“Kira, it’s alright, I don’t mind. I don’t think less of you for this.” Lacus said.

“You really don’t mind.” Kira asked in an unsure voice.

“Not at all, I don’t mind as long as it’s you. But before I let do this on a regular basis, will you do me a favor tomorrow? Said Lacus.

“You’ll let me do this on a regular basis!? Wait, what kind of favor?” Kira ask.

“Ask me after your reward.” Lacus said with a smile while wiggling her toes.

Feeling better from the words Lacus said he smiled and took a deep breath prepare himself.

Lacus closed her eyes and relaxed.

Kira lifted up Lacus’s left foot to his face and sniffed her foot. Lacus was giggling lightly from this. Then Kira inhaled deeply and sighed. It was the greatest thing he ever smelt.

Kira then kissed the top of her foot. Lacus sighed at this, “This feels so nice.” Lacus thought. Kira then started to plant butterfly kisses over the top of her foot. Lacus started giggling again. “Hahahaha…this feels nice Kira…hahahaha.” Said Lacus through her giggles.

“Her foot is so soft.” Thought Kira

Kira then got to work on the sole of Lacus’s foot. Kira did the same thing he did with top of her foot. First he kissed her arch then he planted butterfly kisses all over her sole. Kira started from her heel and worked his way up until he reached her lovely toes. Lacus couldn’t stop giggling.

When he got to her to Lacus’s toes, Kira tenderly kissed each one of them five times, starting with her big toe and worked his way over to her suckable small toe. “Mmmmm.” Lacus moaned.

Kira then started to suck on her toes. He slowly sucked each one of Lacus’s toes for ten minutes. Kira ran his tongue around and in between her toes. Her toes wiggled in his mouth, Kira loved every second of it. Then for three minuets he licks her toes. Kira loved the taste of her skin and savored it. Lacus had a mix of laughs, giggles, and moans coming from her mouth.

“Hahahaha….Kira this feels so wonderful….mmmmm….when you give me foot massages…tee hee…can you include this with it…mmmm…” Lacus said.

“If that is what you want, then this is what I’ll give you.” Said Kira.

Next Kira ran his tongue all over the sole of her foot, and then did quick flicks with his tongue. Lacus just couldn’t stop laughing from this, she could barely form words.


For the next hour and a half, Kira repeated everything that he did Lacus’s left foot to her right foot. After that Kira happily rested his head on one of her feet while tracing one of his fingers on her other foot. Lacus still had her eyes closed; she was tired, but happy. She didn’t know why but she really enjoyed this more than she thought she would. The tracing on her foot tickled but not enough to make her laugh, which was surprising, because that even the slightest touch sent her off the wall. Now that Lacus thought about it, why did only the licking make her go crazy? To add to her confusion the tickling was enjoyable, and the lightly tickling that Kira was doing to her foot from the tracing was incredibly relaxing. After thinking for a bit, and not coming up with an answer, she decided it was probably just because it was Kira was the one that was doing this to her.

Kira looked at the clock and saw it was only 9:00 P.M.. After a few more minutes of sitting there just play with Lacus’s feet, he asked what favor Lacus wanted.

Lacus opened her eyes and said “Tomorrow, I want you to punish Meer for me, for what she did to me.”

“By doing what?” Kira asked unsurely.

“By tickling HER feet for three hours. I think that’s a fair punishment.” Said Lacus being reminded of the ordeal she went through. “Then we’ll let her go. After that we can do what we did tonight on a regular basis from now on.” Said Lacus in a semi seductive voice.

Kira blushed at the thought of being able to do this with Lacus whenever he wanted.

“A-Alright, I’ll do it” Kira said, trying not to stutter.

“Good, I’m going to bed. Good night Kira.” Lacus said getting up. Before she passed him, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and went up stairs to her room.

*A few moments later*

Kira was getting ready for bed. He was thinking how great tonight was, he got to tickle and do what he wanted with the feet of the girl of his dreams. In addition to that he got a kiss. Kira marked this night as one of the best nights of his life.

After brushing his teeth, he went to his room and set his clothes out for the next day. Then he took off his clothes till he was in his boxers. He put his clothes in his laundry basket. Then Kira turned off the lights and got into bed. As he just got comfortable, he heard a knock on his door. He got out of bed, opened the door and his mouth dropped at what he saw (If he could his mouth would have went through the floor, through the first floor, and all the way underground to where the Freedoms secret hanger was.). He saw Lacus barefoot in a white nightgown.

“May I sleep with you tonight Kira…if it’s alright with you?” Lacus asked looking down at the floor.

Kira lost his ability to speak at that moment, because of the sight he saw before him and her request. So he just nodded his head.

When they were both in Kira’s bed, Lacus wrapped her arms around her Kira. Kira once again blushed a color of red that couldn’t be described.

“Good night Kira.” Lacus said. She then yawned and quickly fell asleep.

Kira thought he wouldn’t be able to get to sleep now but after a few minutes. The sound and feeling of Lacus’s heart beating and her warmth lulled him to sleep.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

A new day was beginning. Blue sky, bright yellow sun, about 70-75 degrees, small breeze. In short a perfect day. A crack of the morning light was coming through the drapes and was hitting Kira in the eyes. Kira reluctantly opened his eyes, and then squinted them from the painful feeling.

In his mind Kira was cursing the drapes for not doing their job. Kira was woken from the best sleep of his life and that night before he got to do as he wished to the feet of the girl of his dreams, he got a kiss, and to top it off he fell asleep in her arms…….

A thought just crossed his mind. “I spent the night in her arms…”. Kira turned his head to see Lacus laying right next to him. Kira was about to start to freaking out about his situation when Lacus started to stir. Lacus yawned opened her eyes and looked at Kira.

“Good morning Kira.” Said Lacus

Kira did his best not to stutter and just barely pulled it off “Good morning Lacus.”

“Did you sleep well Kira?” Lacus asked

Kira couldn’t bring himself to say anything. Lacus saw that Kira was still nervous about what they did last night and with the situation he was in now. So Lacus decided to be the one to take action again. Plus she liked seeing the look Kira’s face when she surprised him. So Lacus closed her eyes leaned in and lightly kissed Kira on the lips. Kira’s eyes widened in shock. The kiss lasted about a minute, and then Lacus broke the kiss and once again asked Kira if he slept well. Kira just nodded his head.

Lacus smiled and decided to snuggle a bit before getting up. After that Lacus got up and told Kira to get up, get ready for the day and head down stairs for breakfast and then we’ll deal with Meer, then left to get herself ready.

“That’s right we still have Meer tied up, I completely forgot about her.” Kira said

After taking a shower, brushing his teeth, and getting dressed (Kira was wearing his regular black outfit), Kira headed down stairs. Lacus was already waiting for him (Lacus was wearing a white long-sleeve button-down collared shirt, jeans, a pair of tennis shoes and ankle socks) with breakfast ready for him. Two fried eggs, a few strips of bacon, hash, two pieces of white toast, and a glass of O.J., his favorite.

