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Misato Katsuragi (Neon Genesis Evangelion)


3rd Level Red Feather
Aug 31, 2004
Sequel to my story http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=82298 we now find Misato Katsuragi undergoing an interrogation of her own

All characters are owned by Studio Gainax/Hideaki Anno

Misato Katsuragi’s Interrogation (Neon Genesis)
by MrObscura101

It was night time in Tokyo 3 and while most of the city slept a shadowy figure sat in his car and double checked the contents of his duffel bag
“Chloroform … check, knock out gas … check, taser … check, blackjack …. check, handcuffs … check, duct tape …. check, ball gag …. check, blindfold …. check!” Makoto Hyuga thought to himself as he carefully handled each item, it seemed like a lot but as tonight’s target was a highly trained operative so he knew he had to take every precaution when capturing her. Confident that he was fully prepared he put on a ski mask that matched his black bodysuit and stealthily climbed the stairwell until he reached the apartment he needed and jimmied open a window, having gone over the building plans he knew this window opened into a closet which would hide his intrusion from the target. Once inside the apartment he gently opened the closet door slightly to check the apartment for his targets location, he could see that the kitchen and living room lights were on and the sounds from the TV echoed throughout the apartment, having acquainted himself with the targets daily schedule he knew she would be alone tonight and as it was 11.00pm he guessed that she would be in the living room which he could enter without being seen if she was sitting on the couch watching the TV. Pouring some chloroform into a rag he stealthily crept out the closet and slowly snuck into the living room ready to strike but there was no way to prepare himself for what he found….

There passed out and lying on the floor completely black out drunk was his target - Major Misato Katsuragi, NERV’s Chief Operations Officer surrounded by several empty beer cans scattered all over the floor. He couldn’t believe that the woman he had spent 2 weeks researching for her daily movements plus several ways to subdue her was totally unconscious before him! He stared at the beautiful, buxom officer who was dressed in only a skimpy yellow tank top and a pair of black panties, a complete change from her usual military uniform, while her long purple hair was tied messily in a ponytail with several loose strands splayed out across her face.

“Damn, I knew she liked to drink but this is ridiculous!” he thought as he finally stopped staring and remembered his mission, going to retrieve his kit from the closet he quickly returned with it and took out the handcuffs. As she was lying on her back he had to carefully roll her over onto her stomach
“Gmf, damn….angels…….” she mumbled without waking as he clicked the cuffs shut on her wrists, once that was done he put her ankles together to cuff them as well but her left leg suddenly jerked away from him causing him to accidentally brush his fingers against her bare foot
“Mftt….Kaji….stop …. mfft tickles…….” she drunkenly protested with a big grin before starting to lightly snore, he waited for his heart to stop pounding in his chest before retrieving her leg and finished cuffing her ankles. Once that was done he looked down at the attractive bound soldier
“Sorry to hear you don’t like tickling Misato, because you’re in for a world of it tonight!” he thought with a big smile on his face. He then took out the blindfold and tied it carefully over her head before placing the ball gag in her open mouth without her reacting before slowly buckling the strap in place. Once he was confident she was secured her took out a cell phone and dialled
“This is Alpha 1, target secured!” Then a few moments later he opened the door and two similarly dressed figures entered the room, they were his fellow NERV agents Maya Ibuki and Shigeru Aoba
“Wow, did you undress her?” Aoba joked
“Shut up! She was like this one I got here!” he protested, embarrassed at the insinuation against him
“Stop kidding around you two!” Maya ordered “We need to get her back to base ASAP!” she then looked around the apartment in amazement “Damn, I never realised she was such a slob!” The three of them then gently picked up the still unconscious Misato and carried her down to their waiting van, Hyuga sat in the back with her while the others sat up front, he was happy to do so as she had been an object of his desire for several years and he stared at the beautiful captive he counted down every second for the upcoming fun he was going to have with her until they finally reached their destination

