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Marvel Tickle Harem: Captain Marvel (Part 3) F/F


3rd Level Red Feather
Aug 31, 2004
Marvel Tickle Harem: Captain Marvel (Part 3)
By MrObscura101

Several lightyears from Earth...

Captain Marvel aka Carol Danvers was speeding back home after investigating a skirmish along the Kree/Skrull border, her red, blue and yellow costume glowing in her bright energy field
“Home sweet home!” she said as the Earth started to appear in view, she was looking forward to seeing all her friends when suddenly a transmission came through over her communicator

“KKRAACKK...SOS...RREEQQUUEESTTT HHEELLPP...” the message repeated through the static. Carol stopped flying and saw that the alert was nearby. Speeding towards it she found a badly damaged freighter and without hesitation she forced open the airlock and stepped inside
“Hello? This is Captain Marvel from Earth, I received your SOS!” she called out but the ship seemed deserted, walking around she then heard a noise in the cockpit, heading towards it she entered a large empty section of the craft

As soon as she stepped inside however a blinding light filled the room

“Argh! What the hell?” the heroine cried out as she started blindly staggered around the room as the door slammed shut behind her and two dozen hatches in the ceiling and walls suddenly slid open revealing hidden nozzles. The nozzles all then trained on her as she continued staggering about and then most of them began firing out a blasts of green slime that quickly attached themselves to parts of Carol’s body
“HEY GET OFF!!!” she shouted as she felt several blobs land on her arms, legs and torso including her entire right hand, completely enveloping it!

As most of the nozzles continued firing several others began releasing a purple gas into the room so Carol turned to face the door and use an energy blast from her free hand to escape however when she tried focusing she found herself…laughing?
“Haaafff hhaaa…whahahtt??” she giggled in confusion as she found her energy blasts didn’t work! “HhfffhhfffNNOOMMFFF!!!” she continued laughing despite the situation then screamed angrily as one blob managed to land on her mouth completely covering it as the barrage of slime continued on and on. Within less than three minutes Carol’s entire body was completely covered by the slime

“MMMMFFF!!!!!!!!!” Carol cried out as the green latex like skin now began to harden leaving her trapped within it like a statue! She once more tried focusing energy blasts from her hands but again nothing happened! She also found her flight and super strength seemed to be gone as well!
“WHAT IS THIS STUFF?! AND WHATS HAPPENED TO MY POWERS?” she thought in a panic as she heard the door open and footsteps enter
“Well?” she heard a regal voice say
“Containment gel is holding perfectly”
“Perfect!” the first voice said as Carol felt a pair of hands start to caress her frozen body making her scream out indignantly “Get her ready for transport”
“Yes Ma’am!” the second voice said. Carol continued struggling to break free of the slime as she then felt something piece the hardened shell and prick her behind through it. The next thing Carol knew everything went dark…

Carol’s eyes opened as she regained consciousness, she found herself in a large room hanging upside down while attached to a large metallic restraining device that held her arms out diagonally to the floor while her hands were enclosed in thick metal gauntlets that went up to her elbows, in addition her boots had been removed and her bare feet now faced the ceiling
“Oh great...” she muttered as she recognised the Skrull containment unit

Not wasting any time Carol tried charging up the energy blasts once more to destroy the gauntlets but like on the ship they wouldn’t activate!
“Grrr come on!!!” she growled angrily as she tried again and again to blast free but her powers seemed to be completely gone!
“That won’t do you any good I’m afraid” a female voice called out as a lone Skrull entered the room “The Tarkell you breathed in on the ship was enough to render you powerless for several hours at least”
“I’ve been in one these and escaped before” Carol replied proudly
“True, but that was an older model, this one is a top of the range version” the Skrull explained, “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Veranke, Empress of the Skrulls and it is truly a pleasure to meet you Carol Danvers”
“Charmed, now how about you let me out of here!” Carol snapped back
“Oh I’m afraid you won’t be going anywhere for a very long time, we need to perform some tests together!”
“Listen lady I’m not interested in any freaky alien tests ok?”

