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Makoto's Debt Repayment Plan (Part 2, FF/F)


Registered User
Feb 19, 2024
"Let's begin your lesson, shall we?"

Noriko tapped a single finger to the middle of Makoto's foot and held it still, lightly pressed against the sole. After the night Makoto just had and the sheer presence of this intimidating force right in front of her, staring into her eyes, with a finger already touched against her, that was enough to bring out a cold sweat on her. She can feel her own hair stand up on her neck, every instinct in her body telling her to run but her body moving absolutely no where.

"We'll start with my name, as you've no doubt just heard. I am Noriko Jabami and I am one of the Captains of our little syndicate, the overseer for Shibuya and four other wards here in Tokyo, as well as the one in charge of the... entertainment, the clubs, the girls, the fun."

Noriko tapped her finger again on Makoto's sole.

"Perhaps you're wondering how a woman like me could rise through the ranks to be the one running so much of the operation?" Makoto was completely frozen and silent, desperate to not make eye contact for fear of setting Noriko off, she was transfixed on the tattoos along Noriko's arms. She had her left arm resting on her knee while she was bent over on the stool she was sat in to lean in close to Makoto's face, while keeping her right arm up and just one finger on Makoto's foot. "This is the part where you nod and ask" pronouncing the "ask" with another tap on her foot.

"Hmmmh" Makoto mumbled out while earnestly nodding, it as true. She did want to learn everything she could on Noriko, but if this was how she would have to go about it, she would have turned back if she could. "Good girl. Now, when I first joined I had already lost everything I had. I was backed into becoming one of those dancers you saw out on the floor tonight." When pointing out what Makoto saw, she tapped her foot again, as if accusing her of seeing something she wasn't supposed to see. Makoto could feel a drop of sweat slide down the side of her forehead.

"Eventually I got popular enough on the dance floor, I started to get requests. In the beginning and for months after, it was for private dances. I did whatever was expected of me by my bosses, just like you." Noriko tapped Makoto's foot again to emphasize her point. "It clicked to me that I could never repay my dues through dancing and private shows alone, and I had enough. The next time I was invited to a private VIP room, I started to offer a more... exotic service. For our higher end clients, men and women alike, I'd offer to tie them down and help...work away the stresses from their life. A moment to give up control and surrender to bliss. But the only one who'd feel anything wonderful would be me, as that would be the moment I'd spring my trap." Noriko once again tapped Makoto's foot, causing her to start losing control of her breathing.

"Once they were tied down, I'd begin to tickle them." Noriko tapped again "Of course, caught off guard, they would freak out. I had studied different knots, bondage techniques, and later on made bondage devices like this very box you're in, in preparation for these plays. So it didn't matter how much they struggled, I'd be free to just tickle them." Noriko tapped again. "The perfect torture for my needs. It left no marks, none of these big, tough gang members would ever admit to it happening to them. It came naturally to me, to tickle people so well." She tapped again, the anticipation Makoto was starting to feel was making her shudder.

"Whether it was officers in our gang, beat cops living on the edge, low level politicians, corporate managers, their girlfriends, or rich trophy wives trying to have a fun girls night out. I'd get them in my VIP room and I'd tickle them."

Another tap

"They'd start to beg and cry, and I'd keep tickling them"

Another tap

"They would give up connections, important addresses, phone numbers, trade secrets, passwords, bank accounts, offer me the money and the jewelry on them, and still I'd keep tickling them."

Another tap

"I would get everything I needed or wanted from them and then I would break them anyway. So they would know not to cross me, I'd fully tickle them to absolute submission."

Another tap

"It would take me a long time, but finally I had enough resources to rise up to a lieutenant. I finally had my own girls to train in my techniques, I had bouncers to enforce my moves, and powerful people too afraid to cross me."

Another tap

"My web of influence would expand. Each time people stumbled into my clubs and got trapped..." Another tap on Makoto's foot "...and tickled until they were broken by my girls. Then I'd have another chip on my table when they would fold to our demands. As a Captain now, I have a lot of chips on my table, you see? I don't intend to stop my plans until I have every resource I need, all the money I want, all the control, I want."

Another tap

"And you thought you were going to take that from me?" Noriko held Makoto's chin in her palm from her opposite hand while still keeping her finger on Makoto's sole and tapping it again to cap off her point at the end. "You failed... and now here we are." She let go of Makoto's chin and took her finger off her sole, placing her hands down in her lap. "Now, what do you think happens next in this lesson?" Makoto began to hyperventilate, staring at Noriko.

"Answer me. What am I going to do with you now?"

"Timmhckhmhle mhmhm"

"Yes, very good. I see you're at least smart enough to answer that. I am going to tickle you." With that, Noriko once again raised a single finger up to Makoto's sole and tapped it again, causing her to flinch, but this time, she slowly dragged it down her sole. An electric shock ran through Makoto's entire body. The flood of anticipation had reached the dam and battered it down. She shook with such force in the box that held her, it tilted just a bit. A testament to how well built the box was and how strong Makoto was, but not strong enough.

"No need for brute force just yet." Noriko smiled to herself, while taking the finger and circling it around the heel, her nail gliding along like a pen making a cursive signature, never leaving its canvas. "I've done this so many times to women like you, I've developed the ability to figure out someone's most ticklish spot from their reactions." The nail glided back up from the heel slowly along the outside of her foot. "Not something as simple as thinking someone's feet are their most ticklish spot." Noriko continued her light trail from the outside of the foot and taking her finger over the balls of Makoto's foot. Makoto would twitch her face and squint her eyes, while her foot went nowhere. The light tickles would have been annoying, but after her massage with that sketchy Doctor's special oil courteously of Emma, it was driving her insane.