“Oh…. How much did I drink last night?” Misato thought to herself groggily as her eyes slowly opened “Damn, what time is it?” she was confused as it was still dark, she then tried to rub her eyes but found something was wrong “HEY? WHAT THE HELL?!” she tried to shout then snapped to her senses and realised to her horror that her wrists and ankles were restrained, she was also blindfolded with some kind of gag stuffed in her mouth! “WHFTS GFMG OMF? UNFTFM MFFF RFFT NFF DMMFF FFTTT!!!! she screamed at the top of her lungs as she began pulling at her restraints but there was no answer. “Ok keep it together Misato” she thought to reassure herself, despite her lack of vision her training told her that she was still in her cloths and was lying on some kind of metallic table with her body tied spread eagled with thick straps holding her in place and a pillow under her head, her muffled voice was echoing around meaning she was a large room and the buzzing noise from an overhead electric lights meant she was most likely underground somewhere, although she had no way of knowing it she was in fact occupying the same interrogation room at NERV HQ her best friend Ritsuko Akagi had been tortured in only a day before. Misato then stopped struggling as she heard a door open and close followed by the unmistakable sound of multiple footsteps approaching, they soon stopped and a pair of hands removed the ball gag out of her mouth
“WHOEVER YOU ARE YOU MADE A HUGE MISTAKE! NERV WON’T TAKE KINDLY TO YOU KIDNAPPING ME!” she immediately shouted in a stern tone, hoping to intimidate her kidnappers despite her current predicament

There was an uncomfortable silence before one of her captors finally spoke from the base of the table near her ankles, the voice was electronically filtered to prevent identification
“Good evening Major Katsuragi, I am Alpha 1. I trust you slept well?”
“I slept fine until I woke up here with you freaks!” she shouted
“We are sorry for that but you have something we need” another voice added as her right side
“And this is how you ask for help huh?
“We require a level 1 clearance code for NERV headquarters and you can provide this for us, once we have the code you will be released” the first voice said
“You idiots really are dumb if you think I’m just gonna let you have that!” Misato said angrily as she turned her head away while insulting them under her breath, there was a pause until another voice at her left chimed in
“In that case we hate to use the old cliché but … we have ways of making you talk!”
“HA! Do your worst, I’m not afraid of you morons!” she snapped back, refusing to be intimidated
“Ok then, just remember you asked for it!” the voice of Alpha 1 kneeling by her legs who was in fact Hyuga said, he had been praying that she would refuse to give up so easily so he could have his fun with her

Since Misato had refused to talk he nodded to his two partners before slowly started running his fingers up and down her soles, as she was in no way expecting this she instantly flexed her feet trying to shake him off while supressing her laughter
“Ha…you idiots…. ha…. think I’m afraid… ha…. of… ha… a little tickling?!” she said as she tried he best to act nonchalant to hide just how scared she in fact was
“Oh no Major,” The voice tickling her feet said, “A LOT of tickling!” and with that 4 hands instantly joined in on both her sides and started tickling away which made her start writhing about against her bonds to get away from all the intrusive fingers
“HA HA…. YOU REALLY…. HA HA HA ARE DUMB….HA HA HA YOU KNOW! IIIIIFFFF YOOOOUUU HAHAHAHA THHAAIINNNKKK II’’MMM GOOOHAHAHANNAAAAA TAAAHAHAHALLLLLKKKKK!!!” she screamed as she fought back desperately against the urge to laugh, she was well aware of just how ticklish she was and she knew that if she started laughing she wouldn’t be able to stop

As the six hands continued their tickle attacks Misato really couldn’t believe what was happening! Knowing that NERV had all sorts enemies she had been trained to resist various forms of torture but nothing like this had ever come up during her training!
“Something wrong Major?” The voice at her right side taunted, which unknown to her belonged to Aoba as he started working on her underarm and side at the same time
“HHNNNNNMMMFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!” was all she could reply as she forced her mouth shut in a desperate attempt to keep in the laughter while furiously trying to move out of her tormentors reach, however that only drove her to the waiting hands of the person tickling her left side who was really Maya
“Look at her go!” Maya said with glee as she watched her superior officer vainly trying to escape their clutches, having been tickle tortured by her two partners for “going overboard” in her interrogation of Ritsuko the previous night she was glad to be torturing someone else now, in fact she found it a therapeutic way of venting her frustrations as her fingers continued to poke and prod Misato’s sensitive flesh. Hyuga meanwhile was having the time of his life as he kept watching the constant movement of Misato’s size 10 feet desperately trying to avoid his tickling attacks then without warning he stood up and leaned over her to start tickling her inner thighs, as soon as his fingers grazed them Misato let out a deafening scream