However the Empress ignored Carol’s reply as she stood and faced her prisoner, given how Carol was upside down Veranke was facing Carol’s stomach
“Let’s begin” she said calmly as she held up a pen like device that emitted a small laser blade which she used to carefully cut open Carol’s costume at her navel leaving her well-toned stomach exposed
“Hey! This costume was made by a friend of mine so knock it off!” Carol shouted angrily

Carol’s cries were ignored however as Veranke began running her hands over her now bare stomach
“So lovely and toned…” she murmured to herself in a way that worried Carol
“Listen lady my friends are gonna be here any minute to bust me outta here so why don’t you juusssffff!!!” Carol began to say threateningly before the Empress lightly brushed her long slender fingers against Carol’s navel
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about your friends...” Veranke said cryptically as she started moving her fingers about at an even greater speed
“Sstthhfff tthhaatt iihhtttss rreeallyyy annoyyinngg!!!” Carol shouted but Veranke continued

Carol kept shifting about within the restraints but there was little room to manoeuvre meaning her stomach remained in easy reach for the Empress
“Trying to escape Carol? I can assure you that you won’t be going anywhere for a long, long time” she said as she began poking around at Carol’s stomach with her index fingers
“Weeeehheelll seeehhee aabboohhoouutt tthhaaattt!!!!!” Carol argued back, she was acting confident but secretly was worried about what the Empress meant by “tests”!
“Kknnnoocckk iiitt ooffhhh!!!” she then shouted “Ittss rreeaahhaallyy aannooyyiinngg!!!”

Veranke continued tickling away despite Carol’s objections, her hands nimbly running wild over Carol’s bare skin, Carol was giggling the whole time but had been able to keep her composure, until Veranke suddenly grew another pair of arms out of her sides which immediately moved towards Carol’s ribs
“HHHAAAAHHHAAAA DDOONNTTT DDOOOHOO TTHHAATTT!!!!!!” Carol then shrieked as she burst out laughing when her ribs started getting tickled as well!
“I was right, you have such an enchanting laugh!” The Empress observed while the containment unit recorded this weak spot of Carol’s for future reference

“HHAAAHHAAA DDAAHHHMMM IIIHHHIHHTT SSTTAAAHHPPP!!!!!” Carol shouted while fully laughing as she fought even harder to get free from the four hands that continued tickling away
“You seem to have the wrong impression about who is in charge here Carol, but we’ll fix that soon enough!” Veranke replied casually

As Carol kept on trying to contend with the four hands mercilessly tickling her midsection and trying to evade them she failed to notice Veranke stick out her tongue which morphed into a long lizard like one that moved towards her stomach
“HHAAAHHHAAAA OOHHHOOOHHH GGAAAAHHHDDDD SSTTHHHAAPPP!!!!” she then screamed when Veranke’s tongue suddenly brushed against her belly button and started trailing around the outer edge of it

Carol couldn’t believe it, this whole situation seemed like a nightmare! She then gasped in horror when the tongue slowly poked about inside her belly button while Veranke grew two more arms that went towards her underarms making her cry out in ticklish agony when she felt her costume being cut away there and the invasive fingers started wiggling against them!

The tickling seemed to go on for hours without a break, the six hands and tongue constantly switching up positions to drive Carol crazy as the Empress drunk in every helpless laugh, snort, cry, scream, threat and plea from her new tickle toy. Veranke was practically addicted to Carol’s sweet suffering and she hadn’t even started at her favourite spot yet...

“Hhaaa haaa... plleeaasee sstthhaapp....” Carol sobbed as the tickling at last ended and the Empress stood up. Despite being completely trapped and still laughing hysterically Carol continued threatening Veranke if she didn’t release her but the Empress had no intention of letting her prize go!

Carol had hoped that by now that the Tarkell that Veranke had mentioned which was blocking her powers would have worn off but she was still totally helpless and powerless as Veranke climbed a ladder behind the unit where a padded chair was waiting for her which offered a perfect position to gaze at Carol’s lovely size 8 feet
“Delicious…” she thought to herself as she took in all the details, Carol’s wide arches and large toes along with their dark blue nail polish. Carol was obviously already panicking as her toes her instinctively curled up making Veranke grin at how ticklish she must be there…

“Listen Veranke you need to let me goohohoHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHOO GAAHAHAHAHAHHHDDDD!!!!!!!!!” Carol tried to say until Veranke raked her nails down Carol’s arches making her explode in laughter
“Even more ticklish than I had hoped!” she thought in delight as Carol continued crying and screaming in laughter, her feet flailing about desperately trying to evade Veranke’s merciless fingers!

Carol’s feet continued wildly kicking about but this just gave Veranke more incentive to keep tickling away, scurrying her fingers about against her arches and insteps before once more extending her tongue out towards her targets
“AHAHAHAHAHAHARRGGGGGHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA GEGGEEGEGEHEHHHTTTT AAWAAAAHHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Carol screamed as she felt Veranke’s long tongue slowly start brushing against her arches causing her to try desperately to catch it with her feet, however Veranke simply pressed a button on the control panel making a dozen metallic bindings suddenly appear from the machine that wrapped around each of Carol’s toes before going taunt to pull her feet down and leaving them completely still
“AAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAHHHHH SSTHTHTHTHHTHAAAPPPPP!!!!!!” she then pleaded as Veranke began licking away in earnest upon her trapped soles along with her fingers scurrying about

