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Magician - a quick origin and a short introductive story.


TMF Regular
Jan 26, 2005
I have finally decided to post a origin and introductory story to introduce my character magician, i have chopped and changed this guy alot but i am finally happy with what i have made of him, and i think you will be too. I apologise for the lack of tickling, their will be some but not as much as i am used to writing as this will introduce the character. However in later stories most of the story will involve this aspect so rest assured i am here to bring you what you most desire. 😉

*The first post will be the story leading up to the tickling. The second will be the tickling and all that comes after it. I know how some of you like to skip to the good bits. I am guilty of it myself sometimes. 😀*

The young gentleman thief who goes only by the name magician has advanced very highly in the world. Starting out as a simple street thief at the tender age of 10 he soon became an accomplished cat burgler by 16 and then advanced from there. He obtained the name Magician in his youth due to his "Houdini" like abilities to escape impossible situations and his extremely nimble skills at slight of hand. However although a thief the young man was different to a common criminal. He was an avid reader and movie goer and his heroes were characters such as Robin Hood and Zorro. It is through these characters that his charming personality developed and his roguish sense of honour. He swore only to steal from the rich and the corrupt and to use his money for the betterment of humankind He is now twenty three and the greatest known thief in the world and possibly the richest man. However Magician did not want to retire yet even with his amassed fortune he decided he did not want to get fat and soft like most in wealth. So instead he started a guild, The Thieves Guild that he called "The Magic Circle" where he trains young up and coming thieves to follow in his footsteps. He had a massive building erected in New York and started his "business" within under the false name of "Sherwood industries", a clever disguise for his real motives in the form of a large software company.

Now it is today that we meet young Jennifer Montague. This sweet and beautiful young lady is an up and coming thief in the guild. 19 years of age tall, slim, able bodied and beautiful. Her long blonde hair drapes her back like a velvet cape and the piercing gaze of her crystal blue eyes is enough to bring most men to their knees.

Today is a very special day for Jennifer, she advances from a trainee to a student today and gets to meet the founder of the guild for the first time "Magician" himself. Walking down the hallways of the large mansion Magician had put on top of his skyskraper to the sky . She is guided by a tall blonde and physically athletic man known as Armande. He is one of Magicians most trusted and best students and friends and he knows Magician better than anyone.

"I trust you are excited miss Montague" Armande smiled. "Oh, yes of course Armande but i cant help feeling nervous and a little awkward. Tell me why did he insist that i wear this sapphire dress". "Simple mamoizelle, it is one of his favourite colours and he said from the way you move it would suit you like the sea lapping upon a golden shore." Jennifer cleared her throat and gave Armande a skeptical glare. "Thats very sweet Armande but he has never seen me in person, how could he know how i move". Suddenly Armande let out a hearty laugh and he turned to Jennifer. "My dear of course he has met you, he is the greatest thief in the world". "What do you mean" Jennifer inquired puzzled. "My dear our master has eyes everywhere. He can be in a room with you, five paces away. And you wouldnt even know he were there". Jennifer frowned to think of such a devious act, but it soon turned to a chuckle when she thought of the dashing gentleman watching her from her bedside.

They stopped outside a large pair of wooden doors with a golden M on the front. "Now my dear you will meet our maker. I will advise you the master is somewhat of an eccentric. Some of his actions are rather...well...odd. But im sure his charm will win you over none the less". "How do you mean odd Armande" asked Jennifer. "Well as i have said he is eccentric and sometimes refers to himself in the third person. He thinks he is the modern day incarnation of Robin Hood and he has a few...er...well....strange...obsessions. But i am sure you will be just fine". Armande opened the door and held it for Jennifer as she walked in the music hit her. Nessun Dorma blared from large speakers in all four corners of the room and the room was massive. A mixmatch between medeval and modern life suits of armour stood at attention and swords decorated the walls. And yet there were classical movie posters depiciting Zorro and other famous literery heroes all over the place. Suddenly she saw him the man she had been waiting to see....only not in the manner she expected to meet him. He was a tall man physically agile with long black hair that flew out behind him like the night sky and piercing green eyes that were as deep and green as the rainforests. Dressed in a suit even the richest of men could only dream of.....and dancing with a mannequin. He sang along with the song and spun round with a dummy of a beautiful woman as he twirled he got closer and closer to the mirror on the far wall of the room and placed the dummy down, obviously not noticing his guests. He gazed into the mirror and began to speak. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all" "Not you ya dumb schmo" he said in a put on Al Capone voice before mock fainting and then racausly laughing to himself. "You see what i mean madmoizelle" Armande chuckled before walking up to Magician and addressing him "Good afternoon master" "AAAAAGGGGHHHH" Magician jumped to his feet "...oh dear lord, Armande? I never saw you coming. Your sneaking skills are improving I see" Magician laughed. "Actually no master, i believe that would be the music being too loud". "Ah of course, of course" Magician replied as he picked up a remote and turned off the sound system. "And how many times have i told you, dont call me master. I am not your better just your teacher, simply call me Magician." "As you wish mas..er...Magician" Armande smiled. "Thats better, titles are for fools and pompous nobles who compensate for a lack of wit. Now where is the beautiful miss Montague" Magician queried. Jennifer stepped forward as Armande turned and left the room "I shall leave you two to become better aquainted", he smiled as he left.