"But the precise and exact, most ticklish spot." The nail slowly left from the ball down through the inner arch. "It took me a long time to be able to figure out all the different tells people had, a small eye twitch here." She glided her nail from the inner arch, around the heel and back up the sole. "A nostril flair, an ear wiggle, a sudden inhale..." Her finger never lifting off Makoto's sole the path continued up onto her big toe pad and followed the spiral of her toe print.

"I'm going to find your tell Makoto Niijima." She moved from her big toe to the next by gliding down the side of her toe, into the space between, and up the side of the second toe. "I'm going to find your most ticklish, most sensitive spot..." she traced to the next toe. "Then I'm going to utilize the best method I know to break you, on whatever your weakest spot might be." the nail moved on to the next toe "Each different area of the foot requires a different tool you see, and I know the best one for each." she finally traced over the pinkie toe.

"I will do you one favor though..." Noriko began the trail across her foot again. "I will let you know what your tell is." The continued light teasing, tickling made Makoto try to swish her foot around the hardest she had all night. Something about how light it was, kept the thought in the back of her mind that it was going to get far worse. Like an instinct to run when danger is closing in. "That way when you go back out tomorrow night to entertain my guests, you can at least try to hide it from the crowd. But you will never be able to hide it from me, I'm narrowing it down right now." Noriko repeated her light pattern across Makoto's entire foot ten more times. Never once leaving contact with the skin or increasing speed at all.

"Interesting..." She said while finally taking her hand off Makoto's foot and resting her own head on it. Noriko crossed her legs and titled her head to stare at Makoto, while swinging her foot around in a circle. Makoto watched it with jealousy at how it could spin around so freely. "Now, would you like me to find the most ticklish spot on your left foot?"

"Numhmhm" Makoto shook her head

"Wrong answer. Be careful now, you only get one while you're in here. Again. Would you like me..." Noriko took her head off her hand and leaned in until she was only an inch from Makoto's face "...to find the most ticklish spot on your left foot?"

"...Yghghh" Makoto said after a brief pause

"Good girl, you are getting this faster than most do here." Noriko's finger began it's dance once again on the left foot. It felt like it tickled to high hell, Makoto wanted to escape from it's constant stimulation. But at the same time, it was so light and gentle it was barely enough to make her laugh, it was just stuck constantly at the tip of her tongue. She let out a scream of frustration muffled by the gag. "Now, now. I'm almost done, don't be dramatic." Makoto could hear the nail scratch on her skin as it pressed in while it dragged around. "There, we're done." she returned her hand to her lap, leaning back in the stool again.

"Do you want me to tell you, Makoto Niijima, where you are most ticklish?"


Noriko got up from her stool and walked back over to the jacket she had hung when she entered the room and dug into it's pockets. With her back turned to Makoto, she answered, "On both feet, it's your inner arches." She grabbed something from the jacket and walked back to her seat. "Would you like to know what your tell is, Makoto Niijima?"


"It's your right eye. You would twitch that one, alone, every time I'd trace over your arch. You'd squirm and squint your eyes a lot while I was tracing around. But every time I hit your arch, you'd wink at me. I have more bad news for you too, besides just having your feet locked up in front of someone with a passion for tickling." Noriko chuckled to herself.

"The arches are simply my favorite spot to tickle, how unlucky can you be?" Makoto let out a questioning whimper, "If someone's spot is a toe, in between them, or the heel, there is only so much you can do, the space is so small or too tough. Oh, but the arch has so much space! You can use whatever tool you'd like, it's always so tender, there is room to adjust in case a spot starts to get desensitized. Though, I heard Emma tested out our lovely oil that I invested in on you. So you won't have to worry about getting desensitized ever again. Your nerves are now too strong and healthy for that sort of thing." Noriko smirked.

Ever again? Just what did that mean? When she got out of here, she was going to figure out just who this damn doctor was. Makoto's thoughts were jumping to every possibility as Noriko described her predicament to her and while trying to figure out just what she had grabbed from her jacket.

"Tonight, I won't be using the full range of tools however. I will be using just one, the one to break you in." Noriko revealed her gloves she was wearing when she first walked in and sat down, she began to slowly slide them on, pulling them as tight as they would go. "I had these specially made." She flashed the palms out on her gloves and Makoto realized what she meant. Scattered around the plams and through the fingers randomly, were hundreds of small nubs, and sweat fell down her neck as she eyed them, cold.

"These allow me a full range of motion, to tickle precisely where I want, and go as hard or as soft, as slow or as fast as I want. Nothing to tire or cramp my hands since I have to hold nothing. They're perfectly tailored to my hands for this express purpose." Noriko reached up and softly set both of her hands on both of Makoto's arches, leaned in close to her face once again, "Are you ready to begin, Makoto Niijima?"



".........Yghghh" Makoto slammed her eyes shut and looked down, as if to brace herself.