Now that the trio had finally gotten Misato to start fully laughing they kept the pressure on by continuing to tickle various spots along her body without pausing
“My my, what a cute laugh you have Major!” Maya taunted as she started tickling both underarms at once, while Aoba repositioned himself so he could now tickle her sides and ribs, taking great care to ensure he tickled every single one of her ribs along her taunt upper body
“HA HA HA HA SSTTTOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!! HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Misato screamed as she fought like a wild animal to escape the bonds
“Sure…. when we get the code!” Aoba responded bluntly as he finally stopped on her sides, only to pick up a feather from a box of tools they placed under the table earlier and began running the tip lightly over her belly button sending her into a frenzied scream. Meanwhile Hyuga had returned to her feet clutching a ball point pen from the box
“HHAHAHAAAAARRRGGGGHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!” Misato squealed as the pen made contact with her left sole, it was so loud that it shocked Maya and Hyuga enough to stop them tickling her for a few seconds so they could watch Hyuga as he began scribbling in random directions across every part of her foot with each pen stroke driving Misato into hysterics. Seeing Misato’s reaction to this they both grinned at each other and left their positions to quickly join Hyuga so they could gang up on their prisoner, Hyuga stopped tickling so Misato could catch a breath while Maya & Aoba each grabbed a pen and waited by her defenceless feet, then all three of them began to loudly count down from 10 in unison so they could watch Misato squirm about in preparation for the upcoming assault that she knew was coming

“Three…two….ONE!” they all shouted together as they attacked at once, causing Misato to scream in ticklish agony. Hyuga continued his scribbling all over her whole left foot with his blue pen as Aoba knelt down and used a green pen to draw all over her right heel and instep while Maya climbed on the table to pull back her toes and draw random spiral’s in red there along with the ball of her foot
“HAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNOOOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHA MOOOAHAHAHAARRRREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Misato pleaded as she continued trying to move her feet around to avoid the pens but they always managed to keep up with her and continue to tickle away, her face and neck had gone bright red as each pen stroke brought more and more laughter from her, so much so that she thought she might actually pass out from laughing so much! When they finally stopped she was too exhausted to move
“Haa haaaa haaa….thaaahahankkk you” she said weakly while continuing to giggle involuntarily, her sides aching and her voice was barely above a whisper after laughing so much. There was silence until one of the goons grabbed her chin and pulled it forcibly towards them
“Now Major, the code or else!” then let go of her. Misato was tough, she had grown up in a difficult period for Humanity after the Second Impact including the death of her Father that had hardened her into a fighter, but this was unlike anything she had ever faced before … however she knew that humanity depended on NERV to battle against the invading Angels, what would happen if these people got access to NERV’s secrets? Was she really so weak that she would potentially doom all Humanity just to stop being tickled? She bit her lip and made her choice
“Fuck……you” she said proudly, knowing she wouldn’t give in to these bastards

As happy as she was with herself after refusing to crack she instantly regretted her decision when her three tormentors all quickly launched a combined attack on her upper body with one of them tickling both underarms at once and the other two each tormenting one of her sides, after a while one of them lifted up her shirt and undid the hook at the front of her bra
“HA HA HA HA YOOOOHAHAHAAOOOUUU SIIIICCKKKKK FFUUUUAAHAHAHAHACKKKK!!!!” she screamed angrily as she felt her large breasts spill out for everyone to see, it was bad enough being tickled mercilessly by these bastards but they were also a bunch of sick perverts! Hyuga meanwhile was felt like the luckiest man on the planet as he took his time to tickle and caress her firm breasts, he had always fantasised about how they would feel and there was no way he was going to pass up the opportunity to play with them now! He was also happy to find that they were incredibly ticklish as well as he watched Misato continue to laugh and beg him to stop, he then picked up a feather and began brushing it against her noticeably erect nipples
“HA HA HA OOOOOHHHHHH GEEET AWWWAAAHHHAYYYYY DAAHAHAHAHAMMMMMNNNN IIIITTTT!!!! HA HA HA YOOUUHHAHAHAH BAAHAHAHASSSTTHHAAARRRDDD!!!!!” she continued screaming, then it got even worse as the other two goons each began using feathers themselves against her sensitive inner thighs at the same time making her cry for some kind of mercy but her pleas were constantly ignored
“You know what, I think she’s enjoying this!” one of the ticklers at her side said loudly to be heard over Misato’s deafening laughter “I mean look how perky she’s gotten!” which only added to her embarrassment at the whole situation

