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Marks Escort Experience (f/m) 18+


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Mark was staying in a new city on business and wanted to have some fun. He had a hotel room for the night and after seeing an add for an escort service he decided that spending the night with a woman was better than being alone. He called the number on TV and asked if they could send someone by, preferably a small sized blond girl. Unfortunately only one girl was available for the rest of the night, she was described as having black hair, on the tall side and a great personality. Though it was not what Mark had in mind he decided to go for it anyways after taking a moment to think it through.

Anxious for his company to arrive Mark took a quick shower, got dressed in jeans and a shirt and began watching more TV to kill the time. About half an hour later there was a knock at the door which he opened to reveal a fairly attractive woman with dark black hair, small breasts and tanned skin. She was wearing a short denim skirt high heels, black nylons and a black tank top. She introduced herself as Kristine and held out her hand which showed off her surprisingly long nails. Once she was inside Mark began having second thoughts about the whole thing. Although this girl was attractive he had asked her age and was told she was 38. Being only 24 he was a little turned off by the age difference as well as the fact that this girl was the complete opposite of the blond one he had originally had in mind.

Being polite Mark offered her a drink from the mini bar, and the two began to make small talk. After having two drinks and talking for about 20 minutes he realized that this girl had a great personality, and began growing more and more interested as she continued to speak. Kristine being surprised that a guy was actually taking the time to listen to her began to open up. For close to 45 minutes the two just spoke and eventually the conversation led to sex. Kristine explained how she had gotten into the escort business and told Mark what she liked and didn’t like about it. Mark listened and began getting intrigued when she started to talk about her kinky side and love for bondage. He had never met a girl into BDSM before and had always been a little curious. Sensing this curiosity Kristine asked him if he had ever been tied up by a girl during sex. When he replied no she asked him if he wanted to try. Having a feeling that there conversation would eventually end up here Mark agreed and told her he’d like to try.

Taking off her nylons Kristine used them to tie his feet to the bed posts, and then proceeded to bind his hands with two neckties she had found in the room. Now helpless and unable to move Mark lay on the bed in his boxers looking up at the woman he had met not 1 hour ago admiring her work. Testing how secure the knots were he tried to pull loose with both his feet and hands and realized that Kristine really did know what she was doing, he could barley move an inch in any direction. Now getting kind of excited with the idea of giving up all control to this woman he asked her what she had in mind to do to him. “Well I suppose I can do anything I like” she responded.

She walked over to the bed and began to run his chest. Her long nails began to cause a tickling sensation as they ran along his skin and without being able to help it Mark let out a few giggles. “What’s so funny” Kristine asked looking a little surprised. “Nothing” he replied, “I guess I’m just a little ticklish” he said feeling a bit embarrassed about the uncontrollable giggle he had just let out. Thinking nothing of it Kristine continued to give him a massage. “So are you gonna pay me extra for this?” she asked, curious if she could get some extra money for the bondage. That was the reason she became an escort in the first place, money. “I only have the $200 I said I’d give you for the night” Mark said, “I don’t have any other cash on me” Suspecting he was lying Kristine went over the nightstand and picked up his wallet. “Empty?” she said. “You don’t have anything in here, how do you expect to pay for this?” she demanded starting to get angry. Mark thought to himself for a second. He had plenty of money, in fact the problem was he had too much money. Being on business his company had given him $13,000 in cash to give to the client he was meeting tomorrow. Never liking to have more than a couple hundred bucks on him, and always weary of theft he had specifically requested a room with a safe in it at this hotel. The problem was that money along with the money to pay Kristine was in the safe and in his compromised position he wasn’t about to let some woman he had just met know he had over $13,000 in a safe right by her feet.

“I have money, don’t worry” Mark finally said. “Yea? So where is it?” Kristine asked with a nice tone of skepticism and annoyance in her voice. “You think you’re the first guy to try and stiff me? News flash buddy I deal with assholes like you all the time, now your either gonna show me where my money is so we can continue with our evening or I’m gonna leave u tied up to this bed with your door wide open, cut off your boxers and leave a sign in the hallway telling everyone to come on in and see what’s inside” she threatened.

Not being able to think of a more humiliating scenario Mark thought about his options. He didn’t like her thinking he was trying to rip her off when that wasn’t the case, and certainly didn’t wasn’t to be left tied to a bed naked for multiple strangers to laugh at until someone cut him loose. On the other hand if he told her about the money In the safe there was the possibility she could steal it, leave him there helpless and take off. If that were the case he wouldn’t have his clients money for the meeting tomorrow, he would most likely get fired from his job, and owe the company the missing $13,000 which there was absolutely no way he could afford.

