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Lindsey's Weight Loss Secret (F/F Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
Meet Lindsey. She's a coed with a problem. Spring break is just weeks away and the poor girl needs to lose a few pounds if she's going to look her best in a bikini. Fortunately, the sexy student attends Unknown University—where hilariously creative solutions to life's little dilemmas are always included in the curriculum!




T.T. Gore


Lindsey Stouder was NOT a happy camper!

The sexy student stepped off the bathroom scale, frowning over the bad news that the scale had just delivered. Eight pounds! Eight pounds she’d gained over the Christmas holiday. Now here she was, back at Unknown University with spring break just weeks away—and she absolutely HAD to lose that weight!

Not that Lindsey was morbidly obese. In fact, she reflected as she examined herself in the full-length mirror that was affixed to the bathroom door, she looked pretty damned good. With her short blonde hair, blue eyes, curvy figure and long legs, Lindsey was one hot chick. But that extra eight pounds! There it sat around her belly and on her hips, making her appear just the smallest little bit out of shape. That might be all right for U.U. in the middle of a Midwest winter—but in Florida?

Lindsey shook her head, thinking of the shockingly tiny swimsuits she planned to wear down in the Sunshine State…and of the effect they’d have on the guys. No, She DEFINITELY had to lose those eight pounds!

Diet and exercise were, of course, out of the question. Lindsey knew that she lacked the fortitude to starve, jog and crunch herself into shape. She needed a quick fix!

“Go see Edwina Keach. She’s a fitness instructor at the Student Services Fitness Center,” Lindsey’s roommate suggested. “I hear she gets GREAT results!”

“Really?” Lindsey gave her sinuous roomie a narrow look. “How would you know, Steph? I mean, since when have YOU needed to lose weight?”

“Oh, I hear things.”

“Well, okay,” Lindsey shrugged. “I suppose it’s worth a try…”


Edwina Keach turned out to be a slender, leggy redhead in her mid-thirties. You couldn’t have called her pretty, but Edwina’s angular face was undoubtedly attractive in a vaguely mannish way. Lindsey found herself squirming slightly in her chair as Edwina gave her a cup of tea and guided her through the prequalification checklist. The level gaze of the fitness instructor’s deep brown eyes was a bit disconcerting…

Lindsey had no way of knowing it but as a matter of fact, Edwina was hard put to it to maintain professional decorum. To have such a ripe, delicious plum drop into her lap! And the girl was obviously no quiz kid. It would be a simple matter to lure her into a VERY compromising position—!

Unbeknownst to most people—indeed, Unbeknownst to even her immediate superiors—Edwina Keach was a member of the secret cabal through which Dean Margaret Stanley controlled every aspect of Unknown University. She’s been recruited by Valerie Prescott, the University Archivist and a member of Dean Stanley’s inner circle. Edwina still shuddered with shame and pleasure when she recalled the rites of initiation to which she’d been subjected…

But now she had friends in high places—and in turn for services rendered, Edwina was permitted to indulge her taste for twentysomething coeds. Coeds like Lindsey Stouder, for instance. And the nefarious compound of narcotics and aphrodisiacs with which her tea had been spiked would ensure the sexy student’s full compliance with Edwina’s rather shocking demands…

“I’m quite sure I can help you,” Edwina assured the girl with a great big smile. “However, you should be aware that my methods are somewhat…unorthodox.”

“But they work?” Lindsey asked hopefully.

“Indeed they do!” Edwina stood and stepped from behind her desk. “In fact, I think that in your case we’d be well advised to begin immediately. If you have time, that is.”

“Well…” Lindsey hesitated. She’d have to cut US History II, but that class was a colossal bore anyway. “Sure, I guess so, Miss Keach.”

“Then follow me.”

Edwina rose from behind her desk and led Lindsey out of the office. They strode along a corridor, through a door, and down a short flight of stairs, emerging into a spacious basement room with soundproofed walls. Exotic-looking physical fitness gear lined the walls. In the center of the room was an elevated platform with a leather-padded top. Lindsey eyed this contraption with a wary eye.

