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Magic Fair Project (Contest Entry, May 2008)


Registered User
Oct 11, 2007
This is a contest entry for the May/June Tickle Contest. There is an rtf copy included for those who perfer it. I'd also like to thank Journia for looking over this for me and answering a few questions. I feel this second draft is a little less dull.

This is both a contribution towards my favorite kind of tickle genre: genital tickling with lots of 'verbal' laughter. While I realize that it's not everyone's perferance, I hope it pleases those who enjoy such stories. There's also a small salute to the person who has recently (re?)posted several genital tickling stories, whom I greatly appreciate.

Magic Fair Project
By Mark Reed

A word was spoken, and Tris became aware.

She was sitting on a cushioned chair, and voices spoke in murmurs of various volume all around her. She opened her eyes. She was in the Showroom of Knightsbane Academy, where she went to school. She furrowed her brow. It wasn't often that the Showroom was opened to host large crowds. She looked down, confirming that she was wearing the blouse and short skirt that she usually preferred when attending classes. What was going on?

"Hello, Tris."

Tris moved her head to the right and noticed the speaker. The girl was incredibly beautiful, but that was nothing unusual in a student body that could perform or had access to transformation magics. It took a moment before she was able to remember the girl's name. Before this moment, she'd just been another face passed in the hall between classes. One of the older students. Kiara? Kyrie? The name Kali popped into her head. "Kali? What's going on?"

"This is the Knightsbane Academy Magic Fair," Kali explained with a calm smile. "You're my Fair Project."

Tris's confusion increased. "But the Magic Fair isn't for another couple of months."

Now the girl's smile turned tender. "No, it's just that you can't remember the last two months. You see, a few days after the last day you remember, you and I forged a Contract. It was something of a trick on my part, actually. I agreed to help you with your spellwork and a few personal problems, and you agreed to take the subordinate position in a Binding."

Tris snorted in disbelief and raised her hand. With a few tight, elegant hand motions, she cast a Seeing spell designed to pierce illusions. A few students wandering through the large room suddenly looked a great deal less attractive, and one spectacular miniature tower construct disappeared from view entirely, but the room and all the people in it were still there. Unsatisfied, she performed a rather complex anti-enchantment dweomer. Nothing changed for her, but a half-elf from the next isle over glared at her while struggling to control a dog that had suddenly gone into a wild frenzy, and someone behind her started to loudly bitch about their sudden headache. Kali just smirked.

It was only then that Tris realized that she hadn't known the anti-enchantment dweomer she'd just unleashed, though it was obviously one of power, and that she'd just cast her favorite illusion piercing spell in a third of the time it usually took her. She turned back to Kali and gave the older girl a suspicious look. "What *kind* of Binding?"

The older girl gave a naughty grin. "A very loosely defined variant of the Teiresias Compact."

Tris blinked dumbly. "But the Teiresias Compact is a sex slave binding."

"Yes," Kali said with that same maddening grin. "That's the point."

Tris began to frown. "I don't believe it."

Kali straightened from her teasing posture. Tris *felt* something come from the girl. "Believe it."

And suddenly Tris did. She knew Kali had told her the deity blessed truth. She didn't understand how this incredibly circumstance could have come about, but she knew the other girl hadn't spoken a lie. The young student looked up at her Mistress, both in magical and sexual arts it seemed, with a lost look. "But why?"

Kali's expression turned kind, and suddenly the older girl was sitting in her lap. Without thinking, Tris's arm wrapped around her Mistress's waist to support her. Kali raised a hand and caressed the younger girl's cheek. She spoke with a suddenly tender voice. "Do you remember Adam?"

Tris nodded. Adam was a rather cute classmate of hers whom she'd recently been fantasizing about. Her interest in the boy had become apparent to everyone around her, since she'd blush prettily every time the boy even looked in her direction.

"Adam asked you out on a date. He... wasn't kind to you. Your reputation here at school has suffered some heavy blows, and you lost a few friends over it. You were hurt, and lonely. The first time we met, you were curled up in a dark alcove crying silently. I happened to have an empathy spell up a the end of the day and walked by the statue you were behind." Kali's arms wrapped around her in a comforting hug, and Tris could *feel* the affection in her Mistress's heart. Once she knew to look for the Bond, she'd found it.