Able to see that Kristine was growing increasingly more frustrated with every second that went by he made up his mind. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. “The money is in the safe, in the closet by your feet” he explained. “I’ll get it for you once you untie me when we’re all finished here”.

“What’s the combination” Kristine said, obviously not believing there was anything the safe. “I can’t tell you that” Mark said “but trust me it’s there I promise”. Thinking this over for a second Kristine responded by saying “why should I trust you if you won’t trust me with a combination?” “ I just can’t give it to you” he said “I’m telling you there’s not a chance of me telling you what it is, I don’t even know you”. Turned off by the whole ordeal Mark asked her to untie him so he could pay her, and spend the rest of the evening alone.

Kristine however had picked up on the sense of urgency in his voice while making that demand. “What’s the matter, you have something valuable in there too that you’re afraid I might steal?” she said almost mocking him. “No I don’t!” Mark snapped, “now fucking untie me right now, I’m serious”. By this time Kristine was sure that there was something worth while in the safe. Why else would he get so defensive when asked, and be so nervous about letting her open it.

“I’m going to ask you one more time, what is the combination” she said with confidence realizing she was in full control of the situation. “Fuck you” replied Mark, now realizing what a bad idea it is to agree to let a woman you hardly know and probably shouldn’t trust tie you up in a hotel room. “Okay that’s your decision” Kristine said as she took a seat on the nearby couch and began thinking to herself. She was in some bad money trouble and could use a big score right now to get her out of it. She also knew there was something worth sticking around for in that safe. Her dilemma though was how to get the combination fro this guy without hurting him or leaving any marks. She had been in trouble with the police before and with an assault and robbery charge she’d be right back in jail.

“This isn’t funny” Mark yelled at her from the bed. “I’m not laughing” she said. Wait a minute that was it! She thought laughing. Quickly she thought back about 20 minutes earlier to Mark telling her he was just a little ticklish, after he laughed from her hardly touching him. She then thought back to an instance in her childhood when she had taken some money from her brother’s wallet. He knew she had taken it but when he asked she denied everything, being too ashamed to admit to stealing from her own brother. Unable to stand being lied to right to his face her brother decided to get it out of her by tickling poor Kristen. Having an age advantage of 6 years and being almost 100 lbs heavier he was easily able to tin her down and tickle the soles of her feet for as long as he pleased. The last thing she wanted to do was admit that she had taken the money and lied to his face but after about 15 minutes of non stop merciless tickling she cracked and told him exactly when she had put the stolen money. Granted the fact that she was a very ticklish young girl at the time, Kristine figured she could do to Mark what her brother had done to her to get the safes combination from him.

“I want the combination Mark” she said standing up and walking towards the helpless young man tied to the bed in front of her. “And I know how I’m gonna get it” she said as she began scratching her long nails gently at the side of his neck. Squirming to get away from the ticklish sensation on his neck and traveling down his spine he began to chuckle. “W-What T-The hell are you doing??” he asked beginning to get very nervous. “Look Mark” she explained. “I like you, you seem like a really nice guy, but I know you’ve got something in the safe and I need it, I owe a lot of money and I’m not going to leave here without whatever you have. Now you can save yourself a lot of trouble and tell me the combination now because I promise you, eventually you will”. “Go fuck yourself” Mark yelled. “Okay we’ll ask you again in an hour” she said looking at the clock.

With that Kristen ran all 10 fingers down Mark’s sides and let her fingers dance up and down his ribcage. “HAHAHA WHAT THE FUUUUCCCCKKK” he screamed taken off guard by her sudden unexpected intense tickling. “SSSSTTOOPPPHAHA” he pleaded, “Oh we’re just getting started” she replied hopping onto the bed to strattle him and continuing to run her fingers up and down his sides. “I’m gonna tickle you all night long”
she teased moving up towards his armpits. By this time Mark was in hysterics, he had forgotten how ticklish he was and had never been tickled like this in is life. Frantically he pulled at his bonds unable to get any results. With Kristen sitting on his abdomen he couldn’t move at all. Meanwhile she continued to work wonders with this young mans upper body, digging into the hollows of his pits and poking at his defenseless stomach and sides. Mark was laughing so hard tears were flowing down his face, he wanted to yell stop, or help but every time he tried all that came out was insane cackling laughter. This has to stop he thought, she is going to tickle me to death.

Kristen looked at the clock and saw she had been tickling Mark for 25 minutes straight. She was having a great time too, there was something about having a powerless ticklish man tied up to torture that she loved. She had never been a tickler before, she’s only fell victim to her older brother and his merciless tickling which she couldn’t stand, but something about being in charge and having full control over her ticklish prey really struck a cord with her. I hope he holds out for a little bit longer she thought to herself, this is kinda fun.

