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Lane Bryant lingerie show


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]I just went to this site to sign a petition, urging CBS to show the Lane Bryant lingerie show this year. I am a size 18; beauty comes in all sizes. It's time that young women get a media image that doesn't insist you have to be a size 2 to be beautiful.

Here is the text of the petition:

To: CBS Network
We, the undersigned, demand that CBS provide equal time to plus-size women in America and air the Lane Bryant lingerie fashion show set to take place in February 2003.

Buying power!
1. 60% of women in America wear at least a size 14.
2. In 1999, the plus-size market was worth roughly $27 billion in sales.
3. The plus-size clothing market is growing at 10% per year as opposed to missy and junior sizes which are only growing at 3%.
4. The average American woman is 5'4" and a size 14.
5. In short, why cater to the minority when the buying power lies with the majority?

Popular myths
Despite popular belief, most American men do not prefer the very thin physiques depicted in the Victoria's Secret fashion show. According to the February 2000 issue of Glamour Magazine, men and women overwhelmingly found Kate Winslet's size 12/14 physique to be most pleasing when compared with other sizes. Most mainstream lingerie models are significantly smaller at a size 0 to 4. Plus-size models (particularly those modeling lingerie) are in excellent physical condition and range from a size 10 to size 16.

We believe that the presence of beautiful, alluring models who do not have to starve to be sexy will empower plus-size women and provide hope for every woman who has ever had weight issues. It is widely believed that media images of very thin women have a significant effect on body image in young girls. This feeling of inadequacy can lead to excessive exercise, starvation diets, drug abuse and deadly eating disorders. By depicting real, healthy "average" women, CBS could have a substantially positive impact on the body image off millions of women across the country.


The Undersigned

If you believe that women size 10 and up represent a healthy beautiful ideal, please consider going to http://www.petitiononline.com/LBCBS/petition-sign.html
to let CBS know what you think.


Thank you for bringing this to the forum's attention...as a happy size 12/14 myself, I definitely feel gals with curves are underrepresented in the media...and I hate those skinny twig models...I just want to feed them!!! 😛

Also, as a woman who loves women, I am never attracted to skinny gals...gimme a woman with a booty and thighs ANY day!!!! Women are SUPPOSED to be soft, and curvy...that's what makes us WOMEN!!! My baby girl looks HOTT in her Lane Bryant clothes...or without them...😉 Regardless, my love is a curvy girl, and I think she's the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet...I love every inch of her!!! And just cuz she's got the booty, doesn't mean ya can't bounce a quarter off of it!!! (Cuz ya can...I've tested!!!) 🙂

Bottom line, thanks for sticking up for us hott, curvy ladies around here, Josie. Yours was one of the first sites I ever visited when I was legally able, and I've been a huge fan ever since...thank you for your contribution to the tickling community, and for your support of us normal sized lasses!! YOU are HOTT!!!!
the hollywood brother speaking from a all machismo male point of hollywood brother view thinks that size should not be a issue. what attracts the hollywood brother to a dame is how they work what they got and most important to the hollywood brother is there smile and heart. The hollywood brother do not know if a curvy women special will get the ratings that say victoria secret gets but then again the victoria secret is watched mainly by lonly guys spanking there monkeys and are not the real target audience
the hollywood brother speaking from a all machismo male point of hollywood brother view thinks that size should not be a issue. what attracts the hollywood brother to a dame is how they work what they got and most important to the hollywood brother is there smile and heart. The hollywood brother do not know if a curvy women special will get the ratings that say victoria secret gets but then again the victoria secret is watched mainly by lonly guys spanking there monkeys and are not the real target audience

Once again HB comes through! I agree..i could careless on size..I Love the size Krystle is..if she ever wanted to change (gain/lose weight)..i would accept that..cause I love her..and to me..size doesnt matter(hell im not skinny either)..even tho she isnt that big at all! Sure like he said..it may not get the ratings..then again..it may just get the ratings..you never know. Be surprised..but yeah Lonely guys spanking their monkeys pretty much sums up VS specials..plus..i have better things to do than sit at home watching a special on Tv..i wanted to see it..id open up a sales ad. Id say..let them go through with the show!
My hubby says that he always found "beauty contests" to be incredibly boring, as most of the contestants look very much alike, and alas, very few of them are natural looking. We both find the "girl next door" (and in my case, the "guy next door" as well) to be more interesting and attractive than stereotypical professional models.