Kira felt like the luckiest guy in the world, his favorite breakfast cooked, by the girl of his dreams. It couldn’t get much better than this. “I take that back, after today things will get so much better.” After breakfast was finished and the dishes were done, Kira and Lacus went back to the table to let their food digest. Kira was sipping another glass of O.J. then thought it would be good to go over what they were going to do to Meer.

“So what exactly what do you want me to do to Meer?” asked Kira.

“Like I said last night, I want you to tickle Meer for three hours.” Said Lacus.

“I understand that, but I mean, how exactly do you want me to go about it?” asked Kira.

“You can use your fingers, I have some feathers you can use, and you can also get…..creative if you want.” Lacus said.

“When you say “creative” you mean…” Kira asking hesitantly.

“Yes, you can use the "methods” you used on me.” Lacus said.

“To be honest, I thought that you might be upset or jealous or something if I did…” Kira was saying but Lacus cut him off.

“To be honest, a little, but in this situations, I don’t really have a problem with it, besides its fair considering what she did. Who knows maybe you can help me when I think one of our friends needs to be punished.” Said Lacus.

“You get into tickle fights?” Kira asked curiously.

“Sometimes when me, Cagalli, Stellar, Luna, and the others are spending time with each other, it just happens.” Said Lacus.

“I’ll help but will you do one more thing for me, please?” Asked Kira.

“What?” Asked Lacus.

“Please keep this to yourself, I don’t know what I would do if Athrun or Shin, or God forbid if Dearka ever found out.” Said Kira.

“Don’t worry Kira, I understand.” Lacus said.

“Thank you Lacus.” Said Kira.

After their discussion, Kira polished off his O.J., washed the glass and put it out to dry. Then Kira came back to Lacus and asked when she wanted to start this?

“Whenever you’re ready.” Said Lacus.

“I’m ready now, let’s go.” Said Kira

Kira and Lacus headed upstairs to the room where Meer is.

Lacus opened the door to the room where Meer was put for the night. She looked a little groggy, so it’s safe to say that she just came to. (Meer was wearing a red tank-top that exposed her belly, a black mini-skirt, and had on long black leather boots that stopped just under her knees.) Lacus sat right next Meer, who was starting to wonder what was going on, while Kira was untying her legs and retying them to the bed then did the same thing to her arms till she was tied spread-eagled to the bed.

“Good morning Meer.” Said Lacus “To answer what happened, Kira knocked you out and untied me. Then we spent a nice quiet evening together.” “What’s going to happen now is Kira is going tickle you for the next three hours….or more.” After hearing that Meer started to struggle but her restraints are too tight, she couldn’t move at all. Meer tried to beg them not to do this, but because of the gag everything she said was muffled.

“But I suppose I should also thank you, because of you me and Kira have gotten closer.” Lacus said. Kira blushed slightly at this. “So consider what is going to happen as my thanks.” Said Lacus. Meer just kept trying to get away, but had no success.

“Well I’ll leave you two alone. I have to go out and run a few errands and there are some things I need to shop for. I’ll be back in about 45 minutes, and then I’m going to take a nap. Is that o.k. Kira?” Lacus said.

“Sure.” Said Kira.

Lacus was reaching for the door knob but then thought of something. “I have an idea.” Said Lacus. She went to dresser, and pulled out a pink eye mask. Lacus walkover to Meer and placed it on her. Meer then got very nervous.

“Well have fun you two. I’ll be back soon Kira.” Lacus then lightly kissed Kira on the cheek. After that she left the room and closed the door. Kira placed a hand on his cheek and thought “Memo-To-Self. 1: Ask Lacus to officially be my girlfriend sometime today. 2: Give Lacus a full massage. 3: Don’t wash this cheek for a while.

“Well, I guess we should get started.” Said Kira. Meer started to struggle to again to get free, but no success.

Kira pulled up a chair and sat at Meer’s feet. Kira then thought “How should I go about this?”

“Well Lacus said that I can get creative.” Kira thought.

Kira grabbed the heel and top of Meer’s boot and tried to tug off her boot but he was having difficulties. Meer couldn’t move at all, no matter how hard she tried. All she could do was scrunch her beautiful toes while saying no through a gag. And it was working but, not for long.

Kira kept trying to take off her boot but couldn’t because Meer was scrunching her toes. He rested for a minute then tried again, and this time it started to slide off. Meer was panicking. She kept trying to kick here legs and scrunch her toes, but unfortunate for her it didn’t work this time.

Kira slowly slid her boot off, all the while enjoying making her wait. Then finally her boot came off, she flexed her foot and spread and scrunched her toes from the cold air caressing her beautiful foot.

Kira blushed slightly; Meer's foot was as perfect as Lacus’s. It was a size 6 and her nails were unpainted. But there was one difference, her toes were slightly longer, but other than that, they looked the same. Kira went on to remove the other boot, but this time there was no resistance. Probably because Meer knew that since Kira got one off, he could very well get off the other.

Kira blushed a little more after really stopping to look at her feet, but he was a little suppressed at himself. For some reason he wasn’t as excited or impressed as he thought he would be. He thought about it for a bit, and decided that it was probably because it was Lacus.
Kira was in a good mood, so he decided to take of the gag, besides he wanted to hear Meer laugh.

As soon as Kira took off the gag, Meer started to plea. “Please don’t tickle me Kira!!! PLEASE!!! I’ll do anything you want, just name it!!!!! But just don’t tickle my feet!!!”

“Sorry Meer, but you should have thought of what the possible consequences of your actions, and hopefully this will also serve as a reminder of what will happen if you decide to do this again.” Said Kira.

Kira walked back and sat back down at her feet, and Meer just whimpered

Kira lightly drag one of his fingers across one of her soles. If Meer wasn’t tied down, she would have gone through the roof. Apparently she was as ticklish as Lacus. Kira then started to sniff her feet. Meer was giggling from this, and knew it was only going to get worse. Then Kira put his face to here foot and inhaled. They smelled nice, not quite as nice as Lacus’s feet but nice. And it was as soft Lacus’s feet.

Kira then started to plant light kisses randomly all over her left foot, especially on her toes. Meer couldn’t stop giggling from this. “Kiraaahhh……plehahaha…please….sthahahahaop!!! I…..can’t….hahaha….take…..it…hahahahahaha!!!!! Kira loved the way her toes were tapping on his face. But it still wasn’t as enjoyable as it was with Lacus.

Kira did this for about ten, fifteen minutes. After that Kira dragged his teeth across her foot. Meer was screaming now with laughter, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA……..STOP……….PLEASE……HAHAHA……I’LL….HAHAHA…DO….ANYTHING……YOU…HAHA…WANT……HAHAHA….ANYTHING…..JUST….STOP….HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!”

