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Little Shop of Monsters - The One That Got Away (Cameron Diaz)


3rd Level Red Feather
Mar 21, 2003
The One That Got Away

(Little Shop of Monsters - The Deleted Scenes)

There had been much attention growing around the events at Ockerman's store, there had been stories of huge plant that was drawing customers from all corners of the country, not too mention the creepy disappearance of a local girl, and today was no exception.

It was Saturday morning and Katie woke feeling groggy and tired, it had been a long week and she smiled at the prospect of having the whole of Saturday and Sunday to herself,

She flung herself back onto the pillows and sighed with relief.

Suddenly the door bell rang and not just once but over and over and over,

This could quiet easily be the press harassing her once more, Katie was fed up of this pestering and today was not the best of days too wind her up,

She slipped into her dressing gown and stormed down the stairs,

As she opened the door she took a deep breath - she was ready to hurl abuse at the person ringing her door bell.

Katie almost fell over in shock, stood before her was Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz along with a bodyguard and a photographer,

“You’re Katie? Right?” asked Cameron,

Katie stuttered and stammered before finally replying,

“Yes….. Yes….. What can I do for you?”

Cameron smiled and playfully pondered about her question,

“I’ve heard stories of your plant and well……… I’ve got an upcoming part in a jungle style survival horror and well………. Well your plant sounds like just the kinda thing my director has been looking for”

Katie interrupted “Let me stop you there….. It’s a Saturday morning, I’ve had a hell of a week, and to be honest I’m really not in the mood to be giving guided tours, any chance you could pop back tomorrow?”

Cameron looked stunned, just like that her proposal had been refused without question,

“Errm….. I kinda fly back early tomorrow so I was hoping to get a few reference pictures today” Cameron attempted to persuade Katie,

By now Katie was feeling the pressure and knew Cameron wasn’t going to give up easily,

“Ok look here are my keys, let yourself into the shop take the pictures you need to and return the keys when your done”

Katie just wanted to go back to bed and didn’t have time for photo shoots.

Cameron took the keys and made her way to the shop,

“Geez! She’s a real grouch that Katie isn’t she?” Cameron sniggered too her friends.

They reached the shop and Cameron proceeded to open the doors, once inside Tommy her bodyguard pulled up a chair and sat down near the front door to keep guard,

Giles the photographer walked with Cameron to explore the shop,

They soon found the plant in question - it towered in the corner of the room, vines were spread along the floor and walls,

“Wow! Now that is a huge plant!” Cameron gasped,

Giles also remarked on it’s size a beauty “Zis is amazing! Ze director will love this I cannot wait to take pictures of this amazing specimen”

Giles was an expert French photographer and loved nature - he found that plants and tree’s had life form’s of their own and could do wondrous things….. If only he knew.

Cameron was eager to start and slipped off her heavy jacket, she placed it on the counter and walked back towards the huge plant,

She wore a white top with a black waist-jacket, along with a fashionable gold belt blue jeans and black stiletto’s,

She stood next to the terra-cotta pot as Giles began shooting pictures,

“Zat is it….. Be at one with ze plant………. Love im……… hold im” Giles began to instruct Cameron,

She then grabbed a vine and draped it over her shoulder,

“Oh gosh! It’s alive” Cameron playfully posed with a startled look on her face.

Giles continued to shoot pictures for the upcoming movie, this was just the kind of material the director needed,

“Perfect! Zis is amazing Cameron, I can see it now….. Ze plant is a menace, he want’s iz victim and will stop at nothing” Giles said excitingly.

Cameron now began to drape more vines around her - even tangling one around her ankle and crawling on the floor - making it look like she was trying to get away,

“Yes! Lose a shoe miss. Diaz, zis monster is trying too pull you back”

Cameron began to giggle as she flicked off one of her shoes and tied the vines tighter around her ankle,

“How’s this Giles? Do I look terrified enough?”

Giles was amazed with Cameron’s enthusiasm and improvisation.

Half an hour had passed and Cameron had literally gotten in knots with the monster plant,

Giles called a break and suggested they go get breakfast before continuing the shoot,

“Maybe you could slip into something a little more revealing eh miss. Diaz” Giles teased.

“Errm we will see, I’ll have to check what I’ve brought with me” Cameron was a little distressed by his remarks but humoured him.

“Shall we go get breakfast then everyone” Giles asked,

“No I’ll stay here you guys go and fetch something, I’ll be ok I want to explore this shop a little more” Cameron replied.