There was a pause, so deathly quiet, the air slightly moving in this tiny, closed off room could be heard. "Good." Then it began, Noriko finally started to rapidly brush both of her hands across Makoto's arches at a blinding speed. "AHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAH" A laugh like it was a yell escaped from Makoto and it continued along with the constant brushing. "There we go, let it all out, let every last laugh out!" Noriko continued to brush, the laughter coming from Makoto was so loud it was almost deafening. "Tonight, is for molding you into shape. Tomorrow is for all the questions I have for you!" Noriko had to raise her voice to be heard over the sound of laughter while she continued to scrub with vigorous intent. She continued for awhile, focused on her work and just making small adjustments, in and out, splaying her fingers out wider and then more narrow as she moved and as needed to keep Makoto guessing and suffering.

"You know, I've been fascinated with the idea lately of a prosecutor in my corner who could get any of my rivals jailed, an important chip I don't yet have. You wouldn't happen to know one, would you?" The continued stream of laughter was the only reply Noriko got. "Ah, right. I'm getting ahead of myself, the questions can wait for tomorrow. We need to focus on tonight's task." Noriko stopped brushing and walked over to a closet, opening it up. Makoto's breathing as she recovered was loud enough to be heard through the gag as she desperately tried to catch her breath. Noriko returned from the closet with a familiar jar of lightly pink oil.

Some sort of begging mewled from Makoto, another coating of oil meant another new level of intensity and she was already at her limit. Noriko opened the jar with a pop and unceremoniously dripped a third of the container on Makoto's right foot. It ran down from the tips of every toe until it slowly collected at the heel, before steadily dripping onto the ground. She repeated with another third on Makoto's left foot, the adrenaline rushed through her as she could feel a slight relief on her feet for a moment, the healing properties easing the abuse they had taken tonight just from coating her feet. But it came at a cost, a heat rushed through her as she tried to take her in her new sensitives.

Noriko said nothing as the oil trickled down Makoto's feet, she poured the remaining third onto her glove, then tossed the empty jar behind her to rub her hands together, working the oil through each nub. "You know, I had long wished to get my hands on a substance like this. Shopped around at spas, hot springs, resorts every time I went. I always dreamed about something to make my targets even more ticklish, thought about how much easier it'd make everything." she continued to work the oil into her gloves. "Who'd have thought I'd find it in some back alley clinic after a little fight? Best part is it's completely by accident, as a small side effect few would ever notice, it'd never fire off any red flags to change the formula."

"I've made all my girls test it out once, have to make sure there is always something to keep them in line, it guarantees anyone's ticklishness." Noriko got back into position and raised her hands up to Makoto again, who had only just recovered her breath. "You might be the first to ever get multiple coatings on purpose though, unless that Doctor uses it too. Let's test the results of repeated applications." Noriko resumed her brushing again. As an outsider watching this unfold, you would never notice a difference as the box held true and still, trapping Makoto to her fate. Nothing seemed to move in the room besides Noriko's arms as they worked. But Makoto was intimately aware of how much worse it had become, not just the increased sensitivity. Now the gloves had frictionless movement over her arches thanks to the oil, as they continued into the night, Makoto's laughter could be heard even out into the hallway outside.

Hours later, Makoto's laughter fell silent as Noriko brushed away. Alternating her fingers, an index finger extended, the middle finger drawn back, and so forth for each finger swapping between the positions, instead of the full hand as if she was now playing a stringed instrument with Makoto's arches. "What's the matter? Have you truly let out every laugh you had tonight?" Makoto's silence answered back, but her face still moved as if she were laughing anyway, tears coming down. "What a pity... Very well, let's put you to bed." Noriko stood up from her stool as if to fully strengthen her stance, getting her whole body into the brushing. Makoto gives one final jolt of a reaction to the increased intensity, causing her headband to fly off, and after a few more brush strokes, she mercifully passes out.

Noriko slides her gloves off, dropping them on the table holding up the box. She picks up Makoto's headband and slides it on like a trophy she had just one from a game. Taking a look at her prize in the mirror on the make up table. "Hmmm, cute." Noriko grabs her jacket and goes to leave the room. She takes one final look back at the now sleeping Makoto. "We should add a strap of some kind to the box, to go around the forehead..." She thought to herself, prevent the person sitting in it from both hurting themselves and to no longer be able to move their head as a distraction from the sensations.

Makoto awoke the next morning to a knocking on the top of her box. She groaned awake to a bright and shinning smile from Emma. "Goooooood Morning lil' sis! I heard you had the whole night with Noriko, you have my sympathies girl!" Makoto groaned again, still not fully awake, as Emma applied a hot towel to start washing her face. She again felt herself relax as Emma gently moved it around to begin cleaning. The hot water feeling nice against her skin as it wiped the sweat away. "All of us have had at least a session or two with Noriko here at the club when we first started. She's merciless, I think she gets off on it between you and me." Emma softly covered Makoto's face with the hot towel and lightly rubbed her eyes "This is her biggest club so she comes here often and we have to be on our best behavior around her or else. Didn't get a tip? You gotta earn the money back on the wall. You're late? Mandatory overtime unpaid. Drop a glass? That's a personal lesson from Noriko."