There is also a growing problem with males who become obsessed with media ideals of body image. This is excerpted from an article here:

Whilst the majority of people with eating disorders are girls (90%), experts believe that the number of young men affected is increasing. As the advertising & other media images raise the standard & idealize well-built men, many males are becoming insecure about their physical appearance. (mediascope.org)

Muscle dysmorphia", "reverse anorexia" and "bigorexia" are all terms meaning essentially the same thing: somebody who believes they are underweight and puny when the opposite is true. It tends to affect bodybuilders and avid gym-goers, often to the extent that they will check their appearance in the mirror dozens of times a day. The individual's social life can be severely affected, with some sufferers ashamed to show their bodies in public, believing they are too small. (pale-reflections.com)

In a recently published book, The Adonis Complex by Harrison Pope, M.D, Katherine Phillips, M.D. and Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D, three leading psychologists say more and more male teens are tying their self-worth to their body image. “These many different body obsessions are all forms of what we call the ‘Adonis Complex”. (Pope et al. 2000) Girls aren’t the only ones who suffer from eating disorders and an obsession with their appearance.

Pope, a Harvard Medical School psychology professor, has identified the Adonis Complex in males who fit into this pattern, that can begin in adolescence or younger. (Pope 2003) He explains that this condition is generated by unrealistic appearance ideals and pressure to achieve physical perfection. It is stressed that this complex can lead to compulsive and dangerous dieting, exercise, weight lifting, as well as steroid and supplement abuse.

Pope’s study with teen boys confirms that a “majority of boys chose a body ideal that most men could attain only with steroids.” This impractical goal puts young boys at risk for negative body image, unhealthy food and exercise habits, depression and low self-esteem. (familytlc.net)
Derkit..hey brah..In the end..it is who they are on the inside. I really Never truly knew what Aphrodite looked like..but when i talked to her..her personality and intelligence attracted me. I say her beauty is an added bonus! -smiles- Yeah, i dont care what size anyone is..its who they are on the inside, that makes them. Yeah, I bodybuild..but im not as cut as the rest are..im more muscle and I look big..well i am. AR doesnt seem to mind that at all, infact, that was last on her ways to describe me. She mentioned my personality first, so yeah..Its whats on the inside that counts. I still say, show lane bryant and show Victoria secret..i mean, i dont watch either..but others do, and women can get their fashion sense by watching it..so whats the big deal?
I'm going to preface this post by saying that I like all women....small, medium, and large. True beauty is on the inside, and when it comes down to it, personality is key. But that said, CBS is a private company who's sole purpose is to make a buck for their shareholders. They're not in the business of airing shows for the public good. The revenue that CBS can make from ads by airing Lane Bryant versus, say, some other programming should dictate what CBS airs. That said, I wouldn't want my daughter to grow up in a world where the media portrayal of beauty is so narrowly defined.....so I'd be up for writing a politician to subsidize CBS for airing Lane Bryant....but I wouldn't expect CBS to do anything for the public good on its own....that's anti-capitalistic.

- tf
DerKitzelnKonig said:
I for one dont know of any guys that if given the opportunity to choose from 2 women (complete strangers to them with equally pretty faces, skin, etc.) that would choose the heavier set of the two. (note that the two girls would be, one-5'4" 120-130, two - 5'4'' 165+)

Interesting point of view! I'll have to go off and think about that for awhile....
(Like for example, why would you simply pick a woman stranger from a lineup?)

I can see where you are coming from, I can see your preference and why...But my question is why ask us not to consider or call you shallow if you said you'd pick one stranger over another because she's skinnier, not knowing anything about her? Then...um...in the next paragraph say it really is personality that counts....

