Video 1 was pretty good. Can def tell there's a bit of a ticklish reaction there. Though she's not wiggling her feet much but she's laughing and says it feels weird. Video 2 is kinda eh. Not that great.
The best part about it is when she says "I bet it's going to tickle" which in and of itself is her admitting to having ticklish feet. But the toe lick itself, if you can even call it that was not a tickle. There's no way. The dude barely even made contact between his tongue and her toe and the second he did he pulled back. Any laughter from her was due to the awkwardness of the situation.
Now if he had actually legitimately licked her foot and toes, I'm sure there would be ticklish squirming and laughter. But sadly that's not the case.
Anyway, thanks for the videos.