Emma soaked the towel again in the small dish of hot water she brought and after finishing Makoto's face, began to slowly wash her foot. "I'm not... always on my best behavior if you can believe it! Soooo, I've had a few run ins with her before. Did she do the thing to you where she nails your most ticklish spot!?" Makoto apprehensively nodded to answer her question while Emma carefully wiped between each of her toes, making an effort to not tickle her. Makoto's eyes lightly rolled, this was the sort of relaxing treatment she needed, it felt good. "She found it I bet, right? Wanna tell your big sis Emma where it is? Hehe." Emma laughed while starting to rub down Makoto's opposite foot. "Nngnhn" Makoto shook her head to decline "Awwwhhhh, you're no fun!" Emma fake pouted as she pressed the towel into the ball of her foot, relaxing a pressure point. Makoto closed her eyes to take in this much needed break.

"I came in a little early to make sure you were hanging in there, so we've still got a bit of time before you're suppose to go back up on the wall. Oh! I know! Let me doll you up! I'll do your make up, you gotta look your best up there!" Emma excitedly dug into her purse and began setting up different cosmetics and supplies on the table. "Told you I was going to cosmetology school last time night. I gotta show off my skills I've learned!" She started her process, wanting to make Makoto look like she was ready to hit the town. Emma started with some dry shampoo to clean and restyle Makoto's hair, giving her a scalp massage at the same time. She let out another soft groan as Makoto enjoyed her small break. "I've been working here awhile now. Pretty much from the get go, I was tasked with helping host the wall. It gets more and more popular every week."

Emma started to apply some make up around Makoto's eyes, some sharp eyeliner, a dark purple eye shadow, and small brushes of glitter all around. "Personally I've always thought it was a really fun time, but I haven't seen to many people get the full tour. I bet that it's a bittttt different. I can really only think of one other person my whole time here who has had that privilege, not many people are as brave as you." She started to apply a foundation and coloring to Makoto's face. "It was this model friend of mine, it was soooooo hilarioussss to see her up there! We pitched it to her agency as a photoshoot to model and advertise for the club but we left out some of the... finer details of the shoot, you know? She was screaming all week at us, threating to kill us, she is such a drama queen." Emma began applying a dark purple lipstick to Makoto, gliding around the edges of the ball gag to do so, giggling to herself as she recalled her memory.

"She's always had this big attitude, so no surprise her crew was very accommodating to us. Originally the shoot was supposed to be just some pictures for us. They ended up recording a few videos for our social media, made sure we could subcontract her for additional hours after the shoot for promotional campaigns, which of course were us just advertising she was here all night on the wall, hehe." After finishing up applying the lipstick, Emma looked Makoto over. "Hmmm, one last touch!" She took the lipstick and wrote TICKLISH in big and bold letters across the gag. "Perrrrrrfect! Take a look!" Emma, proud of her work, held up her phone with the camera reversed so Makoto could see herself in the preview.

An incredibly deep blush burned across Makoto's face, first from seeing the clubbing girl make up she had on. Makoto very rarely put much on at all and felt a little ridiculous with this much, but she did look fantastic. As she continued to look herself over, she read the TICKLISH on her gag and thought she was going to curl in on herself, a new level of humiliation she'd never experienced in her life. Emma snapped the picture while Makoto was beat red in the preview. "This turned out so good! Here I'll airdrop it to you!" Makoto tried to grunt out that she wanted it deleted, not sent to her but thought it might be better if she let the topic drop as fast as possible.

"Hmmm, still a little bit of time left before opening. Which means we can finish off our spa night with a massage!" Emma excitedly leapt out of the stool and skipped over to the closet "Nmghnhn!" Makoto winced, she did not need another massage, not another oil treatment, but Emma came back with another jar, humming to herself and popping the lid while sitting back down. "You can't have a true spa treatment without ending in a hot oil massage!" Emma poured some oil into her hands again and started to get to work, Makoto tried to raise a protest but it quickly dissolved into a moan, as much as she knew the oil was going to be her doom, it did feel really good going on. Emma knew her stuff, she pressed with the right amount of pressure, hit every stress point, and was not too slow or too fast. Another pour of oil into her hands as she repeated her work on the next foot, Makoto could feel the heightening sensation on the foot Emma just left. "Just clear your head and relax... just enjoy this"

The DJ's voice came through the speakers throughout the whole club, announcing the doors would be opening soon and a line was already packed for this Saturday night. "Alright Leading Lady, you're on!" Emma quickly poured the rest of the jar over Makoto's soles without comment, then picked up the box that held her "Let's get you into position! Center stage!" and they began to walk back out to the club floor, Makoto felt dread with every inch closer as she watched the Tickle Wall get closer and closer.

Without another woman on the Phantom Thieves full time yet, Ann Takamaki found herself getting closer to her rival turned bestie, Mika. They had just spent their Saturday going out for a sweet breakfast, a self indulgent shopping trip, enjoyed a mani-pedi together, and knocked out another killer photoshoot. They were becoming inseparable friends. Now, Mika wanted to show Ann what a real night out was like by taking her out clubbing for her first time and introducing her to one of her favorite ways to spend any weekend.

However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, Makoto was certainly not enjoying her weekend. Saturday had turned out to be even busier than Friday as she was watching dozens of people have a blast at her feet's expense. Emma continued to guide guest after guest through to run Makoto through her paces yet again. Her pretty make up long since running down her face and her styled hair completely disheveled without her hairband to keep it in place, her laughter ringing throughout the club like another instrument on the DJ's track blasting over the speakers.

