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Lust Slaves of the Body Snatcher (-/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
OK, here's another tale of tickling from the archives of Unknown University that never made it into THIS archive. And I daresay that this is one alien invasion that some guys would welcome!




T.T. Gore


From the Unknown University Observer (March 2): “A large flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, was spotted last night over campus, traveling from east to west at low altitude. According to Ms. Barbara Lorraine, Chief of Campus Security, the object is believed to have landed in the vicinity of the abandoned rock quarry west of campus. However, a search of the area by campus police found no evidence of a meteor impact in the area…”

From the Unknown University Observer (March 18): “…members of the Kappa Nu fraternity say they intend to find the mystery meteorite. ‘The truth is out there,’ said chapter president Larry Heimer. ‘And we intend to find it.’ The group plans to make a thorough search of the area this coming Saturday…”

From the Unknown University Observer “Campus Scene” column by Kim Swain: (March 22): “…sources tell this reporter that even the hottest sorority sisters are having trouble finding dates for upcoming spring events. With all the fraternity houses on campus, you’d think that a girl would have no trouble hooking up, but I guess the guys have other things on their minds at the moment. Midterms? Could be, I suppose…”


“Take off your clothes,” Larry commanded. He was pointing the pistol straight between Doug’s eyes.

“W-w-w-what is this? Doug stammered. “A gag? If it is, it isn’t funny, asshole!” His frat brother had lured him to the old quarry on the edge of campus with promises of “the most awesome thing you’ve ever seen!” Then, when they were alone in the patch of woods next to the quarry, he’d pulled a gun!

“No gag,” Larry replied with a smile that made Doug flinch. “Just do it.”

Doug hesitated no further. He had no clue what kind of bug Larry might have up his butt. You didn’t argue with a loaded gun, though. Doug unbuckled his belt. In less than a minute, he was bare-ass naked.

“Not bad,” Larry opined, looking his frat brother up and down. “A bit too much body hair, maybe, but nice muscles. No, not bad at all.”

“What the fuck are you TALKING about?!” Doug cried. He didn’t like the tenor of this conversation—no, he didn’t like it at ALL!

“What am I talking about?” Larry chuckled. “Well, you’re about to find out. In fact, Doug, you’re about to be reborn into a new world!”

“A new WHAT—?!”

“It transforms you, Doug.” Larry was whispering now, and there burned in his eyes the fire of a frightening fanaticism. “It strips you of your inhibitions, your fears, your guilt. It makes you one with itself. You’ll see, Doug! You’ll learn! You’ll become one with us! Now start walking. Backwards. Keep facing me.” He brandished the pistol. “Do it now, Doug!”

Doug flinched away from his frat brother, who was clearly as crazy as a shithouse rat, and took a stumbling step to the rear. He’d take three or more such steps, he decided, then turn and bolt. The thing was to keep it nice and slow and easy, so as not to set Larry off…

He took another step. Another.

And then the GROUND gave way beneath his feet—!

Suddenly Doug was sliding on his bare ass down a steep, narrow tunnel! Its curved sides were smooth and glassy, offering no handholds or any other means of checking his fall. Holy fucking SHIT! What the fuck was HAPPENING to him—?!

Whatever the fuck was happening, it happened fast! Limbs flailing, Doug plunged helplessly down the tunnel! In seconds, there was nothing left of him but the dying echo of a high-pitched scream…

“See you soon,” Larry whispered. He arranged a grid of fragile branches over the hole, camouflaged it with fallen leaves, and with a final, lewd chuckle, he pocked the pistol and strolled off in the direction of campus.


The fall must have caused him to faint, because Doug had no memory of arriving in the place in which he eventually found himself.

He was lying on his back in coarse yellow sand, blinking up at a featureless ceiling of some smooth glassy material. Gradually it dawned on him that he was in a domed cavern of some kind. He staggered to his feet and looked around, but there was no sign of the tunnel down which he’d fallen. And there was light. The walls seemed to glow.

