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Library Laughter


Registered User
Aug 10, 2002
This my first post here. Hope you enjoy it.
Library Laughter.

Librarian Susan Crane walked through shelves of books, pushing a cart full of books for re shelving. Still single at age thirty-one, Susan easily fit the stereotype of the spinster librarian. Tall and slender, she wore prim conservative suits with skirts of the proper length and flat black shoes. Though not really unattractive, the tight bun she wore in her hair and the thick black horn-rimmed glasses cut down on her appeal quite a bit. Her strict no nonsense attitude on unruly student hadn’t endeared her to the student body of Fillbran’s academy for Girls either.
The girls all called her “Miss Crone”, and did all they could to annoy her. Of course Susan took pleasure in making their lives hell as well. Last week after closing up the library, she’d seen that nasty girl, Lisa Malone, sneeking a boy into her dorm. Boys were strictly forbidden at the academy, and Susan had naturally phoned security not to mention the dean. Only by the slimmest of margins had Miss Malone escaped expulsion. And of course she’d caught Carrie Flynt making out with a boy right here in the library bathrooms. and Susan had made sure Laura Donnegan had received the mandatory demerits after the girl had shown up at the school Halloween party in that disgraceful and revealing cave girl outfit.
She liked this time of the day. The library ha closed, the students, whom she not-so secretly despised. had gone back to their dormitories. she had the library all to herself. she moved quietly through the shelves, placing the books back in their places. then she paused a moment, she could have sworn she heard someone. She stopped to go investigate.
As she moved into non-fiction, she saw Lisa Malone standing between the shelves. The pretty blond student had developed a far better body at the age of twenty than Susan ever had, perhaps this was why Susan resented her so. The girl wore her school uniform of a plaid skirt, saddle shoes and white blouse, though the blouse had been unbuttoned much farther than school regulations would ever have permitted. She casually blew a pink bubble of gum, then popped it, looked at Susan and smiled.
“Well hello Miss Snitch,” Lisa said,”Fancy meeting you here.”
“Miss Malone, the library is closed for the day.”said Susan, feeling a bit nervous. Why had this girl come here?
“It wasn’t very nice of you to ruin my weekend last week,” Lisa said. “I haven’t been with a guy in a long time.”
“You know the rules Lisa,”
“You owe me, Miss Crone,” Lisa said.
“Owe you what?”
“An orgasm,” Lisa said, smiling.
“Are you feeling hungry tonight?”
“What do you. . . OH! that is disgusting Miss Malone. I’ll be reporting you to the dean in the morning!” said Susan. Such Lewd talk to a member of faculty had to be a violation of school rules.
“Bad answer Miss Crone,” said Lisa as she began to walk towards Susan. Susan stepped back, but felt two sets of hands grab her arms She looked to each side and saw Laura Donnegan and Carrie Flynt, Lisa’s two best friends were holding her. She also saw that for some reason the girls had set up a video camera on a tripod near by.
“what is the meaning of . . .?” Susan was interrupted by Lisa placing a piece of duct tape over her mouth.
“One last chance Miss Crone. Are you sure you’re not hungry?”
Susan scwoled and struggled to get away.
“I think that’s a no,” said Laura.
“Why did you have to rat me out Miss Crane?”Lisa asked, as she raised her hand towards Susan slender neck “Jealous because you can’t get a man of your own?”
Lisa slowly traced the long nail of her index finger down Susan neck. Susan gave an involuntary squirm. Lisa’s eyes opened wider, and she gave an evil smile.
“Why, it appears someone is ticklish!”she exclaimed, her hand moving into Susan soft belly and wriggling. Susan tried to squirm free as her eyes widened in horror. She hated being tickled, hated the loss of control, hated the way her body reacted. She tried to shout through the gag and and break free of these girls, but the held her tightly.
“Oh, let me try,” said Carrie, stroking Susan side. Susan gave a muffled shriek behind the gag. Naturally Laura decided that she had to join in. Susan’s body shook as she laughed behind the gag, tears welling up in her eyes.