"I'd been looking for someone to be a magical subordinate for a few spells I needed to perform," Kali continued. "And frankly, I was horny. Mixing the two seemed the best way to help you, not to mention myself. Now you're under my protection. Anyone who fucks with you will have to face MY displeasure, and I've been tutoring you in the magical arts. You've got some potential. I think you'll do well. And your love life problems are now *permanently* solved." Kali tapped her on the nose with a fingertip, and Tris giggled.

"So!" Kali chirped brightly as she jumped up twirled. The girl's skirt floated up with the motion, giving a quick glimpse of white lace panties. Kali stopped her spin so she could again face her young charge. "Do you want to know why you're at the Fair?"

Tris looked up from ogling her new Mistress and blushed. "Well, now that you mention it..."

Kali made a grand sweeping gesture that encompassed the open faced booth surrounding them. "I present to you my Fair booth. And..." with a flourish, the girl pulled on a sheet that had been hanging in midair, "I present my Magic Fair Project."

Tris was nonplussed. "Your project is a life sized, naked, anatomically correct doll?"

"Nope," Kali smiled. The expression was friendly, but mischievous delight flowed through the Link which bound the two girls. "My project is You!" She reached out and gave a firm poke to the doll's belly button.

"EEEEEEEEE!" Tris squealed. She jumped out of her chair and wrapped her arms around her stomach. Kali scribbled along the belly of the doll with one hand, and Tris felt five fingernails scribbling against her skin. "AHHH hahahaha!" Tris curled over herself in another reflexive protective gesture, but the realization had already sunk in. She looked at the other girl in horror.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Kali grinned. "Some of my best work, if I do say so myself."

"W-what did you do?" Tris asked fearfully.

"The doll's a focus," Kali explained. "Everything it feels, you feel. To a limit. Anything that would actually cause pain you'll feel as mild discomfort. If someone tries to hurt the doll, you'll know it. But you won't be hurt from it." Kali demonstrated by giving the doll's arm a wrenching twist.

Tris felt a hand on her arm and a mildly unpleasant twisting sensation, but nothing else. She nodded in appreciation, her magical training kicking in. "That's actually fairly impressive. I don't know the particulars of what a spell like that would take, but I can think of three basic rules of magic that say that's not possible. You must have had to combine spells from several different spell-schools. Enchantment for the base, Abjuration for the shielding, um... Illusion?"

"Very good!" Kali smiled approvingly and fondled the doll's rear, causing Tris to blush. "Some Illusion, yes, but we can get into the particulars another time. The point is that I did it, and with your help I expect to do well."

Tris blinked and gulped as the implications sank in. "What do you want me to do?"

"Oh, it's simple enough," Kali said. Tris again felt that *something* over the bond, and when next the senior girl spoke her words were enforced with magical compulsion. "You are to stay here at the booth unless I directly tell you that you can leave. You will talk with anyone who approaches you. You will do your best to be friendly, kind, and fun. If asked about the physical sensations you feel from the focus, you will answer briefly but honestly. Unless it's a professor. You'll answer any question they ask as truthfully and honestly as you can. You will make no effort to hide whatever you're feeling through the focus. I want every bit of pleasure you feel to be shown in your expressions and heard in your coos. I happen to know you're also quite ticklish," Kali demonstrated with a few quick scratches from the hand that was fondling the doll's ass. Tris jumped and eeped. "If something tickles, your laughter will be light and girlish. Otherwise, act normally." The *something* faded, and the Mistress was just a girl again. "Your job is to be your usual pleasant self. Just act as you normally have over the last two months."

"But I don't remember the last two months," Tris protested.

"I know. You'll remember them tomorrow. For the purposes of the Fair, I thought it best to have you meeting people as your old self. If anyone's nasty to you, tell me. I've done my best to make sure people won't since the Contract, and believe me, my best efforts are considerable. If anyone hasn't gotten my point yet, I want to know of it."

Tris gulped and nodded. She believed it. Right then, Kali looked every bit as dangerous as the goddess whose name she shared.

Kali smiled, and Tris's forbidding Mistress was suddenly replaced with a very attractive girl who spoke in husky tones. "But for now, the Fair has just started. No one has gotten around to looking at my favorite Pet Project. I thought we'd have a little fun and draw some attention."

Tris's eyes widened as she felt the hand on her rear begin to slowly stroke the skin. "W-what did you have in mind?"

