for many people this holiday means different things. If you know someone who has fought in a war then it is a very holy day for you. The hollywood brother understands this and thinks that everyone should take time to honor the great women and men who have fought for our country and our way of life.
Now for others the holiday means the start of the summer season. Where the hollywood brother works, there is a big drop off of business as many americans go to the beaches and to vacation destinations. for other americans like those who live down the new jersey shore area for instance, this holiday is the start of money making season.
For the hollywood brother it is the start of summer. The hollywood brother like to do all maerican things on this holiday weekend like watch his Phillies play baseball, eat some bbq, drink some beer, go to wildwood, and have fun. The reason why the hollywood brother likes this si because it is the hollywood brother american way of life. Now this gets back to the original meaning of the holiday. You see by the hollywood brother doing some great all american things, the hollywood brother honors those who have passed because while the hollywood brother is tickling or working on his hollywood brother tan, he never ever forgets the people who died so that the hollywood brother can rock and roll hollywood brother style.
to those that take offense to what the hollywood brother says, this is fine and dandy. it is your right to disagree. That is what makes america great and that is why the all american hollywood brother loves america! We can easily disagree but thanks to the men and women who have fought over the years, we havethe right to be here today to argue about what to do on this great holiday