Next he started to lick all over her foot, it tasted good, but Lacus’s was better. He stopped for a second and thought “Why do I have feet on my mind so much?” Meer was hysterical. She couldn’t even beg Kira to stop.

Kira was now running his tongue through and around her toes. Kira then started to suck on her toes. He slowly sucked each one of Meer’s toes for a while. Kira ran his tongue around and in between her toes. Her toes wiggled in his mouth, Kira enjoyed it, but not as much as a he would have if it was Lacus’s, “My God, why do I feet on my mind so much.” Then for a few minutes he licked her toes.

Next Kira ran his tongue all over the sole of her foot, and then did quick flicks with his tongue. Meer was laughing nonstop from this. Then Kira switched to the other foot.

Then Kira heard the door. Kira stopped what he was doing. “KIRA, I’M BACK!!!” Lacus yelled from the first floor. “O.K.!!!” Replied Kira. He looked at the clock, and saw it was three minutes past the time Meer’s punishment ended, “I guess I went overboard a little bit, but Lacus was gone a lot longer than she said she be. Kira then untied Meer, he waited till she caught her breath then walked to her car, before she drove away she said “Kira, tell Lacus I’m sorry, I…I don’t what came over me.”

“I’m sure she will understand. Take care, drive safely.” Said Kira.

“Bye Kira.” Meer said. Kira stood there and watch her drive away. Then he went back inside and headed upstairs to Lacus’s room.

Kira opened the door and blushed when he saw Lacus was on her bed, bare foot. He was mesmerized by how beautiful she looked laying there, especially her feet sticking out from her jeans. He sat down next to her while stroking her long and pink hair. She stirred and looked at Kira.

“Hello Kira.” Lacus said.

“Hello Lacus.” Said Kira.

“Lacus can I talk to you for a minute, please.”

“What’s wrong Kira?”

“Nothing, but there is something I would like to ask you.”


“I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and we already have a very close relationship but, and there’s probably be no reason to ask this but I still want to.”

Lacus was listening very closely.

Kira took a deep breath and continued. “Lacus will you officially be my girlfriend?”

Lacus hugged Kira and said “Yes Kira!!! Yes!!!”

Kira hugged her back and they stayed that way for a bit then spoke. “Oh Lacus, Meer told me to tell you that she is very sorry about what happened.”

“It’s alright; we all do something weird things at least once in our lives.” Lacus said.

“Lacus, you were back a lot later then you said where were you?” Asked Kira.

“Oh, I ran into Cagalli and Stellar and we had lunch and then we went the arcaded and played DDR, and I lost track of the time, sorry.”

“There is nothing to say sorry for, I was just curious.”

“So what do you want to do now?” Ask Kira.

“I’m still a little tired from DDR, but let’s watch some T.V..”

“After that would you like a massage, I promise that you will feel better.” Kira said.

“Let’s do what you suggested instead, if you don’t mind.” Lacus said very happily.

“O.K., but I have something I would like to add in addition to the foot massage.”


“Would you like a…full massage?” Kira blushed.

Lacus blushed two shades of red and answered “Uh…Kira, would you really feel comfortable doing this?”

“I am if you are.”

“Alright…” Lacus blushed another shade of red after saying this.

“I’ll leave the room then, just call when you’re ready.” Kira walked out and closed the door.

A few minutes passed and then Lacus called him back in. When Kira opened the door, he saw the only thing that could surpass the beautiful of her feet. There was Lacus lying on the bed wearing nothing but a towel over her behind.

Kira was mesmerized by Lacus’s beauty. He was just staring at the figure of the person laying on the bed; she was perfect in every way.

Lacus noticed that once again Kira was staring at her and blushed. Lacus thought to herself “Does he really find me that attractive?”. Then she noticed that Kira snapped out of it and was approaching her. Lacus closed her eyes and tried to relax.

Kira took off his boots, got on the bed and kneeled next to Lacus on her right side.

“Are you ready Lacus?” Kira asked nervously.

“Yes Kira…..” Lacus replied just as nervous with a blush on her face.

Kira decided to start with her shoulders. So he moved her hair to the side while taking note of how soft it was, then he got to work on her shoulders. Not too hard, not too soft, but firm. Kira notice she was a……“little” tense. He figured it was because of the situation but then felt her relax. Kira then herd Lacus let out a light sigh and soft moans.

“Mmmmmm……Kira this feels wonderful….” Lacus said.

“I’m glad.” Said Kira

“Lacus’s skin is so soft and smooth.” Kira thought to himself

After awhile, Kira started on her back.

Lacus was enjoying herself immensely. She thought to herself “If I’m feeling this good and Kira’s just starting on my back, then I can only imagine how I’m going to feel when he reaches my feet.”

After about forty minutes Lacus’s breathing started to slow down. Kira decided to move down to her calves and ask Lacus how good a job he was doing.

“Lacus, how do you feel?”

“If I was still a celebrity in the PLANT’s, I would hire you as my personal massager, and have you give me massages every single day, once or twice a day.” Lacus replied in a very relaxed voice.

“Come on, I can’t be that good.” Kira said.

“I’d argue with you about that, but I’m too relaxed…….” Lacus said playfully.

“Alright I’ll take your word for it. If you enjoy the job I do that much, then I’ll give you at least a foot massage every day.”

“That sounds wonderful……mmmmm.”

After about twenty minutes of working on her calves Kira finally got to the part of the massage he was looking forward to, Lacus’s flawless feet.

Kira picked up Lacus’s right foot and started to rub it. Lacus then let out another soft moan. Kira rubbed Lacus’s arch first, making sure he didn’t leave any part untouched. “Remember Kira, you promised that you would suck my toes when give me a foot massage…” Said Lacus.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget.” Said Kira in a bit of an embarrassed voice.

Kira then started kneading Lacus’s arch. Next he started to rotate and rub each one of her beautiful toes. Kira started with her big toe and worked his way down to Lacus’s, suckable small toe.

Lacus was now feeling very sleepy from the massage Kira was giving her. She let out a yawn followed by more soft moans. “Kira, I feel like I’m going to fall asleep any second…” Lacus said sleepily.

“I guess I am doing a good job.” Responded Kira.

Kira then went to work on her heel. It was just as soft as the rest of her foot. After that he went to work on the top of her foot and ankle. Rubbing and kneading them. Then Kira went to work on Lacus’s left foot. Kira did the same things he did on the other foot.

At this point Lacus just fell asleep. She had a small smile on her face. Kira was once again amazed at how beautiful she looked just laying there.

Kira lifted up Lacus’s right foot to his face and sniffed her foot. Lacus woke up and was giggling lightly from this. Then Kira inhaled deeply and sighed. After that he lightly snuggled his head against Lacus’s soft, perfect, foot.