"Nothing we haven't done before, my dear," Kali replied wickedly. She moved her free hand up to the doll's breasts and began to fondle it with both hands.

"Oh yes, Mistress," Tris breathed through half lidded eyes. Already she was unknowingly falling into submissive mindset that she had been trained into over the span of time she could not remember.

Kali grinned at her slave's acceptance and moved her lower hand from the doll's ass to its crotch. Tris's earlier description was correct. The doll was VERY anatomically correct.

"Oooooooo," Tris cooed. She almost lost her balance when her legs gave out from under her in response to an intimate gesture of Kali's fingers.

"Mmmm, we're going to have to keep you still," Kali said. She walked in front of Tris. "I have an idea. Stretch your hands out above your head. Tris complied, and Kali chanted a spell under her breath.

Padded cuffs appeared around Tris's wrists. The cuffs were attached to chains that went up and disappeared into the air. Something pulled on them from above until Tris was stretched out while standing up. It was an obvious illusion, but the neophyte sex slave did nothing to banish it. Mistress wanted it there.

"That should do," Kali smiled. "Now the real show can begin."

Tris eyed the older student warily as she stepped behind Tris to take up her position at the doll once again. Tris could turn to see the doll, but the chains rose higher when they twisted, and she had to rise onto the balls of her feet to do it. Deciding this was a bit too uncomfortable, Tris turned back around.

Behind her, Kali moved the doll from a hanging position exactly like the one Tris was currently in to lay atop a nearby table. Tris could feel the doll's new position by the shadow sensations running through her own body. She was laying down, with her legs splayed wide. She crossed her legs and stood upright in her chains, suddenly feeling naked and exposed. She blushed, but her nipples poked proudly through the material of her blouse. Mentally, she cursed Kali for not giving her a bra to wear.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Kali began to gently scratch her nails into one of the crevices between her thigh and her crotch. Tris smiled hugely, and began to giggle. "Hey!" *Giggle giggle giggle* "What are you doing?!" *Giggle giggle*

Kali responded by using the nails of her other hand to scratch the other crevice. "Tee hee hee," Tris sputtered, emitting the light girlish laughter she was compelled to use. "Stop that! Tee hee hee hee. No don't. Tee hee hee hee."

The nails changed position. One hand began to scratch at the fleshy pad where Tris's pubic hair grew, and the other danced over the outside of her outer labia. "Tee hee hee hee!" Tris sputtered again. "Tee hee hee hee. No fair! Tee hee hee hee. Please don't. Hee hee hee hee!" *Giggle giggle giggle*

"But I love to hear you laugh," Kali said in a voice filled with innocence. "This is our favorite game at home."

Tris could only snicker and giggle in reply. Her arms fought to come down in a reflexive movement to protect her crotch, but the illusionary bonds held them upright. She danced around with her legs instead, trying to escape the light scratching. "Tee hee hee hee. Stop scratching! Tee hee hee hee. It tickles! Tee hee hee hee."

"Oh, well, if you're sure," Kali replied hesitantly. The scratches didn't stop.

"Yes!" *Giggle giggle snicker giggle* I'm sure!"

"Very well," Kali said. "No more scratching."

The scratching stopped, and Tris breathed a sigh of relief. Such relief was short lived, because suddenly a feather duster began to brush up and down between her legs. "EEEEEEEEK!" Tris shrieked before she began to laugh girlishly. "Heeheeheeheeheehee! Kali! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! What are doohoohoohooeeheeheeheeheeing? Heeheeheeheehee!"

"Just dusting, Tris," Kali replied nonchalantly. "The focus looked a little dirty down there. Just trying to make sure it's as clean as my favorite girl." The duster began to brush even more briskly.

"Hahahahahahahaha," Tris laughed. "Hahahahahahahaha! Nohohohohohoho don't. Hehehehehehehe!"

Kali stopped her 'cleaning' for a moment. "Don't be silly, Tris. You know that if I don't keep the focus clean, something might happen to you. The law of magical contamination and all that." She went back to dusting, this time using gentle swipes.

Tris was almost certain that wasn't how the law of magical contamination actually worked. That didn't stop the tickles, though. "Hee hee hee hee hee hee," she laughed. "Tee hee hee hee hee. I think I'm clean. Hee hee hee hee hee."

"Hm," Kali said as she inspected the focus. "Nope! Still dirty down there. Either you're just a dirty little girl, or I've got to get this focus nice and clean. Wouldn't want anything to happen to ya."