Although I will commend you for being honest and saying it is appearance that attracts first, or atleast has a strong factor. Alot of people say it doesn't...but some of those same people that I know say that and are lying out their ass because they make negative comments about someones physical appearance all of the time.
I.e: Oh my god did you see his hair?! That's hideous! I would never be caught dead with someone like that! Did you see that guys stomach! Holy hell he should be working out! (This is just a generic example from one girl I know, mind you).
That's why you don't see many people dating Quasimoto. I guess a simple test of this would be, ask yourself, if my significant other had a huge goiter, a glass eyeball, mange, out-of-control body hair, crooked teeth, and generally speaking is unsightly, would you still be with that person because their personality is simply smashing? I think most would compromise some personality for something aesthetically pleasing. (There are billions of people in the world, most won't settle for anything but their dream image and personality, I think the mentality would be, 'I can find someone just like her with the same personality who is prettier!') Ah such is life.
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AphroditeRabbit said:
I guess a simple test of this would be, ask yourself, if my significant other had a huge goiter, a glass eyeball, mange, out-of-control body hair, crooked teeth, and generally speaking is unsightly, would you still be with that person because their personality is simply smashing? I think most would compromise some personality for something aesthetically pleasing. Ah such is life.

I know what attracted me to you..but what the hell attracted you to me? you pretty much described me in a nutshell! lmfao!! 😀 oh btw.."Such is Life"..great quote!
tequilafiction said:
I'm going to preface this post by saying that I like all women....small, medium, and large. True beauty is on the inside, and when it comes down to it, personality is key. But that said, CBS is a private company who's sole purpose is to make a buck for their shareholders. They're not in the business of airing shows for the public good. The revenue that CBS can make from ads by airing Lane Bryant versus, say, some other programming should dictate what CBS airs. That said, I wouldn't want my daughter to grow up in a world where the media portrayal of beauty is so narrowly defined.....so I'd be up for writing a politician to subsidize CBS for airing Lane Bryant....but I wouldn't expect CBS to do anything for the public good on its own....that's anti-capitalistic.

- tf
TF..what you just said..validates the lyrics to Green Day's American Idiot. Very well put. Its all Media Controlled.
naveltklr1350 said:
you pretty much described me in a nutshell!

-laughs- I must have missed the glass eyeball....
You have mange? -Laughs!- Man I musta not been paying attention!
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AphroditeRabbit said:
-laughs- I must have missed the glass eyeball....
You have mange? -Laughs!- Man I musta not been paying attention!

-laughs- man, and all this time i thought you were paying attention to me..rotf..
I'll sign the petition if Aphrodite, Josie, Camel and Valerie will all volunteer to be my lees for an hour. (*groan*) Now that's a fantasy!

I judge women the way God intended... I rate the ticklishness of their feet and multiply that by how much they like it. 😉

P.S. I like Lane Bryant's stuff. (When worn by women that is!) I'm a manly man!
Beauty comes in all sizes but what is acceptable in the eyes of a conditioned viewer and the industry is not.

Models are supposed to embody more than just physical beauty. They are supposed to have values and standards which are rightious and admirable yet simple in instances so we can feel connected to them and its these abilities and attributes which enhance their glow as models and a portion of why young men and women look up to them. I'm sure just as many larger women have such qualities just like the thinner ones can and do, but theres a physical difference, and that difference is what makes things as they are.

If the conditioning of American women can be stopped there will be no issue with larger women getting equal representation as models.

The key is balance. And the modeling industry is just cloning itself, and thats going to destroy it eventually and the masses are already suffering from burnouts all due to seeing very similar models all the time with the same shapes and sizes.

Variety is what the industry needs to accept. Whats making this movement so hard to go full circle and completely impliment larger size models into the spotlight is that larger "plus size" models come with their own set of predetermined judgements and assumptions as well, assumptions which are based on stereotypes which are in fact true a good portion of the time, especially in America where we have the highest growing rate of obesity and large individuals.

I believe America is confused and the modeling industry afraid. The industry is concerned, and rightfully so, that it's integrity and standards of excellence will be compromised if they accept plus size women whole-heartedly into the business. They don't want to run the chance that the larger models will be misaken for being large because they're lazy gluttons with bad eating habits, they don't exercise, and they've abandoned themselves physically and perhaps mentally, like America is doing and the only difference is they aren't as large and are more beautiful, with or without the aid of cosmetics.

The industry does not want to look like its glamorizing unhealthy lifestyles or sending irresponsible messeges to young people either, just like the thinner models are being accused of, and I don't see the harm in that. Its a good thing. You cannot make this a double-standard.