Kira then kissed the arch of her foot. Lacus sighed at this and said, “That feels nice Kira.”

“Your feet are so soft Lacus.” Kira said.

“Why thank you Kira.” Lacus said with a small smile.

Kira stopped what he was doing for a second “Did I just say that out loud?” Kira asked slightly embarrassed.

“Yes Kira.”

Kira blush slightly at this and Lacus just giggled.

Kira then got back to work, and started to work on Lacus’s toes, Kira tenderly kissed each one of them, starting with her big toe and worked his way over to her suckable small toe. Lacus just sighed.

Kira then started to suck on her toes. He slowly sucked each one of Lacus’s toes for about ten minutes. Kira then stuck all of Lacus’s toes in his mouth and then ran his tongue around and in between her toes. Her toes wiggled in his mouth, Kira loved every second of it. Then for about seven minutes he licks her toes. Kira could not get over how good taste of her skin was. Lacus had a mix of laughs, giggles, and moans coming from her mouth.

“Hahahaha….Kira this feels so good….mmmmm….tee hee….” Lacus said.

For the next forty-five, Kira repeated everything that he did Lacus’s right foot to her left foot. After Kira was done giving Lacus her massage, he once again rested his head on one of her flawless feet while tracing one of his fingers on her other foot. Lacus had her eyes closed; she was very relaxed and happy. Once again the tracing on her foot tickled but not enough to make her laugh. The light tickling that Kira was doing to her foot from the tracing was making her even more relaxed.

After a while of doing this, Kira got up and went to the head of the bed and laid down next to her, while slowly rubbing his hand up and down Lacus’s back for a few seconds then stopped. She opened her eyes and looked into Kira’s.

“Did you enjoy your massage Lacus?” Kira asked.

“It was wonderful Kira.”

Lacus then kissed Kira lightly on his lips. The kiss lasted for a few minutes. Then Lacus broke it.

Kira then got up and said “I’ll leave you alone so you can get dressed.”

Just as he turned his back to leave, Lacus said “Kira…you don’t have to leave….just keep your back turned….”

Kira was stopped dead in his tracks. He was about to say something but then he heard Lacus get up.

Kira gulped and there was a slight blush on his face. “I guess I’m stuck here till she’s done.” He thought.

The next two minutes were the longest in Kira’s life. The sound of the Lacus’s rustling clothes was driving him nuts. The only thing that kept him sane was doing the most complicated equation he could come up with in his head. He managed to calm himself down then all of a sudden Kira felt Lacus wrap her arms around him. He nearly freaked out but was able to calm himself back down.

“Lacus, please tell me you are wearing something…..” Kira ask very nervously.

Lacus giggled “Yes Kira, I am.”

Kira turned around and looked at Lacus. She was wearing the clothes she had on before her massage, but she was bare foot.

“Are you going to be bare foot from now on when were home or are you just teasing me?” Kira asked.

“My idea was to go bare foot from now on when were at home. Does that make you happy Kira? Lacus said with a smile.

Kira blush slightly and said “Um…yes, very much.” Then they both had a small laugh. After that they shared another short kiss.

“So Kira, what do you want to do now?” Lacus asked.

“Let’s do something together, alone.” Said Kira.

“What do you feel like doing?” Asked Lacus.

“How about we order out for pizza and watch a movie?”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

Kira and Lacus both started too headed downstairs to the living room, but Kira stopped by his room to put away his boots, and then joined Lacus down stairs. She was already looking through a pizza menu.

“Do you want anything on the pizza?” Lacus asked.

“Just plain is fine.”

Lacus then called and ordered.

“They said it should be here in about thirty minutes.” Said Lacus.

“Alright, now what to watch?” Kira said to himself.

“How about “Meet the Parents”?” Asked Lacus.


So now they were sitting on the couch watching the movie. Shortly after the pizza arrived, Kira paid the delivery guy, and went back to Lacus. After they both finished the pizza, Kira leaned back into the couch and Lacus stretched out on the couch and put her feet in his lap, Kira then put his hands on her feet and gave her a light massage. Almost twenty minutes to the end of the movie Lacus was sleepy and three minutes later she passed out. When the movie was over Kira finally noticed that Lacus was fast asleep. He just stared at her, she just looked so beautiful laying there. But he needed to take the pizza box and put it in the trash. Kira reluctantly got up, taking special care not to wake his beautiful Pink Princess. After taking care of the trash he went back to Lacus, who was still laying on the couch, asleep.

“I don’t want to wake her, I’ll let her sleep.” Kira thought. “But I wonder I can make her feel more comfortable?”

Kira then carefully got back on the couch, in a position so he was facing Lacus and her feet were in his lap.

For a minute he just caressed her feet, Lacus’s feet moved into his touch. Kira then thought he should get started. For about twenty minutes Kira lightly massaged her feet. Lacus sighed from this.

Kira then brought Lacus’s left foot to his face. He started nuzzle her foot. Lacus’s foot twitched slightly and her toes tapped his face and she lightly giggled from what was going on.

“Hahahaha….that tickles.” Lacus said in her sleep.

Kira then started to plant kisses all over the top of her foot, then dragging his tongue across it. Kira then went to work on the sole of her foot; he repeated everything that he did to the top of her foot. She giggled more from this.

“Hahahaha……..hahaha….hahaha.” Went Lacus.

“If Lacus enjoys it when I suck her toes, I wonder how she’ll feel when I do it when she’s asleep.” Kira thought to himself.

Kira then started to slowly suck on Lacus’s big toe and every now and then he nibbled lightly on it and ran his tongue in between and underneath. It wiggled inside of his mouth every so often. Lacus was moaning from this.

“……..feels nice…” Said a still sleeping Lacus.

Kira slowly worked his way down to her small toe. Then he put all of her toes in his mouth and sucked on them all at once. After about ten more minutes he went to work on her right foot.

When Kira was done he noticed Lacus’s breathing was much slower.

“I guess she found this really relaxing.” Kira thought.

Kira then let out a yawn, and thought that he might as well call it a night.

But before he goes to sleep he brought Lacus’s left foot to his face and kissed it. Then Kira grabbed the blanket that was draped over the couch and puts it over him and Lacus. Kira closes his eyes and try’s to sleep but Lacus’s started to move her feet and somehow they got underneath his shirt and were rubbing up against the bare skin of his chest.

“….Warm…..” Lacus said in her sleep.

“I guess her feet were cold” Kira thought. Soon after Kira fell asleep.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

The next morning………

Once again it was another beautiful sunny day. Lacus and Kira spent the night together on the couch.

The first to wake up was Lacus. She woke up and noticed her feet were under Kira's shirt. Blushing she gently pulled them out, and moved over to shake him awake. "Wake up Kira." She said.

"Oh, good morning Lacus." Kira said sleepily.

