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LAST LAUGH LAMBDA free clip (new video)

The Last Laugh

3rd Level Green Feather
Apr 21, 2001
Hello everyone!

I just released my 11th tickling video, LAST LAUGH LAMBDA. It stars Isabelle and Maude, two new models who use a bench press setup as a bondage apparatus. Isabelle, who I suppose is the main ticklee (a very ticklish one, at that), has a rather unusual laughter, possibly not for everyone, but I'll let you judge for yourselves by checking out the preview clip. Maude also gets tickled a good deal, and I think the last scene, a kind of weird tickle fight where the girls can't really see each other, is pretty original. As usual, you can learn more about the video by visiting my website at www.thelastlaughinc.com.

You can access the preview clip on my website or by using the following link: LAST LAUGH LAMBDA PREVIEW CLIP.

By the way, I'm very sorry to say the Paypal people have recently decided that the content of my website is inappropriate (what a joke) and have closed my account. Outrageous. This means that, for now, it's impossible to place an order by credit card. I'll do my best to switch to a different service as soon as I can, but that may take some time. Until then, the only way to place an order is the traditional mail method, using an order form and paying by cash, money order or check (checks are only possible for American and Canadian customers). I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. The order form and all the info you need can be found in the "Place an order" section of my website. Naturally, you can contact me if you have any questions about the ordering process ([email protected]).

Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
You use the cutest girls in your videos.
This latest is a little wild. 🙂
Paypal is horrible! They also cancelled the account of ocmb.org, one of the cleanest adult forums on the Web 🙁 You might want to have a look at www.paypalsucks.com to see what former users think of them.
WOW! Cool Clip, nice positions!
Thanx for sharing, Francois.
Very imaginative ties !!! plus ticklish cute girls 😀
MistressValerie said:
Paypal is horrible! They also cancelled the account of ocmb.org, one of the cleanest adult forums on the Web 🙁 You might want to have a look at www.paypalsucks.com to see what former users think of them.
They also cancelled ours ages back, and I believe I got an e-mail saying the account was being added into some big class-action lawsuit. Doesn't really matter to me seeing how I had everything out when they closed it, but PayPAL is finding out people don't like it when you mess with their money...duh.

Also, I believe LaughingGasZone and some other tickle companies were cancelled too. I really don't understand why they have anti-adult site policies, because let's be realistic, pornography is the biggest internet industry. Maybe it's something to do with their merchant status with the big CC companies, or just an easy way to freeze up accounts to have play money for 180 days (6 months!) before they have to return your funds via check.

There are only a few processors that accept adult sites. I can think of www.iBill.com and www.ccBill.com off the top of my head, but in either case they are super expensive. I know ExtremeTickling, TickleTown, and TC Videos use CC Bill so you may want to ask them more about it. I do have some advice for better PayPAL success if you are interested, just PM me.
Awsome clips.. You should put some on clips4sale.com I would love to get some clips. I dont really order vids anymore have too many and its easier to watch on PC.

Just my suggestion, but good job!
OMG she sounds like a squealing pig but still cute though.
Have a look at World Pay as an alternative to using Paypal have used a few overseas sites that use this (though have to admit not for tickling material) and had really good easy service from them
once again, that was a great clip. You are right though, she does have quite a different laugh. I am reminded of the Friday the 13th movies. You know the sound that is played right before Jason enters a scene. The cha cha cha type sound seems to come right out of the first models mouth.

Anyways good stuff
Francois, she laughs like Muttley!!!!! Outstanding clip,though, it looks as if they both really got into it! Keep up the good work!

Cheers, everybody,
MistressValerie said:
Paypal is horrible! They also cancelled the account of ocmb.org, one of the cleanest adult forums on the Web 🙁 You might want to have a look at www.paypalsucks.com to see what former users think of them.

Yeah, I've seen that site. It's pretty amusing to read all that PayPal bashing. It's well deserved, too. I'm glad they're being sued. I actually got an email that said I was included in the lawsuit. I dropped out of it (I just don't have enough info or any control, so it's too risky for my taste), but I sure hope PayPal loses the suit, even though I don't think it will hurt them very badly. They're just too big, and of course they're a property of eBay, which is a monster of an organization.
TickleTheater said:
They also cancelled ours ages back, and I believe I got an e-mail saying the account was being added into some big class-action lawsuit.

