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Mila's Delight


2nd Level Yellow Feather
Jan 8, 2003
Here is my second posting in the writing realm. An old fantasy converted to print. I hope you enjoy....

Mila's Delight​

Alan Adair surveyed the beach. It was going to be another hot one, thankfully. His stand would do real well today. Alan owned a concession hut on the Malibu beach area called "Mr. Fizzy's." He had the usual burgers, fries, and such, but his specialties were drinks. They offered soft drinks and specialty soda combinations, similar to the old 1950's soda fountain combinations. He had started the business 3 years ago, and it had taken off like a rocket. He was ready to round the corner and take the next step with his shop, but he was lacking several things. He was lacking enough business coming in to justify expanding to other beach areas, the capital from that business, and the proper 'gimmick' for advertising his expansion. He had a plan that would fix all three problems at once. It all hinged on one person...The Babe.

Her real name was Mila, but out here, she was known simply as The Babe. If anyone could be described as having the absolutely perfect figure, it was she. She and her friends Fran and Kayla were the queens of the beach, but Mila was the leader. Where the Babes went, most of the guys followed. Alan wasn't the only concessionaire who knew the value of this fact. For normally it was the guys who spent the big bucks for concessions, not the girls. If he could attract the crowd flowing with the Babes, he would be rolling in cash. Business was good, but Mila and her entourage would put him in a better financial situation, giving him the working capital he needed.

Mila was no ordinary beachcomber. She had the most perfect natural curves he had ever seen. And he knew natural curves. His late father had been a highly regarded and successful cosmetic surgeon, his uncle a dentist specializing in capping and other cosmetic changes. They had been in practice together and made millions. Growing up, Alan had seen wallflowers transformed into supermodels before his eyes. His trained eyes over his life could recognize, nips, tucks, implants, and other augmentations instantly, and Mila required no assistance. Hers was a natural beauty beyond compare, and Alan knew it. It was only a matter of time before some agent, sleazy or otherwise, snatched her up.

His father had been disappointed when he chose a business major rather than medical. Because of that, he was on his own getting this business off the ground and going. If he proved to be successful, he would instantly inherit all of his father's estate. If not, it would follow the prolonged trickle set up in the will. His plan was simple: expand the business to other locations and he would easily meet the requirements for the estate. He had all the plans in place, but he needed one face, one femme fatale for the advertising. That face was Mila.

He had been trying to recruit her for months now, and she was lapping up the attention. Some free snacks and drinks to coax her over worked just long enough for her to eat or drink, but he couldn't get her to commit. She was playing him for the free food. All part of the game. But this was no game for Alan. This was survival. Today he had a plan to win her over. If it worked as he hoped, both of them would have money to burn. If it didn't, he would be in serious trouble.
Alan looked out over the beach and saw her approaching. Fran and Kayla were with her as they approached. They looked to be only walking by, so he spoke out to them, "Hey, Mila? Got a sec? I need your expert opinion on something." Mila stopped in her tracks, waved the other two on, and came to the stand. She was wearing her ultimate killer bikini, all white that you knew had to be sheer when wet. It was very tiny and almost didn't contain her full breasts, with ties on each hip. The bottoms were as close as you could get to being a thong, but not. Alan could swear he could see her nipples through the top as she approached.

"What's up, Fizzy?" That was the nickname she had all the others had given him when he started the place

"Come to the back...I have a new flavor I'd like you to test out."

"Sure.." she purred as she leaned over the counter. She made sure Alan had a good view before she walked towards the back of the shack. Alan watched her hypnotic hips sway before meeting her in the rear of the building. She was standing on the sand, leaning on his Jeep parked in its usual spot next to the building. "So, what have you got for me, Fizzy? Some new great concoction to set the world on fire?"

"No, just a new flavor combination I've been perfecting. It's has all your favorites: strawberry, some champaign flavoring without the alcohol, and a hint of kiwi...just the way you like it." He handed her the glass, old fashioned soda fountain style designs on the glass. I plan to call it 'Mila's Delight" if it passes your taste test."

