Well, for those interested but wary of letting our their mails...
Mr Tuffy, just check a couple of things.
First, file size: over 2 megs is too much for a single attachment - and it will be quite large as a windows theme sound anyway.
Second, file type: I think TT recognizes and accepts sound files, but if WAV extension is not included in upoloading mask, then just rename it to anything like ZIP, JPG or MPG.
Also, be sure to swap "spaces" with "_" chars, since the newest attachment manager actually truncates filenames with spaces inside.
Well, enough free advice.
Good luck posting your file.
Thanks for the advise Kalamos! I'm sure it will come in handy in the future since I'm going to try to post a lot of sound files and mpgs. here.; We get a lot of enjoyment out of this site and would like to give back whenever Iwecan.