Lesbian couple's first kiss at homecoming a first for Navy, too
By Corinne Reilly
The Virginian-Pilot
© December 21, 2011
It’s Wednesday morning around 10:30 when the Oak Hill finally comes into view, its steel-gray bow peeking out from behind a grove of green trees at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek.
It’s been three months since the dock landing ship left home for Central America, and all of the usual fanfare is waiting to greet its crew: crowds of cheering families, toddlers dressed in sailor suits, and the lucky, excited woman who’s been chosen to take part in a time-honored Navy tradition, the first homecoming kiss.
In this case, that woman is 22-year-old Citlalic Snell. She’s a sailor herself, assigned to the destroyer Bainbridge, but today she’s in civilian clothes – jeans, boots and a stylish leather jacket. Watching pierside as the Oak Hill pulls into port, she absentmindedly twists the small diamond ring on her left hand.
A uniformed liaison who is with her explains how it’s going to work: Snell’s sailor will be among the first off the ship, and when it’s time, Snell will be escorted onto the pier for the kiss.
The liaison asks if she’s nervous.
“Sort of,” Snell admits.
As it starts to drizzle, the brow is finally lowered. A handful of top officers are first off the ship, and then comes a young woman in dress blues, Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta.
Snell cracks a wide smile.
“That’s her,” she says.
When Gaeta spots her, she smiles, too. They embrace. With all eyes watching, they keep the kiss short, and the crowd cheers.
As the rest of the crew begins to file off the ship, Gaeta and Snell slip away for a few moments alone before speaking to a group of news reporters.
They say they’re both a little embarrassed by all the attention, but they understand it.
“It’s a big deal,” Gaeta says. “It’s been a long time coming.”
They explain that they’ve been dating for a little over two years, about as long as they’ve been in the Navy. They met right after boot camp. They were roommates at their first training school, where they both became fire controlmen.
Until this September, when the military’s ban on openly gay service was lifted, they worked hard to keep their relationship secret. When Snell came home from her last deployment in August, kissing on the pier wasn’t an option.
“This is the first time we can actually show who we are,” Snell says.
Adds Gaeta, "It's nice to be able to be myself."
While she says she already considers Snell her wife, they’re planning for a wedding down the road.
And how were they chosen for the first kiss?
As is usually the case, it was decided in a raffle. Gaeta bought 50 tickets at a dollar a piece. While she suspects her division may have bought a few more on her behalf, she says she knows of sailors who bought more than a hundred, so she was surprised to learn Monday that one of hers had been drawn as the winner.
Snell looks at Gaeta and shrugs.
“I think it was meant to be,” she says.
Boy, I SO can't comment on this article - I know female Navy formal requires skirt and suntan pantyhose..... I am only able to imagine these lovey ladies, apart for months, going home, her girlfriend sloooowlly removing her heels, putting her gorgeous pantyhose feet in her lap, and tickling her for an hour while her girlfriend laughs her head off as she plays with her stocking clad feet...then they move over to the bedroom, and she plays the lucky spy who gets to interrogate the Navy girl by tickling the soles of her pantyhosed feet for a few hours, "never realizing" that the Navy girl has a tickle fetish....ummmmmm.......
SO, yeah, anyway, I'm glad this was all possible, for horny guys everywhere (even those religious prudes who claim to be "highly outraged and offended by this disgusting display of affection!!!!!" ...who then run over a few bushes on the way home to jerk off all night at ....those OUTRAGEOUS....sexy...I mean FILTHY....ooohhhhh, those legs...those soft, pantyhose legs.....oh shit she's heel popping! Look, you can see how the soft stockings leave a little gap in the heel as she bends her foot....droooollll!!!!!!)
Yes, I'm having WAYYYY too much fun with this....but real humor lies in truth, and everyone knows it's true.
If I can ever get past the sexiness of this, ......being a patriotic American, I'll never understand how anyone except a douchebag bigot would oppose any American risking their lives, and the huge inconvenience on top of that of being away from family and friends for months on end, at least, defending this country from all those who are clawing to take our freedom away.
