I actually have some information about what Lowell was into...... but I don't know quite how to tell it!!! I'll try. This is a TMF exclusive!
Ok......so.....one my lifelong musical associates, going back to when I was 16, worked as tour manager for a very famous singer-songwriter who had numerous hits between the 60s and 70s, as well as popping up on millions of other people's records. (if you're a musicphile, you could possibly deduce who it is from just that information, but do me a favor, keep it to yourself! Or PM me who you think it is, but let's keep it off the board).
He's a beloved guy among musicians (one reason why he pops up on so many other people's records, including people you wouldn't associate with his work). He knows everybody. My friend has literally met the heaviest people you can imagine, just through working for this guy. And since the singer-songwriter was touring just as a solo act, alot of times the tour would just be the two of them (my friend and the songwriter) driving from gig to gig. And just like most of us, they'd be cranking music for the drive.
One day, my buddy is in the car with him and they're playing Little Feat, the song "Roll Um Easy".......and when it gets to the lyric: "Play your concertina", the singer-songwriter started cracking up. My friend asked why he was laughing.
"Oh that Lowell", he said, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Lowell had this thing. He liked Mexican *****s who could play the accordion." Apparently, Lowell's thing was to lay back, have a topless woman get on top of him.......and play her concertina. 🙂
Beautiful, right? It ain't tickling, it ain't my thing.....but it's beautiful. 🙂
However, for musicians who are confirmed to be ones you might be able to rap some pedtalk with :
Miles Davis: (from his autobiography, talking about his first girlfriend). Off the top of my head, it goes something like "Irene had beuatiful feet", something like that and then: "I always was a sucker for pretty little feet. So aside from her being cool and all, what really attracted to me about her was her feet." You could easiy see him applying his trumpet embouchure to the pads of some beautiful woman's toes, right? Right.
Frank Zappa: Aside from naming Dweezil after a nickname he had for his wife's pinky toe, a woman-musician he had an affair with wrote a book and mentioned there was a lot of toe-sucking. Interestingly, toe-sucking DOESN'T come up in any of his lyrics that I know of, despite writing about all sorts of deviant sexual behavior. I think maybe Zappa wrote about sexuality he observed in others, as opposed to his own peccadilloes.
John Lennon: In his 70's mistress May Pang's book, "Loving John", which came out in the early 80s, she mentions how John would "pick up and nuzzle and blow on my toes, intent on driving me wild with desire". To which all one can say is: John Lennon - ahead of his time, yet again!
Either way, happy you're digging Little Feat! I like Lowell's solo album, too, "Thanks I'll Eat It Here".
I've been across this country, from Denver to the ocean
And I never met girls that could sing so sweet like the angels that live in Houston
Singing roll me easy, so slow and easy
Play that concertina be a temptress
And baby I'm defenseless
Singing harmony, in unison, sweet harmony
Gotta hoist the flag and I'll beat your drum
from "Roll Um Easy", by Lowell George