"You're gonna love this Ann! It's the perfect way to work out any of that ugly stress you've got building up and it's so much fun too!" Mika was making her way across the dance floor while guiding Ann through by holding her hand. Ann was already completely distracted by the night lights and enjoying the vibe of the music to notice much else. But let herself be dragged along for the ride. Mika escorted Ann right past the entire line, walking right up to the front while people in the line gave questioning stares after being cut. "HEYYYYYY EMMMAAAAA!" She shouted from the line over to the wall "MIIIKKAAAAA? OH MY GOD GIRL HEY! I haven't seen you in forever!" Emma bolted over to the front of the line and jumped on Mika giving her a hug, while leaving the two girls tickling Makoto unchaperoned.

"And who is your new friend? She's so beautiful!" Emma waved at Ann, who nervously played with one of her pigtails, still not used to taking compliments. "Ohh, ahah, thank you!" She waved a dismissive hand toward Emma as Mika spoke up after introducing Ann to Emma "Does the sign say it's completely free this weekend!? That's crazy timing for us Ann! Seems busier than ever here now, that right?" "Oh yeah, it's been wall to wall packed since you helped promo the place! This is our first free weekend since back then because the demand has been so high!" Emma gave Mika the widest grin you'd ever seen.

"You're not funny Emma, you tricked my agency with that contract! You're lucky I love you or I would've never forgiven you!" Mika playfully slapped Emma's shoulder "Come on, you loved it! You keep coming back all the time and hanging out with me! We agreed it wasn't my fault the agency didn't give you all the details I gave them!" Emma grinned again making a heart shape with her hands. "I only loved the payday and NOT being in the wall but messing with who is, is a lot of fun! Oh Ann, this is Emma by the way! she was the only nice person to me here during my promotional shoot with the club and we go way back before that too."

"Hey! So, what are we all doing here in line anyway, aren't we supposed to be going out there dancing?" Ann asked "You see that up there?" Mika pointed over behind Emma "They call that the Tickle Wall here, we're going to go up next and have a little fun with the girl hanging up there!" Ann looked over to the wall curiously, trying to figure out what exactly she meant with her bizarre statement. Before she pieced it all together, she noticed something else first that distracted her. "HAHA, oh my goddd, is that our President?" Ann threw her hands up over her mouth in surprise. "What are you talking about?" Mika asked while Emma looked confused "That's little Ms. Perfect at our school, top of the class and thinks she's better than the rest of us. I didn't know she had her own secret side too." Ann giggled to herself as the two girls tickling Makoto walked back to the dance floor. "Well, Ms. Perfect's schedule is now free to meet with you guys!" Emma opened the line up and walked Ann and Mika through.

"Hey Prez, didn't know you were into this kinda scene!" Ann teased as the three girls approached like cats circling captured prey they were about to play with. Makoto tried to voice her disagreement but it went nowhere as always. "What sort of tools would you want to use tonight, Mika?" Emma showed off her whole set to the girls. "We just got our nails done and I just got these cute black tips, so I'm going to try these out tonight!" Mika splayed her fingers out so Makoto and Emma could get a full view of them. "Those ARE cute! What about you Ann?" Ann was looking over the selection of tools like she was in her favorite sweets store, "Is that a feather? Oh, that's adorable!" Ann picked up a long, stiff, white feather and stood in front of Makoto, a panther ready to pounce. "Coochie, coochie, coo, Mako-channnnnn!" Ann swept the feather up and down causing Makoto to yelp, caught off guard by an unexpectedly sharp sensation. "Coochie, coo! Hahah, wow! Even this is really getting to you? We always thought you were soooo tough!" Ann laughed along at the same pace Makoto was laughing, one was certainly having more fun than the other.

"Try this spot right here Ann, this is a fun one!" Mika swept her nail directly across the balls of Makoto's foot and Ann followed suit having the feather lightly breeze over the same path back and forth, to matching light reactions from Makoto. Mika went over to the opposite foot and started running all ten of her freshly done nails up and down the length of the foot in front of her. "Try to move it all over the place Ann, see what different reactions you get!" Ann was giggling to herself while sweeping all over the place, up and down, between the toes, over the tops, reciting teasing tickle talk to Makoto over and over with each swipe. Ann was clearly getting into Makoto's head after making her listen to "tickle, tickle!" for the dozenth time after a dozen feather strikes.

"Woah, your friend is quite the natural sadist, Mika. She is getting a kick out of this!" Emma leaned against the wall, casually talking to Mika, who was also very casually running her nails up and down Makoto's foot like a waterfall while not even looking, as if it was second nature. "Yeah, I got that vibe from Ann she'd be into this too, that's why I brought her." Ann had already come back over to Emma, "Which tool should I go for next Emma?" The smile couldn't be wiped from Ann's face as she looked over her selection. "Hmm, try this one! I think you'll like it's sharper edges. It brings a fun mix of light pain and ticklish sensations I bet you'd like." Emma handed her two wartenberg pinwheel rollers. Ann grabbed them both and darted back over to start running them across Makoto's sole, "Hgmhmh?" a questioning shock came from Makoto at her own reaction to the pinwheels and the unexpected sharp and deep tickle they brought upon her.