“Gee,” she said in a voice made slightly unsteady by the rising anxiety that fluttered in her stomach. Suddenly she felt acutely conscious of Edwina’s attire: a form-fitting pink tank top and a pair of low-cut exercise pants that showed off the redhead’s cleavage, flat belly and toned calves. Lindsey wobbled a bit on her long legs.

“This is a little…unusual…” the sexy student stammered.

“Yes,” Edwina nodded. “My methods are unorthodox—but I do get results! Now, young lady, I need for you to get undressed.” She smiled. “Strip down to your panties, dear.”

“What?!” Lindsey gulped. “But why—?!”

“Because my method demands it,” the slender redhead replied, stepping closer to Lindsey and putting a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “You DO trust me, don’t you?”

“I guess so…” Lindsey whispered. Edwina’s hand on her shoulder felt so…warm. “All right, I’ll do it.”

But Lindsey was far from sure precisely WHAT she was doing, and what exactly was going on between her and the redheaded fitness instructor. Nevertheless, she began to undress and in a trice she was naked except for rather scanty scarlet silk panties.

“Excellent, dear!” Edwina exclaimed. “Up on the platform, now.” She punctuated this command with a playful slap to Lindsey’s fetching bottom that made the girl squeal and blush.

Edwina placed the sexy student in a kneeling position on the platform. Then she bound Lindsey’s wrists together with a leather strap and hoisted her arms were hoisted high above her head. Finally, she parted the girl’s thighs and strapped her ankles down with her bare feet protruding over the edge of the table.

Lindsey trembled—partly because she felt a bit chilly, but mostly because Edwina’s level gaze made her feel…funny. It seemed to her that Miss Keach’s methods were more than just a bit irregular! But the slender redhead HAD promised results. And despite her anxiety, Lindsey was conscious of a rising excitement. So she took a deep breath and braced herself for the therapy.

With a smile of satisfaction, Edwina stepped around the table. Just for a moment, she gazed avidly at Lindsey’s curvaceous, silk-clad derriere. Then she cleared her throat and said, “All right, dear—I think we’re ready to begin! Now first I want to you relax…”

So saying, Edwina stepped closer. With an almost silent sigh, she put an arm around the girl’s waist and placed her hand on a full, firm breast.

“Oh!” Lindsey exclaimed, wiggling her bare bottom. “Oh, Miss Keach, you shouldn’t put your HAND there—!”

“Hush now,” the slender redhead breathed into Lindsey’s ear as her fingers searched out the trembling girl’s rigid nipple and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Don’t you trust me? I can’t help you reach your goal if you don’t trust me…”

“Of course I t-t-t-trust you!” Lindsey replied in a voice made unsteady by a sudden thrilling sensation that roughened her silken skin with goose bumps. “It’s just that I’ve never…I’ve never…” she blushed. “Oh, Miss Keach I’ve never actually DONE anything like this—!”

“Never done anything like what?” Edwina inquired. “You mean that you’ve never done anything…sexual…with another girl?”


“Well,” Edwina admonished her, “I’m afraid that my method relies on…intimate contact.” She caressed Lindsey’s nipple with the palm of her hand. “But if it makes you uncomfortable…”

“Oh, no!” Lindsey exclaimed. “Please, Miss Keach, I really DO want to lose those ten pounds before spring break. Can you truly help me?”

“Certainly, dear,” Edwina breathed into the girl’s ear. “Why, within three weeks we’ll have you in the best shape of your LIFE…”

And with that, the slender redhead darted her sharp-nailed fingers into Lindsey’s delicate, defenseless hollows!

“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Lindsey shrieked. Her boobs bounced and swayed as she writhed and squirmed in response to Edwina’s ticklish caresses. The slender redhead found herself almost mesmerized by the sight of Lindsay’s gyrating behind. It was all she could do to refrain from ripping the girl’s panties off and bending down to lavish kisses on the poor girl’s deliciously sweet cheeks…

“THAT’s right, dear,” Edwina whispered as she stroked the sexy student’s ultra-sensitive hollows. “Just let it out! Laugh for me! LOUDER, please! MUCH louder—!”

And Lindsey did her heartfelt best to comply! Her howls of anguished hilarity climbed steadily in volume, echoing wildly around the room. Soon her body was completely covered with goose bumps and bathed in a delicate sweat. Lindsey’s sides and belly ached abominably. Her thighs quivered. And her nipples extended themselves to the absolute MAX—!