“What the FUCK—?!” Doug gasped.

That was when he noticed the pit in the center of the cavern.

It was a perfectly circular hole in the sand, and after a moment he released that he could hear sounds coming from this pit. Strange, seething sounds.

Against his better judgment, Doug took several steps toward the pit. He peered in—and reeled back with a scream of shock and terror!

The pit appeared to be about ten feet in diameter and twenty feet deep. It was occupied by a strange, humped shape. The thing was green—a sickly, evil shade of green. And it was surrounded by a writhing mass of—

“EEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAA!!!” Doug screamed as a quartet of muscular green tentacles shot up out of the pit and bent to point in his direction. Bug-eyed with horror, he backed away until his naked ass bumped the glassy cavern wall.

The tentacles were about three inches in diameter, and they looked muscular. Slowly, as if they were playing with him, the horrid things squirmed through the air toward their whimpering, trembling target. Then they struck!

One tentacle encircled his left ankle—another twined itself around his waist. Doug shrieked like a girl! He struggled madly, but the tentacles were far too strong for him. They wrapped themselves around his ankles. They forced his arms behind his back and pinned them there. They coiled around his thighs and upper arms. Then they lifted him off the floor of the cavern! His toes curled in a futile effort to maintain their grip on the sandy surface. No use! He was now secured in a vertical position, with his feet about three feet above the sand.


But it was all too terribly clear that no one was coming to help him…

Slowly, with sadistic precision, the tentacles shifted him until he was suspended over the pt where the creature lurked. And now he learned to his horror what this hideous tentacle creature intended to do!

A pair of slender tentacles shot up to coil around his bare feet. And then…and then…they started to TICKLE HIS FUCKING TOES!


But his pathetic pleas, panicky protests and desperate struggles to free his arms and legs from the evil embrace of the tentacles were all equally futile. Doug was trapped—fucking TRAPPED! And the hellish creature that held him captive simply would not stop TICKLING him—!

Poor Doug had never realized how horribly TICKLISH he truly was! With sadistic delicacy, the tentacles caressed his feet. Beginning with the pads of his toes and the tender spaces between them, they missed not a single sensitive area: soles, heels or arches. The sensations thus produced were unbearably intense! They shot up Doug’s quivering legs, raising goose bumps along the way. They made his asshole pucker. They made his balls tremble. And they made him LAUGH! Oh, how he laughed! He laughed and laughed and fucking LAUGHED until his convulsing belly and his sides ached like mad and his face was bright pink and his squirming body was covered with oily sweat.

Then he laughed some more!

Doug was laughing so hard that he didn’t immediately notice when the tentacles twisted his body into a new position. But suddenly he realized that he was now stretched out horizontally, face down, with his wrists together and his legs apart. Thus he was able to observe the yawing pit with its seething crop of tentacles—four of which suddenly leapt up to attack his armpits and ribs!

“HIIIIIIEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HIIIIIIEEEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” he shrieked, bending his back in a vain effort to place his torso beyond the reach of the tickling tentacles. No good! They conformed to his every contortion, stroking his ribs and probing his hollows with sadistic precision. Doug raised a fresh crop of goose bumps. He wiggled his ass. His balls jiggled and bounced between his wide-open thighs. His mad screams of high-pitched, girlish laughter echoed around the cavern. But no matter how desperately he screamed and struggled, the hellish tickling just went on and on and fucking ON—!

Oh, he could FEEL his grip on sanity beginning to loosen! And it was precisely at this point, with Doug convinced that one more fucking MINUTE of tentacle torture would drive him totally BUGFUCK, that he learned to his horror that he possessed a hitherto unsuspected weak spot.

Another tentacle shot up out of the pit. It passed between his splayed thighs, hovered for a moment, then dived to the attack! Low on Doug’s back, just above the cleft of his buttocks, was an exquisitely sensitive patch of skin. And when this patch of skin was gently stroked by the delicate tip of the questing tentacle, a veritable lightning bolt of ticklishness zapped his already-overstressed nervous system with a jolt of impossibly potent hilarity!


