Oh, Boy, Here We Go Again!
Mimi said:
I, for one, will never understand a man's hangups about *gasp* touching another man. Your anatomy will not fall off, trust me. We women touch you all the time. If we had the same attitudes about men that you guys do, you'd never get any action.
Well, Mimi, I would submit that the reason you don't understand a straight man's "hangups" (a word I resent, by the way, because it implies there's something wrong with ME) about intimately touching or being touched by another man is because you're NOT a straight man!
Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of hearing the word "homophobia" being tossed like a grenade in the direction of every straight male who shuns intimate male-to-male contact. Believe it or not, there are straight men who have no desire to intimately touch or be touched by another man, and...surprise...THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! (to paraphrase SEINFELD)
As for the fact that men touch women and are touched by women...oh, please! Could you be more disingenuous?
I'm not usually a "dodger" fan, but I see nothing wrong with his use of the word "disgusting." tickleefort asked, dodger answered. In fact, in light of dodger's past posts on the subject, I think he showed admirable restraint in his response. I get tired of the attitude that some people who post exhibit here that nobody should ever disagree with them.
As for tickleefort's question, my answer is...whatever rocks your boat. But don't post something like this here and expect everyone to say it's wonderful. Thankfully, the thought police in this country hasn't completely eliminated free and independent critical thinking.