Well, about mood I've read quite the opposite on an old italian study.
Dr Insabato claimed that pent up frustration DO make ppl more ticklish. The more you keep in, the more explosive is the outburst when tickled.
From his study frustrated, sad, angry ppl - he claimed - responded and felt tickling much more than relaxed ppl.
Tickling could be one of those "relics from old". It isn't really useful - and for some unlucky ones could be a weakness.
It was probably some pain-reaction response we inherited from animals and lost through evolution.
Of course, since we are creative and wicked, we promptly made it into a form of pleasure and torture...
😀 😀 😀
Now, post orgasmic ticklishness should be lower from the mood point of view, but higher since nerve endings are already overstimulated.
As usual answer varies from situation and persons...
But it would make a GREAT subject for scientific analisis. 😀 😀 😀