He’d foolishly believed that there could not possibly be anything worse than having his feet, ribs and armpits simultaneously tentacle tickled. But now Doug knew better. For there was nothing—NOTHING—on earth to compare with the utterly unbearable intensity of the sensations that were now causing his asshole to perform rapid spasms! More goose bumps broke out to make the dark hairs on his arms and legs stick up like tiny quills.

He had no idea how long this hilarious torment had gone on before he became aware of its effect on another portion of his masculine anatomy. And when he did, Doug screamed with disbelief and horror—for he had a fucking ERECTION! It was impossible—unthinkable—but undeniable. This tentacle thing, whatever it was, had succeeded in turning him on!

“OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-HO-HO!!!” Doug bellowed. He made a forceful but futile attempt to free himself from the grasp of the tentacles, but they merely tightened around his wrists and ankles. Indeed, they flipped him into a vertical position and spread his legs to the absolute fucking MAX! Meanwhile, the hideous tickling went on and on and fucking ON—!

By now Doug was finding it difficult to think coherently. But if he imagined that it couldn’t possibly have gotten worse at that point, he was soon disabused of his illusions. Doug’s anguished laughter redoubled in volume and rose to a panicked shriek when the tentacle that had been stroking the small of his back shifted its attention to his puckered ORIFICE—!

“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” he bellowed wiggling his bare behind in frenetic denial of this new and unthinkable caress. Doug clenched his ass muscles, determined to prevent the intimate violation that he feared above all. The tentacles couldn’t DO this! He wouldn’t LET them—!

But of course, he was completely helpless and the tentacles could do as they pleased—as was shortly demonstrated when an exceptionally slender one slithered up to coil itself around his tumid tool. It squeezed, causing the head of his cock to swell slightly and produce a tiny, clear drop of pre-cum—which the slender tentacle promptly lapped up!

Doug would have screamed a protest, but he had no spare breath for anything like that. He needed every atom of oxygen that his laboring lungs could suck in to fuel the mad, braying laughter that the tentacles were tickling out of him. But even so, that laughter had acquired a throaty, urgent quality as sensations of quite a different character than mere ticklish torment began to steal through his twitching, shivering body…

Though he fought against the knowledge, Doug knew what these new sensations portended. The tentacle creature’s intimate ministrations had turned him ON—and he wanted to CUM—he wanted to cum his stupid fucking BRAINS out—! But that was IMPOSSIBLE, he insisted to himself—it simply couldn’t HAPPEN—he wouldn’t LET it happen—but then the tentacle that was tickling his asshole began to probe rather more insistently!

“GAAAAAARRRRRRGH!!!” he gasped as the tentacle probed deeper—and deeper! Oh, he couldn’t fight it! He just COULDN’T! An indescribable sensation, a compound of joy, humiliation and sweet pain, surged through his writhing body. And suddenly he was not struggling AGAINST this unthinkable violation, but pressing down to WELCOME it! And suddenly his resistance collapsed—his ass muscles relaxed—and the invader made contact with a certain EXTREMELY sensitive gland—!

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, FUCK!” Doug cried as the tentacle applied gentle pressure to his masculine happy spot. “Oh, fucking SHIT! Oh, fucking YESSSSS—!”

The tentacle was TICKLING him from the INSIDE—and it was the most horrible, totally fucking ECSTATIC feeling that Doug had ever experienced! His entire body tensed, then succumbed to a fierce fit of trembling. His cock extended itself to its rigid, quivering max and began extruding a steady dribble of pre-cum. The slender tentacle assisted this process by continuing to squeeze gently. And of course, the tickling continued. The creature stroked his armpits, ribs, belly, legs and feet. Doug was laughing so hard now that he’d turned pink all over. And he didn’t CARE! He just fucking DIDN’T! As long as the creature kept pressing and pressing and PRESSING his happy spot, it could do whatever the fuck it fucking WANTED—!

