I ran into this info in Saturday supplement to our biggest newspaper "Gazeta Wyborcza" (Election Journal) called "Wysokie Obcasy" (High Heels) from 20th April 2002. The article was about a Polish noblewoman called Maria (Misia) Godebska, who was a friend and model for many French artists of XIX/XX century. One of her closest friends was Toulouse-Lautrec. It's written that they have a favourite game: "I was sitting in the garden under the tree, reading a good book. Lautrec was sqatting beside me and, armed with a paintbrush, was tickling the soles of my feet. This play, with him using fingers in the right moments as well, could last for hours. I felt I was in heaven and he claimed he painted fantastic landscapes on my soles."
This info was in the article "Misia" by Malgorzata Czynska
This info was in the article "Misia" by Malgorzata Czynska