Indeed. I got the same email. I decided to drop out of it, to tell the truth. As much as I'd love to get some payback, I'm not comfortable at all with being involved in a lawsuit when I don't know all the facts (they provide a lot of info, but it's still not enough) and can't do anything to contribute in a direct way. Being represented by total strangers in a different country without even being asked for my permission? Not thanks. I actually resent that one has to actively send a couple of letter to drop out. It's like Columbia House that automatically sends you a crappy CD if you don't send the damn monthly card (or has this changed since I was a member so long ago?)

Now, even though I don't wish to be involved, not in this way, I do hope PayPal loses, and I wish the representatives good luck. But I can't imagine it will be all that damaging to PayPal or eBay. I mean, Microsoft gets sued all the time (don't they?), and they're still all powerful.

By the way, sorry to hear they ditched you too.

Doesn't really matter to me seeing how I had everything out when they closed it, but PayPAL is finding out people don't like it when you mess with their money...duh.

Yeah, it's pretty incredible how much they think they can get away with. And the worst thing is that they're mostly right.

Also, I believe LaughingGasZone and some other tickle companies were cancelled too.

Ah yes, I've read about that. Even posted a reply on that thread. I know how it must be for LGZ, or for you for that matter. I'm very sorry. It's all so ridiculous.

I really don't understand why they have anti-adult site policies, because let's be realistic, pornography is the biggest internet industry. Maybe it's something to do with their merchant status with the big CC companies

Quite possible. There's also the fact that there's more fraud involved with adult sites. Of course, this doesn't apply to sites like LGZ, the TickleTheater or TLL, but they really don't care. They don't bother to make decisions on a case-by-case basis. They just eliminate any site that's remotely "adult".

You know what's really unfair? PayPal flush us because, supposedly, our websites are inappropriate. But they make exceptions for publications like Playboy, Playgirl and Penthouse. They actually say so on their website. Now, I understand that these are huge businesses, but doesn't it seem just a bit unfair? It's outrageous favoritism. Of course, I don't have the money needed to buy off eBay and PayPal. But if they're so anal about harmless little sites like TLL, TT or LGZ, how can they possibly justify allowing some of the big names of the porn industry? Such discrimination is just plain disgusting.

or just an easy way to freeze up accounts to have play money for 180 days (6 months!) before they have to return your funds via check.

Ah yes, I'm a victim of that ploy myself. I don't see how they can justify that. They must have pretty good lawyers to get away with it, because it stinks of illegality to me. What's makes it especially frustrating to me is that, by pure concidence, I initiated a withdrawal procedure the day before they close my account. Just in time, you say? Fat chance. While I took my money out before they shut me down, they decided to interrupt the transaction and keep the money. Bastards. They better pay off in 6 months. Apparently they do.

There are only a few processors that accept adult sites. I can think of www.iBill.com and www.ccBill.com off the top of my head, but in either case they are super expensive. I know ExtremeTickling, TickleTown, and TC Videos use CC Bill so you may want to ask them more about it.

Yeah, ccBill and iBill are really tough on the wallet. For instance, compared to the 3% plus 30 cents PayPal kept on each transaction, ccBill keeps a whopping 14%! Ouch! That's actually one of the rare good things about PayPal: they offer a great deal to sellers. But ccBill and iBill are very well known, and as far as I can tell they're relatively tolerant. There are other services that are cheaper and similar to PayPal, while more tolerant of "adult" sites. Some people have been kind enough to refer me to such companies. I'll do some research. But it's quite possible I'll end up using ccBill anyway. We'll see.

I have fairly regular contacts with TickleTown (they host bonus material from The Last Laugh each time I have a new video). I guess asking for advice would indeed be a good idea.

I do have some advice for better PayPAL success if you are interested, just PM me.

