I'm on my way out right now, and I'm going to have to download it later....
but I have to say, I remember being in the movies seeing this....and my stomach DROPPED. I couldn't believe it. It was most definitely the first scene I'd ever seen in a movie theatre. To top it off, before the tickling is like....the most amazing, dead on, not-cutting-away soles shot of Jobeth Williams! So I was ALREADY being teased and stirred up! So when the TICLING started....I was like turning RED! I was EMBARRASSED.
THEN.....he tickles her AGAIN a little later, he gooses her!!!
I don't know if you did both scenes but....he gooses her really quickly a little later in the movie and she giggles and squirms away delightfully, as they say.
And then a little later in the movie, she describes a feeling of the ghosts pulling her by her naval area as " a tickling...it's like a tickling.....but you go with the tickling...." and again......my friends, I was like 10 years old or wahtever it was and I was just DYING, I was CONFUSED, hahahaha. VIVID memory.
So thanks for posting it! This scene was defnitely due to be made into a clip!!!