"Well, well, well." Magicians lips turned up into a smile "So this is the most beautiful miss Montague in person, i am charmed" He kissed her hand and lead her to a small table where they sat opposite one another. "So tell me a little bit about yourself" Magician smiled. "Well i left school at the age of 16 and i have been studying at your school for the last three years under the advice of my father...who as you know sadly passed away last year". "My condolonces miss Montague. I did know your father well, he was a very honest business partner of mine and a very good man...and i must apologise. For were it not for his involvement with me he would not have been gunned down in such an awful manner by those cut throats who dare to call themselves a government." "No, no it wasnt your fault Magician, my father never thought that and he always thought the world of you" Jennifer tried to console him. "Yes, yes...i know you are right i just cant help being held accountable. Well, at least he died for what he believed in..unlike most in this futile world." The room went silent for a few minutes before Jennifer picked up the conversation.

"Well...anyway let us not talk of such things mr Magician. i have some questions for you." "Oh, questions for me my dear. Why i will quite happily answer them as best i can" he replied with a big grin. "I know you cant be as bad as the media says, as my father trusted you and he only liked good men. But the news reports always say that when you robbed from young women you always.." she swallowed hard "...Always tortured them in cruel and unusual ways to get what you wanted.....may i ask...what did you do." Magician leaned across the table and glared Jennifer in the face before answering in a frightening tone. "I crucified them" a look of horror fell upon Jennifers face and there was a second of sheer fear filled silence before Magician fell back laughing "Ahahahaha i am only playing my dear of course i didnt. I am a thief not a monster." "Then what did you do" she asked. "Simple, I tickled them". Jennifer went pink and then stifled a chuckle. "You tickled them hahaha thats proposterous what did you really do". "My dear i am being perfectly honest. I tickled them unbtil they told me what I wanted" he grinned like the cat that got the cream. "But why tickle them, and why only the women?". "Simple my dear. I am a gentleman, gentlemen do not harm ladies. Therefore the only way to make them talk was to tickle them. That and i find it rather entertaining" he grinned a little wider. "I suppose that makes sense, but how does it entertain you" Magician instantly interrupted with a Question of his own. "Tell me miss Montague.." she interrupted him "Call me Jennifer". "Okay...Jennifer....are you ticklish?" He smiled and crossed one leg across the other. "Me...ticklish" she blushed "Well yes...I suppose i am". "And where dear Jennifer....are you ticklish?" he smiled at the look of puzzlement that appeared upon her face. "Well i dont see how thats..." "Please Jennifer i would really, really like to know". "Well i guess underneath my arms...my sides...my legs...various other unmentionable places......oh and of course on the bottoms of my feet, i really cant stand it there." Magician's face lit up. "Ah music to my ears, the bottom of the foot. The weakspot of every woman I have ever met. I find it adorable how the toes curl at the very thought of the vulnerable bottom being gently and slowly stroked and kissed by the silken tip of a feather". Jennifer frowned "Listen...Magician this is my initiation into the high level of your guild i dont see how tickling has anything to do with......unless" Magician smiled. "Alas the deer has heard the shot but failed to run before it hit. You have figured out my game miss Montague...tickling is indeed a part of your test." Magician rubbed his hands gleefully. "Now wait how on earth is that going to initiate me into becoming a thief???" Jennifer asked confused. "I was hoping you would ask. Its simple really, should you ever be caught you will be tortured. Our government areva cruel people and all thieves need to be prepared for the worst. Also it is a fine way to test how dexterous you are and how in tune you are with the world around you. A thief needs to be stimulated by all around them and feel and sense everything. And what better way to test your reflexes, willpower, stamina and dexterity all in one go.". Jennifer sighed "Do the men have to do this or just the women" she looked at Magician judgingly "Oh of course the men have to as well, but one of my female associates handles them. I however enjoy testing the women myself." he smiled. "Do i really have to do this" asked Jennifer awkwardly. "I am afraid so my dear, if you want to advance that is, do you wish to reach the next level, do you wish to advance Jennifer?". "Of course" she replied "Well....I guess we best get it over with.". Magician opened a secret door behind one of his bookshelfs. "Through here is the room, if you would like to undress and come with me" he grinned menacingly. "UNDRESS?!?" Jennifer shouted. "Why of course my dear, the naked female form is full of vulnerabilities, we must explore every crevice before we can know how resilient you are.". Jennifer grumbled and followed Magician into the room, she would argue more when they were in there.
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As they entered the room Jennifer stepped into a small cubicle to "derobe herself" she began to think that this oh so charismatic Magician was actually a bit of a pervert and slightly sinister in nature. When she had undressed she stepped out, her body was a wonder to behold, slim and curvatious her breasts not too large or too small but the perfect size and shape with small perfectly rounded pink nipples that looked extremely sensitive to the slightest touch. Her gorgeous body was well toned and perfectly shaven her legs long and feminine. Magician eyed her up and down and smiled "My my my arent we the pretty one" he tormented and laughed. "Shut up and lets get this over with" Jennifer grumbled as they walked into a large room filled with computers and high technological gadgets like Jennifer had never seen before. In the center of the room was a large bed, it was all metal underneath but the top was cushioned with leather. at the top and bottom were four seperate shackles that could be adjusted to various positions. "Lay down here" Magician said "Whoah whoah whoah you said nothing about restraing me" Jennifer half shouted almost shocked. Magician sighed "Look sweetheart we wont be here long and i would have thought it obvious i was going to restrain you as it is a test to withstand torture and other such nasty things, now please be a good girl and lay down." Jennifer hesitated, but she really really wanted to be in the true guild so she silently complied. Magician shackled her in so she was in a Y shaped position, her arms outstretched above her and her feet shackled together. He