And Dough was more than willing to help! “BWAAAAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” he shrieked, pressing down to stimulate that totally delicious happy spot. Each time it was pressed, his asshole contracted with pleasurable pain and more pre-cum leaked from the tip of his quivering cock—which the slender tentacle happily lapped up.

That in some twisted manner the creature was turning Doug’s most secret, shameful dreams into reality was a truth he could scarcely bring himself to admit. And yet it was true! For years he’d tormented himself, mostly during solitary late-night masturbation sessions, with vivid fantasies of intimate trysts with other guys. Sometimes they were real people—his teammates, his frat brothers, a fey cousin named Justin. Sometimes they were merely the products of his overheated imagination. But always—always—they were dominant, demanding. And Doug was their docile sex poodle.

No wonder, then, that he surrendered so rapidly to the demands of the tentacle creature. For demanding it was. And though in some cases its victims might resist for a long time—well, in the end, so to speak, the hideous creature always got its way…

“URRRRUGH!!!” Doug grunted. “URRRRUGH!!! URRRRUGH!!! URRRRUGH-UGH-UGH!!!” Oh, he was close! He was SO fucking close! If only the creature would tickle his fucking COCK! Then he could DO it! He just KNEW he could fucking do it—!

But the creature was clearly in no hurry to grant Doug the release he so ardently craved. It was content to feast on the pre-cum that continued to dribble from his yearning member. And it kept TICKLING him—it tickled him all OVER—but it seemed a different kind of tickling now—it was a mocking, teasing caress that made Doug’s guts feel all hot, loose and greasy—that made his balls throb with a desperate, driving desire to launch their load—that made him feel so incredibly all-over fucking SEXY—!

“GAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-UGH-AAR-UGH-AAR-UGH-AAR-UGH-UGH!!!” Doug bellowed. Oh, he was right on the fucking EDGE now—he could FEEL it—and if only the slender, tormenting tentacle would STROKE him now—stroke him HARD—stroke him FAST—!

And then it was happening! Oh, it was happening because the tentacle had uncoiled itself from around his pulsing cock and was stroking, stroking, STROKING—and the cruel, invading tentacle was pressing, pressing, PRESSING on his happy spot—and Doug arched his back, he wiggled his ass—and then he totally fucking LOST it! And with a throaty, gut-busting grunt of effort he commenced to cum his stupid fucking BRAINS out—!

A tsunami of raging orgasmic ecstasy swept over him as he emptied his aching balls in a series of muscular spurts! His asshole contracted around the tentacle, which pressed his happy spot one final time as if to assure that Doug would indeed be drained to the last sweet drop. And he was! The creature stroked and pressed until he had surrendered the final, tiny liquid pearl of his masculine essence. By that stage, Doug was actually weeping with pleasure. And he continued to weep as his exhausted body was lowered into the pit, where over the next several hours Doug underwent the process of transformation to which erotic torment by ticking had been merely a prelude…


“Man you have to see this!” Steve’s roomie exclaimed. “Down by the old rock quarry. It’s totally awesome, man!”

Steve gave his roomie a funny look. “Say, Doug, are you all right? You’re acting a little hyper.”

“I’m fine, fine!” Dog replied. He grabbed Steve’s arm. “But man, you absolutely HAVE to see this!”

“OK, OK!” Steve agreed, laughing. “So what’s the big freaking deal? Are the Theta girls sunning themselves in the nude down there, or what?”

“Even hotter than that!” Doug replied with a grin that struck Steve as a bit too wide. “Man, you won’t BELIEVE it!”

“This better be good,” Steve said as they trotted down the front steps of the frat house.

“Oh, it’s BETTER than good!” Doug slapped his handsome roomie on the back. “It’ll change your LIFE, man!”

And as Steve was shortly to discover, his roomie’s promise had if anything constituted an understatement!
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i love your stories especially your M/M intense ones, theyre my favorites, please write more 😀
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