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Legend of Zelda: OOT story ( /f <- Malon)


Registered User
Aug 24, 2002
Wow... this is the first time I've ever posted something here since I usually post stories at the ATF (Anime Tickling Forum), so... dunno why I said that (SHAMELESS PROMOTION!) Course, this is also an old one from the archives that was pretty good.
Now, for the purposes of avoiding any awkward moments, how bout we slap an "18" onto Malon's age. Yeah. That sounds good. Besides, it wouldn't be too far from the truth, since when this takes place, she's a "late teen/adult whatever the hell." Course, there's no real sexual descriptions in here to begin with... as far as I know.
Now, sit back, relax, ignore the grammer and spelling errors (which are as apparent as the pluage) and enjoy.
(And you don't have to know the game to enjoy it... I think... I dunno.)
(And forgive me for the melodrama. "IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A BIIIG MAAAAN!... Man!")

"My, My, My Malon"
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time TK story
"<_< >_> They're looking at me... why are they looking at me?!"

Malon's eyes were about to burst as she worked on the Lon Lon Ranch, which was now run by Ingo. She had to do more work than ever before, which ended up being pretty much all of it, since no one else worked on the farm, other than Ingo, but he never did anything. He calls it a "Well deserved vacation." Malon shuffled into the barn (where tha' cows are). Her arms were sore from overwork, since she had just finished moving huge bails of hay.

Malon: This can't be what I was meant to do for the rest of my life.

She put the milking bucket under a cow's udders and began to milk it.

Malon: Well, at least I can sit for this job.

Suddenly, the cow must have been spooked by something, for it promptly kicked the bucket over and knocked Malon onto her back. She pulled herself up and saw the milk seeping into the dirt/hay floor. She got back up, grabbed the bucket and went to another cow, but it was at about this time that Ingo burst in.

Ingo: How goes the milking?
Malon: Fine. Just fine.

Ingo walked closer to a wet mark on the ground. Malon kept her back to him and continued milking the new cow.

Ingo: You SPILLED milk?! You know how many rupies you've wasted right there?!

Malon replied hastily and with a certain tone. (You know what tone I'm talkin' about... right? Right?)

Malon: It was an accident. That's all.

Malon remained quiet.
Ingo: Well, maybe I can ingrain that lesson into your head.

Ingo went over towards the pitchfork, which was hanging on the wall and the went out the door. Malon sat on the stool for a moment, silent, but then sprang up with renewed vigor and scrambled out the door, being careful not to spill the new bucket's worth of milk. She made it outside just in time to see Ingo, in the corral, trying to lure a horse over to him, still holding the pitchfork in his hand.

Ingo: Commere! *Whistle call* Geddyap! Get over here.

Malon ran over to Ingo's empty arm and grabbed it.

Ingo: GET OFF!

He smacked her to the muddy ground. Her soiled dress was now even more soiled than usual. The tears poured from her eyes now as she got to her knees, grabbing Ingo's shirt tail in desperation.

Ingo: I'm not going to hurt them. I'm gonna KILL one of them.

Malon became more desperate.


Ingo looked down at her.

Ingo: You're going to have to work double this week. That means day and night, non-stop. Got it?

Malon had barely been getting enough sleep as it was, but then she looked at the horses which she helped raise since she was a child. She looked at the ground.

Malon: I'll do it.
Ingo: Allright then.

He stabbed the pitchfork into the ground.

Ingo: You start now. The sun will set soon so I'll be getting to bed, but when I wake up, I want to see lots of work done. Got it?

Malon remained on her knees, still looking at the ground.

Ingo: Well, I'm going inside now to have dinner. I'll have the scraps out next to the door when I'm done. (What an a-hole.)

Ingo went inside. Malon waited until she heard the door close, then she slowly got up, grabbed the pitchfork, pulled it out of the ground and went to put it back. When she put it back, she went to finish milking the cow she was working on, but the cow freaked out as well and knocked over the bucket, spilling the milk once again. Malon sighed, picked up the bucket and went to work on the others. As she milked the cows, she thought.

Malon: (Thinking) Someday, everything will be the way it was, before all this happened.

She went back to her fantasies of being rescued by a knight in shining armor. She imagined that after she was freed from the ranch, she could look for her father and things could be the way they were.
She soon finished milking the cow and was able to pour the bucket into a canister. She took the bucket and proceeded to milk the remaining cows.
When she finished, she went outside to see that the sun was on the horizon. She got the pitchfork and started cleaning out the corral, which was originally Ingo's job. Malon continued working on that until she looked up at the window to the master bedroom and saw the light turn out.

Malon: I have to get out of here.

