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Malcolm in the Middle tickling fiction M/F, MMM/F (feet)


Registered User
Aug 2, 2002
This story is based on the FOX sitcom Malcolm in the Middle, with Lois (Jane Kaczmarek) as the ticklee. Let me know what you think!

Part I: A Long Day Just Got Longer

After another hard day at Lucky Aide, Lois came in the door to her suburban home, not at all looking forward to the challenge of having to deal with her four kids, Reese, Malcolm, Dewey, and Jamie (not to mention Francis if he decided to call home). When she entered, she noticed it was quiet in the house. No sounds of screaming, or fighting, or disaster.
“Reese?!” she screamed out. “Malcolm?! Dewey?!” She didn’t hear anything. With the kids gone and the baby Jamie with his babysitter for as long as Lois needed, she was in a rare state of relaxation. She threw her bag down and went straight for the bedroom. Lois kicked off her sneakers and hopped onto the bed, looking forward to some peace and quiet. Just a few minutes later, her husband, Hal, arrived home from work. Lois cringed at the thought of having to get up and make dinner now that the family started to arrive.
“Honey?” Hal shouted as he entered the house. “Honey, where are you?”
“I’m in here!” answered Lois, breaking her state of relaxation.
Hal entered the bedroom to see his wife lying down with her eyes closed. He took a seat on the bed near her feet. “How was work?” he asked.
Taking a minute to respond, Lois answered, “Boring as always, and tiring. My head hurts and my feet hurt and I feel lousy.”
Hal sat thinking for a minute as to what could make his wife feel better. Finally, he said, “I have an idea. I haven’t done this for a while, but I know how much you like it.”
“What are you talking about Hal?” asked Lois. But before long, her question was answered. Hal took her socked left foot in his hand and started massaging it with great effort.
“Oh, Hal, that feels terrific,” said Lois, really enjoying this rare opportunity to be pampered. She laid back and relaxed, as Hal went to work on both of her feet, thoroughly rubbing her soles and massaging her toes.
As Hal massaged her right foot, he turned to his wife and asked, “Hey, Lois. Remember how I first got you to go out with me?”
Lois, in a haze from the spine-tingling massage she was receiving, could not think that far back. Her memory was quickly refreshed though, as Hal started running a finger up and down her foot.
“Kitchy-kitchy-koo,” said Hal. “Come on, I know it’s been a while, but I know these tootsies are still ticklish!”
Lois’ foot jumped and her leg felt like it was having spasms as the speed of Hal’s tickling finger increased up and down the sole of her right sock. She started to giggle and said, “Hal…cut that…hahaha…out.”
“Whatsa matter? Is the wittle girl ticklish? Aw, how cute!”
“Hal…hehe…Hal…Oh, God, hahahaha…Hal…stop!”
As Lois started to lose control due to Hal’s scribbling fingers on her foot, Dewey walked in the door, back from riding his bike outside with a few of the neighborhood kids. His entry into the house couldn’t be heard over Lois’ laughing, screaming, and pleading. He heard the noise coming from down the hall, and slowly slinked down the hallway to investigate. With the door left ajar, he could see Lois quickly melting under the increased tickling from Hal. He had her in an ankle lock, and continued to work away at her right sole.
“HAHAHAHAHA!” laughed Lois. “Hal, please stop! I can’t take it anymore! HAHAHA! You know this is my weak spot!”
“No way, this is too much fun!” answered Hal. “Look at you, Lois, you can’t even breathe. Oh…you can’t breathe. Maybe now is a good time to stop.”
“HAHAHAHA! Yeah, HAHA, great idea, geeeniiiiusss HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Hal stopped the tickling assault, as Lois laid flat, her sole still tingling from the torture it received. Obviously, the thin layer of cotton of her sock was not enough to keep her from going into hysterics.
Lois, gasping for air, said, “I can’t believe you did that, you jerk. You know I can’t stand to be tickled on my feet. It’s absolutely unbearable.”
Dewey didn’t think much of what he saw, and quickly dashed down the hall to watch TV instead of doing his homework.