At long last, after what seemed like hours they finally stopped the tickling and began talking in low whispers amongst themselves while Misato tried her best to catch her breath, she felt utterly exhausted and worried how long they planned to continue this. She prayed that someone would discover her missing and alert NERV but she had no idea how long that might take or even how long she had been here for. Then she heard the door open and the sound of people walking out making her hope that this meant the tickling session was now over but those hopes were quickly dashed as she felt a single finger run down her body from her breasts to her belly button making her try to supress a giggle
“I hope you’ve rested up because it’s just you and me now Major!” the voice said with obvious glee as Hyuga watched her body react to such a light amount of tickling. Misato then felt her tormentor climb on top of her and straddle her waist before he started to pour a generous amount of baby oil all over her breasts. Hyuga watched in delight as the oil trickled downwards, it had cost him almost 3 month’s salary in bribes, not to mention having to agree to work unpaid overtime every free weekend for the next six months but it meant that he now had Misato Katsuragi all to himself
“Totally worth it!” He thought to himself while gazing at her perfect, oil soaked breasts waiting in fear for him to start, they instantly began to bounce around in all directions as he began teasingly tickled her sides before digging firmly into her ribs to drive her mad
“HA HA HA HA YOOOHHAHAHAAA FRRREEAAAHHHAHAKKKKKK!!!!!! IIIMMM NOOOOTTT GOOHAHAHNNNAAAA TAAHAHAHALLLLLKKKKK!!!!” she screamed defiantly at him but she got a shock as he suddenly stopped and said
“I’m gonna let you in on a little secret Major…. I’m not interested in the code, I just want to tickle you!”
“W-what?” she said after a stunned silence
“Just what I said, I’m going to tickle you for as long as I want, no-one is going to disturb us and nothing you do or say will make me stop” he said calmly which made her freeze in horror, she couldn’t believe this! If she was being tortured for a reason that would be something, but finding out this random person was going to keep tickling her non-stop just because he wanted to was simply terrifying! He had already proven how effective his techniques could be, who knew what he had planned? Was he bluffing about the code? Or would he stop if she did give it to him?

However, before she had a chance to process his words she was side-tracked by a low buzzing sound followed instantly by her practically jumping off the table as something touched her skin
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! GEEEEETTTT IIITTTTTT OOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!” she screamed as she felt the devastating touch of an electric toothbrush against her left breast, the rotating bristles easily glided across the oil like an ice skater and she thrashed around wildly but that did nothing to deter her tormentor as he easily kept up the pace with her and continued to tickle away. After a few minutes she began screaming even more as a second toothbrush was used to begin tickling her right breast as well, she writhed about as he began using the brushes to draw imaginary shapes on both her luscious breasts at once, then he placed both brush heads directly on her nipples simultaneously causing Misato to throw herself forward as much as the restraints would allow and let out a mighty scream
“HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! NOOOHAHAHAHA MOHAHAHAHAHAHAHARRRREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOHAHAHAHAHA!!!! NOOOHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she begged over and over as the bristles continued tickling without slowing down. Hyuga frequently changed his tactics on her defenceless breasts, sometimes he would press the brush heads down hard to fully envelop her nipples while other times he would just use them to tease the tips of the nipples as he kept watching her beautiful face move about in the throes of ticklish agony but no matter what he did the tickling never truly stopped as Misato was reduced to a mass of frayed ticklish nerves, all the training she had undergone meant nothing now as she was trapped here with this psycho’s fiendish tortures, the only thing she could do was keep laughing for him for as long as he wanted her to