"Well, we'll see about that," she smiled as she began to drink. He could tell by her eyes that she liked it, but knew she would be hesitant to say so. She would try to milk this for all it was worth, which was her usual style. Alan just smiled and admired her figure as she drank. She slowly finished the glass, wiping her mouth with the napkin Alan had given her along with the glass. "It's great!!" she said, handing back the glass. "So, I get to be on your menu?" she purred out, hoping the words sank into Alan's imagination. He was kind of cute, but not fully her type. She wanted a guy with looks and money, not a guy running a concession stand. She wanted the full LA high life; not figuring Alan could get that for her.

Alan opened the tailgate of his Jeep, and they both sat down on it. He would again try to talk her into some sort of deal. Usually, she walked away without a commitment, but today he held a new trump card. "Given any more thought to the deal I offered you last week?"

"What, hanging around here instead of Benny's? Yeah, a little"


"Not sure. He pays us with lots of food and stuff. The hot guys all hang there, not here." She turned as slightly leaned, trying to distract with her bodice. Alan enjoyed, but stayed on track. "They stay there because you and the babes are there. They'll follow you here, I can guarantee it." He knew the game well, and would be taken for a loser.

"Yeah, like you really are gonna put me in a commercial and stuff? I've heard that before from all the fake modeling agents that come this beach. How do I know you'll do it for real? Benny said the same thing."

"But I already have an ad team on retainer, all I need is you." Alan was trying to stall for time. Soon he got the results he was waiting for. Mila suddenly started to sway. "Wow, I don't feel so hot. Sure that drink had no booze in it?"

"No, no booze in it. Here, lay down on the gate and rest. Maybe you've had too much sun."

"Yeah...OK..." she replied, very woozily. The sedatives he had mixed in began to work quickly. Soon she was almost out. "Man, I feel so messed up...." Alan rolled her into the jeep and closed the tailgate. She gave no resistance. "What are you doing?" she weakly asked before she passed out. Alan told his workers he was leaving for the day and to take over from there as usual. He pulled out and drove off, with a sleeping Mila inside.

As Mila woke up, she was confused. She was no longer at Fizzy's, but on some other beach area. It was dark, lit only by Tiki lamps. She also discovered that she couldn't move. She was on what appeared to be the frame of a backyard hammock, but instead of being on the hammock, she was tied spread eagle to it. Her bikini was still on, but she was unable to move a muscle. She turned her head all around, trying to get any landmarks or see if she was alone, but was unable to determine either. She suddenly heard footsteps approaching as was surprised to see Alan coming toward her, a backpack on his shoulder. "Fizzy, please, help me! Get me out of here!" He could here the very real sound of desperation in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that, yet?"

"What? Fizzy, why not? PLEASE?"

He set down the backpack. He scanned her sexy curves, deciding whether or not to go forward. It didn't take long. "Because I'm the one who put you there, lovely Mila."

"WHAT!!! Get me out of this? What do you think you're doing?" Her fear shifted quickly to anger as he stood next to her right side. Thoughts of how quickly she would get the police on his case filled her mind. She wanted out of there, and quickly!

Alan just reached down without any reaction and opened the pack. "I can't seem to convince you that I mean business about an arrangement between us. So, I thought I'd try and be a bit more convincing." He pulled out what looked like two gloves, except there appeared to be a small feather at the end of each fingertip.

Mila's eyes widened. "I-I'll scream! I'll yell for help! Don't you dare touch me!" She hadn't fully seen the gloves yet, but feared a more sexual assault. "The only people within 20 miles are the servants in my uncle's mansion over there. The have orders to do nothing, and they will obey." Then she saw the gloves as he finished putting them on. "Wha-what are you going to do to me????" she cried out as he walked toward her head.

"I've watched you and your friends out on the beach and seen you run from the tickle fights. You've extremely ticklish, aren't you?" Her face filled with fear as she realized what was about to happen. "Please, Fizzy...no...not that!" she begged as he began to stroke her right armpit with his feathery fingertips. She tried to hold it in, but was struggling mightily as he started in on the left pit as well. It was less than a minute when the giggles arrived, followed by heavy laughter. The tickling sensations were overwhelming, and she could hold it back no longer. He kept the fingertip feathers moving quickly, so she would not be able to ignore them or get used to their positions. Mila fought against the restraints, but they did not give an inch.