Part II: The End of the Road

Later that night, after another tension-filled dinner, with Lois berating the boys for not cleaning the house, doing poorly in school, or stealing from the neighborhood kids, Malcolm, Reese, and Dewey were hanging out in their room, recapping the latest tirade from their hot-tempered mother. They were still reeling from their latest punishment. When Lois’ co-worker Craig came over to watch the boys while Hal and Lois went out to eat, Reese and Malcolm made Dewey looked like he hit his head on the sink. With bandages and fake blood everywhere, Craig flipped out, and in the process, spilled soda all over the living room couch. Needless to say, the boys felt the wrath of Lois that night, as she dished out severe punishments for all three. They had just gotten done being grounded.
“I can’t believe this anymore,” Malcolm said. “We can’t do anything without Mom breathing down our necks. I can’t take this kind of stress anymore.”
“Seriously, dude,” his older brother, Reese, answered, “this is bad for my mental health. I can’t deal with this level of strain any longer!” Reese then went into a big act like he was going to have a nervous breakdown.
“Knock it off, you drama queen,” said Malcolm. “Listen, I can’t stand this anymore. I’ve reached the end of the line here. It feels like every time I inhale, Mom is going to start yelling at me for doing something wrong. We’ve got to do something about this.”
“Well, what do you suggest, brainiac?” asked Reese.
“That’s the thing. Mom is invincible. She’s the toughest, most indestructible person I’ve ever seen. There’s no way to get to her.”
After letting that sentiment linger in the air, the boys thought long and hard about how to face their mother and end her ongoing assault on their livelihoods. Finally, Dewey spoke up.
“I have an idea!”
“Shut up, dork!” exclaimed Reese. “What could you possibly have to say that would make any sense?”
“Be quiet, moron!” yelled Malcolm, firing back. “Let him say it. I’m sure it’s better than anything you came up with.”
“Whatever, dude,” conceded Reese.
“Go ahead, Dewey,” Malcolm said.
“Well, earlier today, when I came back inside from riding my bike, I heard Mom laughing really loudly and screaming. So, when I walked over to see why, I saw Dad tickling her foot. She was going crazy, like she couldn’t even breathe. Then she said that her feet were really ticklish and that it was her weak spot.”
Malcolm and Reese stared at Dewey in astonishment. This was it. It was tickling of all things that would break the impenetrable Lois?
“So that’s all?” Reese asked. “All Dad did was tickle Mom when she was barefoot and she lost it? That sounds way too easy.”
“Nope,” replied Dewey. “She was still wearing her socks.”
“What???” exclaimed Malcolm. “She was wearing her socks, and it was too much for her to handle? Oh man, imagine if she wasn’t? It would be like ten times worse. This is it, guys. We’ve finally found a way to break her!”
“I can’t believe it,” said Reese. “I can’t believe I never thought of that.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re as dumb as a bookshelf,” replied Malcolm.
“Shut up, Krelboyne!” Reese said, referring to Malcolm’s placement in the advanced classes in school.
Usually, this would start a fight. But the boys just smiled at each other, as if the newly discovered chink in their mother’s armor had brought them together, and given them a new sense of unity.
“Alright, we’ve got to think this through,” said Malcolm. “I don’t think we can just tackle her and start tickling. We need a plan. When’s the best time to get her?”
“Well,” interjected Dewey, “sometimes I’ve seen her just fall asleep on the couch as soon as she gets home from work for a real short nap.”
“You’re right!” said Reese. “That’s perfect! Dewey, I love you, man!”
At that, Lois came in the door, and shouted, “Be quiet! Don’t you idiots have anything better to do while Jamie is trying to sleep?” With that, she stormed out.
The brothers just smiled. She had no idea what she had coming.