As Carol continued screaming and begging for this to end Veranke decided to up her game even more, pressing another button that caused six metallic tentacles to appear from the machine near Carol’s underarms and sides
“HAHAHAAA HAAAA NONOOHOHOHOOOO NNAAHAHAHTTT AAGGAGAGAAHHHIIINNNN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!” the mighty heroine cried in anguish as her upper body was once again tormented while Veranke took a vial of purple liquid and poured it over her feet, the concoction tingled against Carol’s skin before she found to her horror that the tickling sensations were now greatly increased even more
“HAHAHAHAHHAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA NNOOOHOHOHOHOOO MAHAHAHAHAHRRREEE!!!!!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOO MAAHAHAHAHHRRRREEEE!!!!!!!!!!” Carol wailed again and again, her head shaking about wildly but nothing she could do or say would dissuade the Empress as her tongue and fingers continued tormenting her in tandem with the tentacles

Carol was exhausted by the time the tickling stopped and she gasped for air
“HHahahahaaa…Lihihhistehheen Veheerrahhnnnke, yoohohu nheheed toohoh stohohop thihis ohohohkaahhyy….” she struggled to say before finally stopping laughing “You’re in violation of numerous treehehehhahahahahahttrriiieieeessss!!!!!!!!!!” she then tried to explain seconds before Veranke took a pair of purple feathers in her hands and began lightly brushing them against her arches
“Oh Carol, do you really think I give a damn about some silly old treaties if it means I get to play with you?”
“You can think that if you like Carol but I’m gonna let you in on a little secret,” Veranke said calmly “You’re never getting out of here, you’re in my private tickle harem where I have hundreds of specimens from across the universe to tickle whenever I want and none have ever escaped from here”
“HAHAHHAHHAHAHAH HHAHAHAHAAAAA YOHOHOHOHAAAHHRRREE IIHHNNSAAAHAHAHNNNEEE!!!!!!!!” Carol screamed back as she kept desperately trying to get her toes free as the feathers twirled against her bare skin and even in-between her toes

Veranke then grinned deviously as she pressed another button and the wall opposite Carol suddenly revealed it was a mass of monitors that switched on to begin playing hundreds of videos, all showing Veranke tickling helpless females! There were species Carol knew and loads she didn’t even recognise of all different shapes, sizes and colours but the one common factor was they were all laughing, pleading or threatening Veranke their tormentor as she gleefully tickled them! Then she noticed two screens in particular…
“Ah you recognise my two latest additions, both are such fun to play with! Earth has soooo many potential victims to choose from that I am almost spoilt for choice! In fact, you were meant to be my first Earth acquisition”
“WHWHHWHAAAAATTT????” Carol cried in confusion
“Oh yes, remember when you were captured before? Why else do you think my minions removed your boots when they placed you in a containment unit? They were meant to test your ticklishness for me to see if you were worthy of my harem but you managed to escape, this time however you won’t be so fortunate”

Carol couldn’t believe this, an alien tickle harem, her fellow heroines being captured for it, it was too horrible to comprehend!
“Oh, I doubt that” Veranke said calmly as she tapped a button and Carol watched as the screen changed to…herself, She Hulk & Wasp chatting in She Hulk’s apartment!
“Your replacements” Veranke explained as the three heroines turned back into Skrulls “My infiltrators will stop anyone from figuring out you’re really here, meaning I get to play with you forever!”
“Ha, if you only knew how many have said that to me over the years!” Veranke said wickedly “Anyway you should really be more concerned with yourself!”

For the next hour Carol had to endure the merciless tickling as well as being forced to watch the recordings of She Hulk and Wasp’s tickle torture sessions, she couldn’t believe just how sadistic Veranke was! Her shapeshifting allowing her to take on an infinite number of forms to tickle her captives to near insanity!
“Hahahahaaa…nohohohoo moohhree…” Carol cried in exhaustion as Veranke at last stopped, leaving Carol’s soles, underarms and upper body bright pink from all the tickling
“Yes well I have a council meeting to get to anyway” Veranke said as she pressed a button on the wall and the door opened allowing two large Skrull guards walked in
“Take over for me for the next 6 hours and then show Ms Danvers to her new room so she’s ready for my return!” Veranke grinned as she climbed down and faced Carol
“Don’t worry though, I will be back for more soon enough!”
“No! pleeassee noohoho moohhrre… Iihh caahahanntt taahkkee itt…” she pleaded
“Sure you can Carol, I take very good care of my tickle toys!” Veranke said gleefully as she turned to leave
“YOU PSYCHO!!!!! YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!!!!!” Carol screamed after her as the guards approached her, one carrying a syringe of Tarkell potion…
Wonderful story! :feets: I love F/f with foot tickling. 😀
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