"STAAAHAAHAAHAAAP-P-P-P...PLEHEHEHEHEHESE.. FIHIIHIIHIIZZYYY-HEE-HEE-HEE! WHY ARE YOU DOHOOHOOHING THIS TO-HOO MEEHEEHEEHEEEEEEEE!" she screamed as loud as she could. She prayed she would be heard, but Alan made sure there was no one around, and any of the workers at Uncles house were under orders to leave them alone. He kept it up for several minutes. When he stopped, she giggled, then began to pant for breath. "Ple-please...why me...why this..." she begged.

"Now, for once I hold all the cards. It's negotiation time. I want you at my stand. Hanging around my section of the beach. Luring the guys to spend their money at my stand." He walked away from her head, plotting his words and his next actions. He stopped at her feet. Mila's eyes opened wide as she realized what was next.

"Please, no... not there, please..."

"Then you'll hang at my place?"

"I...I can't...."

"Why not?" Alan raised his fingers so that the tips were just above her toes.

"PLEASE! NO!!! Don't tickle me more...I...I can't tell you..."

"Well, as Werner Klemperer used to say on TV, 'Vee have vays to make you talk!'" he replied as the feather tips slowly stroked downward on both soles. Mila shrieked as she felt them slowly dragging against her sensitive soles. She always pampered her feet and wore sandals on the beach, for she had very soft and sensitive soles. Now all those lotions and moisturizers were betraying her. Her resistance was nonexistent from the pit tickling earlier, as Alan had hoped. She gave no protests as he increased the tickling. He began to move his fingers as if he was scratching her feet, making the feathers fly all over her helpless feet. He did this for at least ten minutes, then slowed to a stop and slid a feather between each toe. Mila caught her breath as she watched him, helpless to stop him. "Gonna tell me why, or do I begin to saw between your toes?" he sneered.

Mila saw there was no escape. "I have a contract with Benny. I have to be there 4 days a week, and every Saturday. He pays me good money. That's why I haven't committed to anything you've given me. I'm taken."

"Well, I can pay you twice what he does, and offer you more, much more," he shot back. He had no idea how much Benny paid her, but she was worth it. He also had something else in his favor. Her current condition. "I can offer you much more than money..."

"Yeah, like what?" Her cocky attitude was starting to rise up again. The break from the tickling caused her to get a little courage up. Even if she had been interested in his previous offers, now there was no way she would do anything for him now!

Alan had moved next to her hips. He wanted to enjoy this. His heart was beating wildly at the thought of having her body to his disposal. He had always liked tickling and tonight could be heaven. But, if he played it right, he could have her and more. He began to slide the feathers of his right hand up her right leg, beginning at her ankle. "I have you, right here. I don't plan on you leaving until you hear what I have to say and I get what I want..."

Mila flinched as the feathers began up her leg. She was used to being in control, but this was one of the first times in her life that she wasn't. As the feathers moved up her leg, she felt some sensations, but they were not as strong as when he attacked her armpits and feet. He had now reached her knees, and she was relieved to not have any reaction there. Maybe she could move things to her advantage, even though she was bound. "If you let me go...maybe we could talk things over...even enjoy the night..."

Alan stopped for a moment. He scanned her curves, noting that her breasts were now barely contained in her top. Her bottoms were sweat soaked, giving him a clear view of her love zone. She saw his shorts tighten up and began to sway her hips a little to push him along. He stared for a moment, and then slid the feathers along her thighs. He heard her squeal as he reached a point halfway up the inside of her thigh. This reaction was more intense than he had ever seen before. He moved further up and then back. Mila was fighting for her composure again.

Mila was not expecting this. She had never felt anything but her boyfriend's hands there, but even then it was not like this. The tickling sensation was more than she could have ever imagined and she tried to conceal it, but too late. Alan pounced and was now sliding the feathery fingertips all over her inner right thigh. "Fizzy...pl-pl-please...you've had your fun ....now stohaa-hhaa haa haaa HAAA HAAA HAAA..." Mila never finished the sentence as the overriding tickling sensation took control of her vocal chords. The sensation was maddening; she had never felt anything like it before, even during a slumber party tickle fight.