"Tee hee hee hee hee," Tris continued to laugh. "Tee hee hee hee. I guess I'm ju-huh-huh-hust a dirty girl." *Giggle giggle giggle*

"No, I don't think so," Kali mused as the feather duster went brush brush brush. "Dirty little girls don't mind it when other people scratch them between the legs." Brush brush brush as Tris giggled helplessly. "Only good girls mind that. And you didn't want it, so you must be a good girl." Brush brush giggle giggle. "Good girls have to be clean."

"Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee," Tris replied. "Tee hee hee hee. Okay! Hee hee hee hee hee. I give! Tee hee hee hee hee hee. I'm dirty! Tee hee hee hee hee."

"I know you are," Kali said innocently as she continued to brush. "That's why I've got to get my good girl nice and clean." Brush brush brush.

Giggle giggle giggle. "No!" Tris fought to speak through the giggles. "Tee hee hee hee. I'm ahahahahaaa. I'm a dirty girl. Tee hee hee hee hee hee"

"What's that?" Kali asked as she finally stopped the feather duster. "Is my pet trying to tell me she's a dirty little girl?" She paused for a moment while Tris caught her breath. "No," Kali decided. "She said she's a dirty girl." Brush brush brush. "Don't worry, pet. I'll get you clean."

"Tee hee hee hee hee. Hohohokay!" *Snicker giggle giggle giggle* "I'm a dirty little girl! Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

"What was that?" Brush brush brush. "I couldn't quite here you."

"Tee hee hee hee hee hee! I'm a dirty little girl!" Tris tried to shout through the giggles. The brushes stopped and Tris found enough breath to shout at the top of her lungs. "I'M A DIRTY LITTLE GIRL!"

There was a sudden silence as the entire hall went still. Tris caught her breath and looked around. Everyone within view was staring at her. Her cheeks heated in a furious blush.

"Oh," Kali said wryly. "Why didn't you say so? Guess I should stop cleaning then." She put down the feather duster and picked up a single stiff feather. She slowly trailed the tip along the outside of the doll's outer labia.

It was light enough that Tris could fight against the giggles, but she couldn't help but smile hugely as she shifted uncomfortably in her bonds. Some people were still staring at her, and all she could do was smile back at them in reply. If her cheeks weren't at maximum blush, they'd have reddened even further. Added to her discomfort, now that she had a moment to concentrate on something other than the tickles, she was suddenly aware of how wet she was 'down there.' The feather tip trailing along the outside of her sex was doing nothing to help this situation. A small crowd was beginning to form, and her nipples proudly greeted the gawkers.

Kali used a hand to spread the labia of the focus wide and began to dance the feather at a much faster pace inside the pink flesh.

"Tee hee hee hee hee," Tris laughed girlishly. "Kaleeeeeeee! Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! Tickles! Tee hee hee hee hee!"

"I know it does, hun," Kali grinned. "Doesn't it feel good?"

Embarrassing though the admission was, some instinct from a time she couldn't remember told Tris that it would be a very bad idea to deny her arousal. Deep down, she still remembered the four hour tickle session of teasing and denial. "Tee hee hee hee. Yes!" Tris admitted through her laughter. "But it's embarrassing. Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee." Her growing crowd of gawkers, mostly men, grinned at this. Tris could feel herself getting wetter from the stimulation and humiliation.

"Oh well," Kali said. "I guess it's my job to take your mind off your embarrassment. How shall I do that, I wonder?" She tickled faster. The feather danced crazily across the sensitive flesh of Tris's sex.

"EEEEEEEEEK!" Tris squealed and began to dance. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Stop that! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

But Kali didn't stop. The feather swiped up and down over the seemingly exposed flesh of Tris's outer labia. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha," she laughed lightly in response. Kali switched sides and danced the feather along the inside of the other lip. "Hee hee hee! Tee hee hee hee hee!" Kali mumbled a minor enchantment that the focus had previously been prepared for. The labia stayed spread wide while she used her free hand to tickle the flesh of the perenium between Tris's sex and asshole.

"Hehehehehehehehe!" Tris laughed at this new ticklish assault. "Hahahahahahaha! NOOOhohoho! Traceeheeheeheeheehee! Hahahahaha!"