“I think we’re going to have even more fun than we thought,”Lisa said. she pointed to a nearby table. “take her over there.”:
The girls dragged the struggling Susan over to the table, while Lisa re positioned the video camera. Susan tried to fight them, but Laura and Carrie soon had her lying flat on the table, where they held her down. Susan could hear the tearing of duct tape an felt Lisa wrapping it around her ankles, securing them to the table legs. Lisa tossed the duct tape to Laura, who secured Susan wrists to the table. Within moment Susan lay tied spread eagle across the large study table.
“What ugly shoes you wear Miss crone,”Lisa commented as she began to unlace Susan sensible flats. Susan felt them leave her feet, then heard the tearing of her nylon stockings. For what seemed an eternity she felt nothing but the cold air on her naked feet. Then slowly, Lisa bean to draw her long nails up the curve of Susan instep.
Susan gave a muffled scream and struggled against her bonds. Lisa smile and began to increased the speed at which she stroked. Her nails ran along just beneath Susan toes. They wriggled madly trying to clench up, but Lisa pulled them back.
“MNNNNNEENNENNE” Susan tried to scream beneath the gag.
“My, aren’t these big old boats of your soft,”Lisa said, lightly kissing Susan big toe, then returning to her tickling ,”Soft and sensitive.”
“It’s not fair,”said Laura petulantly,”You having all the fun,”
“So join in,”said Lisa with a wink. Susan gave a soft terrified moan. Carrie and Laura went to work on Susan abdomen, while Lisa continued her assault on Susan bare feet.
“MMEEEEKMMMEMEMEMMMMMNNNNN!” Susan shrieked and moaned behind her duct tape gag,.
Suddenly the girls stopped. Susan tried to catch her breath as she heard Carrie say,’
“It’s still fair,You get her bare feet while we have to go through clothing,”
“Why you know you’re right,”said Lisa with growing smile,”Why whatever can we do?”
“I think i know,”said Laura. Susan looked on in growing terror as all three girls produced x-acto knives.
“Hmmm-nnn, Hmm-nnn,”she cried through her gag, realizing what they were about to do. The girls ignored her as they set to work. Susan could hear the tearing of cloth as the knives cut through her jacket, skirt and blouse> within moments the girls had stripped the prim librarian down to her bra and panties.
“Black lace, who would’ve thought it?”Carrie remarked, as her finger began to trace the edge of Susan navel. Susan wiggled at the touch. The bare skin of her back squeaking on the cold wood table top.
Lisa once again began to stroke Susan feet, her nails darting between Susan long toes. Susan jerked her feet ,desperatly. trying to get free of her bonds. Lisa’s long nails scratched along the top of her foot, just beneath the toes, switching from foot to foot.
Carrie quickly discovered Susan sensitive armpits. Susan struggled against the three way assault, her mind slowly shutting down to all but the exquisite torture. shock mixed with horror as somewhere in the back of her mind she realized she enjoyed this. Carrie noticed it as well.
“Hey look her nipples are poking out, trying to escape,”she said with a laugh. she pulled out her x-acto again and cut Susan bra away. Carrie licked her lips at the sight of Susan freed c-cup breasts.”Do you think these a ticklish?”
Carrie and Laura each took a breast, one hand tickling the soft flesh of the sides of her breasts, and using the other hand to gently stroke her hardening nipples, exciting the poor librarian beyond belief.
Lisa, meanwhile had begun working her way up Susan legs, tickling as she went. as Lisa’s fingers danced across the backs of Susan knees, she stopped and sniffed. Then using her x-acto on Susan panties, removed the last shred of the poor woman dignity.
“she’s enjoying this!”Lisa exclaimed,”she’s wetter than a swamp down here.”
Susan’s cheeks reddened in embarassment. As she heard the thee girls laughing at her.
“Well Miss Crone How about it? Workd up an appetite yet?”
Susan shook her head in defiant anger, but inside she knew she couldn’t stand much more.
“Really well maybe a change of position is what we need,”
Susan felt them cut the tape free from the table, and she tried to escape, but the girls grabbed her, and the tickling had made Susan to exhausted to put up much of a fight.