Tommy looked concerned and approached Cameron,

“Everything ok?” he asked,

“Yeah I’m fine it’s just he’s done more than enough leering at me and I just thought he was doing his job” Cameron nervously replied.

“Ok I’ll keep an eye on him, you want anything bringing back?” Tommy asked,

“You know the kinda thing I like - just make sure I get some OJ with it” Cameron giggled.

Tommy took Giles to the limo and they drove off, Cameron put the latch on the door so that no customers would stumble in and find a Hollywood actress in the shop,

She sat on the counter and looked around the shop - she noticed a few things had been knocked over, and it was almost as if someone had tried to tidy up.

She walked over towards the plant and spotted some boxes close by, it was then that she saw a pair of brown boots placed behind the boxes,

“That’s strange why would anyone leave such nice boots lying on the floor?” Cameron questioned,

Then she noticed they had been un-buckled and that a few strange marks were on them,

As she picked one up she saw that the scuff marks were almost like part of a leaf….. Or maybe a vine,

Cameron froze and slowly turned her head towards the huge bud of the plant,

“If someone was wearing these boots…. Then where is the person now” Cameron said aloud.

She dropped the boot to the floor and slowly backed away from the suspect plant, step by step she got further away from it and was growing very worried with each step,

Suddenly her heel caught something behind her and she quickly fell back with a thud!

Cameron hit the back of her head as she tumbled to the ground,

“Ouch! What the hell?” She sighed,

As she looked up she was sure that she saw the huge bud move slightly, and now she could here the skitter of leaves or something moving,

She tried to stand up pushing her feet back and forth hoping to get some grip,

But her high heels simply slipped every time her heel tried to push against the floor.

Cameron refused to take her eyes off the plant bud - and she slowly shuffled backwards using her hands and feet,

Then she saw something that took her breath away,

What seemed like five or six vines from the plant’s roots started quickly wriggling towards her,

Cameron gasped in horror and quickly turned again trying to get to her feet - but before she could make a run for it she felt her ankles gripped tight as they were clamped together,

Then before she could scream she was dragged back closer towards the plant.

“Going somewhere?” she heard a voice say,

Cameron couldn’t believe it, something spoke to her, it had to be the plant…. It simply had to be.

Cameron turned to see the vines wrapped tight around her ankles - then she looked up to see that the plant’s huge bug had opened up, it had turned into a huge mouth - with teeth and a tongue.

“What the hell are you?” Cameron screamed.

“I’m your worst nightmare, which makes you…….. Breakfast my dear!” replied the plant,

“What? No………. you can’t” Cameron pleaded,

The plant stopped pulling at Cameron’s legs - it was eager to hear her reason,

“And why not?” the plant began to tease,

“Don’t you know who I am? I’m a Hollywood actress” Cameron attempted to plead.

The plant seemed to pause,

“Oh I see you’re an actress……. So all that photo shoot was for your new film?” the plant began to chuckle,

“Yes! Yes that’s it I was simply getting in character for the role” Cameron replied with a sense of hope in her voice as she smiled.

The plant now began to chuckle to himself,

“Well allow me to help you really prepare for the role”

Cameron looked confused and asked “What do you mean?”

Suddenly she was lifted high off the ground by her ankles, she let out a short scream and she felt herself pulled up into the air,

“What are you doing?” Cameron cried out,

The plant dangled Cameron in front of his mouth and said “You want to be good at this role don’t you? Experience is the best way to get good at something”

The plant then wrapped more vines around Cameron but this time immobilizing her arms - wrapping her wrists together, she was now stretched out with her hands pointing straight down towards the plants mouth,

“Wait! No! You can’t do this, I’m begging you with all I have…. Don’t eat me mr. plant” Cameron screamed out.

“That’s it your acting skills are better than I thought” The plant teased,

Cameron cried out again “I’m not acting you fool, I really DON’T want you to eat me!”

Cameron’s hands pressed against it’s huge tongue and at that point she screamed out again,

“Please No! Don’t do it…… Don’t eat me”

The plant now seemed too pause again,

“Ok Ok I have a better idea” the plant replied.

Cameron watched as another vines slowly slithered up her body past her neck,

She giggled slightly as the vines brushed her neck and then against her sides,

“What are you….. You doing? Hee hee” Cameron questioned.

“Well….. You don’t want me to eat you so I have to persuade you otherwise” The plant was now really teasing her,

“Persuade me? Are you insane? What could you do to make me change my mind?” Cameron was curious now.

The single vines was now very slowly winding around her thighs - squeezing very gently, it moved higher and around her knee’s,

“Seriously! What’s your game?” Cameron snapped.