"Oh, do you like this one Mako-channnn?" Ann said while rolling them every which way to a newly distressed Makoto's dismay, while Mika switched to using each fingernails to dig between and under each toe. They both kept their pace for a few more minutes enjoying themselves. "Hey Emma, is this gag required? Like is it part of the set up?" Ann asked while rolling the wheels off Makoto's toes like they were ramps. "Huh, I guess not?" "Okay, I've got a fun idea for a game Mika, you start tickling her faster and then I'll start asking her questions and she's gotta try to answer!" Ann pumped both her hands to show her enthusiasm for her little game idea. "Geez, wasn't I suppose to be showing you the ropes around here?" Mika teased her friend. "Come onnn, let's give it a shot!" Mika looked over to Emma with a smile on her face that expressed an apology for Ann's behavior but Emma shrugged her shoulders. "Sounds like a fun game to me, no one's tried that before. Game on!" Emma said while leaning in to unclasp the gag from behind Makoto's head, whispering into Makoto's ear "Remind me to never get on this girl's bad side, God damn!"

It was too late for Makoto to heed that warning, remembering her last conversation with Ann before getting herself into this mess. Threatening to turn Ann into the authorities unless she cooperated with her. Makoto only relenting in the end and turning herself into the club for someone in particular, who happened to not be Ann and that had been made clear between them. Mika increased the speed of her tickling as the gag started to come off by beginning to rapidly spider her fingers around the entire foot, laughter flooded the air freely for the first time. "Okay, you get a practice round first Makoto! What's two plus two!" Ann placed her hands on her hips while Mika tickled and Emma place the gag on a napkin and leaned back against the wall to watch Ann's game.

"Fohahahaurhahaha! Annahahahaha, Pleashehehehe!" Makoto barely eked out the answer. "Okay, good so you get the game, little Ms. Genius! Now let's tryyyyyy, two hundred and seventeen times twelve!" "...Twehehehe thousahahahaha sixehehehehe hundrehehehehe and fohahahaur! Annhahaahahnnn, helpeheheh meeheheh!" Makoto finally free of her gag started to beg immediately but Ann was too busy trying to figure out the answer to her own question. "Huh, is that right?" She took her phone out and ran the calculator. "What? No way!?" Ann held her phone out stunned that Makoto was smart enough to still get that right as Mika was letting all ten of her sharp nails march on her foot.

"So, no more math questions... let's change the rules a bit. Now it's questions you gotta answer about yourself!" Ann said while pointing at Makoto, clearly proud of herself as Emma and Mika chuckled. "Thahahahahs Unfaahahahahir! Stahahahahp!" Makoto tried to get out an objection. "What's the verdict on the rule change Emma? You work here." Mika asked trying to keep up with Ann's spirit now. "I think people IN the Tickle Wall don't get a say in the rules!" Emma smiled, backing Ann up and making sure to stay on her good side. "HAH! Now, let's get some juicy gossip, where should we start..." Ann put hand to her chin thinking very hard about the question while Mika just continued her tickling.

"What abouttttt, your shoe size! Since they are the focus of tonight's show." "Nine anhaha a hahahahlf!" "Okay, that's easy enough for you to give up. What about... your cup size!" Makoto blushed once again that night "Whahahahahat?" "Heyyyy, let's hear it!" Ann leaned in with her hand to her ear. "Youhahahhr being ridiculohahahahaha!" Makoto refused pathetically. "Bzzzzzt! No answer is a wrong answer, penalty time!" "Huahahahahah?" Ann immediately started her game's penalty, which was just an excuse to join back in on the tickling with her pinwheels. "You better answer the next ones Makoto! Don't let Ann get you!" Mika joined in on the teasing as they tickled for a few more minutes.

"Alright, penalty is over. You get your next question, hmmmm." Ann stopped her rollers and thought, "Oh, get a big secret! Wonder what guy she likes?" Emma called out, finding herself getting caught up in the moment too. "Oh yeah! Got your eye on anyoneeeee?" A simple question but the typically reserved Makoto was again too embarrassed to answer, "Stahahap thishshs!" Mika started to run her fingers along the small back of Makoto's foot that wasn't held against the box from her toe ties, a new spot that got a jolt from Makoto. "Better answer quickly!" Mika taunted, another second past with just Makoto's laughter, so Ann set the rollers down against her foot. "Three...twooooooo....." Ann started to count down "Renahahahahah! It's Renhaahahah! Don'hahahahat!"

Ann took the rollers back off her foot "Well, yeahhh. We all knew that one, just wanted to make you say it, hehe." Makoto felt completely humiliated, her face a crimson red now. Ann stopped her tickling and put her hands back on her hips to think "Why don't you tell us how much you like being tickled?" "I hahahahahahte ithhhh!" Makoto immediately responded, the easiest question she had all night! "Bzzzzzttt! We said no wrong answers Makoto!" "Whahahahhaht??" Ann resumed her tickling yet again, bringing the pinwheels through Makoto's vulnerable arches. After her session with Noriko last night, Makoto was now consciously aware this was her weakest spot. Ann attacking directly on it made her more aware of it, actively thinking about it being her spot and trying not to make any extra reactions was backfiring and making it feel even more ticklish.

"Yeah, don't go lying to us after all this Makoto! Tell us how you really feel!" Emma chuckled along with Mika. "Why don't you try again?" Ann said while diligently zooming the pinwheels side to side for the whole width of the foot. "Whahahahat are youhahah tahahalkinghghgh aboutahaha?" Makoto tried to get the question again "Duhhh, Makoto we want you to really tell us about much you like being tickled! That's why you're here right? You wouldn't be crazy enough to be on the Tickle Wall and be too ticklish to enjoy it! Your secret will be safe with us!" Mika teased.