Within moments they had re-positioned her and re fastened her down. Now she lay face down on the table, her bare breasts pressed against the tabnle top. Her bottom half stuck off the edge of the table, with her knees resting on two chairs, each positioned as far apart as her legs would stretch. Her ankles were taped to the chairs, with the bare soles of her feet pointed upward.
Two make matters worse, the girls had stack books under the chairs, so that Susan’s bare bottom stuck up in the air.
“I think a few toys might make matters more intersting,” Lisa said, producing a backpack
She reached in and pulled out a long stiff feather. feathers. She reached up and softly began to stroke Susan up turned feet.. . Carrie and Laura got feathers of their own. Carrie began tickling Susan airborne ass , while stroking her fingers down Susan’s sides. “MMMNNEEEEEE!” Susan shreiked. She’d never had her naked body touched before, and had never even suspected that her bottom could be so ticklish, Her cheeks began to clench and unclench, Laura Saw this and giggled.
“Let me try,” she said, and soon her own feather, began to stroke Susan’s cheeks. Susan jerked against her bonds in response, her now sweaty skin manking sucking noisesagainst the table top. Tears formed in her eyes as she tried to control herself.
A buzzing noise sigaled a new attack as Lisa brought out three electric tootth brushes. The bristles on the spinng heads started on her tender soles, then moved around her feet. Lisa worked on each toe seprately, driving Susan mad. By this time mere suggestion had made even the parts of Susan that weren’t normaly ticklish, to be sensitive to the touch. Een the tops of her feet were ticklish.
“Hungry yet, Miss Crone?” Lisa asked again, but by this time Susan wasn’t even capable of answering. Carrie and Laura each used an electric toothbrush on her bare butt cheeks, bringing them lower and lower. Lisa began to work her way up Susan’s legs, until three sets of bristles were spinning and vibrating against Suan’s wet womanhood.
Under this assault Susan senses left her. She could do nothing but wriggle and moan against the cold wood of the table. Her brain began to shut down as she surrendered to her senses. Then she felt it, the jolt through her body, and fireworks went off inside her head. The girls stopped their tickling and Susan lay on the table breathing heavily. Lisa walked up and knelt down beside Susan’s ear.
“Why Miss Crane, I do believe you’v just had an orgasm! First one?”Lisa said, giving a little nibble on Susan’s ear. “Now, are youn hungry yet?”
She ran the toothbrush over Susan’s bare neck. Susan jerked and gave a meek nod.
“Really hungry?” again Susan nodded. “Well I hope you’ve worked up a big appetite, cuase frankly working you over has got my friends pretty hot, so looks like you’re having a tree course dinner.”
They cut her bonds and jerked the tape off her mouth. Each girls grabbed a chair and sat around the table. Susan dropped to her knees with a whimper and crawled beneath the table, to have her “dinner.”
Several minutes later the huniliated librarian craled out, trying to get the hairs off her tongue. She pulled herself up on the table,and looked behind her to see Lisa Malone. The blond smiled and put a piece of paper and pen on he table.
“Could you sign this please?”
Weakly, Susan signed it without reading it.
“Thank-you, “ said Lisa. “and congratulations on your new career,”
“What are you talking about?”
“Why you’re now a tickle-porn star,” said Laura, “ Now that you’ve just signedthe releas form for the video we just made.”
“WHAT!” said Susan,
“Sure,” said Carie popping the tape out of the video camera. “We can make a fortune selling this on the internet.”
“By the way Miss Crone,” Lisa said, with mock sincerity. “We’ve learned our lesson. We’ll never sneak boys in again.”
“yeah,” said Laura. Susan turned her head at the buzzing sound, and saw Laura had out her electric toothbrush. “You’re a lot more fun than a boy Miss Crone.”
Before Suzan could move, Lisa and Laura grabbed her and within moments, Susan found heself hogtied on the floor. She felt the sping bristles on her feet and as she started to giggle she heard Carrie put in a fresh tape and say:
“Time to start the sequel.”
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