“Game? Well I suppose you could say it’s This Little Piggy!” The plant replied cleverly,

“What? No…….. No……….. Nooooooo” Cameron yelled out.

The vine slipped around Cameron’s right foot - it tangled itself around the heel of Cameron’s stiletto, and now suddenly she knew what the plant wanted to do,

She curled her toes to try and cling onto the shoe - but felt the vines pulling upwards and sliding the shoe off the heel of her foot,

“Hey! No this isn’t fair leave my shoes alone” Cameron said with a stern voice,

She gritted her teeth as she felt her toes lose grip of the shoe completely.

The black shoe clattered to the floor and Cameron began to panic,

“Ok fun’s over! Put me down now this is getting ridiculous, my friends will be back any minute”

The plant gave Cameron a little shake “Hey what’s wrong? Are you not having fun? We need to put a smile on your face”

The plant now used the small vines to slowly slide across Cameron’s bare foot,

She scrunched her toes tight as the vines sent shivers down her whole body,

“Oh God No! don’t do that, it tickles sooo bad” Cameron giggled,

The plant now continued to brush the vine teasing across her foot - back and forth barely even touching her at times.


Cameron began to laugh out loud “AAHHAA HAA HAA HAA Stop that! Stop it! It’s tickling!”

More vines shot from the roots and began to scribble across her wrinkled sole - Cameron was flexing her toes back trying her hardest to move her foot from the danger, she then put her other foot over her sole protecting it for a few seconds.

In just a few seconds another vine was on the case and pulled her other shoe off - and within a few more seconds two more vine wriggled across Cameron’s other bare foot sending her into hysterics,

“Oh my god! Please don’t tickle myyyyyy feeeeeeeeeeeeeet” she begged.

The plant was now really pleased with himself as he watched Cameron’s whole body struggle to get free even though she could barely move,

She shook her head from side to side and continued to wriggle her feet immensely,

“Oh my god! I’m sooo ticklish… you have to stop! Please?” Cameron was pleading more than ever.

“I don’t think so my lovely - in fact I think I need to tickle you even more”

The huge plant was now really tormenting her,

And yet another small vine snaked up her legs - this time it looped around her left big toe, it pulled Cameron’s foot back partially keeping it still - and before she knew it the same vine grabbed her other big toe and lassoed them together,

Cameron cried “Hey cut that out! That’s definitely not fair”

The vines now had full un-interrupted access to her gorgeous soles - her toes tried to curl up but the vines held them in place tight,

One by one they scurried across her bare feet dancing from heel too toe,

Cameron was now screaming with laughter - her face bright red and tears streaming from her eyes,

“I can’t take it! AHHA HAA HAA HAA HEE HEE HOO HAA HA HAA please noooo more nooooo more I beg of you HOO HOO HOO HA HAHA”

Cameron was in such fits of laughter she didn’t notice her hands had slid right into the plants throat - by the time she had realized it was too late,

The back of her head was now wet with saliva as her head sank into his mouth,

The plant didn’t close his mouth just yet - it was as if he was trying to get as much of Cameron as she could into his mouth first.

Then she felt the warm wet lips of the plant close around her belly - on the outside her feet were cold and she could still feel the vines tickling her feet silly,

Her laughter was now muffled and she couldn’t think straight because of the tickling,

She was stuck in is mouth for a moment as some of the vines relased their grip on her hands and waist,

Then she felt the plant move and a second later her whole body slid twelve inches deeper into the mouth,

Cameron tried her hardest to speak trying to block out the vines that were tickling her poor feet,

“Don’t! Don’t do it pleeeheeheeheesseeeee” she cried,

The plant seemed to tilt back and it swallowed again sinking Cameron another twelve inches deeper.

Her knee’s were now inches away from the plant’s lips and she could feel the damp warm sensations around her lower thighs,

The tickling had decreased a little but her feet remained bound tight by her ankles - and her toes still bound together tight,

There was a few seconds pause and Cameron thought he’d changed his mind,

But before she could speak again she felt herself slide deeper but this time just a few inches,

Cameron’s mind was racing - her heart was pounding out of her chest, but with her hands now free she thought fast,

She reached down to her waist and ripped off the belt, then she looped it around one of the huge rounded teeth at the back of the plant’s mouth,

And it wasn’t a moment too soon as the plant swallowed again and then again and then again,

She felt herself sink so deep all that she could feel was the cool air on her bare feet - she knew the plant’s lips were now pressed tight around her ankles below her jeans.

