My two cents: be patient. As others have said, the longer you hang around here and participate, the greater the chance you will end up with friends, some of whom might even carry over into real life. Me, I've been lurking here since 2002, never really super active and as a result my own friends list is hardly extensive, but sometimes personal messages and legitimate friend requests will come when you barely expect them.
Fetlife doesn't really do it for me. There are to many other fetishes.
True, but I wouldn't discount FetLife altogether. I've found that due to the diversity of interests the people there seem to be generally quite tolerant and even curious about and willing to explore some of the more "unusual" fetishes like ours.
And lastly, getting out and going to gatherings/munches, local or otherwise is the easiest way, but can be difficult if youre nervous or not near events.
there isn't anything local or even close by chattanooga with tickling
This is also where FetLife can help. I too live in a quite isolated area, but even here there are kinksters who are also on FetLife, and through that site I've made local non-TK friends and met some in RL by going to a few basic munches and meetups. As Chicago alludes to, that was excruciatingly difficult for me; I'm naturally extremely shy and anti-social, yet somehow I found the courage to attend and am glad I did.
You may still have to travel a bit. Last year after my wife had passed away and I was hardly thinking rationally, I audaciously decided to hit the road and go to NEST, the big kahuna of gatherings, and was almost completely paralyzed with anxiety and trepidation nearly the whole time, but even out of that I came away with a few new enriching acquaintances.
Lastly, I would have faith. I truly think there are actually way more of us out there than we realize, it's just that everyday life and societal pressures force us--or we think they force us--to keep who we are under wraps. Thank the Lord for the Internet as a means of bringing us together, but even this is still an imperfect system, not used or not used well by so many of us. Yet you just have to keep believing that it will gradually draw our legion out of the woodwork (sorry if the metaphor offends).