Its through the larger models that the link to America's growing obesity problem is estabilished though. Its brings alot of things into light about where we are and where we're going, and the industry just wants nothing to do with it and doesn't want that kind of attention and neither do the models who work hard to keep their bodies the way they are and are on regiments to keep their bodies formed, and refined in a constant state of optimum performance and openly talk about the importance of health and exercise.

This is a difficult issue, and its not so simple to solve as the big vs. thin imagery is conflicting with itself.

Plus size women DO deserve to be acknowledged on the same level as the thinner models are, but its important that they also tell their would be fans the same thing- that its important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and treat your body with respect.

If the plus size models do not do this, then they will seem like hypocrites even though they are not necessarily. They need to PROVE by example that you can be something other than thin and still be beautiful and acceptable. BUT, since its a thin line between larger and just plain fat, they need to show people that theres a better way to do things.

Even plus size models go through a beautification process which may include but is not limited to some weight loss. So its only right that they make it seem like they've earned their position in the business because of their bodies as well as their minds and personality.

If they only do this half way they do look like hypocrites who are telling young people to let themselves go and then come and bitch about it later and they'll be models too.

This is a problem thin models don't have to worry about because they are given the benefit of the doubt and the business currently caters to them exclusively. I can see why plus size people have a certain ammount of verbal or hidden contempt for thin people who want into the business or already in there. Its not necessarily because they are physically more attractive and have bodies that are impossible for them to have, but that it was so easy for the thin to get in and yet they're struggling.

Perhaps this problem would go away if thin and larger models modeled together in spreads and such and stop being isolated from eachother. Subconsciously it will give us the impression they like eachother and get along, and consciously its an open statement that the two sizes and everything inbetween go hand and hand and CAN make the business work even more efficiently than it already is. And on top of that it shows unity even in the stark constrasts of physical appearances. And thats a very good and responsible messege to be sending the youth and aspiring models of either size. 🙂
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Tbe real problem is a lot deeper than models. American culture in general is seriously messed.

Who decided to turn beautiful people into role models? I mean seriously....what where they smokin' and where can I get some? On one hand, I can understand it....take something big and shiny that people are naturally attracted to (beauty), find the beautiful people who make good role models, and show them off for everyone. If everyone, beautiful or not, aspired to the models' ideals, the country is a better place. The problem is that people started aspiring to be beautiful, but why oh why should that be important in life? Why should Miss America be beautiful (whatever beauty means)? If I had my way, all beauty pageants would be abolished. Maybe the notion of Miss America remains, but it should have nothing to do with how a person looks in a swimsuit / evening gown. Find Americans with lots of natural ability who use it to make the country a better place.....hard-working people who demonstrate perseverence and spit in the face of adversity. They should be the real role models – but alas, without the physical beauty, not enough people would watch.

American culture is also messed because its too competitive. Bigger is better (and I'm not talking about a waistline here). Americans need bigger cars, more land, bigger houses, and more money. Losing is frowned upon....just look at the connotation of the word ‘loser'. Settle is a dirty word....and it shouldn't be. People should define what they need to be happy and seize the opportunity when it presents itself. Every woman should be the most beautiful woman in the world to her significant other. Why can't that be enough to make a woman happy? I mean, so what if 3 out of 5 guys find Suzie attractive, and 4 out of 5 guys find Debbie attractive....does that mean that Debbie is better than Suzie, or that Suzie is somehow deficient? Let's get rid of that rate me site while we're at it....I mean, why should you care what your rating is? No matter what measure is used, there will always be better people out there....people need to learn that there is such a thing as good enough.

So how do you teach a nation to be happy with itself? Is airing Lane Bryant the answer? If you think its that easy, I've got some swampland for sale on eBay that you might be interested in. I don't know what the answer is, but I'd bet that its more along the lines of raising children in an environment where they feel safe and loved by parents (or a parent) who are real role models. Parent(s) who take responsibility for the emotional development of their children, and who don't rely on television to do it for them – and who don't blame television when things go wrong.

Right on the button if you ask me, I just didn't want to go off topic by saying anything else.
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Sometimes I feel that way too. Like theres a point I can get acrossed that no one else is willing to or does. Others just scratch the surface and the likes of us, we delve.