For the remaining 35 minutes Kristen tried all sorts of tickling techniques on her victim. She tickled gently, hard, rough, she racked her fingers all over Mark’s poor abdomen and put him through absolute tickle hell. By the time the hour was up he was a complete mess. He had pissed himself once and was still laughing uncontrollably even though she was no longer tickling him. After taking a minute to let him catch his breath and calm down she asked him again, “Mark, give me the combination to the safe” “You don’t understand I can’t” he desperately pleaded. “Your decision” she said. It is now 11:00pm, I will ask you again and 12:00 in one hour and we’ll see what you have to say. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO he screamed, “You fucking bitch hahaaaaaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHA”. It only took her a second to get him back to a hysterical mess as she used her fingers to run up and down his inner thigh while he wasn’t paying attention. This spot was even worse for Mark as he was extremely ticklish on his thighs, and her proximity to his private area was beginning to make him hard. Of course Kristen noticed this and immediately got him all the way there. Then after taking a 10-15 second break from tickling to pleasure him she decided against the ideas and moved down to the one area she hadn’t attacked yet.

Now helpless and aroused he watched in horror as this psycho escort moved her nails towards the soles of his feet. “Pleassse nooo” Mark begged but it was no use, she raked her nails up and down his soft soles resulting in an explosion of louder laughter than she had ever heard. She ticked is feet for about another 5 minutes until there was a loud knock at the door. Someone to the rescue Mark thought as a sudden wave of relief came over him. The people next store had to have heard this and made a complaint. Kristen ran to the door and looked through the peephole to see the hotel manager standing at their door. Shit! She thought, there’s no way I’m getting busted now, another half hour and he was about to crack. One second she yelled through the door as she quickly took off her black silk panties, ran over to Mark and shoved them in his mouth as a gag to keep him quite. FUCK! He screamed into the gag.
Kristen went to the door and opened it for the manager wearing her denim dress without panties and blank tank top. “How can I help you?” she politely asked. “Where is the guest who checked into this room this morning?” the manager inquired unable to see Mark helpless and tied up from the room’s entrance. “Oh my brother” she said smoothly, “he stepped out for a while is there something I can help you with? I’m his older sister Kristen” The manager explained that there had been several complaints of loud laughter and hysterical screaming coming from their room. “I’m so sorry” Kristen said politely and thinking fast. “I was in the shower before and had left the TV on really loud, which must have been what they heard. It won’t happen again I’m finished watching for the night.” “Not a problem” the manager said with a smile, “I just needed to follow up. You have a good night, and let me know if there’s anything we can help you with to make your stay more enjoyable” he said as he turned to leave. “Wait” Kristen said as she got an idea. “I’m a little bit of a neat freak and always like to clean before I go to sleep. Is there anyway you could have room service send up a feather duster so I can dust a little bit around the room? I know it’s kind of an odd request.” “Absolutely” the manager said not wanting to disappoint the attractive woman. “Anything we can do to make your stay more enjoyable, I’ll have them send one right up to your room from the maids office.” With that he smiled, said good night and Kristen shut the door.

Meanwhile Mark was now in tears still tied to the bed with Kristen’s sweaty underwear stuffed in his mouth unable to speak or make a sound. He had just watched his only chance at ending this nightmare walk away because of this crafty, sneaky bitch. I can’t take anymore tickle torture he thought to himself as Kristen approached the bed. “What’s wrong little Marky?” she teased as she gave his feet a quick tickle causing him to cackle into his new gag. “We almost got in trouble there for a second, but don’t worry I have a surprise for you.” Just then there was another knock at the door. Kristen went to answer it and returned a few seconds later with a brand new feather duster she had just been delivered. “We’re gonna have some fun with this” she said dusting his face briefly as he screamed muffled obscenities at her into his gag. “Now where should we use it fist?” she asked knowing he couldn’t respond.

“I have a great idea” she said pulling his boxers down to reveal what was underneath. “You’re gonna love this, you’ll be begging to tell me that combination in a few minutes” She began using the feather duster to tickle Mark’s cock and balls. The sensation was far different from her nails as the hundreds of brand new soft white feathers teased his most sensitive area. Again he burst into hysterics thrashing at his binds, only this time the laughter was muted by the pair of panties she had gagged him with. To make matters worse he could taste her sweat from them dripping into his mouth. After about a minute of dusting his balls Marks dick was fully erect. Being aroused made the tickling much worse and unbearable. “I’m gonna tickle your cock for another hour until your about to burst” Kristen said. “we’ll see if that changes your mind about the safe”