Malon ran to the silo and hid the pitchfork in there so Ingo couldn't use it against the horses while she was gone. Malon went into the corral and went to a horse which she was rather fond of.

Malon: Epona, I'll come back. I promise.

Malon stroked Epona's neck, then wrapped her arms around Epona's neck and hugged her.

Malon: I won't let anything happen to you.

She held her hand on the side of Epona's head and then she ran back towards the barn. She opened the sliding door and snuck in. She then went out through the door past the gates sealing off the ranch from the road out. Malon ran down the road, only stopping to look back at the corral. She then continued down the road.

The moon hung low in the sky, signaling that the night had only begun. Malon ran as fast as she could. As she ran, she realized that she didn't have any idea what to look for. She stopped for a minute, then looked back at the ranch, which was surrounded by a huge rock wall. She turned in the direction she was running and felt a cold wind blow by her.

Malon: *Brrrrr* I wish I brought a coat. (I'm sure coats existed... right? Right?!)

She strode forward. Malon soon came across a forest.

Malon: How far did I go?

(Okay. for the sake of tension, I've upped the scale of Hyrule field. Makes it more of a trek to "get to the corner store.")

She looked back and saw the ranch, but it was now about the size of her thumbnail.

Malon: Maybe this was a big mistake. Yeah. If I hurry, I can just make it in time to get enough stuff done.

Malon started towards the ranch, but stopped.

Malon: ... No. I can't go back there.

She turned for the forest, but instead of a landscape of trees, she was starring directly at a large, blue bulb, hovering infront of her. It opened to reveal rows of sharp teeth and a slimey tounge. It was a Deku Baba.

Malon: *Scream*

She turned and ran as fast as she could, but before she could lift an foot to run, she couldn't move them at all. Infact, her ankles were ensnared and tied together. Soon, her wrists were tied over her head by some unseen force, but then she saw what was holding her. The roots of the Baba were for some odd reason reaching out of the ground and holding her captive. She struggled to break free.


She started showing her tough girl side, a side which hadn't shown itself in some time. Too bad it wouldn't do much in this situation. She looked up at the bulb, but it wasn't making a move to make her a midnight snack. Instead, it just sat there, looking at her with its nonexistant eyes.

Malon: LEGGO! NOW!

Suddenly, she felt something tugging on her boots.

Malon: Wh-what?!

Now she wasn't afraid. She was worried. Very very worried. Some vines were trying to pull on her boots, until they eventually slid off to reveal her beautiful bare feet. They were flawless. Since Malon walked about in those boots all day, her feet were soft to the touch, like a silken pillow. She wiggled them trying to escape from the Baba's grip.

Malon: What are you doing?!
Voice: Now what's a pretty thing like you doing out at this hour?

She turned her head in the direction of the voice and saw a lantern floating in the air and soon a being appeared holding the lantern wearing a tattered cloak. It eyed the terrified Malon with it's sinister eyes, glowing an eerie yellow.

Malon: A-a Poe?!
Poe: Correct.
Malon: What do you want?
Poe: I've been watching you for some time.

Malon remained silent, but the look of horror on her face was still undiluted.

Poe: I must say, you look lovely when you're suffering.

Malon was now a mix of fear, disgust, anger, and flattery, but not in that order.

Malon: I really don't have time for this. Please, help me!
Poe: No.

The Poe looked at the Baba and his eyes narrowed more, as if smirking.

Poe: For it is my fault that you are in this current state.
Malon: Wh-what?
Poe: That's right. A Poe can do more than float around and shoot fire everywhere. (Actually, they also turn invisible and be incredibly annoyin'. Other than that, they're pushovers.)

Malon finally got the strength to ask the real question dogging her mind the last couple of seconds.

Malon: What are you going to do with me?
Poe: Not what I'm going to do to you. What HE is going to do.
Malon: How do you know it's a "he?"

Poe was about to say something, but stopped mid breath, finger pointed to the sky. Then when he stopped, his finger curled (do they have fingers?) and scratched his chin.

Poe: Err...
Malon: Hmph. Thought so.
Malon smirked a bit, despite her position.

Poe: Um... well, you see... Hey! Wait!

Malon chuckled a bit at the Poe's confusion.

Poe: THAT'S IT! I'll make you pay for making me temporarily stupid! Luckily, I was going to do this to you anyway.

He nodded to the Baba. Malon raised her eyebrow, looked at the Baba holding her and every bit of her old "Do yer worst, ya' butt munch" feeling was gone and back to "Please, sir! I like the use of my thumbs!" (Confused? Well then re read it!) (Unfortunately, that's the last bit o' humor that I know of in this story. Oy. Note to self: Kill the imps who convince me to do Melodrama. I will kill them with toothpicks.)