Alan kept it up for several minutes. The sensory overload was so great that he noticed her nipples were budding and a new wet spot appeared on her thong. Pleased with the new results, he stopped to let her catch her breath. When she did, he began, "You will break your contract with Benny. I'll buy it out. Then you and the rest of 'the Babes' will only come to my stand. Understood?" He placed the feathers on her right thigh again, reedy to resume. Mila went as pale as her deeply tanned body could.

"Please...you win. I'll do whatever you want. Just let me go...."

"Then sign this. And don't try to back out. I will find you.

"I-I won't Fizzy...I-I-I promise..." He put a pen in her hand and she was able to sign the contract his lawyers had drawn up. He put it aside and walked over to the other side. "So, is your left thigh the same way?

Mila instantly slid into panic mode. "No, Fizzy...you said you'd stop..."

Alan smiled, "Only for the right thigh, my dear....this leg has another price..." He began to slowly slide the feathers along the inside of her inner left thigh. Mila tried everything she could think of. She bit her lip hard. She tried to think of anything, anything at all that was painful or traumatic. It didn't work. Alan could see her as she slowly lost the fight and became overwhelmed with the same lusty laughter as before. As he stroked her thigh, he reached toward her bikini top and undid the back knot. Mila wanted to protest, but she was overwhelmed by the renewed tickling and was also feeling sensations between her legs that she didn't expect. She was able to feel her loins heating up, although no one was touching her there.

Alan next went for the knot behind her neck, and then removed her top. Her nipples seemed to grow instantly in the warm air upon their release. He admired her ample bosom, one had had desired for ages to see. After a few moments, he undid the knot on her left hip. Her bodies wiggling and bucking caused it to slide off instantly, revealing her very damp womanhood. He stopped the thigh tickling, taking in her overwhelming feminine beauty. Mila needed to rest, for she nearly was out for breath. His eyes scanned to her face.

"I need you as my spokesmodel, my cover girl. I'm going to expand all the way up and down the coastline. You have the perfect body. You will appear in all my ads, on the cover of my menus, you name it. I will get whatever I decide to pay you for one year, then you can get an agent and the works for all I care. If I'm right, you'll be bigger than Gisele in half the time."

"You think I can?" she answered?

"Mila, you have the best natural body I've ever seen. And I've seen plenty. My uncle has sculpted more curves than Michelangelo. You don't need anything but the right contacts. I can get that for you."

"Yeah right, Fizzy, how's that?" Mila was indignant. She had had many so-called agents chase her at the beach, most of whom were local porn filmmakers looking for fresh meat. "How can a soda jerk turn me into a famous model?"

"My uncle has been the biggest cosmetic surgeon in Hollywood for years. I've met just about everyone there is in this town. I'm only doing the stand because of my Dad's will. I was just at Brad and Jennifer's last week and showed them your pic. They thought it was insane that someone hadn't signed you yet. Then she had to get to the "Friends" set and Brad and I figured out the best way to show you on the menu..."

"Wait...you know BRAD PITT?"

"Yeah, my dad fixed his sister's teeth two months before the accident. He has a friend at Elite that he said might give you the push you would need."

"Well, if that's the case, I want big money from you, Fizzy. Untie me and we'll talk money."

"No, I have the price here...you will sign and renegotiate next year."

"No I WON"T!"

"You forget where you are, Mila," Alan replied as he moved so he was standing between her legs. He held his hands out so that the feathery fingertips were poised over each thigh.

"No, Fizzy.... please...no...not THAT!"

He held them out, starting to move his fingers to tickle her into submission more, but he stopped. He was looking at her clit. It had risen out of its hood. Her whole mound was wet. He looked at her, and then reached forward. Mila was confused until she felt the tip of one feather begin to stroke her nub. This was completely new to her and felt wonderfully different. It, too tickled, but this she liked. "Fizzy...ohhh..please...that's not fair...that tihihiickles too-hooo hooo..." she giggled as the erotic and ticklish combined into one sensation. Soon, more fingertips began to reach out and Mila gave in to the sensations. Even as Alan began to play with her right thigh again, she began to embrace the feelings, letting them sweep her away into ecstasy. Her loins fought between the urge to move away from or move into the fiendish sensations Alan was torturing her with.