Kristen sat at the foot of the bed and without stopping once tickled Marks cocks with her new toy. She switched from cock to balls and occasionally did both using her nails on his balls and the duster on the head of his dick. His cock was at a solid 90 degree angle and swollen to capacity begging for release. Mark didn’t know which was more difficult to take the tickling, or Kristen not allowing him to cum. He stayed silent laughing into his gag and convincing himself he would soon go insane if she didn’t stop. The tickling stopped for a second as Kristen ran to the bathroom. She returned very quickly with a bottle of hand lotion and began applying it to Marks swollen dick. He was in ecstasy as the tickling stopped for a second and Kristen spent some actual time with his cock. He hated this woman more than anything in the world right now, but at the same time would do absolutely anything to have her relieve him. She brought him within two pumps of release and then stopped to ask “What’s the combination?” before allowing him to orgasm. Thinking of his job and the money he yelled “I can’t fucking tell you” as she removed his gag. “You were so close Mark” she said as she removed her hand from his cock. “I guess we’ll have to go back to the old way” she chirped as she placed the gag back in his mouth, got off the bed and pulled up a chair right by Marks feet.

Kristen then pulled his toes back on his left food and gave him the most violent tickling she had given yet scratching her nails as hard and as fast as she could on his helpless sole. MMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHAA he screamed into his gag as he lost his erection and was sent back into the tickle torture nightmare. Kristen continued this for another 15 minutes non stop before giving him a rest. “Your choice she said after the fifteen minutes of hell. Nod if you want me to keep tickling your feet, or shake your head if you want me to tease your cock again” Mark knew he couldn’t take any more foot tickling from this woman so he shook his head. “Good choice” Kristen said realizing shed have a better chance of extracting the combination from him using cum control.

Effortlessly she got him hard again and worked him within a few seconds of orgasm with her hand. She then startled him and slid his rock hard cock inside of her. She noted the priceless look of pleasure on his face. Then while on top of him she remained perfectly still and removed his gag once last time. She placed her fingertips on his ribs and said “Mark, I’ve been tickling you for three hours now and I know you want me to stop more than anything. Tell me the combination to your safe and I will ride you until you cum and have the best orgasm of your life. Choose not to tell me and I have absolutely no problem staying the entire nigh to tickle torture it out of you.”

With nothing else on his mind besides ending his torture he blurted out “17-39-52”. Almost shocked she got off of him and tried the combination he had given her. The safe clicked open and Kristen’s jaw dropped when she realized just how worth it this three hours of tickle torture she just administered was. In front of her was $13,000 dollars in cash along with the $200 she was promised at the beginning of the night. Quickly she transferred the money into her purse and closed the safe. Then she walked over to Mark, kissed his cock once without letting him cum and thanked him for solving all her money problems. “I’m going to get you for this” he screamed at her. “The maids will be coming by in a few hours to clean the room, I know what you look like I’ll call the police, you won’t get away with this you bitch” Grabbing her purse she stuffed the gag back into Marks mouth and walked out of the room thinking about what he had just said. He was right, he would probably be discovered in an hour or two and the cops would be after her and the stolen cash.

As she walked down the hallway thinking this over she passed the housekeeping lounge and saw a young girl maybe 19 or 20 getting ready for work. She had dark skin and looked like she was from somewhere in South America. She was the only maid in the lounge and Kristen overheard her talking on her cell phone about quitting because she hated the job and needed more money. After hearing the young girl say that, she got an idea. When she hung up the phone Kristen approached her with a proposition. “I couldn’t help overhear about you wanting to quit and needing more money” she told the girl. I’m here with my husband right now, we’re in room 432. “Anyways I donno if you’d be interested but my husband has this fetish for being tickled while tied up and has been looking for someone besides me to tickle him to spice things up. I have him tied up in our room right now, would you be interested in tickling him for some money?” Kristen asked.

The girl looked confused, “you want me to tickle your husband, and you want to pay me?” she asked. “Yes said Kristen, I will pay you $3,000 to do this if you are interested.” The housekeeper’s eyes light up at the thought of $3,000. “You just have to promise to do a few things for me”. The girl,, very excited at the opportunity for an easy $3,000 eagerly agreed. “What do you want me to do?” Kristen explained to her that her husband loved being tickle tortured and that she would need to tickle him for at least 4 hours. She also told her under no circumstances to remove his gag until after the 4 hours is up, and that she must call in sick today from work to avoid any suspicion and allow her time to tickle him uninterrupted all day. The girl agreed and Kristen gave her the money from her purse. “Have fun she said my husband is going to love this” and walked away.

At the same time that Kristen was getting into a cab outside the hotel, Mark was still tied to the bed, covered in sweat and exhausted. Suddenly to his relief he heard the door being opened and saw a young house keeper walk into his room. Finally it’s over he thought to himself as she walked over to the bed.
Good story - I thoroughly enjoyed it too. Yes a sequel would be great!
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