then adjusted it so she was pulled taught and completely inable to move and he then blindfolded her. "HEY whats that for" Jennifer complained "This way you cannot know how where or when i am going to tickle you next, so it keeps you on your toes" he laughed to himself and Jennifer could just think of the word "Jerk" over and over in her mind. Magician admired her beautiful body as she lay helpless and in bondage. He remembered her saying her feet were her most ticklish area, and my what beautiful feet. A nice size 7 and perfectly slender and slim with long slender toes and smooth well taken care of soles. Magician picked up a nearby remote and sat down next to the table. "My dear, your safe word is "cupid" i suggest if you want to pass that you dont say it. if you do we will terminate the test and you will have the option to try again at a later date, now are we ready to begin?" "I guess so" mumbled Jennifer. "I cant hear yooou" teased Magician. "JUST GET ON WITH IT" yelled Jennifer trying to cover her fear with bravado. Magician keyed in a few comands to the remote and suddenly two mechanical arms retracted from the machinery hung above the bed, each had a long white goose feather attached to the end. They lowered themselves down towards Jennifers exposed underarms. As the feathers touched she let out a small yelp and trembled nervously awaiting the torment to come. Slowly but surely the feathers began to tickle the hollows of her smooth white underarms. A smile spread across her face as she tried to stifle the laughter. "Come now sweet Jennifer laugh for me, tickle tickle tickle" Magician taunted deviously. For a machine it was one fine tickler, it changed its patterns and randomised what it did as the feathers swirled around in different motions and directions and the tips left now sensitive area uncovered. Finally She began to giggle "Hehehehehe oh man hehehehe this is eeehehehehehee hee hee evil" her breasts vibrated with laughter and Magician found himself getting very aroused. "How does it feel Jennifer, the feathers slowly but gently tick tick tickling the smooth, sensitive and oh so ticklish skin under your beautiful arms". Magicians taunting discription was so precise that it made Jennifer feel even more vulnerable and even more ticklish. "I think that beutiful tummy needs a tickle next" he pressed another button and another arm dropped down above Jeniffers stomach. Attached to this one was a small feathered ball that dropped into her naval and on the sides were two brushes that retracted, as the feathered ball began to rotate and vibrate in her naval the two brushes began to dcircle the outside of her naval tickling her entire abdominal area. Jennifer began to squeak and squeal "Aiiieeee heheheheh hee hee hahaha oh man thats intense hahahaha" "And there is plenty more to come my dear" Magician taunted as he walked to the foot of the bed and took off his black gloves. Jennifer still writhed around in ticklish agony but she jolted nearly off the bed as Magician gently stroked a single finger along the sole of her right foot. "AAAAIIIIIIEEEE HAHAHA NOOOOO NOT MY FEET PLEEEAAAASE" she pleaded. Magician was well known for having very feminine hands for a man, they were small, nimble and he had soft and slender fingers. "Hmmmm are Jennifers tootsies a lil bit ticklish" he taunted as he slowly stroked both long slender index fingers across the length of her soles and the feathers under her arms and the small brushes on her stomach did their work. "cootchie cootchie coo" he taunted as she writhed and laughed. "Hahahahahahaha oh pleeeeheeeheeheeheeeaaaase stahahahahahaaapppp" she giggled helplessly "Thats not the woooord" Magician said with glee as he let her feet rest for a second and stopped the other two devices. Jennifer panted helplessly in effort to get her breath back as Magician apprached her and stroked her long blonde hair before taking the blindfold off. "Poor poor Jennifer all tickled out....too bad" he grinned as he pressed another button on his control. The feathers that had been tickling her underarms moved slightly inwards and jennifer watched in horror as the positioned themselves underneath her firm breasts. "Nonononon pleeeease dont tickle my breasts pleeeeease". Magician simply smiled and pressed the button and the feathers slowly began to sweep the undersize of her gorgeous breasts. "Ahahahahahahaha it tickles it tickles" squealed Jennifer helplessly not noticing that two metal tentacles came from above and began tickling her nipples. Immediately she erupted int laughter as the feathers sweeped and the tentacles flicked around her nipples. "Hahahahahaha oh dear god hahahahaha" her nipples lactated slightly under the stimulation of the tentacles and the feathers simultaneous movement and Magician smiled wickedly. "Time to tickle those tootsies again" Magician taunted "NO NO NOT MY FEET HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEEEHEEEAAASE NOT AGAHAHAHAAAAIN". This time magician pressed a button and just as with her underarms two arms with feathers appeared at the bottom of the bed and touched the bottoms of her feet. Magician turned off and retracted the breast ticklers and let the feathers just sit at her feet for the moment, unmoving. "Oh pleeeease no more not on my feet they are too too ticklish.". "Then just say Cupid" Magician grinned and Jennifer looked at him helplessly. "You know what I love about tickling feet more than any other part of the body Jennifer. Feet are so large and vulnerable i mean your toes curl desperately to try to stop these beautifully long and tickly feathers from gently stroking the bottoms of your feet. And yet they hopelessly know they cannot defend them. Such a vulnerable area of the body and all you can do is lay there and laugh as they gently tickle you into insanity....like this." . He pushed the button and the feathers slowly and delicately ran along the lengths of her gorgeous soles. "NOOOOOOOOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HEHEHEHEHE NOT HEHEHEHEHE TALKING HAHAHAHAHAHAHA". She curled her toes desperately and laughed manically as she pulled against her bonds hopelessly. "Your learning my sweet, your learning". he grinned and the feathers tickled her feet for the next twenty agonising minutes, across the soles, between the toes, underneath the toes, across the instep, circling the balls, you name it she suffered it. "AHAHAHAHAHA IM GONNA PEE HAHAHAHAHA PLEASE NO MOOOOORE" Jennifer pleaded. "Well then, let us have some more fun" Magician grinned as he pressed the final button. As the feathers still tickled her feet the lower shackles suddenly moved and the feathers followed, they opened her legs and Jennifer knew what was coming....quite literally. Another feather slowly lowered itself above Jennifers shaven virgin pussy and the touch of the tip instantly made her run cold. The feather slowly and delicately stroked her pussy and as it did so the foot ticklers stopped and retracted back into the machine.