Mila could feel an orgasm rising within her. She began to feel it well up. She had had her fair share of them, for sure. But she had felt one like the one that was building for a long time. She began to feel the massive tensing of her body, building for the ultimate release. But, suddenly the sensation stopped. Alan had pulled the feathers away, denying her the ultimate pleasure. "NO, Fizzy...you can't stop like that... Please...I want to...need to cum!" she cried out, begging.

"Be my model, my price. One year."

"You...this is cruel...I'll just wait for it to pass. I'll show you"

"I can hold you like this all night long Mila," Alan said as he slowly teased her clit again. "I will keep it up until you can no longer stand it. Resist it if you like. I t will only make you want to cum more."

Mila couldn't stand it. The stroking was now even more electrifying, as she didn't need as much coaxing this time to be near orgasm. Alan kept her there for an amazing 15 minutes. Mila felt as if she would literally die or go insane if she didn't cum soon. "Pleeeeeezzzee, Fizzy, let me cuuuummm... I'll sign anything, do anything you want...you can take me now, I don't care! Just let me CUM!" He pulled out the contract, which she signed with bound hands. As soon as he could set it down, he returned and hit her full force with the feathers on his fingertips. Each one aimed for her swollen clit and lips, the sensation sending Mila into massive orgasms that took her by surprise, even though it had been building. It was the hardest one she had ever felt, and she hung there limp five minutes later, after it finally subsided.

Alan untied her and laid her on a beach blanket he had already prepared for her. He gave her some water to drink and looked at her. She was still feeling the effects of the orgasms but had a different look in her eyes. He felt her hands pulling on his shorts as she murmured to him, "Do that to me again....I need you in me this time." She giggled in delight as she climbed on top of him, "do my boobies this time...please?" He obliged as she slowly slid onto his very firm rod. The feathers teased her firming nipples as she began to move up and down, stroking him inside her. Her orgasm was almost immediate, and he delighted her with several in succession, her hyper-aroused body wanting, craving more. He gave her all he could before she collapsed and they both fell asleep, completely exhausted on the blanket. Alan couldn't help himself as he placed his hand on her breasts as he held her; occasionally playing with her nips and boobs throughout the night.

It was three years later. Every mile, up and down the beach, a Fizzy franchise could be seen. Mila's face and figure graced every menu, sign and billboard. Tonight was a big night for Alan. Franchise #100 opened today, and Mila would be back from her shoot in Barbados for the opening. His plans had gone well, even better than he had imagined. He reached the goal in the will, had all his father's money, and had the lovely Mila coming home to him today, his wife and lover. They would meet at that spot on the beach tonight, no restraints needed tonight....
Are you sure thats only your second story? Well heck I know the next thing I'm going to do - go hunting for your first story! This was fantastic! 😀

I ecspecially loved the little epilouge at the end, most people would have just ignored that seeing as the erotic bit had finished but it was neat to read about the characters success.

Looking foward to more! 😀
I'm impressed. I don't think I've read your 1st story--if it's anything like this, I'd remember it. Is there anything you can tell me to help me find it?

Keep up the good work.

I'm quite flattered by the response...

Keep an eye out for story Number #3, soon to be published in one of Morandillas's e-publications...
fantastic story one of the best i have read..and loved the ending. hope you dont mind me bumping this up. ahh the kind of scenario i like the best. i will definitely check out your other stories soon.

wow.....sinply....wow. AMAZING story. Good plot, good details, good everything. Thanx 4 taking the time to post. Looking 4ward to your next masterpiece.
Now I understand your signature picture is literally true. You are the tickling writer. I went back and read your first story, The Pony Show. I liked it just as much, maybe even more.
I have 4 one here....three that I can't post yet do to contractual stuff....but am working on some more...a few a plan to psot here directly
fantastic story one of the best i have read..and loved the ending. hope you dont mind me bumping this up. ahh the kind of scenario i like the best. i will definitely check out your other stories soon.


bumping up my alter ego's post...:ggrin:

but definitely use restraints on her...mmm nothing like being tied while tickled..i have to be tied as i struggle far too much..and i love the tease and denial scenario..
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