"Morning sweetie." Lacus told him then gave him a peck on the cheek. "I had the nicest but weirdest dream last night."

"Oh really?" Kira asked.

"I dreamed I was sitting in a chair, but my feet were stuck in some sort of giant ball of dough." Lacus began. "I was about to try to pull them out but the strange thing was I could feel something massaging, licking, and kissing my feet inside of it."

"Oh..." Kira said trying to act as casually as he could but was failing miserably. "I think I can explain that. Last night while you were asleep I was having some fun with your feet and trying to make you feel more relaxed.

"Really." She said with a smile. Then Lacus crawled on to Kira’s chest and rested her head against it, then spoke. "Well thank you Kira, I certainly enjoyed the experience."

"Okay... So what do you want to do today?" He asked.

"I know..." Lacus suggested. "Let’s go to the beach." Lacus said.

Kira agreed and thought it would be good to get some fresh air. So they both went back to their separate their rooms to change and get ready.

An hour and a half later, Kira was the first one down; he wore a white shirt, black swim trunks, and black water shoes. Lacus was down five minutes later with her pink hair down with her gold hairclip, and wore a pink bikini with white poke-a-dots and pink thong sandals.

Kira's eyes went up and down her beautiful body. Lacus then suggested,'' Should we be going now, or do you just want to stare at me all day?” Lacus said jokingly."

“Right, sorry…” Kira apologized.

Kira noticed that Lacus’s toenails were now painted a shade of pink that matched her hair. Apparently within the hour and a half she had painted her toes.

“Um…Lacus, not that I don’t like how your toes look now but, won’t they just get ruined when we get to the beach.” Kira asked as he stared at her sandal clad feet.

“Thank you for noticing Kira, I also did my fingernails, but you don’t have to worry, the nail polish is quick drying and will be dry by the time we get there.” Lacus said while wiggling her toes, while Kira was still looking at her feet. “Do you like the color…” Lacus said teasingly.

Kira snapped out of his staring “Yeah…very much…” Kira said embarrassed.

Lacus giggled.

Then they went out to the car and drove off to the beach. Once they arrived there was a nice warm summer breeze, and the chatter of people, and the laughter of kids. Once they found a spot and got their umbrella set up and beach towels out layed out (Lacus had a pink one of her Haro on it, and Kira had a green one of his Birdy). Once everything was taken care of Lacus reached into the blue beach bag, and pulled out some sunscreen.

“Kira will you put some sunscreen on me, please." Lacus asked with the most beautiful smile.

“Alright.” Kira said nervously.

Kira thought, "I might as well start with her feet". Kira then took the bottle of sunscreen and opened it. He poured out a little bit of sunscreen in his right hand, and then started to rub it into the tops of Lacus's feet.

Lacus giggled lightly. She thought, “He makes everything that tickles me feel so...good...”

Soon, Kira finished with her feet then went on to her back. When he was done Kira said, "I'm finished with your feet and back.”

“Thank you Kira, I can do the rest, unless you want to do the rest of my body…" Lacus said in a teasing tone.

“No, no, no, I’m good!” Kira said embarrassed. Lacus just giggled. Kira watched as Lacus put sunscreen on the rest of her magnificent body. After 5 minutes she was done.

"Now what should we do?"

Kira thought for a minute. "Let’s go swimming. Where here so we might as well." Said Kira.

"Ok........Catch me if you can!!!!!!!" Lacus yelled. She kicked off her thong sandals and ran into the cool water.

Kira gave chase to Lacus. They spent some time playing in the water. Splashing, swimming, even managed a few quick tickles on Lacus's feet when Kira dived under the water.

Time passed, they had lunch at the snack bar, built a few sand castles, then went back into the water to play for another hour then it was time to go….but as they were heading in Lacus felt something brush against her leg.


"What is it Lacus?" Kira said. He thought the sound she made was cute but quickly put that at the back of his mind till he found out why she made it.

"Something just swam by my leg." Lacus said nervously. It was hard and felt like rubber, also it was slick, and it felt like it was too big to be a fish.

"Hurry let’s get to shore" Kira said and grab her hand. But it was too late. All of a sudden something propelled itself out of the water and into the air above them. Kira and Lacus looked up and saw the silhouette of some creature. It was.....

"A dolphin!!!" They both said.

The dolphin swam towards Lacus again and started nuzzling her. It seemed friendly Lacus started to pet the creature. The dolphin then swam away and came about again but this time dived and came around behind Lacus and went between her legs and sped off with her, giving her a ride.

"Woah!!!!" Lacus was surprised but this was rather enjoyable.

"LACUS!!!!!!" Kira yelled

"It's alright Kira...Hahahaha!!!" Lacus laughed, having the time of her life. This lasted for a few minutes, and then the dolphin dived once again. Lacus let herself off then swam to the surface to see Kira swimming over to her.

"That looked like fun." He said

"It was." Lacus said but then had her attention drawn back to the dolphin who making noises and saw that it was balancing on his tail while swimming backwards. To Lacus it seed like it was saying good bye. Lacus waved back and yelled....

"Thank you for the ride!"

The creature of the sea then swam back from where it came, while our two Coordinators swam back to shore. From there they gathered their things and headed back to their car and went on home.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?" Asked Kira

"Oh yes very much, but I'm thinking of something that will be fun tonight." Lacus said seductively.

"L-Like what?" Kira asked nervously.

"Maybe another full massage....if you’re up to it that is....."Lacus said while looking out the window, so that Kira could not see her blush.

Kira turned very red, either from embarrassment or from the pleasant image had in his head from last time he gave a massage to Lacus when she was wearing nothing but a towel over her backside. Either way it looked like he would have a nose bleed if he didn't stow that line of thought and refocused on his driving, but before he stopped he thought of something that might be enjoyable for Lacus after the massage.

"S-sure.....I would like that; in fact there is something I would like to try while I'm doing that if you wouldn't mind."

"Like what?" Lacus asked curiously

"That's for me to know and you to find out and experience tonight, for now let’s shower, change into some clothes, and think on what we want for dinner tonight." Kira said as he pulled into the drive way. From there they went into the house and went to their respective bathrooms to wash up.

Kira took a 20 minute shower then put on some black boxers, white socks, gray sweat pants and a black tee-shirt.

He went to the living room and started looking through take-out menus and wondering how Lacus will react to his surprise, would she reject him? But she accepted his foot fetish with open arms, and felt comfortable wearing nothing but a small towel and getting dressed in the same room as him, besides she liked it when he sucked her toes and licked her feet and was sure that Lacus enjoyed that she would enjoy what he had planned, so it should be fine but still he was still nervous.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

{Cut to Lacus}

Lacus decided to take a nice long bath, she made sure that she was smelling nice and looking clean for the upcoming evening, and was wondering what Kira had in mind for her after the massage. As of late, even though she and Kira were shy, was the one taking the initiative, and she was fine with that, but it looks like Kira is coming out of his shell and being bolder in their relationship, which was nice change of pace.