The tickles continued, and Tris danced in her chains. All the teasing had *really* turned her on, and the growing crowd only excited her more. She wasn't sure if she wanted the tickling to end anymore, even as she pleaded for her tormentor to stop. This wasn't a problem though, because Kali had no intention of stopping. She lightly scratched the focus's perineum while dancing the feather along the outside of the inner labia.

"Hehehehehehe," Tris continued to laugh. "Hahahahahaha! Oh please! Hehehehehehehehehe!"

Kali lightened the scratches she made so that it tickled a little less. Tris's laughter turned lighter in response.

"Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee!" Tris's breasts bounced around as she danced. The crowd was enraptured.

Kali smiled. Her pet looked just like a dancing little girl who was really enjoying being tickled. It was exactly what she wanted. Kali decided her pet needed a little reward. She stopped scratching with her fingers and used them to spread the focus's inner labia. Her feather danced along the entrance to the revealed tunnel.

"Hee hee hee hee hee. Oh! Hee hee hee hee," Tris laughed with suddenly wide eyes. It was obvious to the onlookers that this latest twist was making her feel *very* good. Kali grinned and danced the feather a little deeper.

"Hee hee hee hee hee. Tee hee hee hee. Oh! Hee hee hee hee. Kali! Tee hee hee hee! Please!" *Giggle giggle giggle giggle* "Oh please! Tee hee hee hee!"

"Please what, pet?" Kali asked as she let go of the doll's inner lips to reach for a second stiff feather. The same minor enchantment that kept the outer lips obligingly spread also spread the inner labia.

"Hee hee hee hee hee! Please! Tee hee hee hee. Tickle me HIGHER!" *Giggle giggle giggle giggle*

Kali smirked as her searching hand changed course and grabbed the feather duster. "Okay!" She continued to tickle her pet's womanly entrance with the feather while she extended her other arm to rapidly brush the feather duster over one of the doll's breasts.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Tris twisted and turned as her chest was suddenly ferociously tickled. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO! HAHAHAHAHAHA! NOT THERE!"

The duster switched to the doll's other breast.


"Oh," Kali said almost nonchalantly. "You said higher. Sorry, I must have misunderstood." The duster traveled lower, brushing lightly but rapidly over the doll's tummy.


With a grin, Kali complied. She used one fingernail from the feather duster hand to poke the doll's belly button. The other feather was now dancing along the pink flesh of the focus's exposed sex in random patterns.

"EEEEEEEEEEE!" Tris squealed. Kali was wriggling the fingernail poking her belly button so hard that she couldn't do anything but laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tris danced around crazily as she tried to protect herself from this sudden assault on her middle.

Kali stopped wriggling her finger and let her pet catch her breath. Her feather continued to dance lightly along the doll's sex at a gentle pace. This was more than enough ticklish stimulation, causing Tris to giggle furiously for a couple minutes while trying to breath. Every twenty to thirty seconds, Kali would gently poke into the belly button again, causing Tris to laugh even harder. After the fifth poke, Tris looked like she'd recovered enough to speak. "Do you want me to keep tickling your button?" She asked teasingly.

"No! Hehehehehehe. Don't! Tee hee hee hee hee hee! It's the wrong button! Tee hee hee hee. Tickle me lower. Hehehehehe."

Kali complied, using the feather duster to make light swipes along the pad of flesh that on something other than a doll would normally have public hair. Internally, she wondered how much more teasing it would take before she got her shy sex slave to say the word clitoris in front of a group of her peers. Tris continued to giggle girlishly and danced. Strange, Kali thought innocently. She doesn't seem pleased. A wry note entered her mental voice. Or not as pleased as she'd like to be, anyway. Kali brushed the duster a little lower, so that it tickled along the very top of the doll's slit on every down stroke.

"Tee hee hee hee!" Tris continued to laugh. "Hee hee hee hee hee. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Tickle my button! Tee hee hee hee! My GIRL button! Hee hee hee hee hee!"

Well that answers the clitoris question, Kali smirked to herself. "Oh," she said out loud. "Does my pet want to be tickled where she's a girrrrrrrrl?" Withdrawing the single feather, Kali rapidly swiped the feather duster up and down the length of the doll's opened slit.