The vines that were wrapped around her ankles loosened and at any seconds she could now slip right out its grip and down the trunk of the plant,

It was at that point she realized the belt she was holding onto was the only thing preventing her from falling in,

The plant began it’s torturous tickling on her soles once more, Cameron squealed as four vines began teasing and twisting in between her toes - she wriggled her body and now saw the plant’s top lip rise up,

It tilted it’s head and opened it’s mouth really wide.

But Cameron was going no where - she was holding on for dear life to the golden belt - preying it wouldn’t snap,

The plant seemed frustrated and closed it’s mouth once more, then it tried to swallow again - but Cameron’s pretty little feet remained outside the bulb wriggling frantically,

The plant tried again this time tilting his head back again and swallowing at the same time,

Gravity was against Cameron but she held on tight pulling back against the force that was trying so hard to send her deeper.

The plant didn’t know what to do and could sense she was pulling at one of his teeth - as he leaned forward again Cameron saw her chance and yanked hard on the belt,

She was thrown forward at speed and was able to grab the plants top lip,

She was now perched on the end of his mouth - but the plant was in pain and was shaking his head from side to side,

Cameron put her feet inside the plant’s mouth - just in front of his tongue, she then pushed hard on the roof of his mouth sensing she would have to make a jump for it.

Cameron pushed up and threw herself forward as her arms and upper body bolted out of his mouth,

But the plant didn’t want to lose his prey so easy - despite being in incredible pain from almost having a tooth pulled out,

Cameron was now belly down dangling from the huge plant bud - she attempted to stand back up but it was very slippery - the plant saw his second chance and jolted his head back very quickly, Cameron’s legs slid with ease to the back of his throat and she was now clinging for dear life with her head and arms just outside the mouth.

She pressed her feet onto his back teeth - preventing her front entering the throat once more,

But now the plant used his huge tongue to slide up and down Cameron’s belly - he tried to curl his tongue over her shoulder to drag her inside but she wouldn’t let him,

He closed his mouth around Cameron’s shoulders and tried his hardest to suck her in - but she fought hard and used her legs to push her back out a little.

The plant winched in pain once more, Cameron’s right foot was obviously pushing against the weakened tooth,

The huge bud tilted back again this time opening it’s mouth as wide as possible,

Cameron was holding on for dear life - one hand on each side of the bud and a foot on either side of the inside of the mouth,

She was stuck there for what seemed like an age - she was waiting to drop at any second when she suddenly saw an ideal chance,

She raised her right foot and jumped down onto his bottom tooth - if it had of snapped Cameron would of slipped helplessly into his throat - but luckily it held and she was able to yet again hold onto the outside of the plant somehow.

Now the huge bud writhed in agony - letting out a huge roar with splutters of saliva making him gurgle,

The bud bolted forward and Cameron’s slipped out covered in saliva - she got to her feet and tried to run for the door - but her feet were soaked in the plant’s saliva and she slipped and slid all over the floor,

The plant’s vines reached out recklessly trying to grab Cameron’s ankles once more.

But the plant failed and Cameron reached the door whipping open the bolt - she slammed the door behind her and ran for her life,

Tommy pulled up in the limo screeching to a halt - Cameron quickly turned and ran back towards the limo,

She dived into the car and told Tommy too drive,

“Don’t ask questions just drive, NOW! DRIVE DRIVE!” she screamed.

After a minute or so Cameron seemed to have calmed down - Giles and Tommy didn’t know what to think, every time they asked her what happened she wouldn’t reply,

She was a nervous wreck and was mumbling profusely,

“It…… It tried to….. It spoke to me…… it wanted to eat me” Cameron jibbered,

Giles and Tommy decided to get her back to the states as soon as possible.


Katie was now awake and she’d had a lovely lye in, she made breakfast and sat to watch the news,

Suddenly she heard the letterbox - and then the screech of a car driving away very fast.

Katie noticed her keys had been posted back,

“Nice of them to say goodbye, oh and thanks Katie for letting us browse your shop all morning” she thought.


Back in the states Cameron refused to speak with anyone - she locked herself in her home and didn’t mention the incident,

Giles and Tommy had both asked her questions but they didn’t get the truth,

They don’t know why she ran from the shop barefoot - or why she was soaking wet………. It remained a mystery.

C-T, I thought I swept the remnants of that one up with TMSV...

Nice tale. Last time some celebrity's gonna hang around undefended...LOL
The Mighty Shop Vac....dates back to the old GodMod threads a few years ago.
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