Lena Dunham Responds To Accusations That She Sexually Abused Her Sister.....
YUCK! Anyway, love the comment section of this article, great input from the public on this one,
a few of my favorites were:
-Jennifer: So, her having what she described as a consensual though drunken sexual encounter is rape and we should all feel bad for her, but her fingering a toddler is not molestation and we should congratulate her?
Her double standards are mind-boggling.
Katie: Very true. I hate that she thinks she represents women in her feminists crusades. She does not represent me.
...and Anna: Agreed. She is the voice of the "tumblr feminist." Aka, the liberal arts college douchebags with a mob mentality. I am a feminist through and through: I will NEVER deny that fact simply because nitwits like this try to claim they are "our voice."
Whether you are a perpetually unwed polyamorous woman with unshaven legs & a law degree, or a cosmetically enhanced community college drop out making amateur porn, or Joanna America: wife, stay at home mother of three, and state fair award winner for Best Slippery Pot Pie, you you deserve an equal level of respect and access to the same opportunities as any other human being, male or female.
A lot of these "crusaders" like Dunham will throw horrible accusations around to reinforce the victimhood narrative, but when they're caught actually doing something
abhorrent, they get all butt hurt at the perfectly logical reaction to their behavior.
YUCK! Anyway, love the comment section of this article, great input from the public on this one,
a few of my favorites were:
-Jennifer: So, her having what she described as a consensual though drunken sexual encounter is rape and we should all feel bad for her, but her fingering a toddler is not molestation and we should congratulate her?
Her double standards are mind-boggling.
Katie: Very true. I hate that she thinks she represents women in her feminists crusades. She does not represent me.
...and Anna: Agreed. She is the voice of the "tumblr feminist." Aka, the liberal arts college douchebags with a mob mentality. I am a feminist through and through: I will NEVER deny that fact simply because nitwits like this try to claim they are "our voice."
Whether you are a perpetually unwed polyamorous woman with unshaven legs & a law degree, or a cosmetically enhanced community college drop out making amateur porn, or Joanna America: wife, stay at home mother of three, and state fair award winner for Best Slippery Pot Pie, you you deserve an equal level of respect and access to the same opportunities as any other human being, male or female.
A lot of these "crusaders" like Dunham will throw horrible accusations around to reinforce the victimhood narrative, but when they're caught actually doing something
abhorrent, they get all butt hurt at the perfectly logical reaction to their behavior.