Makoto finally understood what they were angling for and for what felt like the hundredth time that night, her faced burned again. But if it would make Ann stop poking at her arch... "Finehehehe! I likeheheh ithaha! Now pleahahahah!" Makoto yelped out to the glee of her tormentors "Hmmmmm? What was that? You need to answer in complete sentences now, you know better!" Ann maliciously grinned while now alternating the pinwheels between each separately tied toe. "Grrrhahahah" Makoto tried to get out an angry growl that didn't pan out very tough.

"I likeeheh beingghghgh ticklehehed!" Makoto spat out as fast as she could. Ann and Mika both stopped tickling and looked at each other, Makoto panting to try and catch her breath "I...I like being tickled. There I said it now please..." The two girls evilly smiling, raised up their hands again. "I mean, if you like it so much..." Mika said "...Doesn't seem fair to you that we should stop now." Ann said, almost drooling at the idea. "Wait! Wait! Whahahahah do youeheh wahahahnt mehehe to sahahahy!" Makoto was interrupted again as they resumed, they continued to ask more embarrassing and ridiculous things throughout the night and Makoto desperately answered each one to try and get them to be over the whole ordeal.

The night ran its course and after playing a twisted version of twenty (more like one hundred) questions, Ann and Mika and finally had their fill and let their hands rest against an utterly defeated Makoto. "That was a fun night! Did you have a good time Ann?" Mika asked "Oh, I had a blast!" Ann said while giving a sly grin at Makoto. "Well, do you two models want a photo to remember the night?" Emma took out her phone "Oh yeah, that'd be cuteeee!" Mika said, and the two instantly got into their roles hitting glamor poses each next to a foot of Makoto while she looked like she just ran a marathon between them. "Alright, Emma, we're heading out, it was so good to see you again!" Emma and Mika hugged "Here, let me walk you guys out!" Emma escorted Ann and Mika back out to the entrance.

The girls walked past the line on their way out, drawing the ire of the girls who got cut in line earlier. "Hmph, those bitches think just because they know some people they can do what they want?" The lead girl of the pissed clique said as they walked by. "Whatever, we can go now right?" Her friend pointed at the now empty area around Makoto's slot on the wall. "Yeah, the aren't worth it, let's just get our turn!" Another friend said, "Alright fine, let's all go together though to make up for our missed turn." The four girls in the clique undid the rope closing off the front of the line and walked up to Makoto.

"H-hey um, ladies. I-I think we need to wait for Emma to come back before we can get started!" Makoto nervously stammered out to the approaching group. "Oh, yeah? It's not like she follows the rules herself anyway. Letting her friends up whenever she wants. What are you gonna do, tell on us?" The leader crossed her arms at Makoto. "N-no, I just think tha..." "Give it a rest already, would you?" The friend said, returning Makoto's ball gag to her mouth. The lead girl high fived her friend and they all went over the bar stool to look at their options of how to get started.

Emma, Ann, and Mika were sat out in the front of the club outside on the curb. "What's your number, Ann? I'll send you guys those pictures!" Ann gave her number and then Emma started a group chat of the three to drop the pictures into. "Hahah, hey you want to see something else cool, Ann?" Emma also then dropped another couple pictures into the chat and a video clip. It was of Mika's time getting tricked into modeling the Tickle Wall. These pictures showed a very distressed Mika, with her hair no longer in it's usual maintained elegance as multiple girls tickled her while smiling at the camera for the pictures. The video was similar, two girls had hair brushes working Mika over, she could be heard in the background screaming out "YOU FUCKERS, I'LL KILL YOU WHEN I'M OUT OF HERE!" inbetween her laughter, hard to take her threats seriously as her long hair whipped around and feet straining to move against the ropes holding her toes.

The camera angle flipped around to Emma who was holding onto it, wearing Mika's own iconic sunglasses. "Hey guys, do we have a treat for you! Hot, rising star supermodel Mika, is here down at our club allllll week long! Thanks to a sponsorship from her agency, she's here to show you guys our BRAND NEW Tickle Wall show! Come say hi to this bombshell and try it for yourself!" Emma winked into the camera and flipped the view around again "I'M SERIOUS, LET ME OUT OR YOU'RE ALL SO FUCKED!" Mika shouted again, the words sandwiched between all her laughter as the video ended. Ann had a half grin, half open mouth shock response as the video finished and she looked up at Mika.

"You still have that? You jerk!" Mika said with an embarrassed smile and playfully shoved Emma. "Hehe, yeah we had to do a few more takes after that one so we could get Mika to promote cleanly, without the threatening screams in the background! Remember, you finally agreed to say your lines when us and the camera crew stuck a toothbrush on each toe?" Emma scrunched a finger at Mika "Ugghhhh, stop! That was sooooo bad."

"It was a huge campaign though, we probably wouldn't be as successful here without it." Emma said, "That was still probably the most money I ever made from a shoot too, notttt worth it though." Mika reflected "We could do another cross promotion event here with Ann! Would you like to do a shoot with us?" Emma asked curiously "Hah, after what you just showed me? Nooooo wayyyy!" Ann swiftly declined "Well, that only happened because I wanted us to get Mika!" Emma said, goosing Mika's sides, which made her jump and hide behind Ann, smiling. "No, no we're way more popular now. You wouldn't need to do any of the Tickle Wall, but you could do a regular shoot here! Hang out with the guests, maybe take some photos laying on the bar, we could do some instructional videos where you show people how to handle girls on the wall, you were a natural up there tonight!"