Its a double-edged sword my friend, we're thinking too much.
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I should probably try to get this thread back on topic, seeing as I didn't mean to hijack it. How about.....if you really want to get Lane Bryant onto CBS, find out what CBS is planning on airing in its place, and try to organize a boycott of whoever advertises on that programming.....just an idea.

- tf
Thats a good idea. They could reorganize their evening line up to air this show. Given that most lineups are reruns anyway, theres no reason to object, at least not too much.

One thing is clear however, if anyone wants any progress you have to hit the networks where it hurts.
tequilafiction said:
Tbe real problem is a lot deeper than models. American culture in general is seriously messed.

Who decided to turn beautiful people into role models? ... If I had my way, all beauty pageants would be abolished. Maybe the notion of Miss America remains, but it should have nothing to do with how a person looks in a swimsuit / evening gown. Find Americans with lots of natural ability who use it to make the country a better place.....hard-working people who demonstrate perseverence and spit in the face of adversity. They should be the real role models – but alas, without the physical beauty, not enough people would watch.

American culture is also messed because its too competitive. Bigger is better (and I'm not talking about a waistline here). Americans need bigger cars, more land, bigger houses, and more money. Losing is frowned upon....just look at the connotation of the word ‘loser'. Settle is a dirty word....and it shouldn't be. People should define what they need to be happy and seize the opportunity when it presents itself. Every woman should be the most beautiful woman in the world to her significant other. Why can't that be enough to make a woman happy? I mean, so what if 3 out of 5 guys find Suzie attractive, and 4 out of 5 guys find Debbie attractive....does that mean that Debbie is better than Suzie, or that Suzie is somehow deficient? Let's get rid of that rate me site while we're at it....I mean, why should you care what your rating is? No matter what measure is used, there will always be better people out there....people need to learn that there is such a thing as good enough.

So how do you teach a nation to be happy with itself? Is airing Lane Bryant the answer? ... Parent(s) who take responsibility for the emotional development of their children, and who don't rely on television to do it for them – and who don't blame television when things go wrong.


That is one of the best commentaries I've seen in a long time 🙂 I don't think it's off topic, since it relates to the central issue of who should be a role model and what part the media should play in defining "beauty."
Vladislaus Dracula said:
Beauty comes in all sizes but what is acceptable in the eyes of a conditioned viewer and the industry is not.

Variety is what the industry needs to accept.

Perhaps this problem would go away if thin and larger models modeled together in spreads and such and stop being isolated from eachother. Subconsciously it will give us the impression they like eachother and get along, and consciously its an open statement that the two sizes and everything inbetween go hand and hand and CAN make the business work even more efficiently than it already is. And on top of that it shows unity even in the stark constrasts of physical appearances. And thats a very good and responsible messege to be sending the youth and aspiring models of either size. 🙂

Excellent points! I have suggested the same thing myself in the past, when commenting on the uniformity of appearance within the model industry and the lack of "identification" figures for people of different ethnicity, age, or body type than the established "norms."
@ Val-

Yeah, everyone just places their appeal and interest into only one of them and that creates a split faction within the business where theres two bases making two different appeals to the nation and are practically sending two completely different messeges.

By working together and modeling together both sizes become acceptable and I think there would be a lot less personal judgement cast because of appearances. Plus, theres only one messege and since its being presented in a neutral way it balances the power perfectly while still fostering safe appeals and messeges.

What effects the business effects the viewers, and what effects the viewers effects the business. We'd all be better off and a lot less judgemental if there was this unity.

Not only that, but theres more business and profit to be had in a unified modeling industry. I actually think I'd be more inclinded to pay attention this way, as a viewer myself than for it to be only one way.

I want a modeling industry where everyone gets to see what they want and aspiring models are not held back simply because they lack what the majority has. I'd openly welcome this change provided it didn't mean the extinction of the current standard.

Whats key is balancing this out, not eliminating it.

The industry would be too weak and would inevitably self-implode if the current models left or were replaced, but new models of different sizes are needed to keep the business going and keep it strong.

The sooner the business and viewers/fans realize the two need eachother, the better.

I'm not particularly impressed with the current models either. Only a few stand out to me and hold my favour. The rest sort of just look the same. My three favs are currently Heidi Klum, Christie Turlington, and Josie Maran. :happy:
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