Thank you to Master Cartman, Johntfs, milagros317, soleseeker and Mitchell for their support. Carmel cutie, no offence, but you seem to have skills with complaints, so show us how to do it properly by actually writing something. Also writer's block, ideas and we write past 11:00 p.m. cause we don't have your level of free time. Again no offence. Thanks again for those people who supported us. To nerobob, thanks for your constructive comments!
Ally lay happily in her house, her bi-sexual daughter Mattie at a friend’s house. She was naked tied up and at the mercy of Ling Woo. "Time to laugh, Ally!" she said. With that she picked up a feather duster and ran across Ally's flat belly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASTOHAHAHAHAHAHAP!"screamed Ally. Ling was a merciless tickler. It was her first time inflicting but she knew the worst spots for her, so she applied them to Ally. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" shrieked Ally as the duster ran across her lower belly, some getting into her navel. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANOOOO!HOHOHOHOHOHO!NOTMYBUTTON!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" after 5 minutes, Ling dropped the dusters and ran her fingers across her delicate ribs.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!NOOO!STOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!" squealed Ally as her ribs where mercilessly tickled. Ling scratched those ribs up and down, explored her sides and danced her fingers on her tummy. She kept up the tickling for 10 minutes, driving Ally insane. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANOT THE BELLYHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" laughed Ally as her hair, tossed from side to side. Ling showed her little response as she picked up a q-tip. "Let's test your button!" she said in her cold voice. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." squirmed Ally as the sensation caused her body to shake violently. "HOUHOUHOUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" YELLED Ally as the tickling started to make her sweat. Ling was having a ball. She decided that the upper body involved her navel, belly, ribs and sides would be returned to soon. She bent down and whispered into Ally's ears "I'm going after your feet!" "Noooooo! Ling! Please! Baby! NOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" screamed Ally. AS Ling walked towards her feet, Ally couldn't help but asked herself how she got there. Chicago didn't agree with Ally. While her recently bi daughter was loving it, Ally was lonely. While Mattie did complete most of her life, she still long for companionship like she had with Billy, Larry and Ling. Ling the only woman she had ever genuinely kissed not to get rid of guys (Georgia Thomas and Elaine Vassal). However she missed Ling most wondering what could have been. Ling Woo, now a Judge, was taking time from her TV court. She had done some real court work and now she was bored. She was in Chicago, now and shock of shock knocked into someone on the street. Just when she was about to yell at her, she noticed who it was. "I am so sorry...Ling!" exclaimed Ally. "It’s fine, Ally I'm fine!" said Ling. "Well how um are you?" asked Ally. "Great you?" replied Ling, also nervously. :good actually Haha! yeah! So um if you 're not um busy..." asked Ally. "love to! 8:00 p.m.?" asked Ling. AS Ling scratched Ally's left sole with her 10 fingers, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" screamed Ally as her left sole was mercilessly tortured. Ally's laughter filled the room. Why was it tickling? How horrible it was as she laughed and laughed. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANOTTHE FEETHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" howled Ally. Ling giggled to herself losing the cold demeanor. It's only her left sole, she thought. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPLEASEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSTAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!" roared Ally. 'You have no right to ask for this to cease only laugh!' retorted a cold Ling as she used her right hand to test her left arch. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" giggled a very helpless Ally McBeal. Ally's head pounded against the bedpost as she tried to knock herself unconscious as her left foot continued to suffer as Ling mercy was relentless. Ling traced her sole up and down with her left hand, while she danced her toes with her right hand. It was quite an impressive sight. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAMERCYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAMISTRESSSHAHAHAHAHAHAHALINGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" cried Ally. "you shouldn't have left me, Ally!" coldly spoke Ling. "WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAIDIDN'THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAMAKEITHAHAHAHASTAHAHAHAHAHAP!" pleaded Ally. "I think not!" replied Ling who added her tongue to her left sole while dancing her fingers on her arch and her right hand focused on her toes. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!HAHAHAHAHAHAHANOOOHAHAHAHAHAHILOVEYOULINGEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" squealed Ally. The tickling suddenly came to a cease. "HUH,uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh!" panted Ally as she tried to suck up air. "You love me?" asked Ling. "huh uh YES! uh huhe huhe huhe!" pantingly responded Ally. "Well" smiled Ling "that changes everything!" “So uh Ling huh, do you want “gasp” to snuggle?” asked Ally. “No baby doll, I want your soles!” smirking replied Ling as she danced her fingers across Ally’s soles. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” howled Ally as her soles joined into mutual torment. "Tickle, tickle, tickle, Ally's feet are cute as she is fickle, kitchy kitchy koo, I love you too, I love my Ally, I love her very much and I love to TICKLE her very much!" sang a giggly Ling. 'BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHPLEASEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHNOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" screamed Ally. Ling kept up her song and dance as the minutes roamed by. Ally was a giggling mess as Ling watched her compose herself. "ally do you still love me?' asked Ling, quietly. "YES!" yelled Ally, with such alacrity it startled Ling. "more than anything, Ling, I would marry you if I could. You and Mattie are the missing pieces of my life!" replied Ally. Ling smiled. "A few more spot and we're done!" followed up Ling. "NOOOHAHAHAHhohohoAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" howled a very ticklish Ally as Ling returned to her belly. "That was an entree, a little piece of meat, where I tickle you next Ally is really quite a treat!" sang Ling as she danced her fingers into Ally's hollows.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASTAHAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHENOUGH!!!!AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" bellowed the vulnerable Miss McBEal. "Somebody’s tickle-ish! Somebody's tickle-ish!" chanted Ling. "HAHAHAHAHASTAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!NOTTHERE!AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" squirmed the ticklish lawyer. Ling got a naughty idea and started to lick Ally's left pit while tickling her right with ten fingers. "WHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" screeched the howling attorney. Ling continued to inflict Ally causing her much malaise as she twisted and tried to twirling away from the probing fingers. Ling delighted in torturing Ally's body however she knew that Ally’s torment would soon have to come to an abrupt halt. However there were still 3 spots to try! "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPLEHEHEHEHEAHAHAHAHAHASESTAHAHAHAHAHAP!" pleaded Ally. Ling stopped and smiled. She reached for her pants turned around and shimmied out of them. She then turned around again and removed her sweater and bra. Only her underwear remained. "Ally sweetie, we’re almost done!" she whispered in Ally's left ear. "Please Ling! No more!" softly implored Ally. "Do you remember when you got stuck in the toilet bowl and Elaine had the funny little man's remote control?" wondered Ling. Ling sat on top of Ally's belly and positioned her rear in Ally's face. "Ally, please removed my panties with your teeth." requested Ling. Ally was only too happy to do so. AS she gently pulled them down, her teeth gently nipped Ling's butt getting a giggle from her. "Ling has a ticklish butt, huh. Well we went I'm set free her bum will get tickled pink." thought Ally. Ling smiled as she moved away, Ally was relieved thinking her infliction of humiliation had ended however Ling returned with a blindfold. Despite Ally's protest, the blindfold was applied over Ally's eyes. Ally giggled nervously as Ling smiled. She picked up an electric toothbrush and switched it on. Ally was very confused. "Laugh, Ally." thought Ling. She applied the instruments on Ally's vulnerable derriere causing squeals and howls. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEEENOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" roared Ally as the sensation engulfed her in a sea of tickles. "scratch and clean, scratch and clean, keep if firm and clean!" chanted Ling the laughter exploded from Ally. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHATHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ally's laughter was so encompassing she was unable to finish her sentence. Ling watched as the firm ass tried to pulled itself in as she dangled in the air. Ally tried to grabbed on to the post to straughten herself but when she did Ling moved the brushes to her pits and she fell back. Her butt was sweating and ALly knew she was going to pee. Ling kept up her merciless dancing on Ally's squirming rear end till the torture had taken its toll and she urinated. Ling stopped and went to get a washcloth and wiped her clean. She then took a feather and ran it across her pussy. "EEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" giggled Ally. The tickling went on for a further 5 minutes. Ally's small breasts were completely erected. She was ready to come. But Ling wasn't done yet. She started to tickle the undersides of Ally's breasts getting more giggles from Ally. Ling kept up the torture of Ally's body testing her breasts and extract maximum laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" howled Ally. Ling loved the way that Ally's body could still sustain laughter after all the torture she had received.
But Ling knew there would be more opportunities to play with Ally's erogenous zones. Her arousal demanded release and so did Ally's. She stopped, untied Ally and they made love. Ally woke up at 9:00 a.m, feeling very tired. She had slept 2 hours. She looked and saw Ling, sleeping her naked body pressed up against her. She kissed Ling on the forehead then lips and whispered "I'm going to tickle you mercilessly Ling, darling!"
Is this the end? Stay tune for more next week in Ally's revenge! Same Ally time! Same Ally Channel! ALLE-ALLE-ALLE-ALLE-ALL-AL-LY
JUST KIDDING, Carmel Cutie
The End
P.S WE hope everyone enjoyed this. But we have other projects to do. So we say adios.
Anna and Heather