That's kind of you to offer. But if you're thinking of different ways of using PayPal, I'm afraid that's not possible in my case. For instance, to create a new account (without mentioning PayPal on my website) I'd need to have a second bank account and possibly another credit card. Since I only have one of each, they won't let me create a new accout. I'm afraid I'll have to wait 6 months before I can use PayPal, even for personal transactions. It's too bad. I was thinking of having people use the SEND MONEY option, at least temporarily, until I switch to another company. Not much PayPal can do about that. But I can't even do that.
FootTickles said:
Awsome clips.. You should put some on clips4sale.com I would love to get some clips. I dont really order vids anymore have too many and its easier to watch on PC.

Thanks. It's possible that I'll offer downloadable clips one day, but if I do it won't be through clips4sale.com, even though I know it's a good service. They actually offered to distribute my clips. Very tempting. But I prefer to remain in total control of the distribution of my own material. If I sell clips I'll do so through my website host.

To tell the truth, I'm not very fond of the clip format. I realize that they're very popular and that people love to get them instantly, as opposed to physical videos. But I still don't like them very much. They're small, you can't watch them on a big screen, they're more expensive per minute than a full video, etc.

It can also be tricky to make gamma/brightness/etc. corrections so they don't look too dark on a computer screen. I find it annoying to have to shoot videos with both TVs and computers in mind, as I have to aim for a compromise when it comes to lighting. I'm not very good at making corrections after a video is shot, nor at setting the lighting just right during a shoot, for that matter. I also don't have what it takes to create clips that are good enough quality without the files being huge.

Still, I'm realistic. Like it or not, I realize that this is what the market is like nowadays. I'll see what I can do in the future. But it will take some time. And the problems I'm having with PayPal only make it worse. Can't very well sell clips without a credit card payment system.
ticklemad said:
OMG she sounds like a squealing pig but still cute though.

webster said:
You are right though, she does have quite a different laugh. I am reminded of the Friday the 13th movies. You know the sound that is played right before Jason enters a scene. The cha cha cha type sound seems to come right out of the first models mouth. Anyways good stuff

SmashTV said:
Francois, she laughs like Muttley!!!!! Outstanding clip,though, it looks as if they both really got into it! Keep up the good work!

Funny stuff, people. But that's ok, I realize that these are just humorous comments, not meant to be negative per se. I'm glad that you enjoyed the clip, unusual laughter or not.

I must admit, while I was producing the video, the image that came to mind was that of screeching car tires, heheheh! She doesn't sound like that all the time, of course, but that's what I'm reminded of those few times when she's at her worst.

I won't pretend that I don't wish she had a different laugh. I know it's not for everyone. But like I mention on my website, while she does tend to scream/squeal at times, her voice has limitations that don't allow for loud noises. So her high-pitched reactions aren't nearly as grating as they could have been. If a girl with a more standard voice had reacted like that, I would have got a lot of nasty sound distorsion. But as it is, the audio is just fine. So it's really not that bad after all. Just different.

The way I see it, Isabelle is obviously very ticklish (if her laughter isn't enough, just look at her facial expressions), she looks rather nice, and she and her partner Maude had a lot of fun doing it. That's what's the most important to me. Not to mention that I'm rather pleased with what we did with the weight lifting bench. So I think that it can be a enjoyable video for many people who are open to unusual types of laughter, and I'm glad that several people seem to like it.
Heh, your hands must be tired. Yeah, let me know what you find out from Obleski on the ccBill stuff. Just curious... 🙂
TickleTheater said:
Heh, your hands must be tired. Yeah, let me know what you find out from Obleski on the ccBill stuff. Just curious... 🙂

Heheh! Sorry, I have a hard time being brief when I write a post or an email. But ok, I'll let you know what happens with ccBill, assuming that's the service I choose in the end.
TickleTheater said:
Yeah, let me know what you find out from Obleski on the ccBill stuff. Just curious... 🙂

I'm sorry, I completely forgot to come back to you on that one. It turns out that I can't use CCBill because they don't deal in tangible goods. It's something I read several times, and they confirmed this when I called them to make sure. Since my products are physical videos, CCBill isn't an option. I'd need to completely convert to downloadable clips. Even if I started selling such clips I'd still want to offer physical videos, at least DVDs (possibly videotapes too, at least for a while longer), so I'd still have a credit card transaction problem.

Otherwise, CCBill is pretty good. The fees are quite high (I think they'd take at least 14% in my case), but they seem more tolerant than PayPal and they offer a better service.
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