By Corinne Reilly
The Virginian-Pilot
© December 21, 2011
It’s Wednesday morning around 10:30 when the Oak Hill finally comes into view, its steel-gray bow peeking out from behind a grove of green trees at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek.
It’s been three months since the dock landing ship left home for Central America, and all of the usual fanfare is waiting to greet its crew: crowds of cheering families, toddlers dressed in sailor suits, and the lucky, excited woman who’s been chosen to take part in a time-honored Navy tradition, the first homecoming kiss.
In this case, that woman is 22-year-old Citlalic Snell. She’s a sailor herself, assigned to the destroyer Bainbridge, but today she’s in civilian clothes – jeans, boots and a stylish leather jacket. Watching pierside as the Oak Hill pulls into port, she absentmindedly twists the small diamond ring on her left hand.
A uniformed liaison who is with her explains how it’s going to work: Snell’s sailor will be among the first off the ship, and when it’s time, Snell will be escorted onto the pier for the kiss.
The liaison asks if she’s nervous.
“Sort of,” Snell admits.
As it starts to drizzle, the brow is finally lowered. A handful of top officers are first off the ship, and then comes a young woman in dress blues, Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta.
Snell cracks a wide smile.
“That’s her,” she says.
When Gaeta spots her, she smiles, too. They embrace. With all eyes watching, they keep the kiss short, and the crowd cheers.
As the rest of the crew begins to file off the ship, Gaeta and Snell slip away for a few moments alone before speaking to a group of news reporters.
They say they’re both a little embarrassed by all the attention, but they understand it.
“It’s a big deal,” Gaeta says. “It’s been a long time coming.”
They explain that they’ve been dating for a little over two years, about as long as they’ve been in the Navy. They met right after boot camp. They were roommates at their first training school, where they both became fire controlmen.
Until this September, when the military’s ban on openly gay service was lifted, they worked hard to keep their relationship secret. When Snell came home from her last deployment in August, kissing on the pier wasn’t an option.
“This is the first time we can actually show who we are,” Snell says.
Adds Gaeta, "It's nice to be able to be myself."
While she says she already considers Snell her wife, they’re planning for a wedding down the road.
And how were they chosen for the first kiss?
As is usually the case, it was decided in a raffle. Gaeta bought 50 tickets at a dollar a piece. While she suspects her division may have bought a few more on her behalf, she says she knows of sailors who bought more than a hundred, so she was surprised to learn Monday that one of hers had been drawn as the winner.
Snell looks at Gaeta and shrugs.
“I think it was meant to be,” she says.
Boy, I SO can't comment on this article - I know female Navy formal requires skirt and suntan pantyhose..... I am only able to imagine these lovey ladies, apart for months, going home, her girlfriend sloooowlly removing her heels, putting her gorgeous pantyhose feet in her lap, and tickling her for an hour while her girlfriend laughs her head off as she plays with her stocking clad feet...then they move over to the bedroom, and she plays the lucky spy who gets to interrogate the Navy girl by tickling the soles of her pantyhosed feet for a few hours, "never realizing" that the Navy girl has a tickle fetish....ummmmmm.......
SO, yeah, anyway, I'm glad this was all possible, for horny guys everywhere (even those religious prudes who claim to be "highly outraged and offended by this disgusting display of affection!!!!!" ...who then run over a few bushes on the way home to jerk off all night at ....those OUTRAGEOUS....sexy...I mean FILTHY....ooohhhhh, those legs...those soft, pantyhose legs.....oh shit she's heel popping! Look, you can see how the soft stockings leave a little gap in the heel as she bends her foot....droooollll!!!!!!)
Yes, I'm having WAYYYY too much fun with this....but real humor lies in truth, and everyone knows it's true.
If I can ever get past the sexiness of this, ......being a patriotic American, I'll never understand how anyone except a douchebag bigot would oppose any American risking their lives, and the huge inconvenience on top of that of being away from family and friends for months on end, at least, defending this country from all those who are clawing to take our freedom away.