You should actually recommend she NOT do a shoot. There was a time when these videos would stay within the community, AND when most were actually tickling, without the addition of sexual activity or scenarios, but now that is clearly a different story. If I were a producer I couldn't even in good consciousness seek performers nowadays (unless they weren't showing their face, or were already established modeling in non-mainstream materials ) because it is so obvious a problem now thanks to piracy and the inability to prevent it.
For me, I have a powerful interest in tickling, but I do not consider it sexual, never considered tickling videos as tickle "porn", and so do not appreciate that tickling content is spread all over, commingled within other type of materials. I also no longer accept the term "fetish" with this, which I believe the community has wrongly adopted because that is what they were first instructed to consider. ( I will post on this more elsewhere )
Back to the point; The video will likely be posted everywhere against the producers wishes, (all social medias and ever obscure porn forum you never knew existed) and the producer will have little power in doing anything about it. Also, the performer will not get rich, wealthy, or even highly paid from the video. How can you pay high if you earn no money? It's safe to assume that 90% of producers are not in it to earn money, those that are more business orientated are hardly earning anything, and many seemingly have no desire to create something that really speaks to them or others aesthetically, and so they to are just another "local volunteer" but with references (some even acknowledge on here that they earn nothing, yet continue after many years with seemingly little effort to improve upon the quality of their works (shot in messy spaces, poor quality (no understanding of how to focus their cameras, lighting, etc.)).