"Okey dokey," Kali said as she put the feather duster back and replaced it with a second stiff feather. With both feathers she began to tease the flesh at the top of the focus's exposed slit. By now, Tris's clit had to be out of its hood and achingly erect. The doll's was not.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Noooohohohohohoho! Hee hee hee hee hehehehehe! Kaleeeeee heeheeheeheeheehee! Pleeeheeheeheeheese! Tickle meheeheehee there! Tee hee hee hee hee hee!"

"I am," Kali replied innocently. "I'm tickling your girly parts, just like you asked."

"Hee hee hee hee hee! My clittee hee hee hee hee! Tickle my clitty! Hahahahahahahaha!"

Mentally applauding her pet for finally using the C word, Kali gave in. "Oh, I see the problem." She rested a feather on the doll's tummy so that she could use that hand to spread the flesh at the top of the slit until the clitoris was revealed. With her other hand she trailed the feather lightly over the exposed button.

Tris moaned lustily. Her hips were jerking forward in an attempt to increase the pressure of the ghostly touch. This gave the impression that the dancing girl was now crudely humping the air. By the sound of the crowd, her watchers approved. Tris didn't really care anymore. The humiliation only heightened her arousal. She was so close to orgasm now that she'd do anything.

"Hmmmm," Kali said after putting Tris through a few agonizingly glorious seconds. "Doesn't seem to be tickling. Let's try this." She brushed the feather rapidly over the top of the clit.

"Haaaaaahahahahaha!" Tris responded. "Ohhhohohohohohohohoh!"

Kali slowed down a little, bringing her pet into those girlish giggles she so loved to hear.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! Oooooh!" Tris moaned. "Tee hee hee hee! Yes! Hee hee hee hee hee! Ooooooh!"

Kali chanted a minor dweomer under her breath. This one was probably the most useful of the spells she'd built into the focus. It made the clit and nipples of the doll glow in colors. Depending on the color, anyone watching would be able to see how aroused Tris was. Orgasm was a neon yellow, while the very edge of orgasm was a bright cherry red. Kali could see that her pet was *very* close to the edge. She grinned and tickled.

"Hee hee hee hee hee!" Tris laughed and danced. "Hehehehehehehehe." *Giggle giggle giggle giggle* "Oh yes! Tee hee hee hee yes! Hee hee hee hee hee yes Yes YES! Hee hee hee hee hee!"

At just the right moment, Kali stopped.

"Tee hee hee hee hee!" At first, Tris didn't notice. She was so ticklish that she continued to laugh even after Kali had let up. "Hee hee hee hee hee. Hey WAIT," she said once she realized the feather was missing. *Giggle giggle giggle* "Where are you? Kaleeeeeee!" She whined.

"So as you can see," Kali addressed the crowd, "what we have here is a full sized focus. Everything the doll feels, Tris feels. I'd like to take this moment to thank Tris for agreeing to assist me with my project." Glancing over at her, Kali saw the evil glare Tris was aiming her way. Her lips quivered as she fought back a grin.

"I think she wants you to thank her in other ways," a male voice said from somewhere in the crowd. People laughed in response.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kali said with faux-innocence. "Did I leave you in the lurch?"

Tris's face couldn't decide between fury and pleading. "Kaleeee," she finally said in a frustrated whine. "Please touch me?"

Kali moved next to Tris and wrapped the chained girl in a hug. The two kissed with obvious passion. The crowd hooted and cheered.

It was nice, but it was not what Tris was hoping for. When Kali broke the kiss, Tris leaned in to her ear and whispered. "Please make me cum, Mistress."

"You just had to ask, pet," Kali whispered in reply. "But for making me wait so long to hear it, I'm going to make you wait to cum. One of these days I'll pound it into you that there's no shame in asking me *anything* in public. You are my slave now. My plaything. You *have* no shame."

Tris blushed furiously at this, and Kali gave her a peck on the cheek. Actually, she delighted in having a slave that was so shy. Embarrassing her was SUCH fun! Kali grinned as she returned to the focus. The colors of the nipples and clit told her she'd cooled her pet off enough that she could have some more fun. She grabbed both stiffened feathers and began to brush them lightly into the flesh surrounding the clit.

"Tee hee hee hee hee!" Tris lightly laughed as she again began to dance for the crowd. "Hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

Kali danced both feathers over the sides and top of the clit.

"Hee hee hee hee hee! Yes! Tee hee hee hee hee hee! Right there! Hee hee hee hee hee! Ooooooooh!"