She raised her leg out of the water and stared at her nice smooth and clean foot, then slightly wiggled her pink colored toes. But she couldn't think of what he was going to do. Suck her toes for a long time.....possibly, she would really enjoy that (in fact she had been looking forward to having her toes sucked again). Massage her with oils.....doubtful, we haven't doing this long enough for him to get stocked up on supplies and he wasn’t knowledgeable of what to get.

She lowered leg back into the warm bath water and closed her eyes and dunked her head and stayed under for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the water. She tried to imagine how enjoyable the evening was going to be for her and Kira. But the lack of oxygen in her lungs forced her to rise from this world of warmth, and in one smooth and graceful motion she rose from the water like some mystical creature emerging from the ocean. The water slid off her smooth toned body in glistening cascades. She pushed her pink hair away from her light blue eyes while the water drips down her body.

Whatever it was she was sure she was going to enjoy it.

Maybe I should give him a little surprise of my own. Lacus thought.

“Maybe I won’t use a towel this time. There is very little difference in that situation from wearing a small towel and wearing nothing” She told herself. “We’ve lived together and known each other for some time now, I know he loves me with all his heart and I love him. Besides, I already know he likes how my body looks from what he has seen so far…”

She decided she would do it.

Lacus drained the bath, dried herself off, and went to change.

Lacus put on a pair of pink panties and matching bra, pale blue shorts, a light pink tank top, and last but not lest her gold hairclip.

She then descended the stairs bare foot to the living room to join Kira on deciding what they would be eating tonight.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Lacus and Kira decided against ordering out again and just made some sandwiches instead, and put on Shrek just for kicks. After they were done with their food, Kira took the dishes to the kitchen to clean them. After he was done he rejoined Lacus and continued to watch the movie on the couch. For a bit Lacus leaned up against Kira for a bit, Kira stroked her hair and loved the feeling of it running through his fingers, the smell that was coming from it was intoxicating, he took a few more whiffs and noticed that it wasn’t just her hair but the rest of her smelled like roses.

Lacus was enjoying the feeling of Kira running his hand through her hair. She noticed that Kira was smelling her. She smiled slightly; she knew he liked the scent of the soap and body washes she used. After a bit she about faced and place her beautiful size 6 feet into Kira’s lap and continued to watch the movie. Kira’s hands immediately went to her soft, smooth, and flawless feet.

Kira ran his hands over her feet and spent the rest of the movie fondling her feet. Lacus giggled at first but then sighed as it was relaxing.

After the movie was over, Lacus was about to get up and ask Kira if he was ready for their evening but all of a sudden Kira lifted her in his arms bridal style and carried Lacus up stairs.

“So my Pink Princess, where shall we go my room or yours?” Kira asked

Lacus placed a hand on his cheek, smiled and said “I leave myself in your hands for the night Kira.”

Kira brought Lacus to his room before they went in they shared a kiss. Then Kira let Lacus down on her feet and let her walk in first.

“Let me get ready.” Lacus said

“Ok.” Kira responded

He waited outside till he was call in.

“Come in Kira.” Lacus called

Kira opened the door and walked into his room and was shocked at what he saw. There was Lacus laying face down on his bed, wearing nothing but her gold hair clip. He was so shocked he could barely get any words to come out of his mouth.

“W-w-where’s your t-towel?” Kira stuttered as he was just staring at her perfect figure; she was flawless in every way.

Lacus was blushing and was glad Kira could not see her face, but she was still just barely able to pull off the seductive voice she had been able to create as of late. She lifted her beautiful and flawless foot that she knew he loved so much, and wiggle her cute little toes.

“What’s wrong? I figured you like looking at body and I thought that the towel was getting in the way of that, (she changed voice to one that pretended to sound hurt) or do you find my body is not pretty enough?” Lacus said

“N-NO!!! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!! THAT IS NOT TRUE!” quickly Kira said.

“Then what do you think?” Lacus asked nervously.

Kira was staring at her body for a few moments. He took a deep breath, dimmed the lights and then he slowly made his way over to her. Lacus’s heart was beating so fast she felt like it was going to come out of her chest. Then she tensed slightly when Kira sat down on the bed and jumped slightly when she felt his hand running up her spine, and then he took off her hairclip and ran his hand through her long pink hair.

“K-Kira?” she asked and wondered why he answering her.

“You’re perfect……you’re perfect in every way…….your beauty surpass a goddess…” said Kira, making sure he sounded as sincere and honest as he could.

Lacus blushed

“Are you ready for the most enjoyable evening of your life?” Kira asked.

“Y-Yes.” She said nervously and blushed.

Kira joined Lacus on the bed. He kneeled next to Lacus on her right side.

“Are you ready Lacus?” Kira asked nervously.

Lacus nodded.

Kira put his hands on her back and ran them up to her shoulders; he then slid the pink hair to the side, and then started on her shoulders. This time around he tried a lighter touch. Kira notice she was tense but he soon felt her relax. Lacus let out a light sigh followed by coo’s and soft moans, this went on for about 30 minutes.

Lacus was really enjoying this softer touch Kira using. “Mmmmmm……Kira, keep doing the massages like this in the future, it feels wonderful….” Lacus said.

“With pleasure.” Said Kira

“I’ll never get over how soft and smooth her skin is.” Kira thought to himself

After sometime, Kira started on her back. He spread is fingers and clawed them down her back. This excited Lacus but it was also relaxing, when Kira almost reached her bottom he flattened his hands pushed them up her back. He did this for about 25 minutes then he did it in reverse for another 25 minutes, then went on to rubbing her back for 20 minutes.

Lacus was enjoying this immensely. She thought that their relationship can only get better, and start to explore more physical way to express it.

After an hour and forty minutes Lacus’s breathing was very slow. As Kira was about to move down to her calves, Lacus spoke up and asked, “Kira can you please stroke my back once more…..please.” She asked, almost pleadingly.

Kira had an idea why she asking this. He was about to go below the waist when she was wearing nothing. It would be pretty safe to say that even though she was willing to do this, while wearing nothing, she was still nervous.

He placed his hand on her neck and ran his hand down her back slowly and was about to stop at her waist when she spoke up again. “Keep going…” Lacus said nervously. Kira blushed but did what was asked; He continued to run his hand down the rest of her body, from her behind to her feet, then ran his hand back up her body to her neck then took his hand away. Then he spoke up and asked her, “Lacus are you sure your comfortable doing this, if you’re not I will stop, and I won’t do this again till you think you’re ready for this?”

Lacus turned her head to look at him and spoke, “No of course not, I want this, I’m enjoying this very much. It’s just that the only time anyone has seen me like this, were my parents when I was still a baby. I’m just getting used to this, I trust you.”