She had no idea how long this excruciating torture went on for until he finally turned off the toothbrushes, her head fell back against the pillow as she took deep breaths and tried to stop laughing. Her face was bright red while tears and sweat covered her face and body
“Ha ha…. Ha ha…. Thahahank you……” she slowly spoke while praying her ordeal was over then she tensed up as he cruelly blew across her still erect and very sensitive nipples “Nooo…..please…..” she tried to beg, she felt as though she could sleep for days due from exhaustion, just how much more could he do to her before he finally stopped? Then to her horror she got her answer as she felt a finger trace down her left sole
“NO!!!!! No more! Please I’m begging you!” she cried out, Hyuga grinned from ear to ear, in the span of a couple of hours he had practically broken the Major, if he could get her to give up now who knows what reward he could get from his superiors!

Ignoring her pleas, he reached under the table to get a bucket of soapy water and two scrubbing brushes he had placed there earlier then knelt down and stared at her feet still covered in pen scribbles
“You know you have such pretty feet Major, it’s a shame to have them covered in ink”
“No don’t……” she whispered in fear knowing that something bad was coming, she shut her eyes starting praying for help under her breath hoping that this was some kind of nightmare she would wake up from while he ignored her pleas and began soaking the brushes in the water, he watched in delight as her feet started moving around in anticipation of his next attack until finally he grabbed her right foot in one hand and dragged one of the brushes along it in the other, instantly she tried pulling her feet back as she started laughing manically again
“HA HA HA HA PLLLLEEEEAAAASEEEE HAHAHAHAVVVEEEE MEEEERRRCCYYYYY HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA!!” she begged over and over even though she knew by now this bastard had none. Hyuga ran the brush across her foot deliberately slowly to prolong the torture, it went up and down and side to side across her sole before moving to her instep where he started scrubbing in a circular motion on her heel to remove every last remaining trace of pen mark leaving only a trail of soapy suds all over her helpless foot. Misato kept desperately fighting to free her foot from his grip but was so drained from the ordeal she barely had any energy left to resist, all she could do was continue laughing helplessly as this freak kept on toying with her. Once he was done he let Misato have a brief rest but soon after began using the brush against her toes
“HA HA HA GEEETTTT AWWWAAAHHHAYYYYY!!!!” she tried screaming but it was almost impossible with her laughing so much. Her toes instinctively spread out to escape so he just grabbed each one at a time to hold it still and scrub away to the sound of her laughter and begging then when he was finally finished there he grabbed all the toes at once and held them back to get the space below. As he slowly, torturously scrubbed back and forth Misato continued to scream for mercy while continuing to laugh throughout

As the torture continued she was convinced he had already removed all of the ink and was just scrubbing away to screw with her for his own sick amusement, then she realised something horrible – that he still had her other foot to scrub clean! At that moment as if he was reading her mind she felt several drops of water land on her left foot as he held the brush above her, she instantly clenched her toes shut and tried to keep her foot out of his grip but instead of trying to catch her he switched on one of the toothbrushes and placed it on her right foot, she screamed out and couldn’t believe how sensitive her sole now was after he had scrubbed it clean
“Sure…. if you open up those pretty toes for me” he responded with a chuckle as he continued
“HA HA HA IIIII CHAHAHANNNTTTTT!!!!” she tried to explain, she knew that if she did he would use that damn scrub brush, but the toothbrush tickling away on her helpless foot was simply unbearable! Either way she would lose!

Hyuga watched with glee as the Major’s face betrayed her internal thoughts, he knew she was near a breaking point and having her accept her ticklish fate and give into demands would be the ultimate victory! He admired her tenacity as Misato still kept trying to pull at her bonds, it was one of the reason he loved her despite the fact she never noticed him in all the years they worked together. Eventually though she couldn’t take it and spread her toes apart so he moved the toothbrush away
“Very good Major, now give them a wiggle” he commanded as he kept the brush switched on as an incentive, Misato was clearly pissed off at having to give in to his threats of more tickling but obeyed nonetheless as she wiggled all her toes about in silence
“Good, now let’s get you cleaned up!” he said as he dropped the toothbrush and grabbed her now open toes in one hand to keep her foot still then began dragging the scrub brush slowly up and down it from the ball to the heel making her laugh helplessly, once that was down he repeated this on the toes as well brushing against all of them at once in a single movement going from left to right. As he deliberately took his time on this he scrubbed over 30 times until her toes were finally cleaned of every piece of ink, once it was over he stared at Misato’s reddened soles as she lay there still begging for mercy as he did so