Part III: The Plan is in Effect

Over the next few days, Malcolm, Reese, and Dewey planned to perfection. Reese went to the store and stocked up on some heavy duty duct tape, and even an electric toothbrush for good measure. All they had to now was wait for the perfect time.
In the meantime, Malcolm called his older, Francis, the expert on all tactics of revenge and troublemaking, to make sure the plan was airtight.
“Holy crap, Malcolm,” exclaimed his brother with excitement. “This sounds like it’s actually going to work. I tickle Piama’s feet every time she won’t tell me something, and she cracks right away.”
With that vote of confidence, Malcolm knew that this plan just had to work.
The fateful day arrived, when Reese, Malcolm, and Dewey all arrived home from the park, where they had been playing basketball. Lois, after one of the most tiring days at Lucky Aide that she could remember, passed out on the living room couch, with her pocketbook right next to her. She was wearing her Lucky Aide staff shirt, a pair of denim capris, white anklet socks, and white Keds.
The boys’ eyes lit up at the sight. Finally, Lois was there for the taking. Reese ran to get his supplies as Malcolm plotted the strategy as to how they would restrain her from moving during the tickle assault. Reese returned with the rolls of duct tape, and the brothers went to work. They took each of her hands and taped her wrists up near her head. They made sure to place layer upon layer of tape on her wrists so that it would be impossible for her to break free. Next, Malcolm and Reese each lifted one of her legs slowly to the coffee table in front of the couch. When her feet were placed on the table, tape was applied to her ankles, slightly above her socks, in the same fashion. Luckily for the boys, Lois was either a very heavy sleeper, or she was just totally drained from her day at work. Finally, as the last strips of tape were being applied to her ankles, Lois came to her senses. When she tried to move, she realized she couldn’t, and opened her eyes to the sight of Malcolm, Dewey, and Reese. She struggled until she saw the duct tape near her trapped feet and realized her arms were restrained, also.
“What the hell is going on here?” she demanded. “What are you morons doing?”
“This is a little thing we like to call revenge,” stated Reese.
“By taping me to the couch and table, this is what you call revenge? I thought you’d be more creative.”
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” said Malcolm with glee.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Get me out of here before I punish you all until you’re old enough to retire!”
“Something tells me she’ll be changing that tune really soon,” said Reese mischievously. “Sorry, Mom, but I think I’m really going to enjoy this.”
With that, Reese knelt down near the table near Lois’ bound and helpless feet. He grabbed the shoelace of her right shoe and tugged. He finished untying the size 10 shoe, and then slowly slid it off her foot, throwing it to the ground.
“What do you think you’re doing?” asked Lois.
Malcolm knelt down at her left side and repeated the process, slowly untying his mother’s left Ked, slipping it off her socked foot, and disposing of it to the floor. The aroma of Lois’ tired and slightly sweaty feet filled the air. The boys stopped for a moment to admire the sight of the all powerful Lois, defenseless and about to receive the ultimate revenge.
Lois, meanwhile, had no clue what was happening, but certain fears started to creep into her head. “OK, you nimrods have about half a second to stop or you’re going to receive the punishment of a lifetime!”
“OK,” said Malcolm. “It’s go time.”
Malcolm and Reese each grabbed a foot, and started lightly tickling Lois’ socked soles. Lois jumped initially, but rebounded enough to put up a façade of strength. The boys continued at a light pace, hoping their mother would crack instantly. Lois was using all of her strength to hold back the laughter that she knew would come pouring out any minute. She couldn’t reveal that she had such ticklish feet. If this terrible weak spot was exposed, the boys could torture her to overturn almost any punishment. She continued to use every ounce of energy to hold back the reaction to the tickling.
Finally, she spoke up. “Oh, t-t-tickling. That’s you’re b-b-big plan…here. I thought, M-Malcolm would…heh…come up with something…b-b-b-better.”
“What’s the matter, Mom?” asked Malcolm mockingly. “At a loss for words?”
With that, the boys stepped up the tickling just a little bit, and Lois flew into hysterics.
“You better…s-s-stop thissss HAHAHA! No, stop right now!”
The boys assault picked up, as Reese and Malcolm worked all over Lois’ big size 10 feet. They started up and down the arches, then worked down to the heels, and finally, to her worst spot, her toes.
“HAHAHA, oh NO! Not my toes! Stop this now! I’ll…do…anything!!”
The ticklers worked right through the pleading of Lois and continued to tickle her for about ten minutes. They were about to go to phase two of the plan, but suddenly, the phone rang. Dewey ran to get it.
“Hey, Malcolm!” he called. “It’s for you. It’s a girl, Jenny. She said her and her sister wanted to go out tonight to the movies and wanted to know if you and Reese would be interested.”
“What?” asked Malcolm inquisitively, halting the torture. Reese too stopped to hear more from Dewey. “Jenny wants us to go out, and of all times now?”
“I can’t believe this, dude,” said Reese. “This is awesome, her sister is smokin’.”
“Well, what about her?” asked Malcolm, pointing to a gasping Lois.
“Just leave her there,” said Reese. “I think she’s learned her lesson, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, yes, yes I have,” said Lois desperately. “I’m way too hard on you guys. Please, just go out tonight and have fun. I don’t care what time you get back, just go enjoy yourselves.”
“Just remember, Mom,” warned Malcolm, “that if there are anymore harsh punishments around here, we will be reimbursing you appropriately.” He then gave her right foot a quick tickle, to which she jumped and answered, “Yes, yes, I know. Just go, please.”
Malcolm and Reese left the room to get ready to go. A few minutes later, they were both ready to leave. Dewey, not wanting to stick around without anything to do, headed outside for his bike to explore the neighborhood. Lois, despite pleading with Dewey to free her, was left strapped to the couch and table, still shoeless and vulnerable.