Kira leaned forward to kiss her and said “Ok then. I’ll continue.”

He went to work on her thighs for 20 minutes the moved down to her calves and that went on for about 30 minutes, all the while managing not to stare at her backside, and then Kira once again got to the part of the massage he was looking forward to, Lacus’s flawless feet.

Kira picked up Lacus’s right foot and snuggled his head on it and left butterfly kisses on. Lacus then let out giggles because his hair was tickling her foot and she was moaning from the kisses on the sole of her foot. Kira stopped after a bit and started to lick Lacus’s beautiful foot.

Kira rubbed Lacus’s arch first, and leaving no part untouched. “Remember my toes Kira, I’ve been looking forward to you sucking them all day.” Lacus said as she flexed her soft and smooth toes.

“I will, don’t worry.” Said Kira.

Kira then started to knead Lacus’s arch. Then he went on to rotate and rub each one of her beautiful toes. Kira started with her big toe and worked his way down to Lacus’s, suckable small toe.

Lacus was now feeling very relaxed and sleepy from the massage Kira was giving her. She let out a yawn followed by more soft moans. “Kira, if I fall asleep just keep going, but when you’re going to give me your surprise wake me please” Lacus said.

Kira was a little embarrassed that Lacus was looking forward to what he had planned; he just hoped that what he was going to do wasn’t going to come back and bite him. He responded a little nervously “A-Alright”.

Kira then went to work on her smooth and soft heel. He enjoyed feeling the reminder of how soft her heel was as the rest of her foot. After that he started on the top of her foot and ankle. Rubbing and kneading them tenderly. After an hour and a half of working on one of her feet, then Kira went to work on Lacus’s left foot. Kira repeated what he had done to her other lovely foot.

When he was done with her other foot, Lacus had fallen fast asleep. She had a very peaceful look on her face. Kira was amazed at how beautiful Lacus looked just by being asleep and laying on his bed.

Kira lifted up Lacus’s right foot to his face and sniffing her perfect foot. Lacus was giggling lightly from this and twitched her toes. Then Kira inhaled deeply and sighed, enjoying the sent they gave off. After that he lightly snuggled his head against Lacus’s soft, perfect, foot for a moment and then flicked his tongue across it. This tickled enough to wake her up.

Lacus made a little yawn then started to sigh from the feeling of Kira kissing the arch of her foot. “That feels nice Kira.” Lacus said. Kira respond by licking her foot. Lacus giggled again from this.

Kira then started to work on the part of the massage Lacus was looking forward to the most, her toes, Kira tenderly kissed each of them, starting with her big toe and worked his way over to her suckable small toe. Lacus just sighed.

Kira then started to suck on her toes. He slowly sucked each one of Lacus’s toes and ran his tongue around them for about twenty minutes. Then Kira put all of Lacus’s toes in his mouth and then ran his tongue around and in between her toes. Her toes wiggled in his mouth, Kira loved every second of it, as did Lacus. Then for 15 minutes he licked her toes. Kira could not get over the taste of her skin. All the while Lacus had a mix of laughs, giggles, and moans coming from her mouth.

“Hahahaha….Kira I love….mmmmm….this feeling….tee hee….” Lacus said.

For the next thirty-five minutes, Kira repeated everything that he did Lacus’s right foot to her other foot. After Kira was finished giving Lacus her massage, he lifted her feet up so he could rest his head upon her flawless feet while tracing his finger on one of her calves. Lacus had her eyes closed; she was very relaxed and happy. The massage had been far more relaxing than the one she had before, Kira was getting better, and her feet felt so stress free and relaxed.

After Kira was done resting his head, he put her feet down, got off the bed, and went to the head of the bed so he could give Lacus a kiss. After they finished sharing their kiss, Kira ask if she enjoyed her massage.

“Yes, very much. Thank you Kira.” Lacus said

“I’m glad.” Kira responded with a small smile.

Well it’s now or never Kira thought. “Um…Lacus are you ready for your surprise?” Kira asked nervously.

“Yes, yes I am Kira.”

Kira then got back up and went back on the bed, and sat beside Lacus. He then ran a single finger all the way down her body, starting from neck, down to her unbelievably beautiful feet. This caused Lacus to shudder in pleasure. He then repeated the action a few more times.

“That tickled a bit, but felt soooo good. Is this what he’s going to? Lacus thought to herself.

“That wasn’t it.” Kira said plainly “I just wanted to see how you would react to that. What I have planed is something like that.”

After speaking, he put his head down till his lips were close to Lacus’s back and treated her to a few minutes of light kisses.

Lacus shuddered again and moaned lightly in pleasure, “That felt even better.” Lacus thought.

“That was close, but that wasn’t it either.” Kira said

“What is Kira planning to do? He said what he just did was close to what he wanted to but what is---Eeek!!!“ Was what Lacus was thinking then all of a sudden she felt some warm and wet traveling down her back? Then she realized that Kira was dragging the tip of his tongue down her back.

Kira repeated this a few more times then he stopped, then he blew very lightly on the places that he lick. Lacus let an unbroken chain of giggles escape her lips.

“Kira that tickled very much, but felt very nice and relaxing…” Lacus trailed off. “Do that again.”

“You liked that?” Kira asked.

“Yes, very much….” Lacus trailed off.

Kira was happy and relieved to hear her say that. He found something else that he could do for Lacus that she enjoyed.

“So you don’t find it weird at all?” Kira asked with concern.

“No, of course not. Why?” Lacus asked while looking back at Kira.

“Because I thought this isn’t what normal couples do, and thought it fell under weird.” Kira said while looking away.

Lacus just smiled at him.

“Kira turn around for a moment.” Lacus asked.

Kira thought maybe he said too much, and he should have kept his mouth shut. “That’s it I ruined the mood and the relationship. Damn I’m so stup-“ At this point Kira’s train of thought was cut off from the feeling of slender arms wrapping around his waist and a chin resting on his shoulder. Her breath was tickling his ear as she started to speak.

“Kira, no two couples act the same way, everyone is different. This is how we show how much we love each other, and I enjoy every moment of it, from the wonderful massages to the ticklish and enjoyable foot worships.” Lacus spoke and then kissed his cheek.

Kira shivered from the kiss and started to turn red from the fact that Lacus was hugging him while she was naked.

“Now why don’t we continue, and if you still feel unsure after that, we can still talk about it. Alright?” Lacus said.

With that Lacus lay back down and awaited Kira’s touch. Kira felt like a large weight had been taken off him. Then all of a sudden he felt Lacus’s foot tap his face, snapping him out of his self thought.

“Kira, I’m waiting…”Lacus said seductively.

Kira then went back to Lacus and restarted licking her back then blowing on the areas. After about doing this for about 40 minute, Kira moved on to both of her arms, that lasted for 30 minutes, and took extra care on her hands and fingers. Lacus particularly liked the attention her fingers were receiving and released coo’s of pleasure from the action.