As for Edwina, she was finding it increasingly difficult to maintain her phony air of clinical detachment. Her own nipples were rigid with excitement and a lustful sensation smoldered low in her belly. She had planned to prolong these preliminaries—but this girl was SUCH a delicious little morsel!

Resigning herself to the inevitable, Edwina gave the sexy student a pat on the behind and went to the storage cabinet that stood against the wall. From it she retrieved a small pair of scissors—and a long, stiff, pointed feather.

“I think we need to take your therapy to the next level,” Edwina cooed, returning to her station behind Lindsey. And with no more ado she yanked down the girl’s panties, removing them entirely with two snips of the scissors.

“Oh, my GOODNESS!” Lindsey exclaimed in a voice made small and unsteady by apprehension…and anticipation. “Miss Keach, what are you DOING—?!”

“Lindsey, dear!” Edwina replied in an equally unsteady voice. “Tell me, are you ticklish back here on your cute bottom…?”

Lindsey opened her mouth—perhaps to voiced a protest, perhaps to demand an even more intimate caress—but then the feather caressed her now-naked ASS—!

“EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Lindsey shrieked. “OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!! STOP!!! NO MORE!!! HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” She bucked and writhed with mad abandon as the feather danced over her sweet cheeks. “OH SHIT!!!” she bellowed. “OH GAWD!!! IT TICK-HICK-EEEEEE-HICK-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HICK-HICKLES MEEEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

Edwina sighed with pleasure as she manipulated the feather. Lindsey’s hysterical screams and desperate pleas for mercy were music to the redhead’s ears! Ah, how she relished the sexy student’s manic laughter and frenetic writhing! And Edwina knew just exactly how to REDOUBLE the girl’s ticklish torment—!

“Shall we try this?” Edwina whispered—and she inserted the feather into the cleft of Lindsey’s buttocks!


She bucked and writhed, laughing like a stupid IDIOT as the feather stroked the tender crevice between her quivering butt cheeks. Thrill after ticklish thrill shot through her overloaded nervous system. Her boobs bounced and jiggled. A fresh crop of goose bumps brought the fine golden hairs on her arms to quivering attention. And a tense, increasingly urgent sensation of anticipation gripped her loins…

Meanwhile, Edwina continued to ply the feather. Gradually, she dipped it lower, to caress the silken insides of Lindsey’s quivering thighs. The sexy student wiggled her hips. A fierce jolt of excitement shot through her breasts and belly.


“Courage, my dear!” Edwina exclaimed. “Remember, this if for your own good. And you’re doing SPLENDIDLY—!”

And indeed, the slender redhead told herself, to judge from the way poor Lindsey was jiggling and wiggling, she’d shed those excess pounds in short order! And it would be Edwina’s pleasure—her very GREAT pleasure—to help that process along!

After stroking Lindsey’s backside and thighs for several minutes, Edwina could no longer resist the temptation to bring their little session to its inevitable climax. She stepped around the platform to bring her face to face with the gasping, pink-faced girl.

“Now, dear, I think you’ll find this next bit to be very…stimulating.” The slender redhead smiled. “Just rest for a moment while I get ready.”

And then, to Lindsey’s bug-eyed shock and surprise, Edwina proceeded to remove her clothes! In a matter of seconds she was stark naked…but still holding the hellish feather whose unbearable caress had driven the sexy student to utter distraction…

“Are we ready?” Edwina breathed. “Yes, I think we are!”

She stepped closer to her captive, flourishing the feather with a lewd smile. With her free hand, the slender redhead pinched her own nipples until they were achingly stiff. Lindsey watched all this with wide eyes. She knew she should protest…demand to be released…but for some reason all such words died in her throat…

Edwina closed her eyes for a moment—and then she swirled the feather over Lindsey’s soft, slightly rounded belly!

"GAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!" Lindsey bellowed. She wiggled her bare behind with desperate abandon.

“Can you feel those abdominal muscles tightening, dear?” Edwina licked her lips. “Let’s try this…”

And she zeroed in on Lindsey’s BELLY button!