Her hopes he would leave her feet alone were cruelly dashed however as he turned on both toothbrushes and began running them wildly all over her now hyper sensitive feet! He kept up the tickling drinking in the incredible sound of her laughter. While he mostly continued using one brush on each foot sometimes he would use both on a single foot while other times he would switch the brushes off to make her think the ordeal was over before starting them up again and watching her jump as they returned to tickling her soft skin as she would swear blindly at him. Misato begged and begged for him to stop until he finally spoke up
“Tell me Major, what would you give to end this?” he asked
“I’ll do anything! Just please stop tickling me! I can’t take anymore!” she begged, the thought of what she said sickened her but she couldn’t stand to be tickled for another second
“So…how about that code?”
“BASTARD!” she thought angrily, so he was still after it! She didn’t even think it over despite all the torture she had gone through, the safety of humanity was too important to give up just to stop being tickled. Once more Misato shut her eyes and replied
“GO … FUCK … YOURSELF!” she shouted, leaving a space between each word for added emphasis “I’LL NEVER GIVE IN! NEVER!”
“Never say never Major!” he said tauntingly

As she heard the buzzing of a toothbrush being turned on Misato braced herself for a new onslaught on her feet but she let out a shriek of surprise when he instead placed the vibrating handle down her panties and left it trapped against her clit
“AHAHAHA STAAHHAAPPP!!!! GEEETTT IITTT AWAHAAHAYYY!!!!!” she screamed as she tried to shake it loose without any luck as he watched her writhing about then stared at her plump soles just begging to be tickled again
“I said before how sexy your feet are Major, in fact they look good enough to eat!” the exhausted woman resumed laughing as he began licking randomly all over her soles and toes, she hated it but was so focused on the constant buzzing between her legs she didn’t have the energy to protest! As he continued to slurp and lick away at her defenceless soles her breathing quickly increased and she let out several moans as the vibrating continued without slowing down against her. Within a few minutes she was ready to climax when without warning he pulled the makeshift vibrator away
“AARRGRGGHHHH!!! YOU FUCKING FUCKER!!!!!!!” the clearly aroused Major screamed out in frustration at having the orgasm ruined at the last second, then she jumped as he brought the other toothbrush back to her soles
“Tell you what, give me the code and I’ll let you cum. Deal?” he said
“ARRGGH!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!!” she screamed back, her body desperate for a release but her mind was focused enough in pure anger not to give to him
“Ok, we’ll just try again!” and with that he picked up a hitcahi wand from under the table and held it against the outside of her panties with one hand as he tickled random spots on her feet with the toothbrush at the same time. Misato wailed in frustration as she tried to hold against the vibrator to allow herself to cum while the bristles continued on their torturous path but he kept the prospect of an orgasm just out of reach as he once again continued to toy with her helpless body and moved the wand away just before she could climax. Her head thrashed around from side to side as she continued to laugh and scream.

Soon enough Misato was ready to orgasm again so he calmly asked her for the code, she was so angry at him for putting her through this torture that she flat out refused so he just pulled the wand away again at the last second, then decided to give her feet a break and use the toothbrush and vibrator on her inner thighs making her squeal and swear at him. Then once the possible orgasm had completely subsided he picked up a feather and began stroking it against her nipples causing her to gasp in shock at how sensitive they were! Despite her exhaustion and knowing it wouldn’t dissuade him anyway she still tried to move out of the feathers reach and it seemed to work as he soon stopped
“Thank goodness!” she thought to herself but any hopes of a respite were dashed when she felt him begin to pour more oil over her breasts
“Oh no! Not that…..” she said in a low tone with clear panic on her face as the infernal oil continued to pour all over her, then the toothbrush came back on.
“HA HA HAHAAAAAAA STTTHHHAAAPPPP TIIICCKKLLLLLIIIIIINNNGGGGG MMEEEEEE!!!!! ITTTSSS CCRRUUUEEELLLLLLL!!!!!!” she begged as the rotating bristles tickled random spots all over her breasts, this continued until he pulled them away and simply said
“Code?” she looked towards his voice
“Please…. I can’t …. please… it’s too much ….” she begged hoping for some mercy but he just responded by returning the vibrator against her panties and continued using the toothbrush against her glistening, rock-hard nipples. Eventually he placed the wand inside her panties to keep it in place allowing him to use both hands to tickle and pinch her nipples at the same time. The combination of all of this made her scream even louder than before