A root came out of the ground near Malon's head. It went down her sleeve and went to her underarm, where it started wiggling about on her smooth underarm. Malon's eyes went wide for a moment and she immediately tried to slam her arm down, but couldn't (duh). She tried to comfort herself by shrinking her head to the shoulder of the arm that the vine was currently tickling.

Malon: He he hey! What is this?!

The Poe just had an amused look in his eyes. Malon struggled, twisting her body around like there was a fire under her.

Malon: Cut it out! He ha he he he ha ha ha ha!!!
Poe: Can't and won't.
Malon: This is it? Hehaha hahahehee! CUT IT OUT!
Poe: I figure this would be a good break from all the frowning you do on that Ranch. I'm doing you a favor.

Malon tried thrusting her head to her right (the side not being tickled), trying to tear free of the vine's grip. (They were roots, but now MAGICALLY, they are now vines!) Another vine reached up at her side and went down her other sleeve, but instead of stopping at her armpit, it went down to her stomach.

Malon: (Thinking) Oh nuts! (I know they didn's say "nuts" but think about it. How historically accurate is Nintendo anyway? 80's-future time periods excluded.)

The vine got to her stomach and started a slow side to side slide just above her navel, unlike the previous vine's wild flailing at her armpit. When it started, Malon almost rammed her butt into the ground and started having a harder time forming words. (Yeah. The cliche build up. Now, she'll explode right about...)

Malon: Hheahahahehahahah STOP IT! HAhahaheheeahahaheheahhaaaahahehaha!!!
Poe: You have such a sweet laugh. Why don't you do that more often? I've never seen you smile or laugh when you are working in the barn. Even today.
Malon: Wh hah ha ha hat?!
Poe: I thought you'd find it funny to see those cows scared of nothing.

The tickling stopped. Malon took a few deep breaths. She looked at Poe.

Malon: That was-

She stopped to blow a few strands of hair out of her eyes.

Malon: That was you?
Poe: Yes.
Malon: ...

Poe raised an eyebrow.

Poe: What?

Malon immediately went from trapped damsel to rabid fox tied to a post.


The Poe was taken aback.

Malon: YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY?! Oh, I swear! When I get free, I'M GONNA BEAT YOU WITH ANYTHING WITHIN REACH! And trust me! It won't be funny!

The Poe sat there.

Malon: What?
Poe: You know how cute you are when your enraged?

Malon sat there with a perplexed look on her face.

Malon: You aren't the smartest thing in Hyrule, are you?
Poe: Well, at least I'm smart enough to know that you don't make threats while you're tied up.
Malon: Uh...
Poe: Now I'm going to have to punish you for that tone.

His eyes glared a sadistic light. Malon didn't change. The fire in her eyes seemed to grow brighter.

Malon: So, what are you going to do? Poke me in the side? Get some little yellow mouse thing to "electrocute" me?

She did the "bunny ears" with her fingers when she said "electrocute."

Poe: Oh I have something else planned.
Malon: Oh, I see. So let's see where this could lead. First, I get tied up by a plant which doesn't seem to be interested in eating me-
Poe: Yet.
Malon: Do you mind?
Poe: Sorry.
Malon: Now, where was I?
Poe: You were stating the recent events.
Malon: Right. The some vines tickle me, then I find out that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be out here!
Poe: You forgot one thing.
Malon: What?
Poe: The vines removed your boots.
Malon: What does that have to do with anythi-

She went back to trapped damsel, eyes wide.

Malon: Please! Anything but that!
Poe: I'm suprised they're in so good condition. You walk around in those boots all day with no socks (I'm guessin') and there's not a blister on you.
Malon: Do anything but that! Please! Don't!

She stopped.

Malon: Well... not anything.
Poe: I figured, but I'm still going to do it.

His eyes smirked. The vines in her shirt left but some new ones came out of the ground infront of her wriggling feet.

Malon: Why are you doing this?
Poe: Just because.
Malon: That's it?
Poe: That's what Poes do to pretty girls.

There was a pause.

Malon: ... None of the other Poes do this, do they.

A vine slid up her arch. She jumped.

Malon: EEP!
Poe: Maybe we can change what comes out of that mouth of yours.
Malon: H-hey! I didn't think you were serious. Heh heh. I'm sorry about- EEK!

Another vine went across the base of her toes.

Poe: Sorry about what?
Malon: Please! Don't! Anywhere but there! I mean it! ANYWHERE!

There was a pause.

Malon: Well... not anywhere.
Poe: Well, I'd rather not.
Malon: Well, wait a minute!