Yes, I thought you might like that” Edwina whispered. She put her free hand on Lindsey’s breast. “And I’m sure that you’d like it if I went a bit LOWER, hmmm…?”
“Omygod!!!” Lindsey blubbered. “AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!! Oh, Ms Keach! Yes! Oh yes PLEASE—!”

The sexy student moaned as the aching muscles of her legs, belly and buttocks tensed in anticipation of the longed-for, blessed release that she so ardently craved! Edwina was still tickling her belly, and she was still laughing like an idiot, but the sexy student’s attention was becoming totally focused on the joyous, absolutely GLORIOUS sensation between her thighs. Lindsey trembled. A fresh crop of goose bumps roughened her skin.

“Not quite yet, dear!” Edwina exclaimed. And with that, she brought the feather up to stroke the sexy student’s swaying breasts!

“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Lindsey shrieked. She jerked her torso to and fro in response to the sweetly agonizing caress of the feather. “GAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!”

“Mmmm, your pretty boobs are SO deliciously SENSITIVE aren’t they?” Edwina whispered as she zeroed in on the squealing girl’s erect nipples.

“OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!” Lindsey protested. The feather’s salacious caress was driving her utterly INSANE with HILARITY and LUST—!

“Mmmm,” Edwina whispered as her hand slipped down to pet her own curl-covered mound. “I think you LIKE my tickles! Is that so, my sweet girl? Don’t you ADORE TEASED and TORMENTED…?”


The sheer horrific INTENSITY of this hilarious torment convulsed every muscle in Lindsey’s writhing body! Her nipples extended themselves to the absolute MAX—sweat and goose bumps covered her silken skin—her puckered orifice performed rapid spasms! And deep in her belly and her loins, and unbearably sweet sensation was slowly, slowly building! It made her CRINGE all over! It made her LONG for Edwina to dip the feather LOWER, down her BELLY, to her PINK places—!

As for the slender redhead, she found herself mesmerized by the manner in which Lindsey’s ripe breasts bounced up and down and swayed from side to side as the girl shivered and wiggled. Ah, those extra few pounds made the sexy student jiggle like Jell-o! It was all Edwina could do to refrain from tossing the feather aside and covering Lindsey’s torso with passionate kisses—!

But gradually the feather slipped lower…to swirl over Lindsey’s belly…to trace the perimeter of her well-trimmed bikini line…to stroke her thighs…and finally to probe through damp curls in search of that tense, swollen ultra-sensitive bud…

“Oh!” Lindsey cried as the feather’s delicate caress agitated tormented her clit in the sweetest manner imaginable. “Oh, my GOODNESS—!”

It still tickled—but this was a different KIND of tickle—it made her feel all hot, loose and greasy, low in her belly—it made the muscles in her thighs and fanny go all TENSE—oh, it was GLORIOUS—!

“Almost there!” Edwina exclaimed. With her free hand she was pressing her own clit. “Oh, my darling girl—you’re doing splendidly!”

And an instant later, Lindsey did VERY splendidly indeed! Her entire body went rigid—she emitted a series of gasps that sounded like the prelude to a prodigious sneeze—and then—and then—!

Oh, it was about to HAPPEN—and Lindsay gurgled with joy as Edwina did something fiendish with the feather—and then it DID happen—and the sexy student was swept out of herself by a roaring tidal wave of absolute ECSTASY—!

“Ah!” Edwina gasped, dropping to her knees as she in her turn succumbed to the imperative demands of orgasm. And now she did toss the feather aside as she leaned forward for a taste of Lindsey’s most precious bodily essence…

All too soon, it was over for them both. The slender redhead and the sexy student gazed deep into one another’s eyes as the former released the latter from her bonds. Lindsey fell into Edwina’s arms, to be covered with avid, lavish kisses.

“There’s a bed in the next room,” Edwina whispered.

“I do feel a little tired,” Lindsey replied. “That was quite a workout!”

“Was it good for you?” the redhead whispered.

“Well,” Lindsey giggled, laying the palm of her hand on Edwina’s flushed cheek, “I think that the next time, you really need to push me to my LIMITS, Miss Keach!”


Three weeks later, Lindsey’s bathroom scale informed her that she’d lost all of ten pounds! Oddly, however, she elected to stay on campus over spring break. Her new work-study job with Edwina Keach WAS rather demanding, after all!
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