Within the space of a few moments Misato had built up once more to another orgasm, she was nearing the point of climax when he began pulling the wand out of her panties, leaving just the tip against her mound
“NO! PLEASE DON’T TAKE IT!” she begged not even caring what she thought of herself for doing so, she needed to cum so badly now…..
“Code” he responded once more
“But….. I…… I mean……” she tried desperately to think of something … anything that would make him leave the vibrator in place for just a few more moments until she could climax
“Code” he repeated as he began pulling the vibrator away even more. Misato bit her lip, she was so desperate to cum, if she could just do that she might be able to think straight and be able to work out a way to escape this nightmare ….. all they needed was a code, right? But once more her stubbornness to lose flared up so she just turned away from him
“I…can’t!” she said practically crying now
“As you wish Major” and he removed the vibrator completely for a few minutes during which time he continued using his malevolent fingers and the toothbrush to torture her breasts, underarms, sides and ribs to the glorious sound of her laughter.

Once he was finished d he returned the vibrator in place down her panties and went back to her feet using the scrubbing brushes again as she continued to beg. However while he had intended to keep her on the edge of an orgasm for at least a few more hours regardless of whether she gave up the code he was so captivated with tickling her gorgeous body and how she writhed around so sexily before him at his very touch that he was too late to move the wand away at the last second to prevent her from reaching an orgasm which allowed her to finally and mercifully enjoy a body shattering climax, she shuddered as the orgasm tore through her body as the evenings pent up frustrations melted away into a state of pure bliss, so much so that she came several times over until she finally laid back in total exhaustion on the table and passed out a few seconds later

Once Misato was fully out the door opened and a medical team entered to check her over so he left the room. Meanwhile Gendo Ikari & his Second in Command Fuyutsuki had again been watching the entire ordeal from Gendo’s office
“It seems our Security Chief is a real stubborn one!” Fuyutsuki said
“Correct, and we have no fear of her breaking under torture” Gendo replied with a borderline sadistic smirk as he watched the medics remove Misato’s blindfold showing her reddened and tear stained face then continued “And once the team return her to her apartment she will awaken thinking this was just a bad dream and no-one will ever be the wiser”
“Who knows, maybe it will even convince her to stop drinking so much” Fuyutsuki added
“Also, I am sure Hyuga enjoyed himself immensely as well. It would be wise to reuse him for these interrogations in the future should the need arise!” Gendo said as he observed the young man watch as Misato was carefully carried out the room
“Yes, although it’s a shame he couldn’t prolong the interrogation, it would have been interesting to see how long she might have lasted before breaking.“ Gendo said
“Well I am sure he would be more than willing to do so if ordered”
“Yes, it’s definitely something to consider for the future. Along with bringing Ritsuko back if its ever required for …. security purposes” Gendo said with a chuckle as Fuyutsuki left the room and he removed the hard copy of Misato’s interrogation to put in his safe

Meanwhile once Misato had been removed to be taken back home Hyuga re-entered the interrogation room, confident he was alone he reached behind a metal pipe and smiled to himself as he removed a small video camera he had hidden there earlier, before checking that the entire evening events had been recorded
“Well Misato, thank you for a wonderful evening…. Even if you will never know it was with me!” and with that he put the camera in his pocket and left

The End
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*** brad1701 ***
The winner of our weekly Trivia, held every Sunday night at 11PM EST in our Chat Room