At that moment, four vines started tickling Malon's wiggling feet.


The Poe just floated there, laughing at Malon's pleading mixed with her hysterical, yet still musical, laughter. Two vines worked on her soles, the other two worked on the base of her toes on both feet. She made a futile attempt to wriggle out of the Baba's grip, but no matter what, the vines were still tickling at the same relentless pace.


She swung her waist towards the sky and thrashed her head side to side.

Poe: Oh, now you're messing up your hair.

She flexed her toes to try to aleviate the ticklish sensations, but it wasn't working. She bucked as hard as she could, and her face was slowly becoming more and more red. By this time, more vines had sprung up and were now tickling allover her helpless soles.

Poe: But you seem to be enjoying yourself.

The Poe smirked as suddenly, many vines sprung from the earth and loomed over Malon, who was still having her feet tickled and couldn't really take note. The vines then flew onto her, tickling her armpits and her belly (them sleeves have more traffic than Jersey turnpikes!).

Poe: I'm sorry. You were about to say something? Well, we'll have plenty of time to talk... since I'm not planning on letting you go anytime soon.

He let out an evil laugh.
When midnight rolled around, Malon started becoming more and more quiet. She was growing lightheaded from all the laughing, and her struggles became less and less forceful. The tears slowed down and the rivers of tears were now nothing but gentle streams.
Malon opened her eyes, however, just long enough to see something strange though. The moon started moving. Fast.

Poe: What the?

The moon plummeted over the horizon and the glory of the sun's light threw itself up into the sky. The light seemed to hit the Poe hard as he flew back and disappeared in the same motion. The vines let Malon go and she fell to the ground. She looked in the direction of where the Poe was, then towards the sun.

Malon: *Sigh* It's over.

She however, neglected to look behind her... at the Deku Baba, whose roots were holding her in the first place. She heard a growl and turned behind her. The Baba slowly opened it's mouth, revealing it's razor sharp teeth. The bulb hoisted itself into the air, preparing the strike. Malon was too weak to scramble out of range. She weakly put her arm up to defend herself with.

Malon: P-please! Don't!

The Baba suddenly made an urk and fell to the side. Malon leaned over to see what had happened and the Baba had been severed at the stem. She looked a up a bit and saw a guy standing there, putting his sword up. He wore a green tunic, with a matching hat.

Guy: Are you allright?
Malon: Y-yes.

The man walked over to her boots, which were just aside from her. He pushed them over to her.

Guy: I'll guess that these are your's?

Malon got an actual look at the man's face. It was a good thing her face was still red for that moment, for she was blushing. Big time. Malon put her boots on and tried to get up, but fell back to the ground. The guy held out a hand to help her up.

Malon: Thank you.
Guy: Don't worry about it. Where do you live?
Malon: Over in that direction. At the ranch.

The guy seemed to space out for a second, the snap back to earth.

Guy: What were you doing out here?
Malon: I was looking for help. Ever since that Gan-whatever his name is took power, my father was forced to give ownership of the ranch to Ingo, an old hand there. Ever since then, I've been forced to work and tend to the animals. And if I didn't, he'd hurt the horses!

The guy looked genuinely concerned.

Malon: I would ask you to help, but I don't want to burden you again with-
Guy: Like I said earlier. "Don't worry about it." I'll be glad to help.

A blue spark flew from his tunic and started yelling stuff into the guy's ear. He whispered something to the spark and it went behind him. Gears slowly turned in Malon's head. Her face was back to it's normal color now.

Guy: What's your name?
Malon: Name's Malon. What's your name, anyway, fairy boy?
Guy: My name is Link.


Well, this story was written a while ago, so I'm still trying to get a part II completed, since it did well at the ATF.)
PROMOTION->(BTW, ATF URL: http://pub54.ezboard.com/banimeticklingforum)<-PROMOTION
(Go there for all yer' anime tk needs, and more stories by me, many which obviously were done a looooong time ago.)
Okay. I'll shut up now. What did y'all think?
Be brutal. I can take it.
That was sooo cute. A little dorky at times but I liked it. A for imagination. So where do you think Navi could get to in those sleeves?
Darkstorm is heeeere!!!!! LOL, great read-again for me, now post more here for the enjoyment of the non-ATF masses. 😛
I know this is old, and I know a lot of you hate thread bumpers, but C'MON! This story is totally worth the bump! XD

That was great DarkStorm! Loved every...letter of it! XD
This may be old, but this is the first time I've seen this one. I loved it! The tickling was good, but I think the banter between Malon and the Poe really sold it for me 😀 Did he ever get a part two written?
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