Jennifer let out a mix of laughs and moans as the feather tormented her hot labia and to make matters worse magician had started running his fingers along the lengths of her legs tickling her thighs and her calves. "OOOOHHHHhehehehehehe pleaaaheeeheeeheeeheeaaase" Magician sensed she was about to cum and stopped the device "My dear, you shall not finish, until i allow you to finish" his face once again turned up into that wicked smile. "You evil BASTARD let me GOOOOOOO" Jennifer demanded as she struggled but Magician simply turned the machine back and slowly tickled her pussy again. Magician kept the poor girl in this state for the next thirty minutes, occasionally tickling her feet and not letting her cum. "Pleeeease no more, i cant take any moooore". "Fine then, it is time FOR THE COUP DE GRACE" Magician activated all the devices at once...Jennifer screamed. Her feet, her underarms, her stomach, her breasts and her pussy were all undergoing tickle torture and Magician made it worse by activating a last set of mechanical hands to tickle her sides. "HIHIHIHIHIHIH AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH DEAR LORD HAHAHAHAHAHA NO MOOOOOOOOORRRRREEEE" Jennifers agony partly exceeded as she simultaneously came and wet herself and magician let her suffer another twenty minutes just for good measure. Finally Magician clapped and turned off the machine as he approached Jennifer. "Congratulations my pretty, and welcome to the Magicians circle" he grinned and unshackled her before cleaning her up. "Poor poor thing has passed out" he slung her over his shoulder and carried her to his quatars placing her in his bed "Twas such a shame to torure such a gorgeous creature in such a way....even bigger shame to lie to her about the initiations, as if i would put ALL my students through that, proposterous" he laughed to himself. "Sometimes i am ashamed of my obsession, but then i realise even the best of us have our dark secrets,and if this is the worst i can do, then im really not that bad at all." He admired himself in the mirror one last time before leaving. Tommorrow would be a busy day.....a day of thievery and adventure.
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