Leaving one feather to dance on the clit, Kali moved the other to tease the entrance of the doll's vagina. "Kootchie kootchie koo!" Kali called.

The verbal banter only made the whole scene worse. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha," Tris laughed and danced. "Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

"Kootchie kootchie koo!" Kali sang. "Tickle the kootchie, tickle the kootchie. Kootchie koo, kootchie koo!"

*Giggle giggle dance giggle giggle* Once again, Tris could feel herself coming to a peak. "Tee hee hee hee hee hee! Yes! Heh heh heh heh heh!"

Kali changed her pace. She lightly dragged her two feathertips around the clit, but did not let them touch it. She watched the focus as Tris balanced on the edge of orgasm. Balanced, but did not fall.

*Giggle giggle giggle giggle* "Kaleeee hee hee hee hee hee! Hehehehehe. Please! Tee hee hee hee!

"Please what, pet?" Kali asked as she lightened her feathers touch even further. It was more teasing than ticklish now.

"Please tickle me!" Tris whined. "Ooooohh, I'm so CLOSE! Please tickle me."

"As you like it, then," Kali said. She moved her feathers to the crevices between the doll's pussy and thighs and stroked rapidly.

"Hehehehehehehehehehe," Tris laughed. "NOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO. Hahahahahahaha. Not what I waaahahahahahant. Pleeeheeheeheeheeheese."

But Kali didn't. She continued to tease her pet for several minutes. She stroked her feathers lightly over the clit until Tris balanced on the edge of orgasm once again and then began to tickle the doll's perineum. Tris laughed and giggled and danced and pleaded, but Kali continued to tickle her there until her ardor had cooled a little. Then Kali danced a feather along the tip of the doll's clit while she used her other hand to scratch all along the outside of the outer labia. This in particular drove Tris INSANE.


Kali danced the feather over the doll's clit until Tris was again on the edge of orgasm, and then lightened her strokes while tickling harder with fingers.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please! SOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH! So close! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

"You're helpless," Kali stated as she switched back to her merciless teasing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yaaahahahahahahaha."

"You can't get away from the tickles, can you?" Kali moved her feather to the doll's womanly entrance and scratched lightly over the pad above its exposed slit.

"Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee," Tris laughed and humped air at this new stimulation. "Yes! Hee hee hee hee hee hee! I'm helpless, okay? Hehehehehehehe! I can't get away. Tee hee hee hee hee."

"You don't want to get away, do you?" Tickle tickle tease tease. "My dirty little girl liiiiiikes it. She doesn't want to get away."

"Nooohohohohohohoho!" Tris agreed as she danced and humped. Her breasts heaved pleasantly with every gasp and pant. "I dohohohohohohohon't! PLEEEHEEHEEHEESE?!"

Kali just grinned and kept tickling.

"Tee hee hee hee hee hee! Hehehehehehehehe. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

"Kootchie kootchie koo!" The devilish tormenter sang as she continued to tickle.

Tris was going insane! She was stretched upright and being stared at by a large crowd of people. Between moving her legs to try to block the tickles, and thrusting her hips to welcome them, she was performing an incredibly lewd dance. It didn't help that even though she was fully clothed, she *felt* as if she was laying on her back with her legs spread wide, completely exposed before the staring crowd. And to top it all off, Kali just wouldn't stop tickling her! She'd been driven to the edge and back so many times now that her panties were *drenched* in her juices. She could feel the older girl's amusement through their Bond. Kali *knew* how Tris was feeling, and she liked it.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha," Tris laughed lightly as she tried to concentrate. "Hee hee hee hee hee hee." Over their Bond, Tris spoke. *Mistress, PLEASE!*

*Oh, very well!* Kali half snapped in reply. Her irritation at having her fun interrupted could be clearly felt, but she at last relented. Her feather again danced over the doll's clit, while she used her other hand to shove two fingers rudely into the womanly passage she had so far only teased.

"OH!" Tris said with wide eyes as ghostly fingers violated her. The feather increased its pace. "Hee hee hee hee hee hee! OOOOOOOOHHHH! Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! OOOOHHH YES! Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

Kali watched the clitty she was rapidly feathering redden in hues that got brighter and brighter. She feathered faster and pumped harder.


And with a sudden snap, cherry red turned neon yellow. Kali worked it for all she had.