Emma pitched her case to Ann. "Hmmm, I don't know..." Ann didn't seem very interested but Mika perked up. "Ohhh, that sounds like a pretty different deal to what I had Ann! It could be fun! And I wouldn't let anythinggggg like what happened to me happen to you." Mika hugged Ann's arms "Mayyybeee..." She pondered "It'd be fun! Just a girl's night you get paid for! I'll send a request over to your agency and you can think it over if you want to or not!" Emma said "Yeah, we'll look it over together! See you then Emma!" as Mika and Ann left for the night.

Emma walked back into the club, smiling to herself about her new friend and made her way back over to her host spot on the wall. "Oh shit..." Emma cursed as she witnessed the sight before her. She realized she had forgotten about Makoto the entire time she was outside goofing around. Currently, the clique of four had swarmed her. Two on each side and two in front of each foot, all of them holding two toothbrushes a piece, running all eight of them over Makoto like a herd of wild animals, tears and make up in full stream down her face. Emma hurried over to get the bouncer before approaching the girls only returning after spending a few minutes looking for him.

"Heyyy ladies, I know we're having a good time but I think we should call it here, yeah?" Emma tried to be gracious, the girls only glared at her in response but saw the bouncer behind her. "Why don't you guys head to the bar and have a drink on the house! Relax!" Emma turned to the bouncer, "Can you take these ladies over, get the bar keep to make them something with the good stuff, something real fancy!?" The leader was about to protest when one of the girls spoke up about a top shelf drink she had always wanted to try. "Sure, sure! Just head on over!" Emma waved them away as the bouncer escorted them back.

"Heyyyy, sorry about that. No hard feelings, am I right?" Makoto shot daggers at Emma but she only smiled while cleaning Makoto up. "It's pretty much closing time anyway, let's get you down and back to the room." Emma closed down the line just a little bit early to the crowd's disappointment. She assured them they would be back up and running tomorrow and took Makoto's box down and walked her back to the spare changing room.

"Man, that Ann girl was pretty scary, right?" Emma asked Makoto as they walked back in, preparing another small dish of hot water. "It was so nice seeing my friend Mika again but I can't believe she was friends with someone like that! Definitely not a girl to do wrong by, she seemed to really have it out for you though!" As she began her same clean up routine from this morning, Makoto half responded and half moaned as the gentle cleaning felt blissful after another long night. They remained silent for awhile. Makoto stayed in trance like relaxation for awhile as Emma worked with the hot towel and powerful hands again. Before being zapped back into focus as Emma began another oil massage without prompting her and started to work away Makoto's pressure points on her foot. It felt amazing but again, another dose of that oil seemed dangerous for her nerves at this point.

They still stayed silent for awhile before Emma finally broke it, "Okay, sooo...I know you're gonna hate this but uh...hmmmm." Emma had a look of guilt on her face. "Noriko gave me specific instructions before the shift today that when it was over I have to go get her. She wants to talk with you again tonight." Makoto could feel herself go cold even through the heat of the oil and she tried to get out a complaint. "Look, I know, I know! But you know how she is! I promise you I'll be back in the morning and I'll give you the same spa morning routine we had today! I'll try to make it even better too to make up for it! Sorry!" Emma bowed slightly as she left the room and there Makoto sat alone, her soles still wet from the oil as the anticipation and dread built, waiting for Noriko to arrive.

Ten or fifteen minutes later, the door knob finally began to twist, and a sharp heel walked through the door. Just the sight made Makoto begin to hyperventilate again. "Hello again, Makoto Niijima." Noriko fully walked in the room and pulled up her same stool but didn't yet sit down. "I hope you didn't forget last night with me." Noriko pulled the gloves from her jacket pocket and set them down on the table next to Makoto while hanging up the jacket up. Noriko had another sleeveless shirt on so her tattoos could be shown off, a royal purple to contrast with her red streak in her hair.

"I heard you had a delightful shift tonight and played a fun game of twenty questions to entertain our guests." Noriko sat down and took her same posture as last night, she crossed her legs and rested her head on her hand. Her foot spinning her heel in circles making Makoto get hit with another pang of jealousy as she though about being able to do the same. "I want to thank you for playing along with them to keep the crowd happy, but as you know. I am not here to play games. I have real questions for you, and you know what will happen if they aren't answered." Noriko tapped on the gloves resting on the table with her free hand.

"There is someone I'm interested in getting to know. I have a lot of questions I need for background info before I meet them, I always like to be prepared, you see. So tonight, I want you to tell me everything about that Prosecutor sister of yours."

Part 2, END~

This is the 2nd installment in my first ever series, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I got some good feedback on my first post so I had to share more with you guys and I hope you have more feedback on this one. I've been having a lot of fun writing them, so let me know what you think!

Here is where I originally posted the story https://www.deviantart.com/carmel-chewy/art/Makoto-s-Debt-Repayment-Plan-Part-2-FF-F-1022498776

I frequent DeviantArt quite a bit as well, if you want to check out some of my other stories. I don't want to flood or spam this board with how topics are bumped, I'll steadily drop stuff here too, but it'll be on my DeviantArt first if you want to follow me there as well.
Definitely keep going!! Can't wait to read about the devious head strap!!
I ended up going a little bit of a different direction than the head strap, but I will say you did inspire me to add a little bit of nose and ear tickling. I hadn't ever really thought of doing it before!
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