When he was done with Lacus’s arms, he went to work on neck. This tickled her so much that it caused nothing but giggles to escape her mouth, even more so when he started to nibble on her ears.

Lacus was deeply enjoying this surprise that Kira was doing for her. It just felt so good. Then Lacus felt Kira move to the end of the bed and started on her legs, first her thighs, this just caused her to tense and moan in pleasure, and some how she was able to remain still from the stimulation, then Kira continued on down to her calves. Kira spent extra time and care on Lacus’s legs, it took him hour to finish with both of her lovely legs, and then Lacus felt Kira reach the feet she knew he loved so much.

When he finally made it to her feet, it tickled so much, but was happy that her feet received so much attention today. Kira enjoyed getting to her feet yet again today, after licking her feet then lightly blowing on them, he enjoyed watching her toes spread and curl and adding to that pleasure was hearing her laugh, giggle and coo the whole time this was happening. This took another hour, by the time their activity was done, Lacus saw that it was 9 PM on the clock, not too late, but not too much they could do. Lacus was thinking seriously during the time Kira was spending worshiping her body.

“We have been together for a long time now, we have already established skin ship and I do love him, and he is still worried about what we do…there is a way to fix that. I think I’m ready…………………..……I’ll ask him.” Lacus thought to herself.

Kira was getting up to leave but Lacus grabbed him and pulled him down on the bed. Now Lacus was on top and straddling Kira, and he had a full view of her flawless body now. Kira’s eyes were wide in surprise. He was in shock of what he was now seeing. Her finely toned stomach, her beautiful and perfectly sized breasts, her long gorgeous hair, and her magnificent eyes.

“Lacus what are you……!!!” Kira was saying before he could say anything Lacus cut him off with a kiss, her pink hair came down and formed a veil that blocked everything but Lacus’s face, it seem like they were the only people in the world. The kiss lasted almost a half a minute before Lacus broke it, then she spoke, looking into his eyes.

“Kira are you still worried about what we have been doing?”

Kira was unable to answer so he just nodded.

“You love me right.”

He nodded again.

“I love you as well Kira. Tonight why don’t we show how much we love each other?”

Kira understood what she was getting at. This was a major step, but they have had plenty of time to know each other over the years, so he knew this would not be a one night stand and would more than likely spend the rest of their lives together one way or the other, and he loved her more than life itself, so there was no reason they shouldn’t take their relation further.

With that he took off his shirt, Lacus bent down to kiss him again. He place one arm around her back and stroked it lovingly. With his other arm he pushed against the bed and they both rolled until Kira was on top of her.

Still kissing Lacus, he slowly trailed his left hand down to her breast and started to fondle it gently. Lacus started to moan during the kissing. But then suddenly she felt Kira touching the space between her legs, and pleasure shot through her body as Kira’s fingers did their work. She wanted to arch her body like a bow but Kira’s body on top of her prevented it from happening, she had no choice but to lay there and accept these agonizingly pleasurable feelings. The weight on top of her somehow made her felt secure and seem to reassure her that the actions that they were making tonight were something wonderful. Lacus then let out a deep moan.

Kira stop kissing her lips and descended to Lacus slender neck, but kept the hand that was at her core working, stroking and toying with her. She had kept her eyes closed after the kiss and was breathing deeply and kept moaning. Kira then moved down to the other breast that was receiving no attention. He teasingly had his tongue circle her nipple, with the other hand had started to have its finger trace around the other nipple. Having her most sensitive places submitted to such actions for the first time caused her to moan louder and caused her body to feel really hot.

Kira then started to suck on her nipple, running his tongue around it. Torturing it with its actions and becoming hard. Every now and then he gave it a little nibble. Lacus’s head was tossing from side to side and her body was squirming and was now releasing never ending stream of moans from her mouth, her legs were trying to gain some leverage but were unable to, her feet flex and her toes scrunch in pleasure. After awhile Kira got tired of this breast and went to the other and treated it to the same fate that the other had to endure, but to make sure it did not get neglected he move his hand from between her legs and move to her lonely breast while the other hand took over its duties.

Lacus could barely stand what was being done to her, when she felt that she could not take any more the actions to her body stopped. She welcomed the rest but wanted the feeling back. She felt Kira move down her body, kissing the whole way. It was nothing but sweet torture for the pink haired girl. He stopped just before were her underwear would be then he kiss her bellybutton, then kissed his way back down again to where he stopped before and was about to go back up only this time he dragged his tongue up to her bellybutton. Lacus was on the verge of screaming, and then she felt Kira’s mouth on her lower lips. He sucked, licked, and prodded with is tongue. Once again she tried to arch her body, but it was no use, he used his hands to hold her down, and made her submit to the sensations. Lacus could not take it anymore and screamed in passion. Her hands grabbed the blankets and sheets trying to use it as a way to brace herself, and her toes were scrunched.

Kira stopped what he was doing and went back up to Lacus’s face to start kissing her. Their lips met hard. Lacus used all of her strength to flip Kira over again so she could be on top and succeeded. She sunk her hands into his hair and pulled, deepening the kiss. While Kira used his right arm to pull Lacus closer to him, he enjoyed the feeling of Lacus’s breasts against the bare skin of his chest. Then extended his other arm and turned off the lamp on the desk, plunging the room into darkness. That night, this young couple made love for the first time.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------


One week later, Kira took Lacus out for the day. Throughout the day he carried a bag around with him with a box inside of it. When dinner came around, Kira took Lacus to a Five Star Restaurant. After dinner, before the check came, Kira got down one knee and proposed. With tears of happiness in her eyes, Lacus said yes, and then they shared a kiss. People in the restaurant started clapping. Kira reached into the bag he was lugging around all day and pull out the box. Lacus looked at it curiously; it was much too big to be a ring. Kira opened the box to reveal a pair of diamond slippers (Kira felt it would have been too cheesy to get glass slippers, beside she was well worth the money spent on them.). Her eyes widened, he took her feet and gently removed her high heels and replaced them with diamond slippers. Lacus hugged Kira and said…

“I love you Kira!” She cried with tears still steaming down her face.

“And I love you Lacus.” Kira said as he hugged her back.

Then they shared their first kiss of their new life, and looked forward to their wedding day.


Please Reply, I would like to know your thoughts.
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Hooray!!! 300 views!!! Very Happy!!!
But still no comments.....and that makes me sad.....
It is undoubtably very good. It's just odd how people react. If nobody takes the first step, nobody replies. Annoying but true. Good job in any case.
Np. I'm more a Gundam Wing fan regardless your writingstyle is good and you build things up, describe the scene well etc. Hopefully you'll keep it up! 😉 Eager to see what you come up with next!
Actually their is a slight story behind the making of this one, if anyone wants to hear it, I'll post it.
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