Tris enjoyed a small eternity of ticklish bliss while she was worked as high as she could go. Even as Tris began to come down, Kali never stopped. Tris danced and jerked and laughed like a mad woman as her orgasm trailed on longer and longer, until the aftershocks became another orgasm entirely. Kali had sent her up again!

Kali was enjoying the show, but this time she brought her pet down. As Tris began to perceive the world around her once again, she could hear the clapping and cheering from the crowd. Her cheeks, already heated, brightened in the biggest blush she'd ever given in her life.

*That won't be the biggest blush you'll ever have, though,* Kali sent over their Bond. *Not while I'm your Mistress. Heh. It won't even be the biggest one you give today.* Evil amusement dripped from the mental voice. Tris shivered in fear and excitement. She opened her eyes to see Kali standing directly in front of her giving her a very familiar mischevious smirk, and shivered again.

With a few efficient motions, Kali silently dispelled the illusory bonds that held Tris upright. Not expecting it, Tris collapsed into Kali's waiting arms. The two girls stayed that way in a tender hug that earned more than a few aws and wolf whistles from the crowd, depending on if the watchers were female or male. When Tris was settled on the chair, Kali turned to the crowd.

"I'm now going to open up my project to everyone," Kali announced. "Feel free to test the focus for yourself. I'll ask you to stop if a professor comes around so that I may demonstrate, and don't work her too hard, but other than that, have at it."

Tris looked up at that, and the horror on her face as she met the hungry gazes of her school 'peers' was priceless. Kali had hung the doll up in its previous upright position while Tris was recovering, and a few people immediately surrounded it and grabbed at the presented tools. A feather was quickly presented to the doll's crotch once again.

"Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!" Tris erupted into another stream of giggles. Her hands, finally free to defend against the ghostly tickles, zipped between her legs.

"That won't do you much good, you know," Kali grinned evilly. "I've enchanted your panties to act as a chastity belt. If you want your pussy touched, I'm afraid you're just going to have to ask someone real nicely."

"That's not what I'm doooohoohoohoohoohooing," Tris replied while mentally filing this Very Important Fact away. "It tihihihihickles. Hehehehehehehe! Hey wait! Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! It tickles more now! Hahahahahahahaha!"

Kali grinned. "Yeah. You feel everything done to the focus as if it's done to you. Partly that's because an illusion spell makes you feel as if you really *are* the doll. Partly it's because the enchantment magics touch your actual skin wherever the focus is touched. And a girl's skin is WAY more sensitive after sex."

Tris's eyes widened at this. Today was going to be a LONG day. Then she couldn't hold the laughter in anymore.


Kali noticed a professor nearbye and went to talk to him. She couldn't help but grin throughout the entire conversation.


Note: If anyone wants to play in this 'universe,' feel free. I don't plan to pick this one up again.


Great story! Really original plot and good characters. One major problem though, you're not doing a sequel. 😉
Very nice... I mean: VERY NICE! Thanx for the salute!
Oh how I wish that genre would become more popular...
Take care,
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it! 🙂

And I agree with teiresias. More of this genre would definitely be good.
I love the idea, and the "willing" Lee. Very good stuff. The only thing better than tickling is tickling and mind-control!

By the way Mark, are you the author of a couple of tickle stories about a girl named Traci, and her friend Gwen?

But I have both the stories you are referring to on my computer at home. In fact, Gwen\'s Initiation was a reference document for the style of Magic Fair Project. I can only hope that the mysterious author of the Traci Green stories happens to read Magic Fair and gets as much enjoyment out of it as I did his/her two stories.
Thank you for the nod. I'm glad this story is still being enjoyed. 🙂

There was a much more ambitious multi chapter story in the works. It would take a lot of editing and work. The core is solid, and it has some great moments. A lot more places get tickled, too. Alas, I'm much busier now. I doubt I will ever divert enough energy.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to dust off the old word file and have another look...
Thank you for the nod. I'm glad this story is still being enjoyed. 🙂

There was a much more ambitious multi chapter story in the works. It would take a lot of editing and work. The core is solid, and it has some great moments. A lot more places get tickled, too. Alas, I'm much busier now. I doubt I will ever divert enough energy.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to dust off the old word file and have another look...

Dusting is good 😀 I, for one would like to see the backstory, the process how this all came about.
The other story doesn't have these characters. It's actually a captured and tickled sailor Saturn, though I've managed to include some plot/style elements that I've not seen done before,
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