Part IV: A New Visitor

“Lois?” asked a voice after there was a knock on the already open front door. “Hey, Lois, ya here?” asked the voice. Suddenly, Craig, Lois’ co-worker from Lucky Aide entered the living room, where Lois faced him, duct taped to the couch with her socked soles facing him.
“Lois, what’s going on?” asked Craig. “Are you OK?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” the boys were just having a little fun, that’s all. You wanna help me out of this mess?”
“Oh, OK,” said Craig, although he seemed to be focused on something else. He walked closer to Lois, and the closer he got, the more he noticed the still pungent aroma of her shoeless feet strapped to the table.
“I can’t believe this,” he said. “All this time working with you, Lois, I’ve been dying to know some things. And now, I think I’ve been given the perfect opportunity to find them out.”
“What are you talking about, Craig?” asked Lois.
“Well, for one, I’ve always noticed that you have big feet,” said Craig, “but I’ve never gotten to see them. You never wear anything but sneakers to work, do you know that? What size are these babies, anyway?” he asked, walking toward her discarded shoes. “Size 10? Whoa, momma, did I hit the jackpot. They’re huge!”
“What are you talking about you psycho?” asked Lois.
“Shh, don’t ruin this for me, Lois,” said Craig. “You know, I’ve always had a crush on you, despite the fact that you yell at me a lot. I think you’re so beautiful. Now finally, the moment I’ve dreamt of is finally coming true.”
He grabbed her socked soles and smelled them vigorously. “Mmm, smells like someone had a lot of running around to do today.” He enjoyed every inch of Lois’ socks, until it was time for the great unveiling. “Now let’s see what under this gift wrapping, shall we?”
“Craig, you jerk, you leave my socks right where they are,” she said authoritatively.
“I don’t think someone in your position is in the right place to be making demands, do you?” he asked. “Let’s get back to work. What’s behind door number one?” he exclaimed as he grabbed the ankle of Lois’ sock. He slowly unpeeled the white, cotton sock. He wanted to savor every moment of something he had waited years to do. He rolled the sock up to her heel, and then half way up her long sole, to reveal very soft and wrinkly bare soles. “Oh boy, it looks like we have a winner!” he said jestingly as he continued taking off her sock. He rolled it up the rest of her sole, finally to her toes, and with one last tug, he freed her bare foot from the sock.
“Let’s not waste any more time,” Craig said as he started the process on the other foot, slowly unpeeling the large sock off of Lois’ big foot. He rolled it up the sole gently, and then pulled it off of her toes, revealing her two bare feet. Craig was in awe of what he saw. Lois’ size 10s were flawless. She had just gotten a pedicure the day before, even though it tickled enormously, and always tried to keep her feet in very good shape.
“Lois, these feet…they’re immaculate!” said Craig, still holding her socks. “I want to keep these as a souvenir!” He put both socks in his pockets and knelt down at her bound feet. He buried his face in her large soles, feeling the warmth of her bare, sweaty feet all over his face. He inhaled again, enjoying the scent of her toes and soles, and reveling in the feel of her soft soles on his skin.
“Get off of my feet, Craig!” demanded Lois.
“Oh, no,” said Craig, “after all this waiting, I am not going to have you ruin it. Craig took one of Lois’ socks out of his pocket and gagged her with it. “Now, where was I?” he asked himself. He returned to his two prizes and started licking Lois’ bare soles. He licked off all the sweat from her long day at work, covering every inch in his saliva. This tickled Lois like mad, but she could barely be heard through the gag of her large sock. She knew having big feet would come back to bite her some day. Craig then shifted his focus to his captive’s toes, sucking each one individually. He loved the feel of Lois’ long, perfect toes in his mouth. After thoroughly enjoying each one, he stopped, got up, and just marveled at the scene. Here was Lois, the woman he was infatuated with, bound and barefoot, at his mercy. There was one thing, however, that he had left somewhat unexplored.
“Lois, this has been great,” he said, “but I’m far from done. I’ve always wondered something else about those big feet you have. I thought I noticed you giggling a little bit when I licked your feet. You wouldn’t happen to be…ticklish…would you, Lois?”
She screamed through the gag, not wishing to be subjected to another round of torture. What the boys did with her socks left on was bad enough, but with her feet as they were, bare and utterly defenseless, she knew she didn’t stand a chance if she were to be tickled.
“I think I’ll take this out to get the full effect,” said Craig, removing Lois’ sock from her mouth. “Your laughter will be music to my ears,” said Craig, wasting no time and dragging a finger up Lois’ left sole. Her lip quivered, and she didn’t think she could handle anymore. She was right, as her guard against the tickling was dropped and the floodgates opened.
Craig now was scratching her bare left sole with all of his fingers now, covering a good part of her arch in the process. Lois struggled with all her remaining strength to break free, but with Craig’s tickling onslaught in progress, she didn’t stand a chance.
“Oooh, what’s the matter,” said Craig. “Does the big, bad Lois have ticklish tootsies?
Lois’ laughter reigned on, as Craig was now attacking both soles with all ten fingers. It was double the torture for the vulnerable Lois, whose toes wiggled at an incredibly fast rate due to the stepped up level of tickling. After torturing her soles for what felt like forever, Craig finally spoke again.
“I feel like I’m forgetting something. Oh, right. Your big, helpless toes! But they wouldn’t be ticklish, would they Lois?”
“Craig! If you touch my toes I swear I’ll kill you!”
“It’ll be so worth it,” he answered with a smile on his face.
Craig grabbed her right foot and scratched the pad of her big toe. Lois flew into further hysterics. Her toes were her worst spot, if it was possible to pick just one. Craig was now attacking all five toes of each foot, alternating between left and right. He then pulled her toes back to tickle at the base of Lois’ toes, and her laughter reached an all-time high.
“Who would have ever thought that a woman so strong and powerful could be defeated by having her toes tickled?!” said Craig with glee.
He then noticed the electric toothbrush that Reese had bought, on the floor thrown to the side. He opened the package, and turned it on (thankfully, batteries were included). The weary Lois couldn’t believe her eyes.
“Well, this just gets better and better…for me anyway!” exclaimed Craig.
He went to work on his victim’s toes with the electric toothbrush, doing so with a professional’s accuracy. Lois had fallen into silent laughter and she seemed to be on the verge of passing out. Craig continued the tickling until Lois finally collapsed from all the tickling. He took a picture of his captive with his cell phone before he left, so that he’d always remember this moment. Not like he’d ever forget, anyway.

Part V: The End?

Another voice entering the house awoke Lois. She was a mess after getting tickled into complete hysterics by the boys and then by Craig. She soon recognized the voice as her husband, Hal.
“Lois, what happened?” asked Hal concerned, seeing his wife barefoot and strapped to the couch.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she said, embarrassed at the whole ordeal. Her pride and strength had been called into question today, and her vulnerability was exposed. “The boys were messing around, just please get me out of here.”
“OK, honey,” he replied. “Boy, you look beat. You sure you don’t want another foot massage first?”
Before she could answer, Hal grabbed her right foot. But instead of rubbing, she distinctly felt tickling.
“OH NO, NOT AGAIN!!” she screamed.
Hal tickled Lois for about five minutes. With tears streaming down her face, there was no end in sight, as Hal seemed to be enjoying himself, not knowing what his wife had already been through today. Malcolm, Reese, and Dewey all entered the house simultaneously, to the sight of Lois’ bare feet being tickled. Instead of helping, they thought it might be good to teach her one more lesson while they had the chance, but this time, without the protection of her socks, and they ran over to join in the fun.
very nice story- i've always wanted to see lois get tickled

This was a great story! I only watched Malcolm in the Middle like twice but you totally brought the characters to life. My only gripe and its not your fault is the mother is not more attractive. In fact shes at the lower limits of average in my opinion. Still great piece of work you have here, hope to hear lots more from ya! Psst! Think Nick and Jessica or heres a wild one...John Tesh and Mary Hart! Dude John Tesh has been drooling over Mary Harts legs for like the whole decade of the 80s and part of the 90s!!!
great story. i never even THOUGHT of Lois being tickled. never crossed my mind. good call
this story is better than some of the episodes according to the hollywood brother
thanks for the compliment...i was surprised to see the story commented on since i wrote it last year, but im glad you found it and enjoyed it. i've been meaning to write some more and havent gotten the chance since this story. i just thought this was a good first story because i'd never seen these characters used. if you got any suggestions for future tales, let me know...thanks again
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